Chapter 59 – 59. Audience (5)
King of Laden, Porten Laden, is not a very important character in Rupan.
Of course, due to its location, it plays a big role in some events, but in terms of the overall importance of the main story, there is no significant performance.
Well, the same goes for kings of other countries.
However, it is treated as an important NPC with a separate modeling in the position of king.
King Porten Laden’s role in Chapter 1 of the main story serves to establish a contact with Adelia Laden, who can be said to be the main character of Chapter 1.
Originally, in Rupan, the protagonist accidentally encountered the Holy Water and reported it to the Adventurer’s Guild, and was invited to the royal palace to find out more information.
And while reporting to the king in the throne room, he comes into contact with Adelia Raden for the first time.
This time, Adelia came to visit first because of the rumor that arose because I sold Fraton’s body.
We explained to King Poten Laden what we had experienced.
After hearing my story, King Porten Laden was silent for a moment and then opened his mouth.
“I felt an ominous energy. Is it true?”
“Yes, that’s right.”
“Then they must be related…” ” .”
Porten Laden frowned while thinking.
Those mentioned here are the Chaos Church.
Subculture genre special.
First of all, if there is a group called some kind of denomination on the side of evil, most of the dark people are those.
This time, the corruption and runaway of Praton, the Holy Beast of Water, was caused by the Chaos Church’s tricks.
“I heard what you said. I must have been very surprised to have encountered something like that while investigating the rampage of monsters.”
“When you make a request, something unexpected is bound to happen, so I just accept it.”
“That’s bold. Anyway, thanks for talking. Hey, pay ’em.”
The soldiers came forward and handed us each a bag with money in it.
“It must have been inconvenient, but thank you for coming. Please accept it as a small gesture of kindness.”
“Thank you.”
There is no reason to refuse to give money.
As soon as the conversation was over, we left the throne room.
The reason Photon Laden called us in the first place was to gain more confidence by listening to our opinions after seeing it in person, even though there was already evidence in the form of photos.
Even in Lupan, Porten Laden talked to the protagonist for a while, gave him a small reward, and then immediately sent him away.
We followed Adelia Laden again and walked through the corridors of the royal castle to return to the academy.
While walking, when there were no other servants or knights around, Adelia Laden stopped, looked back at us, and called our names..
“Lee Si-han, Shu Yeon-hwa, Atsubal Genedic, Pamela.”
From main quest chapter 1 to fighting the main boss in chapter 1, it is not Photon Laden who gives us the quest.
“I have a favor to ask of you.”
She is the second princess of the Kingdom of Raden and is trying to solve the case with the main character she met through this contact.
“Please solve this case with me.”
The key character in Chapter 1 of the main story is Adelia Laden.
“Yes, yes?”
All other members reacted curiously to Adelia’s words her her her.
This is what it originally was.
It is clear that the Kingdom of Raden will actively try to resolve matters related to the holy water, which is considered sacred in the Kingdom of Raden.
However, it must be difficult to understand that Princess Adelia suddenly asks Raden Kingdom to solve the problem with her, rather than helping it.
When Adelia tried to explain her own reasons for her addition, she stopped her by showing her palm her her her to Adelia.
“I want you to talk about it when you return to the Fortis club room. It’s probably something you don’t want others to hear, right?”
I deliberately did it in a hallway where I couldn’t see the knights or servants.
Adelia, realizing my intention, nodded her head.
“… Sure.”
After taking the warp seat, we returned to Busil.
After closing the door to the room just in case, I asked Adelia.
“So. Why are you asking us to help you? Even if we don’t help, the kingdom’s knights and soldiers will take care of solving the case on their own.”
“… That’s why.”
Adelia clenched her fists and slightly lowered her head as if she were indignant.
“Abama will certainly have the soldiers investigate this case. But… I cannot intervene in that investigation. No, Abama will not let me interfere.”
“Wow, since you’re the princess, aren’t you asking me to do something like an investigation?”
When Pamela asked cautiously, Adelia shook her head.
“No, that is not the reason. It is because the Chaos Church is involved in this incident. My father, His Majesty King Porten Laden… He does not want me to be involved in the slightest with the Chaos Church.”
After a moment of silence, Adelia exhaled and spoke.
“My older sister. This is because the first princess, Adeline Raden, passed away while solving a case involving the Chaos Church. Since then, Abamama has been trying to drop me if I become involved with the Chaos Church.”
“That’s what happened. Surely you can’t put Adelia, the second princess, in danger when you’ve lost the first princess. You’re the only remaining heir to the Kingdom of Raden right now, right?”
“Yes. So, I understand that Abama is taking such measures. But… !”
Adelia looked at us with her strong will in her eyes.
“I can’t just stay like this. I can’t live under Abama’s protection forever. I can’t stand by and watch the Chaos Church that took the life of my sister, whom I respect more than anything… My sister Adeline!”
Adelia trembled with anger and trembled.
“And this time… I have extended my magical power to Praton, the holy water beast that is the symbol of Raden! No matter how much I understand Abamama’s desire to protect me, as the second princess of Raden, I cannot give up on this matter!”
The incident occurred when Adelia was young.
Porten Laden, who lost her eldest daughter at that time, took a very overprotective attitude towards Adelia when only the Chaos Cult was involved.
Adelia is dissatisfied with that, and she wants to prove that she is not a child who must always be protected, and that she is a daughter who can reassure her parents, so she asks the protagonist to cooperate. .
Since the disappearance of 1st Princess Adeline occurred when Adelia was still young, she was already old enough, and she continued to be overprotective for several years, so it could be said that the buildup exploded.
“Indeed. I got it.”
Atsubal, who had been silent without speaking a word, walked forward and spoke.
“Adelia Laden. So you… Do you want to ‘break away’ from the protection of your father, Porten Laden?”
“Get in, get rid of it?”
“You want to escape from the protection of your parents who have been protecting you so tightly but also imprisoning you! You want to spread your wings!”
“Uh… Um, okay.”
“Of course! I also know how you feel. My parents, who conceived me and brought me into the world, also showed me excessive protection and attention. Of course, now I am someone who has ‘escaped’ from excessive attention by proving myself to those parents. “
“Is that so?”
“From my experience, if King Porten Laden finds out about your actions now, he will be furious. He will most likely stop you.”
“I guess so. If you were Abama, you would stop me.”
“But! A person cannot grow if he or she is always in the arms of his or her her, her parents her, her her! Rather, one must proudly ‘rebel’ against that protection and show oneself! I respect that action of yours!”
“Artsval Genedic…”
Adelia is looking at Atsval with a slightly moved gaze.
For your information, I desperately suppressed my laughter while listening to Atsubal’s story.
That’s because they say in such a long way that they fell away from their parents, but looking at Atsubal’s relationship story, it’s impossible to think that’s the case.
Indeed, Atsbal’s parents love her very much and call her Atsu~.
Atsubal is still embarrassed by his parents’ response to him, who treats him like a cute child.
For your information, the treason that Atsubal is talking about means that she was not allowed to commute from her home after enrolling, but that she was allowed to live in the academy dormitory.
I felt like I would burst out laughing if I continued to let Atsubal talk, so I decided to take the lead and proceed with the story.
“I understand your situation. But why are you asking us for help? I’m sure there are others who could ask for something else.”
“… Nothing.”
“If you ask the soldiers of the kingdom, it will definitely reach Abama’s ears. However, if you ask a cadet from Laden who has ties to me… It will be the same.”
“Hmm, so you’re asking us for a favor?”
“Yes. Moreover, not only did you meet the Holy Beast of Water once, but you also inflicted great damage on the Holy Beast of Water. You can be trusted with your skills.”
“Hot! You know our skills well!”
“Since we caused great damage to the Holy Water Beast, does this also include the possibility that the Holy Water Water Beast, which is currently in a strange state, may be targeting us?”
“There is that too.”
“Huh?! Are we being targeted by our Holy Water?”
“Well, Shihan cut off the lower half of his body. Won’t he take revenge if he finds out?”
“If holy water or anything else comes, you can’t just stand still!”
Adelia said, placing her hand on her own heart.
“I am also confident in my skills. I have trained myself so as not to be embarrassed as the successor to the Kingdom of Raden. It will definitely be helpful when dealing with the Holy Beast of Water.”
She pretended to think for a moment, paused, looked at her members, and asked.
“What are your opinions?”
“Well, if Mr. Shihan doesn’t mind…”
“It’s okay with me, too. If Porten Laden interrogates Adelia, she can just say that there is no problem and that she requested cooperation. That’s okay, right, Adelia?”
“Of course. If Abama asks you, please say so.”
“The next time I see holy water, I will overwhelm you! Haha!”
Since no one refused, I saw Adelia again.
“Everyone agrees. I will accept your request.”
“Thank you.”
“However, there is a condition.”
“Conditions? What are the conditions?”
I took out the paper I had prepared for this occasion from my inventory.
“Please sign this and return it to the Cadet Counseling Center so that your activities with us will not be questioned.”
“Is this… A group membership application form?”
“If we are in the same group, there will be no problem in acting together.”
“I guess so. I understand.”
Adelia received the group application right away without any doubts.
“We also have ink and pen, so you can write right there on that table.”
Adelia immediately put her name on her group application form.
‘It was good.’
With this, Adelia also became a member of Fortis.
Now all that’s left is to analyze how Adelia applies her skills in this world and guide her to make corrections if she applies them in the wrong way like Atsubal.
‘Repeat training and sparring so that you can use your skills faster and more skillfully.’
“What is it? Why do I suddenly have chills… ?”
Welcome, Adelia.
To my Fortis group.