Chapter 361 – Wizard’s Great Work #1
A wizard who can destroy a country single-handedly?
I couldn’t even imagine how much power he had!
First of all, the most important thing is what kind of relic the Master handles.
Even if you can fully draw out the power of the holy relic, there are some that are less powerful among the holy relics.
For example, these are
Brisingamen, a necklace that increases the wearer’s charm level.
Mistiltein, a twig that has no effect other than damaging Baldur.
If the relics the Master handles are items with such low power, it is worth having hope.
If you’re only going to install it with a tree branch (which can kill a god), shouldn’t you be very wary of the holy relic?
I asked Lawrence what the Master’s Relic was.
“What kind of castle relic does the master named Master possess? If he can destroy a country alone, is it about Mjolnir-class castle relic?”
“It’s a holy relic superior in destructive power to that Mjolnir by one factor. It’s a fiery demonic sword called ‘Levatein’.”
“Les, Levatein?”
Anyone who knew the mythology of this world would have heard of him at least once.
As a demonic sword created by the demon king Loki, it was used in the distant past by the god of giants called Surtur who belonged to the demon king’s army.
Levatein’s power is treated as one step higher than that of Mjolnir.
During the Great War, there was a duel between Surtur and Thor, and there is a record that Surtur had the upper hand.
“I know if it’s Levatein! Isn’t it the most famous demonic sword in the Demon King’s Army? They say that Levatein’s flame can burn everything in the world. It may be exaggerated, but such a description remained in the tradition.”
“I know it well. If the Master can draw out the power of Levatein, even if the three of us work together, the odds of winning will be low. Be prepared before entering the battle.”
Are you saying you have to fight the descendant of the demon king who wields the Levatein!
Just imagining it gives me goosebumps.
If he rushed at it blindly, his whole body might melt.
It was essential to wear an artifact that increased fire resistance.
It was questionable whether the artifact could completely block the heat of the holy relic.
“Chief. Do you have any plans to deal with the heat of Levatein? I think our bodies will melt if we just fight.”
“There is a plan. The Orichalcum you created remains in the lab. I plan to use it to produce a celestial artifact that increases fire resistance. I’ll mobilize the lab’s staff from tomorrow to begin production.”
“Ah… The celestial artifact.”
The Orichalcum that I synthesized last time with the staff of the research center was 100 tons in total.
Among them, 50 tons of Orichalcum were used to make the obelisk, half of which are still in the lab.
If you use it, you will be able to create a new celestial artifact.
“Among the celestial artifacts, are there any items that can perfectly block Levatein? I used the Obelisk usefully when dealing with Mjolnir’s thunderbolt last time.”
“Unfortunately, there is no such thing as an obelisk among artifacts that increase fire resistance. There is no such thing as a device that induces and absorbs flames.
I glanced at Rumi, who was hanging from her waist.
Perhaps Lawrence didn’t know, but Rumi might have known a countermeasure.
Chuck if you pretend, Rumi soon noticed why I was staring and gave her advice.
[Mage, among the celestial artifacts, there is no item that can completely block Levatein’s flame. Equipment that increases the wearer’s fire resistance is over. I don’t have any specific advice on how to counter Levatein. It is best for the mage to become the archmage as soon as possible and raise the power of allies.]
Listening to her words, it seemed that even Remi couldn’t squeeze her wisdom this time.
Is it the ideal way for me to become an archmage?
I know that.
It’s so ideal that I have nothing to say.
“If you’ve heard this far, you’ll understand, right? The master is the demon king of this era who can use the authority of the gods. Everyone, prepare yourself for battle.”
“All right.”
“It’s enough if you’re determined. I’ll give my life to save Jakarta.”
After hearing the explanation about the Master’s power, Pamela didn’t look intimidated at all.
It was fortunate that the member who joined us was a sword master.
“Now that we’ve seen each other’s faces, let’s break up. Pamela, you’re going to stay in the dorms at the lab for the time being. Don’t you have anywhere else to go?”
“If you provide accommodation, I will be grateful.”
It was time to slowly dissolve.
Before I left, Lawrence told me to come tomorrow for a lesson.
“Luke, you come to the laboratory tomorrow morning. Then I will teach you what a wizard’s great work is.”
“Does your lecture take a long time?”
“If it’s a theory, I can teach you everything in one day. By any chance, what is your magic coefficient? The pace of the lecture changes depending on your magic coefficient.”
“It’s 6000.”
When I revealed my magic attribute coefficient, Lawrence was quite surprised.
“6,000! That’s not enough magic power for a young man like you to accumulate…?”
“Because there is a special secret to increasing magic power.”
“Special secret? I don’t know what it is… Anyway, 6,000 is enough to train to become an archmage. You can start training right after finishing the theory learning stage. I’ll tell you the details tomorrow.”
“I look forward to.”
So I said good-bye to Lawrence and her and got out of the lab.
Delia saw me off until I left the lab.
“Brother Luke! Cheer up tomorrow!”
Time passed and the next morning came.
Today is the day I promised to receive instruction from Lawrence.
I got up early in the morning and went out of the inn.
I have the quarter staff and Rumi, so my preparation for the lecture is perfect.
‘What is a great wizard?’
As I walked through town, the question couldn’t help but pop into my head.
It was a question that had been lingering for a very long time from the moment I started learning magic.
What is the Archmage?
If you have a lot of magic you can use, is it a great wizard?
Or is there a special magic that only archmages can use?
‘Is there a clear standard for distinguishing first-class wizards from arch wizards?’
I was able to solve today what I had been questioning all along.
Because the person who would teach me was the great wizard of this world.
Eventually, when I arrived at Ninggard’s lab, I realized I didn’t have to go inside.
Lawrence was waiting for me in the front yard of the lab, wearing a white robe.
“Good morning, boss.”
“Luke! You’ve finally arrived. I’ve been waiting for you.”
“Why are you outside when you’re waiting inside?”
“It’s because today’s lecture has to be held outdoors. The building will explode if the lecture is held in the laboratory.”
“Yes? What explodes?”
Lawrence raised her quarterstaff and pointed it at the lab building.
How dangerous is the lecture that the laboratory explodes?
Are you training to become Michael Bay, not to become a master wizard?
It’s a lecture that ends with an explosive ending!
“Ho, are you dealing with explosives or something? Why is the building exploding while giving a lecture?”
“Because the process of demonstrating magic is dangerous. This area can be devastated, so you should avoid training in the city as much as possible. That’s why today’s lecture is going to be held outdoors.”
Lawrence moved her quarterstaff and pointed it to the sky.
“Let’s have an outdoor class! Let’s fly out of the city right now.”
Outdoor lessons!
When I was in college, it was fun to say that outdoor classes were held.
Isn’t it an opportunity to go out and play while enjoying the scenery of nature?
But now it was just creepy.
If you demonstrate magic, this area will be devastated?
Are you trying to teach me planet-destroying magic? ?
“Follow me. You have wings, so you don’t have to use magic to fly.”
Lawrence uses flight magic to fly into the air.
I had no choice but to spread my wings and follow Lawrence.
Even if the place where the archmage to give the lecture arrives is hell, shouldn’t we follow it?
Lawrence and I had a conversation while flying.
“There just happened to be a wide plain away from the city. I’ll give you a lecture there.”
“If it’s a plain near the city, monsters will appear? Hobgoblins and the like will appear.”
“You don’t have to worry about monsters. Most of those who approach you during the magic demonstration will be slaughtered anyway.”
“That’s right.”
He talked about being massacred so plainly that he had nothing to say.
You don’t have to worry about monsters.
As we flew through the city walls, the city’s soldiers saw us and screamed.
“Over there, archmage love and archmage candidates are flying!”
“Where? It’s real! The blonde tan wizard is flying!”
They were soldiers looking up at us from the top of the castle wall.
We were going over the castle wall at will, but the soldiers didn’t seem to have any particular intention to stop us.
It was because the archmage and the archmage candidate were flying.
Rather, as if they misunderstood this as some kind of military operation, the soldiers were saluting.
“Chu, loyalty!”
“Have a good trip!”
Dozens of soldiers saluted at us in unison.
“Luke. Why are the soldiers over there saluting us? After all, they are crossing the castle wall without being checked.”
“I-I don’t know? I must have misunderstood something.”
Due to the high altitude, our voices could not be heard by the soldiers.
When I awkwardly saluted the castle wall, the soldiers lowered their hands in a salute pose.
“Great, the archmage candidate accepted our salute!”
“Isn’t there a reward vacation coming out? It’s great!”
Thanks to the misunderstanding of the soldiers, we were able to quickly cross the wall without being checked.
Lawrence took me to a plain away from the city.
After arriving at the desolate plains, the Archmage’s lecture began.