Chapter 1200 – Strength
“I’m ah ahhhhh!!!!!!!!”
Haha! You must have been a fan of mine! I’ll sign for you, so bring me something!”
An ardent mother-in-law fan.
As expected, Michael Jackson Kim Katt was alive and well.
Even if I were like me, Seol Woon-do, who created the immortal song Compass, would have reacted similarly if he had landed in front of me while flying in the sky. Imagine. The great teacher calling the compass while flying powerfully.
If that’s the case, of course this kind of reaction… No.
Not to the same extent.
You can do shit to the extent that it circles the earth a few times while flying in circles without hitting a ball. It’s not even worth saying that screaming while tearing one’s hair in an inhuman way is the basic of basics.
“Gee uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh oh goose yeeeee!!!”
The old woman, who had been roaring like a drugged goose, crawled with difficulty and entered the roof door in front of her. She moved on all fours and went downstairs.
“Where’s the autograph?”
“In this outfit!!!!!!!!!!”
I scribbled ink right away and signed the clothes she was wearing. She screamed maniacally and tore her hair out with her eyes closed. Is this really that good, human?
Yes what
I can do anything like this.
‘Cause I don’t care
If you are my fan, you are welcome.
I’ll give you an autograph, so come visit me when I’m begging for time. Anyone is welcome.
Anyway, after signing like that.
“So goodbye!!!!”
Just shaking her hand, he spurred the ground and soared high into the sky.
“Uh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!”
I heard the sobbing of a half-mad woman down there… Michael Jackson! How many people went crazy when he gave a concert in Romania!
The Heavenly Horse Kim Katt has become such a man!
That’s how I became such a man!!!
I greeted the people looking up at me as I trampled the sky over the capital city.
“Hello everyone!!!!!! It’s Heavenly Demon Kim Cut!!!!!!!!!!”
Extreme flight.
It is interesting.
Flying in the sky was so damn fun. In the meantime, although I claimed to be the immediate disciple of the Wright brothers, I hadn’t been able to fly in the true sense.
But not anymore.
I have completely surpassed the Wright Brothers.
Not just the psychological aspect.
Reality too.
And the truth too.
And again… The cruel reality too.
With the creation of the airplane by the Wright brothers, humanity has risen to a higher level, but unfortunately fighters and bombers have also been born. Yes. An airplane is… After all, a serial killer weapon with formidable power.
Therefore, all air force academies around the world revere the Wright brothers as saints and reapers. It is also common for cadets to compete by dividing sides into adults and Shinigami. Whatever it is, they have a precise understanding of the fundamental concept of airplanes, just like people who handle airplanes all their lives.
Irresistible violence.
A flying embodiment of destruction.
An artificial great demon created by human hands and ascended to heaven…!
Since ancient times, the sky has been a very sacred and holy thing. It was a perforation that was never allowed to humans. But in the end. Humans have violated the sacred sky by the legendary brothers, the Wright Brothers!
Daedalus and Icarus are steel planes that cannot even be compared to these new-winged bastards!!! The wings of wax and feathers created by the Greeks could not withstand even the sun and melted down, but iron-blooded planes made of steel later advanced into space!!!!
With it!!!
By attacking the sky with that iron-blooded invincible plane!!!
“Man’s evil malice has awakened!!!”
That wickedness is the extreme violence that humans have had in their hearts since the beginning of time!!!
A destroyer that soars through the sky and scatters death!!! That’s an airplane in the true sense!! Wright Brothers!! You guys have created with your hands an evil demon god that should never exist!!!!!!
Primordial Sin!!!
“The power to become both a god and a demon!!!!”
A roar that bursts out.
Who can stop the great demon with a body of steel and flames of destruction!!!
“You guys created it, Brother Wright!!!!”
I scolded my inner Wright Brother! They were great, but not as scientists, but as heartless generals!!! Cruel greatness that can slaughter countless people!!!
By creating the airplane they became heartless!!!
“Now I am also like that!!!!!”
The power to be either a god or a demon.
Now I was such an airplane.
An extreme weapon in which all of humanity’s violence is concentrated.
The Artificial Great Demon God who ascended to heaven as the cruel wish of all people!!!
Such a monster that can destroy anything!!!
I got that right!
The Heavenly Demon reigns with violence and presses down everything…!
His name His is Kim Katt !!!
Now I am that!!!
All this power seething from the body. It was letting me know that I had that right. Destruction. Destroy again. And reign. Source plane. The malice of mankind that turned the Wright brothers into heartless generals. Extreme destructive power that is gathered, condensed, and exploded…!
ㅡ go oh
A rush of thoughts and realizations strikes my mind and brain. By flying through the skies of the capital using this true power, I realized the true nature of it.
An individual capable of exercising destruction itself.
The very concept of an airplane.
Laughter is heard
A space that transcends the general mind. I was looking at such a scenery while flying in the sky. ㅡWhere you go! The great demons of destruction with the name “Aircraft” Are flying from all sides.
“Keuhehe… Did you finally realize it, Kim Katt-kun?”
“You are the Wright Brothers!!!!!!!!!!”
The Wright brothers on an airplane flew beside me, raising his goggles to his forehead and talking to me.
“Have you finally realized the truth?”
This was Simma!
After an accident, I was consumed by my mind and summoned an illusion in front of my eyes!
“As Kim Katt-kun thought, the power that Kim Katt-kun possesses is the power of destruction and ruin. The artificial god we created. It’s a power no different from that of a Sangvis airplane.”
I couldn’t argue with that!
Isn’t that what I thought and realized just a moment ago!
“The kind of power that destroys and burns everything and reigns over it!!! Kim Katt-kun!! You are truly a great demon! The fact that you are flying in the sky like this right now proves it!!! Kim Katt -kun, aren’t you flying like an airplane I made? !!! Then you are the same as the airplane!!!”
ㅡ Kwaddeudeuk!
The Wright brothers, shimmering in front of their eyes, shouted as they transformed into terrifying figures. The goggles worn on the forehead change into the third and fourth eyes. The changed eyes were like those of a spider. The cigar he was biting into assimilated with his lips. Its mouth his was now shaped like a mosquito’s mouth.
ㅡ Pad de de de de de deuk!
ㅡKudeuk! Fast!
Not only that, but the plane he was riding grotesquely twisted and melted into a pile of flesh, becoming his torso.
Finally, the Wright brothers became flying monsters with grotesque monstrous faces.
First time I’ve heard of a bomber.
Seen by civilians, the unfortunate victims of war.
—-To burn and destroy everything.
It was the appearance of an evil demon god.
The Wright brothers, who became such monsters, said that I was not right. That’s you With that meaning in mind, he smiles wildly and twists.
Can’t argue
That’s true.
“Surely this is a mighty destructive force, Brother Wright! The evil power that reigns cruelly over all must be clear!!!”
“You know. Do you know!!!”
At my words, the Wright brothers exclaimed in delight. Now it felt like it was neither the Wright Brothers nor anything. Just… Wishing for the ruin of everything. It was just a savage force itself.
He was literally eaten up by his power, but he was a great drinker !!!
A monster like a bomber wielded without qualifications!!!
“Eat it! Destroy it!
Mad cry.
“Like the atomic bomb made Hiroshima and Nagasaki hot spots for Wi-Fi!!!!”
It is indeed the devil’s whisper.
My power is the kind of destruction that guy said.
I will not be eaten by this evil force!!!
Do not destroy the innocent!!!
“I’m!!! I’m the occasion man!!!! I’m the love love entertainer Kim Katt!!! I’m the angel of love and the devil of love at the same time!!!”
What such a Kimkat will do is not destroy anything!
“What I will do in heaven is not to spread the violence of death!!!!”
Right away!!!
“It is to preach peace while singing love!!!”
If it’s the power to become a god or a demon.
I’m willing to choose God.
I will become a god and slaughter all those who chose the devil!!! Like a plane!! It’s just a bed for me now! I will shoot them all down!!!
“That’s the homework the Wright Brothers gave me!!!”
His long teachings penetrated time and space and stabilized my runaway mind. What he really wanted wasn’t fighters or bombers… Just. Love. It was love. The desire to quickly see someone further away. The hope of seeing your distant family right away tomorrow.
Airplanes are not the evil of mankind.
It is hope and love.
“Gone, specter of war! I have no need for bombers that are wielded unqualifiedly! I will spread love and peace in the world with my own power!!!”
So I scolded the false Wright Brothers who had become monsters.
“What is the power of the Great Demon God! I have love!!!”
Let’s shout that
The guy couldn’t say anything.
“…I promise next time, Kim Katt-kun.”
It just faded away.
“I’m inside you. Because I’m inside you, I know your true nature. You will eventually become the Great Demon of Destruction. I’ll be… Waiting for that time.”
Finally, the shape of the monster light brothers disappeared completely, and I was back to normal skies. I was still flying through the capital’s sky.
“This beautiful scenery is everything.”
These are the things I must keep.
“Let’s go to Jongno!!!!”
Sing love right away.
The horns should also be taken out.
“Let’s go to Myeong-dong!!!”
Spiritual growth.
As my heart soaked in violence melted cleanly, I felt it transform into the right power. My power is definitely the power of destruction. But in the end, it is the will of man that wields power. If only I had an upright will. And if there is love and fusion Confucianism.
This isn’t the power of an evil demon god.
It’s just the power of love and hope.
That was when I realized it.
“It was like that.”
The divine power dwelling in my body.
“Inner growth is like this.”
It started to combine with my mana.
The combination of blue mana and brilliant divine power completely transformed into mine, and that was the true power of the Heavenly Demon.
I could feel my mind and body becoming more mature and stronger.
Mental state of a true adult. Like Siddhartha Gautama, I also experienced spiritual growth.
This moment right now.
The four great saints of mankind were no longer the four great saints.
“Including me and Kim Katt.”
I am a 5 year old adult