Episode 63 A Lovey-Dovey Date
“–Yes, yes! I bought my sister a phone the other day!”
The other day, I was walking alongside Fuyou and she was chatting happily and I was just trying to listen. I'm not sure what to expect from her, but she's a chatty person.
I wonder when she got a part-time job and saved up the money. When in the world did she get a part-time job?”
I couldn't stop sweating at Fuyo-san's words.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't get a job without a job.
In other words, we are now not only actual sisters but also rod sisters. ……
The only thing that Fuyo-san doesn't know is that I and Kasumi have had a relationship. I'm not sure how much I can take from this, but I'm sure it's not too much. I'm not sure how I can tell you that.
Well, there's no way I can tell you that.
I think by “part-time job,” she actually means the prize money I won in the prize-winning game. And she had won over 1.7 million yen that day. She could afford to pay for the phone.
She didn't skip college, did she?
'I don't think so. She will receive her grades during the summer vacation, right? Why don't you let that be the judge?”
“……, I'll do that. I'll do that. If I get bad grades, I'll confiscate your phone!
“Wow. That's a lot of punishment.
Even though her mother let her go out so she wouldn't have to do things at home, she is always thinking about her family. Fuyo-san is a fine big sister today, both gentle and strict.
She is a little hot with a determined older sister aura. Hold it down, hold it down.
Fuyou-san. Concentrate on your date.
Ah! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
The most important thing is that you should not be afraid of the things that you can do. I don't blame her. The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take your eyes off of your family. But I'm a little dissatisfied that she's so focused on her family that she doesn't pay attention to me.
After regaining my composure, Fuyo and I walked around a large commercial facility.
There are all kinds of stores in the big commercial complex, and most of all, it's cool! So we decided on a sudden date destination.
Having a date under the scorching summer sun is hell. It's a date, but it's not a good idea to get sweaty …… and have sex to the point where we're both sweating.
Besides, Fuyo would be worried about getting a sunburn. She's probably wearing sunscreen, but if it comes off with sweat, it's useless. And her chest is so bold today. ……
Hm? What's wrong, Haku-kun?”
As I walk through the store, where I don't have to worry about the temperature or UV rays, Fuyou-san, who is hugging my arm, sensitively notices my gaze and looks up at me curiously with a dignified look on her face.
The exquisite height difference that inevitably leads to an upward glance. With her cool good looks in close proximity, my heart jumps at the sudden surprise.
I've had an intense relationship with her for a few months now, and I still can't get used to it. Fuyou-san is too beautiful.
'…… Oh, oh. Sorry.”
Oops. I was so lost in admiration that I was at a loss for words. I was speechless because I was so taken by the sight of him.
I wondered if she was wearing sunscreen on her chest as well,…….
'…… why would I care about something like that?'
The most important thing to remember is that you can't just go out and buy a new pair of shoes. That's counterproductive,…….
I'm in short sleeves. The most important thing to remember is that you can't just go out and buy a new pair of jeans and a new pair of jeans.
The first time I saw her, she was red in the ears and staring at me with a glazed look.
Well, I'm painting it on, but…”
She told me in a blunt tone of voice to hide her embarrassment.
I couldn't help but fantasize about the information I had obtained. I couldn't help but fantasize about the cool beauty applying sunscreen to her cleavage with her hands.
Oh no. Very good. I can get off two or three shots just from this.
“Haku? Concentrate on your date. You can fantasize as much as you want later.
Yes, Mam!
He replied exactly what I had said earlier.
It seemed that the fantasy I was having in my brain was obvious. Maybe it showed on my face.
I mean, can I have as many fantasies as I want? If you allow me to do so, I'll do it later without reservation. Well, I would do it even if you don't allow it.
We walked together through the store, which was full of families and couples because it was summer vacation.
Occasionally, we pick up a garment we are interested in, or peruse the knick-knacks and accessories at the general store, and I think we are doing something more date-like than on our previous date.
We were both very nervous on our first date. Our hands were sweating a lot.
Now I feel like we are acting naturally, without being self-conscious.
We can say to each other, “How do you like it? Do they look good on you?
I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.
I'm not sure if she's getting into fashion now that she has more money to spare. The most important thing to remember is that you can't just buy a new pair of shoes and go with the same one. The most important thing to remember is that you can't just buy a new pair of shoes and go with the same one you have.
I'd like her to be more beautiful. I think simple things look good on Fuyou. I think the colors are a little gaudy and assertive.”
I want to enjoy her cool good looks, but the golden glow shimmering in her ears makes me turn my gaze in that direction. I'm honestly in the way.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a look at the pictures. I'm not sure.
I'm surprised you're so easily convinced. ……
Well, it wasn't my favorite.
Then why did you pick it?”
The most important thing to remember is that you can find a lot of different types of shoes and boots that you can choose from.
I thought it would be fun to pick out something I would never normally wear. See, it's date-like, isn't it?”
With a mischievous smile on her face, Fuyo-san pressed a pair of large heart-shaped earrings to my ear.
“Hmmm! They don't suit you!
She looked really happy as she let out a giggle.
It's true that this kind of exchange is very date-like. No, it's actually a date!
I'm going to pick something that Fuyou doesn't usually wear and go to …… and see if I can find it. I'm sure you'll be able to find something you like.
Fuyou-san, Fuyou-san.”
“Hmm? What is it?
“What's that? Sunglasses!
I put on a pair of sunglasses with big lenses like celebrities wear.
I was surprised that she was so excited to put them on.
Do you think they look good on me?
I'll buy them. Let's buy it.
“What? Wait! Wait a minute! I don't need them! I don't use sunglasses!
“Don't worry. They looked good on you. You looked like a cool-beauty celebrity wife.
What's a cool beauty celebrity wife?
I was lectured lightly by Fuyo and reluctantly gave up buying sunglasses.
It was a complete change from my usual impression and looked really good on me. ……
Next time, I'll ask Leona if she has any fashionable sunglasses. I'm sure she would be happy to lend them to Fuyo.
The date, which included such a scene, passed quickly, and it was time for lunch, when I was hungry.
Everywhere is full, isn't it?
Yes, they are.
Restaurants, cafes, fast-food restaurants, and other eateries are all packed. There are lines of people waiting for hours to get in.
The smell of delicious food that stimulates the hunger is hard to find …….
What do you want to eat, Hak?
That's the most annoying reply. ……
I'm sorry about that. But Fuyou is used to being told that and has an expression that says, 'I can't help it. The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a look at the pictures of the people you're going to be talking to.
'Well, what's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of lunch?
'Fuyo-san's homemade egg rolls.'
Before I could even visualize it in my brain, my mouth immediately answered on its own.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't go wrong with a good homeworker like Fuyou.
Duh! I was hungry, and when I imagined it, I had an irresistible craving for it! That's terrible, Fuyo-san!
You don't have to answer right away. ……
I want to eat Fuyou-san's homemade omelet.
“Don't say that while staring straight at me with a serious face!”
The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a look at the actual product or service and expect it to be just as good as you think it is. The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your money is to make sure that you are getting the best value for your money. I'm not sure I want to eat it.
I'm not sure how much I want to eat. My omelet.
I want to eat it!
I want to eat it. Okay.
I couldn't help but stare at Fuyou-san's face because it was so easily accepted.
She looked up at me in amazement and tilted her head.
She looked up at me in amazement and tilted her head, “What? You don't want to eat?”
No, I do want to eat, but ……
Then let's go!
No way, Fuyou's house or ……?
The “Grocery Corner,” she said.
Oh, that way? I was a little disappointed.
I could make something as simple as an omelette as soon as I bought the ingredients. Do they have frying pans in the other space?”
“Another space ……? Oh! I can cook in a free room!
Fuyo-san is a genius! Tension exploded at once.
In my mind, a free room was like a fuck room where you have sex, so cooking in a different space didn't occur to me at all!
The kitchen wasn't fully equipped, but I think it could use an upgrade. Perhaps some frying pans and other cooking utensils. There are even some cooking porn movies, like Naked Apron.
But you'll have to forgive me if I'm a little lazy.
Forgive me, forgive me! I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to get the ingredients for this.
“Hey, Haku! Oh, my God!
The two of us discussed a lot of things …… and Fuyou took the lead in buying all the ingredients, and we were transferred to a different space where no one was around.
'Well, let's make it. Wait a minute, Haku-kun.”
Standing in the kitchen upgraded with the store function, Fuyou-san tied her hair in one bun with a hair elastic.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take your eyes off of the road. She always wore her semi-long black hair down. The exposed nape of the neck was glamorous. It was a nice, cool, refreshing look.
If I had to describe her in one word, it would be “newlywed.
They look like a newlywed couple. ……
I unconsciously blurted out, and I suddenly came back to myself.
What did I just say? What was I thinking?
Perhaps it was because I thought of the word “new wife” that my imagination took a strange turn.
She was cooking with a familiar hand, oblivious to my writhing in embarrassment. Even though it was my first time in the kitchen, each movement was lean, refined, and efficient. It was easy to tell that she has been doing housework for many years.
I never get tired of looking at her cool beauty behind me as she cooks with dedication. I could watch her all the time.
If I had a wish, I would have wanted her to wear an apron. It would have looked good on Fuyo.
I'm sorry,” she said.
I'm sorry. Did I bother you?
No, not at all. I'm sorry. It's cute compared to the way they always look at you and ask you to hurry up. But do you enjoy watching them?
Of course I do.
That much?
Not so much. I almost regret not having them made earlier.
But I can feel you looking at me sexually?
The actual “I'm not sure what to do” is the most important thing to do.
I'm not sure if it's a good idea. The most important thing to remember is that you can't afford to lose your money. Because Fuyou-san is so mature and sexy as she cooks! It's an irresistible force! It's a man's nature!
I wonder what he was thinking~? Haku-kun? Tell me what you were thinking.
“Well, let's see, that's a little ……”
Is this a new kind of shame play to make me confess my fantasies?
“Tell me, or no egg rolls.”
“Oh, no! I'm not going to tell you!
Then tell me.”
Ugh! You're a coward to take it hostage …….
I'll throw away my shame for the sake of homemade egg rolls.
I was fantasizing about Fuyou-san cooking with a …… naked apron.
'Ha, a naked apron! I'm just naked and an apron! If oil splatters, it looks like she'll burn herself. ……”
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your home is to make sure that you have the best possible experience.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you're getting into. The first time I saw her, she looked so shy and naïve.
Naked aprons, right! A man's romance! I can't stand the sight of her smooth backside and plump buttocks exposed unprotected in the rear view!
Put a cute frilly apron on Fuyou and …… No, the simple one suits her better, don't you think? On the contrary, simple might be more erotic. But there's also the honesty of daring Fuyou to wear a frilly apron that she wouldn't wear.
Damn! I'm lost! If this happens, there is no other way but to have a dress-up contest someday!
I hear the sound of eggs frying in my ears as I make up my mind.
Dexterously flipping the egg, she blurts out, “Well, if you don't use a fire, you can.
You can do it if you don't use the fire.
Seriously? I'm wearing a naked apron!
I was so delighted that I was cooking.
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good time with your family and friends.
I'm not sure what to do with it, but I'm sure it will work. I'm using the fire! It's dangerous!
Just a little bit! Just a little bit!
“Oh, no!”
Fuyou-san, who couldn't resist by going berserk because she was cooking and was writhing lightly, eventually sighed and maturely accepted the situation.
'Hah …… only for 10 seconds.'
Isn't Fuyo-san too nice?
The most important thing to remember is that you can't find a more wonderful woman in the world.
Fuyou-san turned around with a mischievous and provocative smile on her face.
''Oh, dear? You just realized it now?”
'No, I realized it again. Derekchi is cute. ……”
Don't call me Derekchi! I'm not derechi!”
How can I describe this without calling it derechi?
I'm done because 10 seconds have passed. I don't care if the omelette is burnt. You can continue later.
“Hey. I'm going to prepare the dishes.
I'm sorry to leave but I'm going to leave Fuyou-san. The most important thing is that you should not be afraid to use the product. I'm going to enjoy the hugs later.
The omelet is ready, and the hot, steaming freshly cooked eggs are placed on the plate.
Bon appétit!
Bon appétit!
A quick bite. As I bit into the hot, fudgy, and chewy egg, I could feel the delicious flavor spreading in my mouth. It is filling and filling, and the seasoning is exquisite. The cold omelet that came in my lunch box was delicious, but the freshly made, hot omelet was exceptional, far better than I had imagined.
How do you like it? Delicious?”
–It's so good!
Yes, it is. Good.”
I felt that if I opened my mouth to answer, the deliciousness would escape, so I kept my mouth agape like a child and shook my head to show how delicious it was. I'm not sure what to do with the rest of the food, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
–I'm sorry. I want to admire Fuyou-san's smile, but right now the omelet is too delicious, so can I just focus on eating it?
I'm so engrossed in eating that I'm mute, crunching and munching away. Fuyo-san kept looking at that with a benevolent and happy expression on her face.
▼ ▼ ▼
“It was delicious…… seriously delicious……!”
After lunch, as I lay on my bed relaxing and reminiscing about the taste of the omelet, Fuyou-san, who was nestled snugly in my arms, looked back at me with a dumbfounded expression.
How many times have you heard that? I'm getting tired of hearing it.
She exhaled heavily, but she didn't seem to be too full of it. I could see that she was trying her best to hold back the smile that was about to drop out of her mouth.
I'm not tired of hearing it, but she's just embarrassed, right? Well, I can't help but feel like I've muttered it at least 20 times.
I hug Fuyou from behind on the bed and whisper in her ear as I bury myself in her neck.
'Because it was delicious,…… and I'll pay for all the ingredients and the food and everything, so will you make me omelette every day?
The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good time.
I'm sure you'll get tired of it every day. I'll make it for you once in a while, and you'll have to put up with it.
I don't care if it's only once in a while. ……
The most important thing to remember is that you don't have to spend a lot of time and effort to make a good product.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't just go out and buy any one of these items and expect to get a great deal. Miso soup, curry, hamburgers, and many other dishes, there are so many dishes I would like to try. Maybe I should ask him next time.
In return, please let me try Haku's cooking next time.
I'm not good at this! I'm not good at this! I always leave it to Hanao-san and Renuka-sis.
I don't care. I'm not sure if this is a cooking class for Fuyou-san.
Fuyou-san's cooking class? …… that's possible too. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to afford to pay for it.
But I want to look a little better, so I'll help out at home.
'By all means, please! This summer vacation is going to be fulfilling. Ah! Fuyou, since we're here, why don't we go on a trip? Like a trip to the beach or a hot spring?
“A trip to the hot springs?
The word “hot springs” makes Fuyou's eyes light up.
I'm going to go! I'm going! I think one night …… or even two nights is no problem!
The first thing you need to do is to find a good place to live. Fuyo-san is very enthusiastic about it.
Is it bad?
No, not at all. No, not at all. Then, it's decided! I'm looking forward to it!
Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Hey, Haku, don't you think a trip to a hot spring would increase the number of situation plays in the app? Don't you think there will be more situation play in the app if we take a trip to the hot springs?
“Yes, indeed! There are a lot of hot springs and inns in pornography. Then, there might be more at the beach or pool.
Then we could always go to the hot springs! I want to go on a hot spring vacation right now! I want to go on a hot spring vacation right now!
He is unusually excited. The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your money is to make the most out of it.
If it had been the Fuyo-san before, she must have refrained from doing so because it would cost a lot of money. But now that she has more money and time on her hands, she is starting to be more honest about her desires, going on dates and thinking about hot spring trips. It's a good change.
But if it's situation play, you'll have to have sex with me, right?
What's the problem? I was going to, wasn't I?
Oh, oh …… I see. ……
I was so embarrassed to be told that without any hesitation. I'm embarrassed to say it!
As expected of the cool beauty Fuyo-san.
She suddenly turns red like a maiden and whispers in a whisper while turning her head away.
I'm basically always ready for sex. ……
'Duh…that's it! I'm saying you can have sex with me anytime you want!
Oh, oh …… so if I say I want to do it now ……?”
–I'm not sure what you mean by that, but I'm sure you're right.
The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the best out of your car is to make sure that you have the right car.
–I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a look at the pictures and expect to be able to see the same thing. I'm so horny at her downcast, sullen appearance that the beast of desire that's been sleeping deep in my heart awakens.
Fuyou's body is rapidly becoming conscious of you. The black hair that falls smoothly from her shoulders. The glossy line of her neck and collarbone. The sweet scent of Fuyou's fragrance fills your lungs.
Her body temperature is hot, her skin is soft, and I feel happy and comfortable with the sure weight of her relaxed body against mine.
And most of all, her bold and sexy breasts that I can see over her shoulders! My eyes are glued to her beautifully shaped cleavage and the erotic strap of her blue macaroni cord bra.
Hey, Haku?”
Fuyou-san turns around suddenly. The eyes, hot and moist with anticipation and shame, twinkle and twinkle, and the glossy lips weave sweet, short, seductive words.
Do you want to?