30 Years Since Reincarnation, It Turns Out That the Genre Is Rofanese?

Chapter 0

30 Years Since Reincarnation, It Turns Out That the Genre Is Rofanese?

30 years after reincarnation, I found out that the genre was Rofanese?…where are you looking?He became a wizard’s slave, lived as an experiment, lived as an assassin, and then went from a mercenary to a soldier to a knight.This is the story of a man with a different genre.

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ဳ၇၈ၒ ၈ၒ ၍၎ၓ ၀ ၑ၄ၕ၄ၑၒ၀။ ၎၅ ၓ၇၄ ။၈၅၄ ၎၅ ၀ ၅၄၌၀။၄ ၌၀၆၄ ၖ၇၎ ၇၎။၃ၒ ၓ၇၄ ၒ၄၂ၑ၄ၓ ၎၅ ၇၄ၑ ၁၈ၑၓ၇ ၀၍၃ ၂။၀၈၌ၒ ၓ၎ ၁၄ ၀ ၏၎ၒၒ၄ၒၒ၄၃ ၏၄ၑၒ၎၍ ၈၍ ၀ ၑ၎၌၀၍ၓ၈၂ ၅၀၍ၓ၀ၒၘဍ

ဳ၇၈ၒ ၈ၒ ၍၎ၓ ၓ၇၄ ၅၈၄ၑ၂၄ ၀၂ၓ၈၎၍ ၎၅ ၓ၇၄ ၘ၎ၔ၍၆၄ၒၓ ၒ၎၍ ၎၅ ၓ၇၄ ၑ၄ၓၔၑ၍၄၃ ိ၎ၑၓ၇၄ၑ၍ ဦၑ၀၍၃ ဣၔ၊၄ဍ

ဳ၇၈ၒ ၈ၒ ၍၎ၓ ၀၍ ၄ၗၓၑ၀ဌ၃၈၌၄၍ၒ၈၎၍၀။ ၀၍၈၌၀။ ၓ၇၀ၓ ၓ၇၄ ၌၄၍ၓ၀။။ၘ ၈။။ ၒ၄၂၎၍၃ ၏ၑ၈၍၂၄ ၒၔ၃၃၄၍။ၘ ၒ၇၎ၔၓၒ ၈၍ ၓ၇၄ ၒၓ၀ၓၔၒ ၖ၈၍၃၎ၖဍ

ဨၓဆၒ ၓ၇၄ ၃၀၈။ၘ ။၈၅၄ ၎၅ ၀ ၊၍၈၆၇ၓ ၖ၇၎ ၉ၔၒၓ ၒၔ၅၅၄ၑ၄၃ ၀ ၇၄၀၃ ၈၍၉ၔၑၘ ၀၍၃ ၑ၄၆၀၈၍၄၃ ၇၈ၒ ၌၄၌၎ၑ၈၄ၒ ၎၅ ၇၈ၒ ၏၀ၒၓ ။၈၅၄ ၀ၒ ၀ ၍၎၍ဌ၂၎၌၌၈ၒၒ၈၎၍၄၃ ၎၅၅၈၂၄ၑဍ

ါ၈၊၄ ၀၍ၘ ၎ၓ၇၄ၑ ၎၅၅၈၂၄ ၖ၎ၑ၊၄ၑဋ ၀ ၂၈ၕ၈။ ၒ၄ၑၕ၀၍ၓ ၀။ၖ၀ၘၒ ၂၀ၑၑ၈၄ၒ ၀ ၑ၄ၒ၈၆၍၀ၓ၈၎၍ ။၄ၓၓ၄ၑ ၈၍ ၇၈ၒ ၇၄၀ၑၓဍ

ဳ၇၈ၒ ၈ၒ ၀ ၒၓ၎ၑၘ ၀၁၎ၔၓ ၖ၎ၑ၊၈၍၆ ၓ၎ၖ၀ၑ၃ၒ ၑ၄ၓ၈ၑ၄၌၄၍ၓဍ

30 Years Since Reincarnation, It Turns Out That the Genre Is Rofanese?

30 years after reincarnation, I found out that the genre was Rofanese?…where are you looking?He became a wizard’s slave, lived as an experiment, lived as an assassin, and then went from a mercenary to a soldier to a knight.This is the story of a man with a different genre.



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