Chapter 376 – Motivation
“Count niim-!!”
The flow of throwing expensive trays at the butler who had opened the door roughly was very natural.
The Earl of Silver River glanced at the butler who interrupted the snack time he was having to catch his breath before going out.
“Yes yes…”
The butler, who thought he was going to do that now, grabbed his sore brow and straightened his posture.
“This is not the time, Count!”
“What are you doing making a fuss?”
The Count, who took a bite of the cake and stroked the chair, had no choice but to jump up at the next words.
“It is said that the sword of madness, Yeodere, led a hundred people from the holy kingdom of Narnia into the gutter!!”
Earl Silmoney Burr got up, pursed his lips, and kicked the chair he was sitting on.
The woman, lying on her stomach with her eyepatch and gag on her face, trembled as she clutched at her battered stomach, not knowing why.
“Find out more about why you went! Now! And get ready to go! We’ll hear the report as we go!”
It’s just been a while since I received the great news.
I was fully prepared and tried to find the eight days myself in the evening, but that madman was in trouble. Why did he lead the people of the Holy Kingdom into the gutter?
‘Oh, no. If at any chance the ‘Factory’ gets caught… It’ll be a hassle…!’
“Wait in line!”
“Don’t cut in line, brother. Everyone can equally receive the grace of Gwangsinnim.”
It was only for a while that I was weighed down by the intimidation of the followers.
As soon as they learned that the priests of the holy kingdom had come to treat them ‘for free’, people flocked to them like clouds, no matter where they were.
Of course, there were people hiding in the shack that was close to each other.
“…What do you think?”
“Why, while calling so many people from the Holy Land… What do you want from me?”
There was a faint anticipation in Milia’s voice.
Of course, does that person like me…? It’s not the same fresh feeling.
A feeling more desperate than that, closer to survival or longing.
“I don’t really want anything.”
“Then why did you call them?”
“I didn’t call.”
Not long ago, when I met Nova, Silmoney, and Herroot in the principal’s office, I met Rapnirman in the form of a hologram illuminated by magic tools.
I didn’t know why she participated in the story because I was distracted by Her Root at the time, but it was because she was dispatched to Sersu for an important project.
Because of that agenda, she had several conversations with Gajunova of the Blizzar family, and then came to report to Nana Kaitsu, who grew up as a fanatical choice, but she said that she couldn’t talk because her heart was so full at that time.
By the way, I’ll tell you about the main mission later.
It’s a surprise, but I’m just worried.
It was an unexpected situation, but it was a good situation for me.
It seems that Seongguk dispatched the fanatics to support me and Kitz in addition to the main mission, so I decided to spend generously on what they had already sent and brought them to the volunteer activity.
Originally, priests should serve and work in places like this, but if they only receive ahem-ahem offerings from the church, they will become corrupt.
What bothered me was that the fanatic priests might not like it, but fortunately, most of them looked good.
Some looked a little uncomfortable, but they didn’t refuse the mission.
Even if they are rotten, they say that they are religious people, and they are like good people at heart.
These are too many followers for Nanar’s fucking asshole.
Milia stared at me and then turned her head away.
“What are they going to do?”
“Now we have to interrogate.”
Those who cringe at the word interrogation.
They were bullies surrounded by ten or so paladins.
I walked slowly towards them.
I was going to ask after the volunteer time today, but it seems that the volunteer service will end soon after a lot of time, and it won’t matter if I do it now.
Besides, the locals also glanced at it, hoping that a tongue-clicking or teeth-grinding would be anathema.
“Hello. I’m eight.”
Unlike the others who were terrified, the boss seemed calm and opened his mouth.
Certainly, in this situation, it is an unusual person to see that he is proudly emitting prayers that do not bow down to the paladins.
“My name is Bhyeol.”
Sounds like a fucking Chinese name.
Well, it’s not like there aren’t names that have been influenced by the fucking wide Elunarni stranger.
“First of all, I apologize.”
“…Come out.”
A little boy who came out with a pale face tired of the non-blooded words.
It was the little boy who robbed my pocket earlier.
With trembling hands, he held out the pouch that was placed on both of his hands.
He looked down and said.
“It was right for me.”
“You mean 100 gold?”
“Of course, Gwang-Yeom, who has a great reputation, must have great wealth, but even so, isn’t the amount too big for a deposit? Besides, he only had a new lecturer status until recently…”
What bothers you?
I don’t know what the purpose was for asking, but I didn’t think I’d guess.
“There is no burden because there is a separate money line. Take it.”
The kid widened her eyes and bowed her head.
Shame and guilt… Is a piece of shit. It feels good to die. It’s your money now, right?
“Of course, it was given to everyone to use, not just this child. So, please share it later.”
The kid with her face wrinkled is so funny.
As expected, the cheeky bastard needs to be fed!
In addition, the arches’ expressions are also expanded.
Since I said it was later, he must have judged that he would save me.
“…Thank you.”
“Sounds funny! Did you dare to covet Gwang-Yeom’s possessions!”
Suddenly, a paladin shouted loudly and flashed! She summoned the ax of light.
The paladin approached the astonished bullies without hesitation and raised her arm.
“That sin! You’ll have to pay for it with death!”
“Stay still.”
“Gwangsin! This is a problem that is connected to Gwangsinnim’s prestige!”
I spoke again to him who spat ferociously.
“Stay still.”
The paladin stared at me for a moment, then averted her eyes and lowered her ax.
Looking at this, I don’t think he’s a crazy guy who goes on a rampage for blaspheming God…
Seongguk figures are all fanatics, so I thought they would follow me well, but there are bastards like this?
[You think all of them are fanatics. There must be people who have ordinary faith.]
[Oh that’s right. In any religion, there are many cases where one sub-belief is a bit normal.]
Of course, there are places as blind as religion, but the appearance of blind faith is said to be from the middle.
In other words, this guy doesn’t know me well, at least he’s a low-ranking paladin who doesn’t follow me blindly.
In fact, several paladins were glaring at the ax paladin who was arrogant.
Some of them were silent as if they were sympathetic.
Then you have to get to know the subject.
“Yes! Mad flame!”
I said it in a whisper, but Cardinal Raffnir flew in from somewhere.
“Now, take it off the mission and send it back.”
“! Radish..!”
“…Have you done anything disrespectful to the mad flame?”
A paladin who grew tired of Rapnir’s cold face.
“That, not that…”
“Just, don’t do anything to this person from now on and return him to the Holy Land. Do you understand, Rapnir?”
“I understand, mad flame.”
A paladin staggers out as Raffnir beckons with his cold face.
I ignored him and asked Bhyeol.
“Let me ask you a few questions.”
“First of all, what is a client?”
From the first question, Bihyeol’s face crumpled.
He glanced at the colleague who referred to him as a client, then sighed.
“…Because there is someone who wants a demand.”
“What demand?”
“What demand?”
“That, that… I can’t say, I can’t.”
Sereung. Clap.
The Paladins drew their swords in unison.
Everyone must know that something is suspicious, and I didn’t particularly restrain myself now.
“…It’s not that I don’t want to say it.”
“Aha. I see.”
Max is the same as a bully.
There is something hanging in this chair too.
I’m getting more and more curious about what’s behind it, that even such a talented person has restrictions.
At that time, the non-blood caused a certain emotion in his eyes.
Surprisingly, that was expected.
“Is that what you did for Max?”
This must be pretty easy, right?
The moment I tried to affirm with a grin.
Papa pampa!
Papa pampa!
Out of nowhere, a loud wind chime rang out.
It was so loud that people who weren’t used to this kind of noise could block their ears.
“Who are you.”
I could see the priests trying to talk calmly in the distance.
There were dozens of soldiers and knights in front of them.
The pattern of a dagger stuck in a silver coin was engraved on the chest.
As far as I know, that must be the emblem of the Earl of Silmounver.
As expected, a pig with a servile smile after harming the waves of soldiers was walking this way.
“Ah! Viscount Dre!!”
Called Viscount Dre outside.
To be honest, I have no awareness of being an aristocrat.
Earl Silmoney Burr, who was looking at him intently, rubbing his hands together and gradually closing the distance.
And I didn’t miss the sight of fear and loathing in the eyes of the residents.
Most of the thugs next to him looked uncomfortable, but some showed a sense of relief.
After all, is this a client?
“What did you come here for?”
Haha!! My sword of madness helps my secretary and attendant to rescue the ignorant, but can I, who is close to you, stand still?”
I’m here to give you a shot! As I followed my fingertips toward the end of the horse, several carts popped out.
It’s a magic tool.
The cart was loaded with gold, silver and treasures and daily necessities.
However, the residents were not as excited as before.
Rather, they are pale faces.
What to do
It’s easy to question here, but I don’t think I can find conclusive evidence.
Haha. I should have raised the standard of living for the people here by supporting Millia, but I’m sorry I bothered you with the sword of Light Flame. However, Lady Light Flame’s generosity will serve as an example for everyone!”
“Let’s go. The priests of the Holy Kingdom must be tired too, so why don’t you go to the shelter I run and get some rest?”
As we continued to stare at her in silence, she smiled with her face glistening with sweat.
“I think I’ll have to investigate a bit.”
“Uh, what are you talking about?”
A real mother who is extremely nervous without showing any sign of being offended even though she is talking casually.
However, it is not a decisive blow.
A decisive blow is required.
And if we interrogate him right here and put him in a prison or something, he will surely be released later.
Shall I use this guy for a while?
“Well, Count Silmoney will investigate on his own, right?”
“Oops! Of course!!”
Does this bastard speak well? The real mother laughs with a smile.
In contrast, the faces of the villagers, thugs, and even some priests darkened.
Milia was like that too.
Listen to Korean until the end.
…Ah. Did the Elyunar people translate it into the Elyunar language?
I don’t know.
“So let’s try together.”
“…Uh, yes?”
“…Uh, uhm…”
“If you feel uncomfortable, you can just share the details of your investigation with me. Of course, I will come back to check on you from time to time.”
Milia opens her mouth slightly and looks at me.
[Milia Lux.
Virgin: ㅇ Likeability: 40 (wariness, doubt, disappointment.)
After all, you are the same. He is the same tall person.]
[Milia Lux.
Virgin: ㅇ Likeability 50: (Perhaps…?)
How can you not know my heart
Who do you see me as?
Could this person do it?
Looking forward to you.
I will give you anything if you grant me a lifetime wish.]
Content has changed.
Right. Was Milia’s secret wish related to Real Money?
In fact, she seems to have a taste for her to look at, even if she’s not digging this.
What the hell are you hiding, so you came here in a hurry?
“Why? Ah. Are you busy? Then I’ll investigate alone.”
“No! That’s right, haha…”
I hear her rolling her eyes and rolling her head as well.
Try hard.
“Ha, haha, Dre-sama. But that… I asked you an amazing number. Would you like to hear it?”
“A staggering number…?”
“The power of the instructor I had a conversation with a while ago. Isn’t there a great ability to develop people’s abilities!”
“Ah… Who asked you to lecture?”
During the general education, the reaction of the people in the field was much greater than expected, so I thought that the reaction from influential people would be great, but has it already been bitten?
“Yes. That’s a giant beyond imagination.”
The real money server deliberately made a gesture to look around and then asked to lend her ear.
“You can see it even if you just do it in the shape of your mouth.”
“Ah yes…”
It smells like sweat, so don’t come near it.
And the Earl of Silmonbur said in a mouthful.
The king of the empire…?
The reward.
One country.
Certainly, this is a larger number than I imagined.