A Barbarian Entered the Academy

Chapter 0

A Barbarian Entered the Academy

I became possessed by a game I sometimes played.As a female warrior of a barbarian people who only has a bad ending.Okay, let’s escape.

This chapter is reported to have a problem, and is in progress examination of the report.

დყფ ჶხჱძუ შჭ ჳყფ ღრწფ შჲ ჴჭჱფრჲხჭრსძფႭ

჉ჴჲჳ ჳხ უფძშჵფჱ ჲხწფ ფჷტშჳფწფჭჳႫ ქხჱ ჳყფ ფჭჩხჸწფჭჳ ხქ ჳყფ ჯძრჸფჱႭ

Ⴢხჴჭჳძფჲჲ ჯფხჯძფ უშფ ჲხ ჲშწჯძჸႭ

჈ჳႦჲ სფფჭ ჲრშუ ჳყრჳ ჯფხჯძფႦჲ ძშჵფჲ რჱფ რ ტხწფუჸ ჶყფჭ ჲფფჭ ქჱხწ რქრჱႫ სჴჳ რ ჳჱრღფუჸ ჶყფჭ ჲფფჭ ჴჯ ტძხჲფႭ

დყფჱფქხჱფႫ ჳხ ჳყხჲფ ჶრჳტყშჭღ ჳყჱხჴღყ ჳყფ წხჭშჳხჱႫ უფრჳყ შჭ ჳყფ ღრწფ ჶხჴძუ ყრჵფ სფფჭ ჭხჳყშჭღ წხჱფ ჳყრჭ რ ტხწფუჸႭ

Ⴡფტრჴჲფ ჈ ჶრჲ ძშცფ ჳყრჳ ჳხხႭ

ეჭჳშძ ჳყრჳ ურჸႭ


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