Chapter 484 – Goddess (7)
Hmm, this is so embarrassing.
Looking at the inspector kneeling right in front of me with tears streaming down my face, I feel embarrassed and don’t know what to do.
I was angry just a moment ago, but seeing him cry with such joy on his face makes me think that something has been resolved, but I didn’t expect such an emotional reaction.
This woman’s memories may have been cut off when she fainted after being hit with an electric pinker, but in fact, there was more to it than that.
First, I gave this woman a hypnotic drug, woke her up, and interrogated her.
As in a hypnotic movie, ‘From now on, you will absolutely obey my words!’ It is not used in the same way. In the first place, the hypnotic medicine given by the witch was effective only for a short period of time, and as time passed, the effect disappeared completely, so it could not be used in that way.
So what I did by administering hypnotic drugs was to find out what the inspector was hiding.
I first asked what was happening in the church and whether the inspector was involved in it or not.
Fortunately, the inspector general was not on the same side as the church, so there was no need for me to be hostile.
So the question is how do I get this woman to not drag me along, but here she is being blunt, and she tried to throw a cheat once.
Since I am acting on a mission from the goddess, can you leave me to act alone?
Then, despite her hypnotic state, the woman burst into anger that was truly unexpected.
They say things like, “Don’t talk nonsense,” “There is no such thing as an apostle of the goddess,” “There are so many bad people in the world, but the goddess doesn’t even blink,” But in the end, there is no such thing as a goddess!
All the kids froze at that unconventional remark.
“Wow… Wow… I think I just heard something very dangerous…”
“Greatness. Well, shouldn’t I just pretend I didn’t hear it? This person seems to have said this because the medicine was effective… Isn’t this something he would never have said if he was in his right mind? So we have to pretend it never happened…”
Hmm. The kids were breaking into a cold sweat as if they had just heard a really loud noise. I’m not sure because I’ve lived in a world where there is no such thing as a god.
Surprisingly, it was Leni who came forward to protect him.
“I think I understand what he’s saying…”
It’s not that she didn’t have divine power like he did, but since the goddess didn’t respond, she became something of a non-believer.
“Hehe… You mean you can empathize with that person?”
“Not to that person, but to some extent…”
“I don’t know if it’s okay for priests to do this.”
Leni was startled by Yuri’s muttering.
“Well, I never doubt it anymore!”
“You had a suspicion?”
“Stop saying profanity!”
My head hurts as I listen to the two of them talking. Ariel frowned and looked at me, probably feeling the same way.
“What are you going to do now? This person seems to have come to the conclusion that the goddess does not exist. So I think it would be impossible to persuade with ability.”
I grabbed Ariel’s head with both of her hands and pulled her forehead from side to side with my thumbs. If you leave this guy alone, he will definitely create vertical wrinkles on his forehead.
“Ugh, wait, okay, stop!”
“Just stay still.”
I played with Ariel’s forehead and rolled her head.
So, even if you show this inspector the abilities and buffs she received from the goddess, she won’t be impressed.
Because she has become a patient with the suspicion that the goddess does not actually exist.
What a patient. It started out as a hypnosis film, but when did the genre change to a psychotherapy film?
And we also need to treat the bizarre symptom called Goddess distrust.
“Just do it in moderation, right?”
“Mr. Eugene…”
When Ariel came to her senses at the sound of the kids pounding, her eyes were slightly turned upward. Her mouth is open like a fool.
Hmm. It seems like I unconsciously dissolved it with a scalp massage. Well, it hasn’t been a day or two since I’ve played with children’s bodies, so in a way, it might be natural.
I handed Ariel over to Rebecca, who had her face scrunched up, and took out her holy sword.
It wasn’t that there wasn’t a way to think of it.
The simplest way to break a strong belief is to give it a first-hand experience.
If you believe that the Earth is flat, the surest way to destroy it is to throw it out of the Earth. The most powerful way to shatter the illusions of those who believe in the moon landing hoax is to send them to the moon.
Likewise, if she thinks there is no goddess, all she has to do is show her a goddess.
And I had a way to show the goddess.
[Incarnate body descends]
Before I knew it, the percentage had risen to 100 percent.
The conditions for increasing the skill operation rate of Incarnation Descent could not be accurately determined even from the status window. However, I was just guessing that it would go up every time I defeated one boss level.
However, even after dealing with the mind-contaminating tentacle monster I encountered in the dungeon, it still stopped at 80%, so I wondered if there were other conditions, but before I knew it, it had reached 100%.
Perhaps the final trigger was the one that neutralized the owner of the arena called Camilla.
Then why didn’t the percentage increase when I defeated that tentacle monster? Wasn’t that guy the root of all evil? Or is he still alive?
Well, it’s probably no use thinking any further at this point. The answer is to call the goddess and ask her.
So I roughly explained to the kids what to do next and woke up the inspector.
And now, the incarnation has descended before the eyes of this inspector full of distrust.
The descent of the incarnation was a little different from what I thought.
It’s just that the Holy Sword has a somewhat flashy effect. It’s a bonus that something like a strange ring of light came to mind.
What should I say? Considering that the conditions for skill utilization rate are strict, isn’t it a bit dull…?
-Then what did you expect?
Well. I thought something like lights and angels would appear from the sky, accompanied by grand hymns that you might hear in church. Or at least the strangely tired-looking goddess we met before appears in person.
-… You’re the only one who treats me this poorly. Look around.
At those words, I turned my gaze away from the Holy Sword.
As expected, my kids had a different attitude from me. Everyone was kneeling and looking at the holy sword with faces full of awe.
In particular, the inspector was so filled with joy that he was shedding tears. Are you the person who was so angry just a moment ago? Why is this skill more hypnotic than hypnotic medicine?
-Hypnosis. It’s funny to say it out of my own mouth, but you should have more respect… That’s it. Strangers can’t help it. Actually, I didn’t even expect it.
Hmm. How dare you show respect so openly. Why is it too much for a goddess…
Oh no. Should I just say it’s a bit more friendly?
-… Whew.
The goddess sighed briefly.
-You’ve said this before, right? The image I show to you is optimized to be easy for you to accept. So it’s natural that they look friendly.
Hmm. I see.
That’s not what it means. Other than that it looks familiar to me.
What I’m saying is that for a transcendent being called a god, he seems a bit odd in personality.
When I think about it, there was a time in the past when I didn’t really understand the status window and quests because I had just come to this world. At that time, you made a few blasphemous remarks, but didn’t you behave quite childishly by criticizing those around you? As expected, the Goddess of Mothsaeng…
Although I couldn’t see it, I could feel the pressure towards me. I have to stop continuing this topic for now.
-Well thought out. If I had said one more thing there, I wouldn’t have let it go.
Well, I see. But how are we talking now?
As I thought that, a goddess appeared before my eyes.
“It’s been a long time.”
The goddess still looked tired. Still, I wore a decent dress instead of a tattered suit like before.
Now that you think about it, did I say that the appearance of the goddess is shown in a way that is easy for me to recognize? Does the fact that it doesn’t look as tattered as before mean that things have changed in some way?
But I couldn’t think deeply about that part. Because the problem wasn’t the goddess.
As the goddess appeared, I became separated from space and time. I could only express it that way.
Obviously the kids were next to me. You can see it with your eyes, and you can reach it with your arms. Looking at it rationally, my instincts were telling me there was no way I could reach it.
I was dumbfounded and turned around to see me holding a knife behind me with a bewildered look on my face.
What is this… Out of body?!
For some reason, no matter how hard I stretched out my hand, I couldn’t reach it. Did I become a spirit body?!
“Goddess?! What is happening now?! Did I die because I used a skill incorrectly?!”
The goddess was looking at me with a pitiful face.
“A barrier was placed in space for a moment. This is to have as little impact as possible on the present world. “I’ll take it back when the story is over, so you don’t have to worry.”
“Heh, heh. I see…”
“So, why did you use the skill? “It didn’t seem like a situation worth interfering with using the incarnate body.”
“Hmm. “That is.”
I explained to the goddess her general situation. Then the goddess made a subtle expression.
“Okay. The bottom line is that they didn’t have the confidence to convince even one person, so they called me in.”
“No, don’t look at me so pathetically… Monsters and other monsters can be solved by just defeating them, but there really is no answer for this. The reason I can’t communicate is that it doesn’t seem like even a single needle will go in. Have you never heard that the will of one person can bring down an empire? “I’m more scared of being dragged by this woman than of monsters.”
“Because if I get carried away by this child, she can’t have sex anymore?”
“What do you think of me?”
Honestly, if it’s just for the sex itself, wouldn’t it be okay if she was attracted to this woman?
Assuming my abilities were revealed to the public, I only thought of a bad future, but that could not have been the case. Summoners were basically treated as VIPs. If I wanted to, I could have picked a noble lady and picked her.
I ran away because I thought I might be subjected to something like gay sex, but when I think back, I think I had some kind of victim mentality at the time. The status window awakening was delayed, and that’s why the royal family kicked him out for only 1 gold.
“If sex itself was the goal, they would have locked him up and trained him. But doesn’t the goddess know that that’s not what I want?”
“… I tried to make a joke.”
It didn’t seem like a joke at all. Are you giving it back to me like this because I said it was a bit rude earlier? I’m glad this goddess doesn’t appear in public. If that were the case, all faith would have disappeared due to this petty personality.
“So, how could it not work?”
At my words, the goddess looked at me blankly and said.
“… I think your concerns have already been resolved.”
No how? It doesn’t even look like anything was done, but it’s already been resolved?
“Then is it safe to assume that this woman, the inspector general, will not tackle me in the future?”
“It depends on what you do next.”
“No, what…”
I tried to summon a difficult skill, but there was no quick solution.
As she looked at him with displeasure, the goddess let out a small sigh.
“Getting this child to trust you is another matter. Still, I think the most fundamental problem has been solved.”
“I’d better show it to you in person.”
As soon as those words were finished, an image came to me.
From the inspector’s point of view, why did this woman become such a non-believer and how did she regain her faith?
It was only then that I could properly recognize the name Serena.
“Uh, um… I see. So, the goddess was actually watching everything.”
The goddess nodded her head as she looked at her inspector.
What the goddess did was reassure the priest who doubted God that she had not abandoned him. She never forced me to trust her.
Still, that’s enough. The biggest problem with Serena’s persuasion was doubting the existence of the goddess.
In some ways, it is a very touching scene. It was the scene where a pessimistic priest witnessed a miracle and regained his faith.
But it didn’t really resonate with me. To me, the goddess was not an object to be worshiped, but merely a trading partner and a recipient of money. Maybe that’s why I had doubts about the part that Serena overlooked.
“Um… I don’t really understand. This divine power… Isn’t it actually just giving strength and then neglecting it?”
I got a glimpse of Serena’s mental image, and it seemed like the divine power was better used by bad guys for evil reasons.
It’s strange if you think about it.
Isn’t it an inappropriate name for divine power, since it is not given to good kids like Lennie who can’t even kill a single bug, but is instead used by bad guys?
The goddess looked at me with her mixed eyes.
“Originally, I had no intention of using divine power or anything like that.”
“Yes? Then why…”
“Because an uninvited guest came to this world.”
“What do you mean by that?”
The goddess remained silent.
There were many more things I was curious about. What was the monster I met in the dungeon? And why doesn’t the holy sword come out even when called…
No, it only ends once or twice.
When I think back, this goddess rarely made something clear to me. The trigger for catching and killing those so-called paraphiliacs was to force my dick to become erect.
But even this gets tiring at this point. Even though I used a skill with tremendous operating conditions, such as the summoning body descending, I can’t help but feel discouraged when he keeps his mouth shut and shows off uncooperatively…
“Great. “I’ll let you know.”
Only when I got impatient did the goddess open her mouth.
“This is going to be a bit of a long story.”