Chapter 473 – Outbound Earth (13)
Aram, who was watching TV at home and watching TV shows and dramas that he had stayed in for two years, heard the bell and cautiously headed for the door.
“Yes, who are you?”
The moment I opened the door without thinking, the door burst open——a man with a gun entered the house with his shoes on.
Seeing this, Aram shouted in anger.
“Shoes! Take off your clothes and come in.”
Aram tilted his head as he looked at the needle stuck in his shoulder. I don’t know who they are, but I don’t think they came here with particularly good intentions.
Aram pulled out the needle and immediately restored the small hole and the medicine injected from the syringe back to its original state.
Seeing this, the assailants nodded to each other and took out larger guns from their pockets. Aram didn’t know it, but it was a submachine gun used in special warfare.
Fight against each other—!!
As his bullets started pouring in at a rate of fire reaching a thousand rounds per minute, Aram slightly frowned and awakened the evil spirit inside me.
The black tentacles protruding from her body she swallowed her bullets and stole the gun the gunmen had.
The group of assassins who had their weapons taken seemed a little taken aback, but they immediately took out a grenade from their pockets and threw it.
Even though she had no military knowledge, she knew at least what a grenade was, so she was startedled and immediately swallowed the grenade with the body of an evil spirit.
The next moment, the body of the evil god swayed once – and spewed out hundreds of fragments.
“You guys, what are you doing—”
Aram, who belatedly found the assailants, realized that they had already disappeared. I was going to pursue them right away, but I was hesitant because my clothes weren’t suitable for going out and I didn’t know what they wanted.
“…… Mom, call your mom—”
And immediately reminded of the safety of her parents her, Aram picked up her phone and called her mom and dad.
Please accept… Praying inside her, chewing her fingertips, she let out a sigh of relief when she confirmed that her signal her was connected.
“Mom? Where are you now?”
“It’s urgent, so hurry up!”
[I’m at work. Why?]
Thank god. Realizing that the assailants hadn’t gone to my parents yet, Aram immediately changed her clothes and asked my mother.
“I will go now. Tell me your address!”
It was a waste of time to get on the elevator and go down. Aram shouted, jumping straight out of her window.
Soon after, the evil spirit read her intentions and made her large wings. Wings large enough for an adult female to fly.
Aram, who started flying, flew straight to the address his mother had given him. She hopes that she won’t be behind the gangsters.
* * *
All the children who went to the other world with Do-jin obtained the ability to cheat, but that ability did not necessarily help in battle.
Deok-gu got his hands on a different world version of Namu Wiki, and Na-hee and Da-hee said they got cheat abilities that they don’t even remember.
Of course, it was impossible for them to level up properly because they couldn’t participate in battle, and unlike other children, they couldn’t deal with special agents armed with guns because they lacked power.
“Dukgu! You got caught too!”
“No, I’m here to save you.”
Deok-gu entered the room joking with Na-hee and Da-hee. The fact that the captives were grouped together and not tied up showed that he had no intention of treating them harshly.
Of course, I couldn’t figure out what was right and what was wrong just by looking at the current situation. Deok-gu asked them to gather as much information as possible from her.
“What did you guys do to get caught?”
“Yes? While shopping.”
“I thought it was a pervert because it suddenly attacked me, but I was brought here.”
Deok-gu, who heard their story, told them that he had been dragged in while playing games in the PC room, and he flirted that he was worried about his teammates.
Of course, it wasn’t because the situation was really funny. Because it needed to look that way.
‘CCTV is four. Are there no squares? There are also a few small invisible cameras.’
Deokgu immediately grasped the situation they were in and sighed. Using his ability his, he could immediately find out why they kidnapped them and what they wanted, so it was n’t too difficult to find out what their purpose was.
It was China who kidnapped them. The reason was simple. Dojin was the purpose. To be precise, the goal was Miho, who went into the Blue House with Dojin.
‘Do-jin said he would do no damage to this bastard…….’
On that day, despite the presence of the US president, Chinese high-ranking officials showed excessive interest in the fact that the escort had been breached, and they managed to obtain the CCTV footage of that day.
One of the high-ranking Chinese officials who was looking at the CCTV footage obtained fell in love with Miho’s beauty of her.
In order to find Miho’s whereabouts, it was necessary to bring out Do-jin, and in order to bring out Do-jin, they kidnapped them.
‘Wow, what is it? I shot Seoyoon and Aram. Are these bastards crazy?’
Deokgu, who grasped all the information in an instant from his seat, spat out a laugh and prayed for the rest of China.
“Hey, let’s stay here for a minute.”
“Wait a minute, won’t you escape?”
“Escape? What are you doing Even if we escape, we will be caught again.”
“What? What do these people want!?”
“Are you coming soon? Who these people want.”
Deokgu said and put his hand in my pants. While Na-hee and Da-hee screamed at the sudden act of men, Deok-gu took out magic tools from the subspace connected to his underwear.
After seeing the magic tools, Nahee and Dahee frowned as if they were dirty and glared at Deokgu.
“No, why are you taking that out of there? Are you a pervert?”
“It’s because the underwear and the subspace are connected. What do you take out?”
Seeing Nahee and Dahee insulting him, Deokgu asked just in case.
“No, don’t you guys carry underwear in subspace?”
“Mi, are you crazy!? Why are you wearing something like that!?”
“That’s because there are very few kidnappers who take off all the men’s underwear. In fact, you only stole the phone like this again, didn’t you?”
Deokgu grinned and activated the magic tool he took out. The ability of this magic tool was very simple. Sends a signal to other magic tools connected to this magic tool.
And open the dimensional door connecting the two magic tools.
When the magic tool was activated, intense noise and light emanated from the magic tool at the same time.
“—Did you call? Master.”
Seol, who appeared from beyond the dimension gate, looked around and asked where he was.
Deokgu explained to Seol the situation they were in now.
They were kidnapped, and Do-jin will come and cut them all up anyway – they can just protect themselves in the meantime.
After hearing the explanation, Seol smiled and shook his head.
“All right. Master. I, Seol from now on—”
Seol, who fired a gun somewhere without looking back, lifted up her maid uniform and assumed a posture typical of a maid.
“I will protect the Masters.”
At first glance, she was a weak maid, but the party was relieved immediately after seeing her appearance.
* * *
Realizing that not only Seoyoon but also his other wives could be in danger, Dojin immediately left to find Kahi.
Others are fine Because both Aram and Eunha were capable of overturning a tank by themselves.
But isn’t Kahi just an ordinary person who sings well?
“Gahee, where are you now?”
[Eh, me? I’m at home now.]
“I’ll be going soon. Wait there.”
Not too long ago, Do-jin, who left the house and headed to Ga-hee’s house, was able to find the assailants greeting him as soon as he arrived in front of Ga-hee’s house.
At the same time as the assailants opened their guns, one of them walked out in front of Dojin with his bare hands.
“Kids these days say they have no romance.”
“What are you again?”
“My name is Jincheon-gun. Nice to meet you.”
After introducing himself in a humorous tone, Jinchun immediately thrust his fist forward and assumed a Chinese martial art stance.
Do-jin, who wanted to fight him now, tilted his head and looked at Jincheon-gun.
Jincheon-gun flicked both of his hands to tell him to quickly get into his stance.
“We just need to catch you. If you get caught obediently, the others will release you.”
“…… It’s Seoyoon. Were you guys the one who shot at her parents her?”
“Gun? Well. I don’t know. If you’re curious, after defeating me—”
At the same time, Dojin stepped forward as if there was nothing more to hear and slammed Jincheongun’s head into the ground.
Quickly realizing that my boss was incapacitated, the other agents immediately pulled the trigger, but for some reason the bullets didn’t fire, so they looked down at my hand.
“Uh, uh- uhhhhh-!?”
The gun-wielding gunmen’s wrists were all cut off.
Do-jin left behind the screaming assailants and lifted up the fainted Jincheon-gun.
“It hurts and sucks. You bastard.”
Then, Do-jin, who forced Jincheon-gun to the ground and woke him up, looked down at Jincheon-gun, who was giggling, and asked cautiously.
“Now, answer well from now on.”
“You, who sent you?”
In fact, there was nothing to ask. Through some torture, Dojin realized that China was behind Jincheongun.
Since it was impossible to lie to him as a transcendental being, it seemed clear that he was behind him.
‘It’s China.’
Dojin’s gaze turned to China, a neighboring country.
‘How many pieces should I cut that into?’