349 – Friday the 13th (2)
Friday the 13th is originally a more famous day in the West than in the East. In a bad way.
Religiously, it is the day Jesus was crucified, but strangely, as time passed, the meaning of fear grew.
Jason, a killer with a hockey mask and machete as his trademark. Friday the 13th can be said to be his day.
I wondered if there was a symbol similar to Friday the 13th in this world, but unfortunately there wasn’t. So, it is a day that only I know about.
‘But it doesn’t matter, right?’
Anyway, the basic point remains the same: ‘playing tag’. Even if you don’t know about the morning, the night must be fear itself.
I really wanted to wear a hockey mask, but it was a bit difficult to get one. This is because the sport itself is still rare.
So I made it myself. I just bought a plain white mask and drilled holes in it myself.
Just connect a string with good elasticity and you’re done. I was able to make it quickly because I was dexterous.
“What is that stupid mask?”
“Would you like to give it to me too?”
“I refuse. It looks frustrating.”
I somehow managed to make it during lunch time. There is no inconvenience even if the quality of work is poor due to lack of time.
Please note that I will be writing this from the evening when the sun has completely set, not during the day. Horror games usually start at night.
Until then, I plan to travel around to learn geography. They said the professors would give guidance, but it is easier to see with your own eyes.
“Take this with you before you go.”
“What is this?”
“It’s a device that can determine students’ locations in real time. It would be great to share it with a map.”
Before we left, Dis handed us a piece of equipment that looked like a compass. It is literally a device that tells students’ locations.
Currently, students have bracelets on their arms. The moment you tear off that bracelet, you are out.
And this device has the function of tracking the bracelet. It’s really convenient.
“Do you think this would be too easy? You think so too, right?”
“··· ···”
Kara next to me asked in a puzzled voice, but I just stared at the equipment.
I think something…An interesting idea will come to mind. I asked Dis.
“Professor. Question.”
“What is it?”
“This. Can students also use it?”
“If you are neutralized, you will naturally get it. Instead, even if you don’t know the map, the equipment will only tell you the students’ locations.”
I nodded at Dis’s explanation. If that’s the case, I’m glad.
I think it would be fun if you knew where I was. You will know how scary it is to be harmed even if you know it.
Afterwards, we each completed our preparations and moved to the place where the practice took place. The theme of the training center is forest.
However, even though it is a forest, it is not a complex tangled forest, but rather a forest with paths. There are also buildings in between.
You can rest in the building or obtain various useful items, but it depends on your discretion.
“The students are already inside, right?”
“It’s probably spread everywhere by now.”
“It won’t be easy.”
Kara clicked her tongue as she looked at her map. Even though the training center is not that big, there are a lot of students.
Moreover, it is not easy because students can neutralize the teaching assistant. Especially when we work together.
Above all, Raina will be the most troublesome. Even though it may be difficult for her to win against Kara, she will fight as an equal.
“If possible, it would be better to do it individually.”
“I agree. Do you have any good plans?”
Kara looked at me instead of answering her question. She seemed to be asking me about my plans.
I looked at her face and thought for a moment. The practical training begins at 1 p.M.
However, if possible, I would like to start when the sun has completely set. That was the time I wanted.
“Let’s understand the geography first. That’s better.”
“Well, it might be hard to figure it out just by looking at the map. You can catch it in the process.”
“That would be good. Then the team…”
“I’ll go alone.”
Kara and Karas both nodded when I heard that I was going alone. They know this is best.
Moreover, Karas specializes in propaganda, fabrication, and even prediction. Direct combat is relatively poor.
She is a person who uses her head better than her body. So it’s better for Kara to take charge of her direct combat.
“Oh, Professor Dis.”
“Say it.”
“If one of us is incapacitated, is there any way to call for help?”
“No. You have to figure it out yourself.”
“Hmm. I understand.”
It seems that as much as various conveniences are provided to teaching assistants, there are also penalties. Nevertheless, the merit is very great.
Eventually, we finished all preparations and entered the practice room. Please note that weapons are only available for practice.
Well, I could have carried anything, but I picked an ax that was easiest to handle.
The size of the ax is close to that of a logging ax, so it feels just right to grip.
“See you later. We’ll go.”
“Oh, Sivar.”
Just before I left, Kara called me over. I looked at her with her questioning expression.
Kara looked at me blankly and shook her head.
“No. It would be meaningless to say this.”
“Don’t do anything strange.”
As someone who knew me very well, Kara said something that stung. Then she smiled and asked.
“Are you going to do something strange?”
“It’s cute because you’re honest. Take care of it. Don’t traumatize the kids for no reason.”
“··· ···”
I don’t think I can answer that far. If you instill trauma, you could end up nailing it down.
Kara raised one of her eyes when I pursed her lips without answering. Look at this guy? It’s an expression.
“What is the answer?”
“··· ···”
“Are you going to tell the president?”
“I will work hard.”
That’s all I could say.
‘But I can’t give up.’
How can you miss out on such fun?
Tag is a very simple game, but the difficulty level goes up and down depending on the rules and location.
The theme of the practice that freshmen are currently taking is tag, but the level of difficulty is not that easy.
Although the tagger is strong, the unity among the students is very poor. This means that there is a possibility of self-destruction by fighting among themselves.
To prevent that, familiar faces had to come together from the beginning, but the professor prevented this. From the beginning, the students were scattered.
“You idiot! Nothing good will come from fighting among ourselves!”
“But if I eliminate you, my ranking will go up!”
“Okay. Good! I’ll drop you at least!”
And just as the professors had feared, quite a few students committed suicide by hitting and fighting with each other.
This phenomenon occurred especially frequently in the East, and professors who saw it covered their faces with their hands.
The conflict is more severe than expected. It would have been a shame to put the East against each other just in case. If the West had been there too, it would have caused great damage.
In the end, while the eastern side was scattered without the trainers’ direct intervention, the western side came together surprisingly well.
Funny enough, the center was the crazy siblings Leo and Diana, and even though they had many flaws in their personalities, they were enough to become the center.
“Is there anyone walking alone?”
“There are none right now. Reina’s students are also included here.”
Raina was also part of the group. She just couldn’t fit properly, so she was spinning around.
Since Leo and Diana have debaucherous personalities, I naturally had no choice but to stay away from them.
I only joined because it was a familiar face and we were from the same West.
She didn’t really like it.
“Hmm. I guess it means that everyone who needs to be gathered has gathered. It must be difficult for the teaching assistants to deal with.”
“I see. What’s the situation with the teaching assistants?”
“Kara and Karas are taking care of it…”
Dis looked around the screen. However, there was no sign of Sivar without a nose.
“Where on earth is he and what is he doing?”
As time passed, the sun went down and a dark night arrived.
As the light almost disappeared, darkness fell, making it impossible to see even an inch ahead.
Usually, when the sun goes down when you’re in the forest, it’s best to stay still.
That way, I could maintain my sense of direction without getting lost. It is basic common sense among basics.
-Tap! Crack!
A cabin placed in the forest. Camping was in full swing outside the cabin.
A group of people gathered in groups of twos and threes around a blazing bonfire.
“It’s perfect to make a fire. It feels like I’m on a trip.”
“Leo, do you like traveling?”
“Isn’t it stuffy to stay in the imperial palace? That’s why sometimes you go outside to cool off.”
“Oh my. It’s so cool.”
“Then call me too.”
Among them, Leo, the crazy prince, showed off his debaucherous side with female students on both sides.
It was an undermining of my opinion, but Leo is a prince. Reducing his evaluation does not mean his position
Even though he had had countless s*xual encounters up until now, the emperor just thought he was going to do it and moved on. It means I don’t even care.
“Princess. Is there anything uncomfortable?”
“I walked too much today, so my feet and shoulders hurt a little.”
“I will give you a massage.”
“Then me too…”
It was no different because it was Diana. She is the older brother and the younger sister, and her brother and sister both showed their debauchery.
And there was someone far away from that scene: Frozen Princess Raina.
Reina was making something with what she had in her cabin, and her mouth was sticking out, making it look like she was concentrating.
‘If you put it together like this… It’s done!’
Eventually, Raina smiles with satisfaction as she looks at the finished product. What she created was none other than a ‘trap’.
It was knowledge she gained from her family while at Frozen, and she was very dexterous, so the level of perfection was high.
‘Because it’s a trap to catch a bear, Mr. Shibar will be shaken for a moment, right?’
The reason she created the trap is very simple. It is to deal with Shivar.
You may criticize someone for catching them with a bear trap, but that is not the case at all.
On the contrary, if the bear had begged for his life, he would have begged for it. Shivar is a person worse than a bear.
Haha! So I…!”
“Yes. There. There. Ah. It’s cool.”
“··· ···”
After completing the trap, Raina looked at her siblings and the people around them who were fawning over her.
It wasn’t a very good sight, at least for her, so she frowned.
The reason I joined this group is because it is dangerous to go alone. It was also night.
‘Do you want to do that?’
The fawners know what they want. However, from her perspective, it is an issue that makes her shake her head.
Even though this was especially true for Leo, she could not help but be greatly disappointed in Diana. She thought she had a dignity and elegance that she couldn’t find.
But what is this? When I opened the lid, it was not elegant, but s*xy. It’s also a very poisonous color, similar to that of a poisonous snake.
‘Should I call that a rose with thorns?’
I do not know. Raina lost interest in them and concentrated on making traps.
They aren’t really interested in themselves anyway. I’m just making a fuss because I want to get a spot.
“What is your name?”
“This is Viscount Dorce’s Yuna.”
“Yunara… That’s a pretty name. Will you follow me for a moment?”
“Oh my. I’m so happy.”
Then, as if there was a girl he liked, Leo smiled sinisterly. It has a transparent expression so you can’t see what’s inside.
However, the woman just looks at the other woman with a satisfied expression. She looks like she won.
Of course, the female student who was not selected (?) Slightly distorted her face. She took care of her facial expressions, but she looked cracked.
“I’ll just go for a bit. I’ll be back soon.”
“Hehe. I’ll come quickly.”
So the two men and women entered the forest, where even the fire from the bonfire could not reach.
The female students looked at the back with a mixture of jealousy and envy.
‘And. They’re crazy b*tches. This time? In this situation? Are you out of your mind?’
Except Raina. She opened her mouth in shock. She looks like she’s been through culture shock.
Since she is a know-it-all, she has no idea why her husband and wife have disappeared. So that’s the problem.
No matter how bright the colors are, you’re going to have to perform a heroic deed during practice time, especially when you don’t know when danger will strike.
Raina looked at the two men and women who had disappeared with an expression of complete disbelief on her face and then turned her head. She is on Diana’s side her her her her.
Diana, who was receiving massages from her male students, responded that she did not really care. Rather, she is enjoying the current situation.
‘The Matra Empire has no answer.’
Reina shook her head. At least the crown prince is our hope.
‘If you knew it would be like this, you shouldn’t have come to the academy…’
Reyna paused for a moment in her thoughts. It’s because of one person who suddenly came to mind.
She is the only person who can communicate even in difficult situations. Even though he was not a Frozen person, he understood the entire native language.
‘······I’m coming in a year early.’
Reina is a late entrant to the academy because she feels more comfortable in her hometown. That’s why she felt even more regretful.
In a situation where there is no one like-minded person, the only comfort is Shiva. If I had Shiva, my grumpiness almost disappeared.
However, he is a teaching assistant and he is a freshman. He wants to take the same classes and take the same exercises and exams, but it is impossible.
‘Where would they be by now?’
That was when Raina was thinking like that.
The screams of men and women echoed throughout the forest. The people in the cabin stopped all their actions at the sound of the scream.
At the same time, I looked in the direction where the man and woman had disappeared. The scream spread throughout the forest, but the direction was accurate.
“W-what did you just say…?”
“··· ···”
“I just asked you what that noise was! Why the screaming…!”
“Well, I’m doing well too…”
It was around this time that the male student responded to Diana’s urging her with a voice filled with fear.
– Whirring!
A rope flew out of the forest where not even a single ray of light came in.
“Uh, huh?”
The two feet of the student who was massaging Diana’s shoulders were accurately restrained.
It was not a simple rope, but a rock was attached to the end, making it a perfect structure for using centrifugal force.
“aaah! aaah!!”
A student with his feet tied fell and was dragged into the forest. I struggled to survive somehow, but it was meaningless.
I couldn’t even cope. I entered the dark forest in an instant, as if I was being sucked into the jaws of a monster.
“··· ···”
“··· ···”
Only the screams of witnessing death echoed in the forest. The students couldn’t say anything.
Only Raina held her weapon carefully. If it were possible, he planned to go into battle.
“Do, run…!”
It was time for Diana, the princess, to give quick orders.
Just like before, a noose flew out of the dark forest.
She was heading precisely towards Diana.
If this goes on, Diana will be dragged around like before. However, because everyone was stiff, they could not act easily.
“Ah, ah?”
“Run! Quickly!”
Only Raina was able to make normal judgments. Her feet were tied instead of spurs just before Diana was tied up.
I will correct it. Instead she was not tied, but she caught the flying noose with one hand.
Eventually, he even cut the cord of her noose so that it could never be used again. Reina hurriedly shouted.
“Run away!”
“Yes, yes!”
“There’s my trap! Use it somehow!”
She kindly told me to use the trap she had made herself. Even in the midst of confusion, Diana ordered her male student to prepare a trap.
Reina was left alone in the hut with the bonfire burning. She looked into the dark forest and slowly retreated behind her.
‘Are you being a bit playful? Do you like this?’
Giving an extremely neat evaluation to someone.