Episode 02 The Prize Winning Game
The woman's inflectionless synthesized sound, like a female vocaloid, echoed through the room.
'Clear the subject and win the prize money. Time limit is 3 hours. Please check your flipboard and press the bedside button to begin.'
Flipboard? Bedside button?
I turned my head to see what he was talking about, and then a red button and timer appeared on my bedside table, which did not exist when I checked it earlier, and I found myself holding the flipboard.
'What's this?'
'When did you get that thing? You didn't have one of those before, did you?”
'Oh ……'
Scary! We were completely oblivious to the unrecognizable behavior of whoever had created this situation.
A chill ran down my spine.
We were lucky that it was a flipboard this time, but if it had been a knife, gun, or other deadly weapon,……, no, they could have easily hurt us if they wanted to hurt us in the first place, couldn't they?
Could it be that we die unrecognized?”
Apparently, Otomotani-san came to the same conclusion. Her face was pale.
I think it's possible. It's so easy to transfer us. We could be sent to the bottom of the ocean, or into lava, or even into the sky. ……
We can't go against it, can we?
We looked at each other and came to a state of resignation, we gulped and looked at the flipboard fearfully.
Please let this not be a death game!
[Complete the subject and get the prize money! *First time bonus in effect! *
1000 yen】 【Please complete the subject and get the prize money!
Stare at each other for 10 seconds at a distance of 10cm or less
Hold hands for 1 minute
Hug for 3 minutes
Kissing on the cheek
Lip kiss over plastic wrap for 10 seconds
Licking feet
Touching breasts on top of clothes
Touching the buttocks on top of clothes
Touching the crotch on top of clothes
5,000 yen
Lip kiss for 10 seconds
Touching the underwear.
Touching breasts on underwear
Touching the buttocks on the underwear
Touching the crotch on the underwear
10,000 yen】・Deep kissing for more than 30 seconds
Deep kissing for more than 30 seconds
Getting naked
Directly touching the breasts
Directly touching the buttocks
Direct touch between the legs
Direct licking of the breasts
Direct licking of the buttocks
Direct licking between the legs
Climax (unlimited number of times)
20,000 yen
Oral ejaculation (oral sex) (unlimited number of times)
Vaginal penetration (sex)
50,000 yen
Vaginal ejaculation (Nakadashi) (unlimited number of times)
100,000 yen
Anal penetration and ejaculation (anal sex) (unlimited number of times)
Does this mean I have to complete all of the …… contests?
“No, maybe, but you can complete any subject you like within the time limit, but not the 100,000 yen one.
Well, that's …….”
The red-faced virgin Valley looked away from the flipboard.
The initial reaction makes me feel horny. She is usually cool in her words and actions, so when she suddenly reacts in such a cute way, the gap between her and me makes me moe.
But this situation. This situation.
It's just like a real porno, isn't it ……?”
The woman who was reluctant at first, saying, “That's a little ……,” gradually becomes dazzled by the gratuity she receives for completing a simple task, and ends up opening her legs and having sex inside her, which is a standard situation in pornography.
The greediness and eroticism of human beings is really good. Thank you for your help.
Nakadashi? I wonder if there is such a situation in that AV ……? I don't know anything about it.
Ms. Virgin Valley mumbled so small that I could not catch the word “porn”.
Gghh! What a tease. I can't stand the way she fidgeted in embarrassment. I'm glad I chose Ms. Virgin Valley.
I guess so. It's a common situation, no doubt.
'I see. ……
I've never heard of it before,” said Ms. Virginal Valley in amazement. This seems to be minimal knowledge.
'The option of not participating in the game is–?
Suddenly, Virginal Valley's words were cut off. After a moment's delay, an overwhelming pressure fell on me as well, like a huge waterfall.
–No, no, no, no, no. Don't go against it. If you go against it, you will die!
My instincts, my soul, succumb to the mysterious pressure.
Unable to even muster up the strength to resist, Mr. Virginal Valley and I could only tremble in fear.
I think the pressure was released for only a few seconds. But in those few seconds, which seemed like an eternity, we were made to understand.
We had no choice. We could not decline. Once we were brought here, our participation in the game was final.
“……, I guess we'll just have to do it.”
“……, yes. We have to do it.
I managed to regain my composure, looked at Ms. Virginal Valley, and made up my mind.
I wonder if I will really get paid if I complete these tasks? Is the money real?
I don't know. But the game is compulsory. It has to be real.
And then, perhaps still annoyed by our disbelief, an announcement was made in a synthesized sound.
'–I'll answer your question. If you complete the questions, we will give you real Japanese yen. It's not fake. It is usable money.
I didn't expect them to answer me. ……
Immediately, Mr. Virginal Valley asks another question.
Who are you? Who are you? What do you want us to do?
'What do you want us to do to you …… we reply, we want to watch the act of human reproduction. For those of us who are starved for entertainment, the ugly beauty of humans acting out of greed and instinct is a good way to pass the time.”
Oh, come on. Are we animals in a zoo or something?
As for who and what we are–“
For the second time today, a tremendous amount of pressure was brought to bear on us.
The quality of the pressure was different from the previous one. The first time, we were just venting our frustration and dissatisfaction. This time, it was the overwhelming pressure of a strong man who made the weak understand with his power.
I couldn't breathe. It was painful. It is as if there is a vacuum around me.
This is a kind of warning. If we go any further, we will probably die. Our brains will pop, our minds will collapse, and we will become cripples.
All over the world, there are legends of Overlords who go insane at the mere mention of their names or words. They are too high to be endured by human beings. This is that kind of thing.
The pressure suddenly disappears just as suddenly as it occurred.
Do you want to hear the answer?
Pale-faced, we all shook our heads. Then we leaned on each other for support.
I had no idea that the warmth of human skin could be so reassuring. I was glad that Mr. Virginal Valley was there. What would have happened to me if I had been alone?
Seeking further reassurance and healing, we embrace each other half unconsciously.
I think I've got something very troublesome on my hands.
“I want to think it's a dream already …….”
I know…… virgin valley, do you want to just hold hands and get it over with?”
Won't they be offended?”
'I don't think I'm deviating from the rules of the game they've decided …… to play. Maybe.
Somehow I don't think they will be offended.
I only have a vague hunch that the game is mandatory participation, but they won't force me to do it as long as it doesn't violate the rules while the game is in progress.
They said this was a pastime to pass the time. They said they wanted to see us act on our greed and instincts. Then I would never force them to play the content.
Because it's no fun. It is boring to force them to do what you want them to do.
They would want to see the way he is blinded by money and tainted by desire, and the way he is falling into an ugly state of self-destruction.
The Prize Game: ……
After some hesitation, Ms. Virgin Valley closed her eyes for a moment.
And the next time she opened them, her beautiful black eyes were filled with a strong light of determination.
Nakade-kun. Let the games begin.”
'Eh? Are you sure, Ms. Virginal Valley?”
''If we don't start the game, it will never end.
That's true too. Mr. Virginal Valley is right.
Unless we start the games, we'll never get out of here. All we can do is play the prize game.
We nodded to each other and simultaneously pressed the red start button that had suddenly appeared on the bedside table.
The timer starts. The time limit is three hours.
Let the prize game begin!
I thought, “First, let's play it safe and have an interview, shall we?
Then a new flipboard appeared in my hand again.
……I don't think about it. I don't think too much. I don't know what I'm thinking about anyway.
I see. The interview is like a question from me to Mr. Virgin Valley.
“Yes, that's right. Then, please do it.
Well, let's start the interview right away. And it's like porn to do an interview at the beginning.
Q. What is your name, age, and occupation?
A.Virgin Valley Fuyo. 20 years old. I'm a sophomore in the Faculty of Informatics at Seishoku Gakuen University.
Q. What made you decide to enter that university?
A.Because it was the closest to my house, because there was a tuition waiver system for students with good grades, and because in today's society, a computer is an essential skill. It sounds like a job interview.
Q. When was your first love?
A.First love? Hmmm……… doesn't come to mind. I don't think I've ever had one.
Q.How many people have you been in a relationship with?
A.Zero. I have never been in a relationship.
I've never been in a relationship. Really?”
Is that so surprising? It is true that I have been confessed to many times, but I have never wanted to go out with anyone.
I've never been in a relationship. I thought you had been in a relationship with one or two people. …… Sorry, I'm sorry. I'll continue with the questions.
Q. When did you have your first kiss?
A.Does family count? Oh, so it doesn't count. Then no.
Q.When did you have your first experience?
A.From the way this is going, first experience is that first experience? The naughty one? Then I haven't had any experience yet. ……
Q.Are you really a virgin?
A.That's what it says! ……Ho, it really says that. Well, really, I'm a virgin. …… Oh my God! Forget about that one!
Q.When was the last time you masturbated……It really says that!
A.I know, I know. O, masturbation means masturbation, right? Then I've never done it, I guess. ……
Q. What? You've never done it? Masturbate?
A.Wow, that's bad! I can't do that because the walls of my house are too thin to begin with, no way!
Hmmm. I see. So Ms. Virgin Valley is a very novice woman who has never kissed or masturbated, let alone had sex?
Judging from her red-faced, shy, and extremely rarefied expression, I'd say she has a low tolerance for eroticism.
I asked her, “Ho, do you have any other healthy questions?”
Don't worry. The next one will be the last. The last question is, 'What are your 10 favorite things about the other person? If we both like each other, that means I like each other, too.
“Hmm. I'm glad it was a decent one. I guess that's what I like about you, Nakade.
I might cry if she says there's nothing. ……
I wonder what she thinks of me, but I'm afraid to ask.
I'm afraid to ask. I'm conflicted about whether I should cover my ears or not, but the virgin Valley-san snaps her fingers and starts saying simply.
First of all, she's very thoughtful. She helps clean up after lectures and throws away trash left in the classroom. Second, she is kind. I once saw you gently help a lost child to stop crying. You also meet deadlines for submissions, you are never late, and you casually follow up with your friends, don't you? Maybe it's obvious, but I think it's great. You are always clean, polite, and dependable. It is thanks to you that I am able to keep my composure now. I feel at ease when I'm with him. If it had been anyone else, I would have panicked. Speaking of calming down, your voice, Nakade. I like it. I think his face is well-defined, and if you look closely, you can see his enviable double-layered eyes and long eyelashes. Your eyes are a beautiful dark brown.
Stop, stop, stoop! Stop it, Virginal Valley, stop it! Any more and my heart will give out!”
My sense of shame had reached its limit, and I cut off the virgin's slurred speech.
What? I could go on and on.
That's enough!”
I'm dying…… of shame…… my face is on fire! If there was a hole, I'd want to crawl in it!
I'd like to go in there. I forgot to count them on the way out, but you said more than ten, didn't you?”
I think so. Maybe. It's my turn.
I took a breath and was about to open my mouth when I suddenly realized, “This is embarrassing in another way!
This is embarrassing in another way!
I had to say 10 things I liked about her right in front of her, which in a way was like a public confession, a shameful play of public execution.
I am amazed that Ms. Virgo-Tani said it without hesitation. I can't look directly at her face as she sits next to me.
She said, “Well, you know, I like your hard-working nature. ……
I'm so embarrassed! I'm going to end this quickly!
The other two are: kindness, dependability, comfort when you are with them, seriousness, friendliness, always cool and calm, and, ahem, beauty! And two more …… dignified voices! The last one is the sometimes stunned, troubled, but happy, sisterly face that comes to the surface, as if she wants to say 'I can't help it, can I? I love that kind of smile!
What? I'm embarrassed to say that I let my momentum get the better of me, aren't I? You said, “I like your smile. ……
I'm so embarrassed ……, but thank you. I'm so glad you thought of that. I'm glad.”
No, no, …….”
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your money is to make sure that you are getting the most out of your money. She never turned her head toward me and fanned her flaming face with her hand.
Just when both of us could no longer stand the awkward silence, she said to me
“Ah! Ah!”
Two 1,000-yen bills appeared out of thin air and fell neatly on the bedside table.
It was a reward for completing the task. One thousand yen each for me and Ms. Virgin Valley.
They said they would give me a reward for each completed task, not all at once at the end of the game.
Nice timing. This relieved me of some of the awkwardness.
“It's a real 1,000-yen bill. ……
Yes, it is. It looks like he completed the task correctly.
It was a real bill, no matter how you look at it. It feels good to the touch, and the design is exactly the same as the 1,000-yen bill. The watermark is also there.
When I tried to exchange it and check it, my hand slipped through the bill.
What? I can't touch it!
It seems you can't touch the other person's prize money. This is 1,000 yen …… Nakade-kun. Let's try another subject.
Eh! Virginal Tani is aggressive! Good looking guy. Manly. I'm going to fall in love with him.
This is convenient. I'm a little disgusted with myself for thinking that I'm going to gradually increase the difficulty level and if possible, have sex with him like in a porn movie.
“Shall we hold hands next?”
“One minute.”
I hold the thin hand that is offered to me.
I was surprised at how thin and flexible a woman's hand is. I was a little moved.
Thinking back, when was the last time I properly touched the hand of someone my own age of the opposite sex? Maybe at an elementary school dance?
Her hands were moist and rougher than I had expected.
Ms. Virginal Valley,” he said. Do you usually do housework?
Yes, I do. What about it?
'No, I just wondered if it was rough because you touch the water a lot. Doesn't it hurt?
I'm used to it. Besides, I can't do my housework if it hurts.
I can't do the housework if you say it hurts. From her words, it seems that she has been doing housework for a long time.
I learned a new aspect of the virgin Tani-san, whose private life is unknown.
Is it because she has to do housework that she goes home immediately after a lecture?
One minute passed more quickly than I had expected.
Once again, a 1,000-yen bill falls from the sky.
Now it's ¥2,000.00…… next!”
We stared at each other for 10 seconds at a distance of less than 10 centimeters–averting our eyes several times and failing to look away, but clearing the gap successfully. She had long eyelashes and beautiful eyes. She smelled good, too. I can't tell you how many times I thought about kissing her in the middle of a heated discussion.
Hugging for 3 minutes–Virgin Valley-san hugged me and we cleared. She was so thin. Her body was thin. I could still smell her scent on my body! I got a boner, that's a secret.
That's 4,000 yen each.
Yes. Yes, that's right.
We had completed all the 1,000-yen challenges. The mark “completed” had been stamped on the flipboard before I knew it. These are only allowed once, it seems.
I tried holding hands, but there was no sign of any money falling.
The only thing that allows you to try again and again is a subject marked “unlimited times. Not so convenient, was it?
The next easiest was the 3,000-yen proposition, which was available at …….
The next easy one is the $3,000 one, which can be found at . “If you like, Nakade, why don't you try the next one?”
'Really? You don't mind if I do the virgin valley?
Yes, I'd like to try it out. Yes, I want to try something.
I had no idea that Ms. Virginal Valley would ask for it.
But what do you mean by things you want to try?
Suddenly, the virgin touched me. She puts her hand on my chest like a girlfriend spoiling her boyfriend, and a 5,000-yen bill and three 1,000-yen bills fall from the air.
Eight thousand yen?
So this is my winnings.”
Why ……?”
Nakade-kun is wearing only a T-shirt now, right? It seems he was also judged on his underwear. I just wanted to know if I could get the prize money if one of us cleared, but I got an unexpected windfall.”
It's true. The two contestants were awarded a total of 8,000 yen, since they were awarded 3,000 yen and 5,000 yen, respectively.
In other words, if the woman had no bra, her T-shirt would be judged as underwear.
If it was an adult film, if a man touched a woman's breast, the subject would be cleared!
Now if you'll excuse me.”
Poof, poof, tut!
I felt a touch on my buttocks, a touch between my legs, and a soft, moist, wet feeling on my cheeks.
…… Eh? Did I just get a cheek kiss from Mr. Virgin Valley? That was lips, wasn't it ……?
I was stunned and froze in my tracks, unable to comprehend what I was seeing.
“Now that's 9,000 yen. …… Okay!”
No, no, no! No, no, no, no, no, no! What did you just do to me? What did you just do to me?
I just lightly touched you and kissed you on the cheek.
“You touch and kiss me that easily, usually!
I was touched on my buttocks and between my legs! I would normally be more hesitant to touch the body of a man who is not my boyfriend.
And yet he touched me so easily, like it was work, and I wasn't thrilled at all. ……
To be honest, I wanted him to touch me with a little more shame. I wanted to enjoy the situation where he would touch me fearfully while retracting his hand repeatedly in a shy manner.
There's something to be said for atmosphere!
Ms. Virgin Valley, who did not understand the complicated male mind, blushed a little, perhaps a little shame, and then, as if upset, she reopened the situation and said resolutely, “This is nothing.
I'll do anything! I'll do anything!”
The virgin Tani-san removed her clothes with great vigor. Dressed in white underwear, her body was thinner than expected. If you put a little force into it, it looks like it would break. Her ribs are slightly protruding, giving her an unhealthy impression.
I think she has been dieting too much. Are you eating?
Five thousand yen clear…… more…… more!”
He hurriedly stops Ms. Virgin Valley, who then begins to take off her underwear.
'Wait a minute! What's going on all of a sudden!
The behavior is strange. The most important thing to remember is that you should never be afraid to ask for help. I wondered if the app was having a bad influence on her.
I need money!”
she exclaimed.
A serious, desperate, desperate cry. The kind of determined eyes that people in a corner have, filled with a kind of strong resolve.
Her long black hair flutters and spreads as she turns to glare at me.
I could not imagine the wild virgin Tani-san, who lost her composure in desperation, from her usual cool impression. I was speechless at the sight of her revealing her raw, honest feelings, which she had probably been keeping hidden from me for a long time.
Clenching her hands tightly, her lips trembling slightly, she continues, “I need money.
I need money. …… I have won a total of 26,000 yen so far. The game time is three hours. That's almost 9,000 yen an hour! This is ridiculous for a part-time newspaper delivery job!”
Was that what Mr. …… Virgin Valley was doing, working part-time as a newspaper delivery man?
'Perhaps you have a poor home?
'……Yes. I have seven siblings in my family. I am the oldest, and I have six younger brothers and sisters.
Seven siblings?
In addition, I am a single mother. My mother's earnings are not enough, so I work part-time delivering newspapers in the mornings and take care of my younger siblings after college.
Virginal Valley's father is ……
That bum?” “That bum? He put my mother in debt and ran off with his mistress. I hope that man dies!”
Highly murderous. Her eyes were burning with murderous intent, her face contorted with hatred, as if she really wanted to kill him.
Virginal Valley-san must have had quite a hard time. I was surprised that she didn't show any such pretense at all in college.
My younger siblings will now go on to junior high school, high school, and college. No matter how much money I have, it's not enough. That's why I need to earn money! No matter what it takes!”
Mr. Virgin Valley is serious. A cornered person will do whatever it takes. For example, selling their bodies, for example.
I had a feeling that the beings who developed the porn app were excited by the greedy and ugly feelings deep inside the human heart that had just been exposed.
Nakade. To be honest, I am thankful for this situation. Because I can get a lot of money just for completing a subject like this! If I can't escape, I'll take home as much money as I can!”
Besides,” Virginal Valley smiled to herself.
I was just thinking about getting into aid-seeking, and I'm glad that …… my first partner was Nakadashi.”
Suddenly, my arms were around her neck, and our lips softly met as I felt her moist, upward-looking eyes approach me.
I felt her arms around my neck, her moist eyes staring upward at me, and our lips softly locked.
As my body stiffened, her arms entwined even more tightly around me and bound me stiffly. She never let go of me, even when I resisted. Oh, you biting spooner!
…… is that it? If I think about it, why am I resisting? I'm being kissed by a beautiful virgin valley woman who was high up in the sky. Why don't I just accept it?
I stopped resisting and gently put my arms around her supple back. She reacted with a jerk, but there was no rejection from her.
My first kiss. Now I'm kissing one of the most popular women in my college.
She is soft. Words cannot describe the feeling and emotion. It's moist, wet, sweet, and my brain feels like it's going to be debauched.
How many seconds have passed since we started kissing? Or more than a minute?
Well, it doesn't matter.
Now I want to be intoxicated by my first kiss. I want to take my time and …… it so that it is etched deep into my memory and soul.
I opened my mouth with instinct and desire and poked Ms. Virgin Valley's lips with my tongue. She too slowly opens her mouth and accepts the intrusion of my tongue.
Our tongues entwined with each other. Mixed saliva. The sound of water echoing. Her warm body temperature.
We are both new to each other and awkward. We didn't know how to move. But we kept kissing each other deeply, trying our best to understand each other.
“Puhhhh! Puh!”
We broke away from each other at the same time because we were at the limit of our breath. I was so focused on the kiss that I forgot to breathe.
Isn't it too difficult to breathe while kissing? The couples in the world are amazing.
“So this is kissing. ……
“Now we're two clear at the same time. 15,000 yen. ……
The first thing that came out of his mouth was money? It was the first kiss for the virgin Tani, too.
The atmosphere is ruined…… no, it's already so refreshing.
The best way to get a good idea of how much money is involved is to get a good idea of how much you want to spend. I don't have to feel weird guilt. I feel like I'm dealing with a supportive partner, a friendship, or a mistress. It's a relationship that is not based on money.
If this is the case, let's be with them as much as we can.
Virgin Valley ……, will you play with this?”
I pointed to the 5,000-yen title on the flipboard: “Vaginal Ejaculation (Nakadashi) (unlimited number of times). In other words, sex with Nakadashi without any contraceptives.
There was no limit to the number of times. The more I ejaculate inside her vagina, the more I get paid.
There is also anal sex for 100,000 yen, but it is too much for us virgins and virgins.
Are you ready to get dirty and sell your body for money?
Nakadeki-kun ……Yes. Let's do it. In return, you have to put a lot of it inside me.”