Chapter 377 – The Holy Sword and Everyday Life (5)
Quickly walking, we faced a sight we had never seen before. At the entrance of the guild, something similar to a defense line had been spread out.
Of course, it is not an organized form like that of the military. A few adventurers gathered seemed to be in a party unit, but it still felt like a central heating.
In front of him, the corpses of ants were full of corpses, as if he had already gone through several battles.
“Huh? Look at that.”
As if the wave of ants hadn’t ended, sporadic battles were still taking place here and there.
I discovered a surprising fact while observing a colony of ants.
These guys. Are you using the same strategy you used on me?
The ant’s strategy was much more systematic than I thought.
The worker ant rushes in first and draws attention.
Even the adventurers easily defeated worker ants, but the problem was the soldier ants.
Where the worker ants struggle, the soldier ants rush in, and the soldier ants hold on to the adventurer as if it doesn’t matter what happens to their body, and hang on and lose. Be it weapons, shields, or armor.
And the last one to step out is the male ant.
Taking advantage of the gap where the gaze is driven by the soldier ants, it attacks from the sky.
These guys can strategize on insects?
The male ant itself wasn’t a very strong monster, but the strategy for taking advantage of the gap was a problem.
The good news is that the battle is over soon.
The Holy Sword returned to the sword and sent a message.
[There is another one over there. ]
I thought it was the finishing stage, but the next wave was rushing in.
“It looks dangerous… “
As Yuri said.
The ants were busily gathering, but did not attack. As if waiting for the numbers to kick in.
Even if you look at the defense troops who are supposed to stop it, they look very tired from being scratched and injured here and there.
I just couldn’t let it go.
It wasn’t a matter of recognition, it was because the only way to get to the entrance of the dungeon was to break through the ants.
There is also a way to wait until the battle is over, but if you leave it as it is, the defending troops will definitely take a lot of damage. Maybe lose If so, we might be the ones to be chased by the ants next.
“Yu, Yujin. How do I do it? Accelerating, bypassing the ants, and merging with them…”
“… No, wait.”
I suddenly had an idea.
“What are you doing?”
“Wait a minute.”
After taking out the arrow from the inventory, tie the divine liquid potion used before to the end.
It’s not a complex item like the syringe arrow that was used to turn goblins into familiars. Just enough to break the test tube.
“A male ant. Can you guess?”
When I pointed out the arrow, Yuri made a troubled face.
“Are you going to make me a familiar again? It won’t be as easy as last time. We’ll do anything for the first few, but we’re not sure if they’re headed in our direction.”
Yuri seemed to know what to say. Unlike terrestrial animals that stick to the ground, it means that flying animals are difficult to deal with because they perform three-dimensional maneuvers. Even more, if there are many of them, it will be even more dangerous.
“No, nothing like that.”
I could use holy fluid to turn monsters into familiars, but I didn’t have enough divine potions, and I didn’t have the time to make them. But I have another way.
“I do not care. If you don’t get eaten, you can run away. And maybe it will work.”
“…If you say so. When do you shoot?”
“Right now.”
At my words, Yuri shot an arrow straight up.
A group of male ants looking for the right moment to intrude. An arrow was stuck in the belly of one of the dogs.
The guy broke away from the pack and he circled around. He looked as if he was looking for where he was attacking.
But after a while, he shivered in the air as if something was wrong with his body…
As expected. The ant’s stomach burst. The male ant just exploded in the air.
“To be like that because of the divine power, uh, undead? But the special energy…”
“No. It’s not like that. Anyway, got the way. Listen carefully from now on.”
I quickly explained the operation.
“Yuri, now!”
At my signal, Yuri fired an arrow with unstoppable momentum.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t hit all of them. The important thing is to turn off the aggro of the male ants.
After some arrows went through, they finally found us.
Come to think of it, ants have the intelligence to distinguish between large and small numbers.
Perhaps because of the small number of us, it was worth trying, so they flew at us.
“Lenny! Now!”
Immediately, a bluish shield spread in front of me, and male ants began to ram their heads into it.
If these guys calmly cling to the barrier like this, Lenny might be able to try compressing it with the second barrier like before.
But they didn’t have wings for nothing.
The male ants gnawed their jaws at the barrier and, perhaps realizing that it was useless, flew up again and began to bump their bodies.
If we wait like this, the adventurers defending the entrance to the dungeon might come to help after dealing with the soldier ants.
But I had my own way.
An invisible hand that was laid out in advance outside the range of protection.
I hit the flying male ants with maximum pleasure. You don’t even need to hold on to it. A short touch enough to bet on pleasure is enough.
-Pop. Pop. Pop.
As the ants’ stomachs exploded, clear bodily fluid flowed from the shields.
After defeating the male ants like that, the remaining ants were being finished off by the adventurers.
[I don’t think there are any more. ]
Only after the holy sword was scanned, we could barely catch our breath and head to the dungeon’s entrance. Of course, the Holy Sword guy immediately humanized at the point he was convinced that there were no monsters.
“What happened?”
Sure enough, as if Yuri couldn’t stand her curiosity of her, she asked right away.
“Well, it’s simple. It’s using the habits of ants.”
I told Yuri, who had a curious face on her face, about what I had seen in her documentary her before.
The male ant dies immediately after mating with the princess ant in a marriage flight.
In the world of insects, dying after reproduction is not unusual.
Normally, females die after laying eggs, and males die after completing their semen shuttle role. In the case of male praying mantises, they are sometimes eaten.
Male ants die likewise when semen delivery is over, and what is interesting is the way they do it.
When the male ant finishes delivering semen to the princess ant,
Your genitals explode and you die!
Truly an explosive fortune teller. The explosion itself.
“…So I hit them with pleasure and made them think they were copulating.”
“It’s really amazing….”
“Such information is not in the database… Should I put it in?”
Lenny and the holy sword were admiring faces. Umm, I feel like I know a little bit about why so many different worlds are filled with knowledge. Shrugging your shoulders
However, Yuri, who should have been most curious, had a somewhat cautious face. Yuri hesitated and said.
“By any chance, are you interested in insects… ? That, that way… ?”
No, damn it! This guy seems to be looking at people as Chungganler…!
“Take no interest! It was amazing, so I just remembered what I saw! It’s amazing how they explode after reproductive life!”
“Ah, no matter how amazing it is, to find and see something like that… “
“There are many media in our world that show such novelties!”
“What’s wrong with that world…?”
I want to let this guy experience YouTube.
If you go through YouTube’s mysterious algorithm, you’ll find yourself wanting to know a lot about things you didn’t pay much attention to.
Honestly, how could I endure without clicking on content that feeds poisonous mushrooms to mealworms!
“Miss Yuri. But Yujin-ssi knows a lot of that knowledge, so she can go back safely like this.”
Also Lenny. You are the only one…
As I was almost at the entrance of the dungeon while saying such nonsensical things, a certain female adventurer approached me.
A little stocky physique with her brown hair.
Others sit down to rest or tend to their injuries, but this woman appears to be fairly well except for the ant’s bodily fluids on her. She has an atmosphere as if she were a representative. Are you the boss?
“These are the people who took care of the male ants. It has been very helpful.”
The woman wiped off her white bodily fluids and held out her hand to me.
Damn, I just said something about semen, but I have to shake hands with the person wearing it.
It’s terrible to be older!
Neither Lenny nor Yuri looked at me without stepping out.
….Okay. I’m the party leader. Damn!
I held hands, trying not to sound offended.
“Are you from the Lamia clan?”
“Yes that’s right. You seem to know.”
Can you not know I proudly embroidered my guild mark on one side of my pauldron.
“If it’s Lamia Clan, Tina-san’s…”
Lenny’s murmur. The woman heard Lenny’s murmur and looked over us.
“Ah, are you by any chance the ones who did the quest with Tina a while ago?”
“Yes, well, yes.”
In response to my answer to her, the woman looked at me with eyes that seemed to evaluate me for some reason, and she gave me a small smile.
“…My name is Millia. Again, thank you for your help.”
Milia greeted her like that, then she gave a small nod and went back to her party.
Yuri looked at her back and muttered as if he didn’t like her.
“… That woman, doesn’t she look very arrogant?”
“Out of many, many clans, it seemed like it was natural for them to know their own clan. A bit unlucky…”
“Yuri, you can’t say things like that carelessly!”
Did you feel that way? Well, it seems that there is something similar to the secret pride that is unique to large corporations.
While chatting like that, we passed the entrance of the dungeon and entered the guild, holding our breath.
The inside of the guild was not the same as usual.
It’s still messy, but the atmosphere is bad. It was full of the smell of blood, and there were a lot of coats in one corner.
Should I say it looks like a makeshift ward?
There seemed to be quite a few people because of the waves of the ants.
“Didn’t I tell you that the guards cannot be allowed in!”
“Isn’t the situation different now? The damage is increasing, so how long are you going to be doing the rules?”
On one side, the receptionist and a man who looked like a soldier were arguing.
What is all this about?
When I went to the reception desk to report on my return her, Rize seemed to have a bad look on her face her.
“Oh, Eugene! You are back.”
Before I could say anything, Lize jumped up, crossed the reception desk, and grabbed Lenny’s hand her.
“If the dungeon line is over today, could you help me a little? As you can see, there is a shortage of priests for treatment right now. Of course, I will make a case.”
Is it? Certainly, as Rize said, there seemed to be few priests.
“! “
I realized.
Come to think of it, a rumor spread that if you masturbate in the bathroom at the church headquarters, your divine power increases. Then why are there no priests…
These priests weren’t in the dungeon because they were busy messing around!
All of a sudden, the timing overlaps with the ant wave!
Yes, it’s no wonder Rize is in such a bad mood. Since Rize is a receptionist, she probably knows a lot of rumors.
“Uh hmm, hmm. Well, priests are people too. There must be a desire to increase divine power. The timing was really bad.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“In the church headquarters bathroom…”
Rize was a completely unfamiliar face. Somehow, it seems I’ve stumbled upon it.
“Hmm. Hmm. What happened?”
Rize glanced at Lennie. He seems to be hesitating whether or not to speak in front of Lenny.
But after looking at the place where the wounded were gathered, he started talking with a sigh.