Chapter 499 – Outbound Earth (39)
When it was first said that hair loss pills appeared, people did not immediately believe it. It’s because I trusted so much and suffered so much.
It is not once or twice that I have been betrayed after purchasing it because it is a very famous medicine made by someone. This time it will be real, this time it will not be Gura- I believe and then I am betrayed so I have no choice but to despair, and next time I say I will not do anything but get frustrated, and in the end I regret about the hair that fell out and I feel responsible, angry, remorseful, sad, ah- Why is my hair like this
[I won’t say much.]
Why is it difficult to prove the authenticity of hair loss pills? The point is that it cannot be proven in real time. It was a problem starting from the distinction between whether a person who just shaved his head was growing his hair or whether he was really balding.
Even if it was true hair loss, my hair didn’t grow overnight, so I had to keep watching for weeks or months.
Of course, if hair loss pills were real, and if you advertised them, you could make a lot of money all over the world, so it wouldn’t be a big deal.
The biggest problem was that hair loss pills just didn’t exist. Even the only hair loss pills currently on the market were not for those who had already fallen out, but only for those who hadn’t fallen out yet.
[He is our father.]
Fantasia didn’t do that. Deokgu used his father, who suffered from alopecia areata, as an experiment. Deokgu’s father, scratching his cheek as if embarrassed by his bald head, looked at Deokgu with a worried expression as if the medicine was real and opened his mouth.
[Son, is this real… ?]
[It’s true. Because magic is the ability to do things that cannot be explained by science.]
Long words were not necessary. Deokgu applied Noah’s special hair loss pills to his father’s hair. And after a while, my hair started to grow in an instant so that the camera could capture the hair growing in real time.
Seeing my hair grow roughly 10cm, Deokgu’s father started fiddling with my hair in disbelief.
[Uh, uh… ?]
[Let’s test whether the wig fits or not.]
[Aaaaah! Hey! My precious hair right now… !]
[Father, you are not bald anymore.]
[… Uh?]
Deokgu, who pulled out a single strand of his father’s hair, easily proved that it was not a wig. In the first place, not many people thought that the video was fake because it was all broadcast in real time.
Above all, isn’t it fantasia? Earth’s premier magic goods seller. Even if you make soybean fermented soybeans, it is a company that you can trust as Fantasia.
And if such companies advertise is a hair loss medicine, they believe it even if they don’t want to believe it. Now, even if it is fake, they will protest to make it real.
[Now, this is a hair loss pill, but unfortunately it is a handmade product, so there is a limit to the amount that can be made at one time.]
I didn’t lie. I just didn’t say that the limit is the amount that is not enough even if it is used by more than tens of millions of people.
Deokgu smiled lightly as he recited a prepared script.
[So, it seems that it will be a very distant future to actually sell hair loss medicine.]
If another company or organization had requested this type of advertisement, they would not have listened to it, saying that it would be candy or junk food.
Even if you sell all the companies and appease the money, what should you do?
[However, we will sell all prepared supplies to Syax, the god of another world who supports our company.]
[If a member of the Cyax Church requests hair loss medicine, we are willing to give priority to selling it.]
[Heil Syax.]
Deokgu finished the religious promotion and ended the broadcast.
And immediately, the Church of Cyax took the top spot in search tags worldwide.
* * *
Jesus was sold for thirty pieces of silver.
It was like that even in those days when the existence of God was not questioned, but in the 21st century, when God died and faith crawled to the bottom, it was possible to sell even for less than that. Or rather, hair is no worse than thirty pieces of silver.
Immediately after Fantasia’s advertisement spread all over the world, those with hair loss and those who did not have hair loss but wanted to grow their hair fast began to believe in Cyax.
There were some irrational views of believing in a religious group without a proper website or doctrine, but people’s tenacity to protect my hair was amazing.
“Uh-ha, uh-haha-! Dojin, you are right, you are right!”
Cyax has now regained power beyond its heyday, receiving hundreds of millions of faith. It regained the power of those days when the satellites were moved freely by swinging their hands.
With this much power- maybe he could beat Do-jin. It was Saix who thought so, but he did not dare to stick his teeth into Dojin.
‘Even if I kill him, what good does it do me?’
It was an extremely rational choice worthy of a wizard. There was no guarantee that he could beat Dojin 100% perfectly, but there was no benefit from winning.
It wasn’t that Do-jin was trying to gain faith, so he shared his faith half-and-half with him.
What if you suffer a serious injury against Do-jin? He had to fend off the foreign press while injured with nothing to gain himself. In the long run, that was rather detrimental.
“I never thought I would change my religion just because of this hairy drug… The religions of this world are so light.”
Saying so, Syax expressed doubts that his religion was not abandoned like that. However, Dojin was preparing for all situations.
“Perhaps you will find it consistently? This is not a hair loss treatment, it is a hair loss medicine.”
“Isn’t medicine the cure? What’s the difference between the two?”
“The cure is over once you get hit, but there is a difference with our medicine that you have to take it consistently.”
The magic depilatory had the ability to grow about 10cm of hair in that area the moment it was applied to the head.
In fact, the word hair growth agent would be more accurate than hair loss medicine. No matter where you are, your hair will grow.
The amazing thing about this drug was that it reproduced 100% with human hair. The reproducibility, in turn, became a problem.
“Human hair naturally falls out. If they don’t get enough nourishment, they become crumbly.”
Ordinary people don’t have a problem with losing their hair like that. New hair will grow in place of the missing hair.
However, they were not bald people. They do not grow new hair in their place.
The way they maintain their hair was very simple. It was to constantly purchase Fantasia’s medicine and use it steadily.
“I will continue to keep the condition that I must join your religion.”
“Thank you. It’s to the point where I wonder if there’s a reason why he treats me so well.”
“What? Did you know that this is free? Of course it is.”
“… What? You have already dedicated your body, but give your heart too?”
“There’s no need for that—you too often fight with foreign media. Since I’m fighting alone, my back hurts sorely.”
This was the reason why Do-jin dared to take the risk and put his faith in Cyax.
To prevent foreign presses from approaching someday. He had already hunted some foreign gods, but foreign gods existed as much as the stars in the universe.
A number that is virtually infinite. It is impossible, not enough, to block that many gods by himself.
“Hmm… Are foreign presses that strong?”
“Everyone is similar to you. Hey, when I wasn’t even a god, how dare I try to challenge a god? He was crazy, really.”
“I already knew you were insane.”
Thinking it was a reasonable proposal, Cyax nodded and accepted Dojin’s proposal. If faith could be supplied through these things, it would be rather beneficial.
What, would she also stop Do-jin, an enemy that she couldn’t stop alone? She said it was safe to say that her life was not in danger.
“Please take good care of me.”
“I am.”
The two, who had signed a satisfactory contract, shook hands and smiled.
* * *
“—The analysis is over. Mr. Dojin.”
The next day, Do-jin, who was resting at home, jumped up after hearing Noah’s words. It was the time when her 15 days had passed since she came to Earth.
“Earth’s virus… I was a bit intimidated by super germs and all, but I don’t think there will be any problems.”
“That means…”
“Yes, our children. Can I bring you here?”
Saying that, Noah gently shook the panacea she had made. The elixir of all sickness and invulnerability.
It was a special potion made by Noah that would prevent you from getting any disease for the rest of your life if you eat it once.
“The clinical trial is over with my own body.”
“Is it okay to feed the baby?”
“Are you okay. Do you get vaccinated here too? It’s much safer than that.”
A genius alchemist, an alchemist master, she must have said it. Do-jin, so convinced, opened the dimension to bring her children.
“… For a moment.”
Do-jin, who was about to enter the world, stopped for a moment and looked into her empty space. Seeing Dojin like that, Noah tilted her head as if asking what was going on.
Dojin, who was staring at the empty space, carefully opened his mouth.
“It was a big deal.”
“Yes? Suddenly what…”
“Really, it’s fucked up.”
Dojin opened his mouth in amazement.
“Today was our wedding anniversary.”
Belatedly, Noah also opened her mouth.
* * *
“God, please accept my prayer and defeat that wicked Satan, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”
In front of a small statue of Jesus. A man was praying. A prayer that has been going on for days and months. But there is no reply coming back.
God doesn’t exist. As if to prove him.
“God, please- please. Even once is fine…”
-Did you call me?
And then, a divine voice was heard from somewhere. She tilted her head and looked around her, wondering if she had heard it wrong.
But there was nothing around. Of course, there were no people, nor any electronic devices that could make noise as a joke.
“Who just…”
──It was said that there would be delusion. Suspicion would arise. Nonetheless, I did not doubt it.
“Stop, no way—”
—Yes, I am the god you believe in.
Chicky Geek – The small Jesus statue in front of him moves.
-Call my name.
“Lord, Lord… !”
—Yes, I have come. Came with the savior
“W-what if you say savior?”
—There is a person who never doubted me until the end. He is before my eyes.
“Ah ah ah ah ah-!”
The man had no doubt that the statue was God. Without that, the statue wouldn’t be able to speak like this.
However, statues. YHVH smiled without saying anything.
Matthew 24:23
-And at this time, even if someone says, “Look, the Christ has come before you,” Do not believe it.