856 – Elite Army, Elite Officers – 3
There are a total of five ‘department’-level departments under the Ministry of War. In some cases, including the Imperial Army, there are six, but in any case, there are five departments that are called departments.
The Army Department, which is in charge of the Army, the Navy Department, which is in charge of the Navy, the Special Department, which manages special forces such as knights and magicians, and the Veterans Affairs Department, which handles compensation for the dead, wounded, and veterans.
Finally, the most recently created department within the Ministry of War, the General Staff Department, the symbol of the commander-staff conflict that the Emperor had spoken of.
‘It’s a conflict between the commander and the staff.’
I am not an expert on the internal workings of the military, but after hearing the Emperor’s words, something immediately came to mind. What I do not know is the current state of affairs in the military, not history.
Originally, the empire, and furthermore, all the countries of the continent, tended to trust the judgment and ability of the commanders who went out to the field. If the central government interfered in this way or that, even a battle that was supposed to be won would be lost, and no matter how sacred the monarch was, he could not possibly have military knowledge superior to that of a veteran.
That is why the flower and symbol of the military was the commander. He went directly to the battlefield and commanded the soldiers, and if his ability was recognized, he became the commander of a whole front, and if he had outstanding political skills, he became the head of the military. This is the common route for commanders to rise in all countries.
But in the empire, this classic route began to creak about 100 years ago.
‘The commander’s monopoly has collapsed.’
A commander who was believed to be a symbol of the military without a doubt. A flowery path that must be walked to achieve success. This immutable common sense and truth was shaken by the appearance of the fantastic tyrannical line of the Livnoman royal family.
The reason was simple yet absurd. The tyrants wanted to install their own people in the military, so they created staff positions that did not exist before and madly increased the authority of the existing staff positions, which were like maids to the commanders.
The reason why he was not appointed to the commanding position but instead to the staff position is simple. The commanding position was already full, so he could not be appointed. However, the tyrants did not have the strength to oust the existing commanding officer and appoint one of their own.
‘Isn’t this natural, since it was originally a ploy for acquaintances and not to take control of the military?’
If those tyrants had their own cause and wanted to take control of the military for the imperial family and the empire, they would have dealt with the existing commanders without mercy. They would have sent their own people down as new commanders and strengthened their military power.
However, the tyrants did not do that. They simply wanted to give a fancy title to their friends and subordinates without any cause. They probably did not want to fight the military with such a light heart.
In this way, the imperial military was formed by the coexistence of the commander, who was a stone that was set in, and the staff, who was a stone that rolled in.
‘It was surprisingly effective.’
Surprisingly, the tyrant’s wild flailing resulted in a critical hit.
Unlike commanders who had to command soldiers in the field and make appropriate decisions at that time, staff members synthesized all information to make broader and deeper decisions. In fact, they were able to see things that could only be seen by being one step behind.
The strange situation where the power of the staff increased due to the tyrant’s friend play, which led to the improvement of the quality of the imperial army. Thanks to this, the staff was left untouched even when the remnants of the tyrant’s line were cleared out. The cause was strange, but the result was certain.
“We coexisted for bad reasons from the beginning, and the role of the staff became more prominent over time. How could we possibly get along well when the conflict continued like that?”
The emperor sighed softly and rubbed the back of his neck. It seemed as if he was tired just from saying this.
I understand. Even I, who failed to transfer to the military, was well aware of the conflict between the commander and the staff. It is difficult to say that it is simply a factional strife within the group, as the history is deep and the cause is so bizarre that it is impossible not to know. As time passed, the conflict did not fade away, but only grew stronger.
‘There was a time when the confrontation almost ended.’
In fact, when the first master of the craftsmanship won against the eastern kingdoms, the master of the craftsmanship was the ideal commander itself. How impressive it must have been for the commanders to see him crush the enemy’s heads with his own force and leadership.
Because of this, there was talk that commanders were once again lording over their staffs. Even if there were a hundred staffs, one capable commander could turn the war around, so how could a staff who just sits around and thinks be on the same level as the commanders?
It seemed that the internal conflict within the military would end with the victory of the commander, but Jeon Seung-gong, who had ascended to the position of deputy commander, secretly supported the staff. Jeon Seung-gong believed that the staff would be useful, so he prevented the staff from returning to being the commander’s maid.
If someone else had done that, there would have been a backlash, but what can you do?
‘If the Duke is being rude, then he must be rude.’
Even Jeon Seung-gong was a Seonggol commander who had been promoted through the classic commander route. From the commanders’ perspective, he was someone they could not express their dissatisfaction to.
How could they oppose the decision of Jeon Seung-gong, who was their senior and idol? And that too, soldiers, for whom obedience to orders was a virtue.
However, if the conflict had continued, it could have eventually exploded,
“In the name of the eternal blue sky! Burn the soul of the meadow!”
With the advent of Kagan, the conflict between commanders and staffs was forcibly ended. Conflicts like this are only done when you have the time, when you have life left in you. When you are about to lose, how can you afford to fight against your own side?
Because of this, the conflict between the commander and staff was temporarily suspended, and a sense of empathy was formed in dealing with the monster known as the Khagan, and relations were somewhat restored. How bizarre is it that the Khagan, who threatened the empire’s destiny more than anyone else, solidified the stability of the imperial army?
Of course, it was only a recovery from the past. The conflict that had lasted for 100 years was not something that even the Khagan could completely eliminate.
“Everyone is silent now because they accept the authority of their father-in-law. The commanders are silent out of respect for their senior father-in-law, and the staff members are silent out of respect for the father-in-law who pushed them forward.”
I could tell what would happen next without even hearing it. If the suppressor called Jeon Seung-gong were to disappear, the Imperial Army would once again fall into exciting internal strife. It would be a terrifying thing for the Emperor.
If you turn the happiness circuit as much as possible, Jeon Seung-gong’s successor will also gain the respect of the commander and staff, and will be able to properly embrace the two forces… Well. Honestly, who else but Jeon Seung-gong could achieve such a feat?
The title of Emperor’s father-in-law, the title of Duke, and his achievements as a soldier. He literally has it all. Who on earth could come as his successor to fill the void left by the Duke of Jeonseong? Even Prince Ewald from the Dukedom of Hablem would not be able to come.
“If only I had sent him to the military at that time…”
“No, it’s nothing. I’m just talking to myself.”
When he heard something unusual and asked again, the emperor shook his head firmly.
At that moment, my heart sank. Why in front of me, in a situation where Jeon Seung-gong’s retirement was being discussed, did they say things like sending him to the military? Anyone could tell that this was about me. If I had not been promoted to the chief of the inspection department but had gone to the military, I would have been appointed as Jeon Seung-gong’s successor.
‘Are you crazy?’
Even if it is a future that will never come, it is a terrible statement. At least a minister in his 20s can say, “There are many ministers higher than me.” A deputy commander in his 20s has crossed the line. Other commanders and corps commanders will follow suit.
“Anyway, Count.”
“…Yes, please do so.”
“It is self-evident that if an academy for soldiers is established, it will be of great help to the national interest. As the Emperor, I cannot deny this.”
“You are absolutely right.”
“However, it would be difficult for that to be the craftsman’s last achievement.”
I nodded reflexively as those words were full of sincerity.
At this moment, the Emperor and I have a shared understanding. Until just now, I thought that Jeon Seung-gong’s retirement was a decision for the imperial family and the empire, but for now, staying in office is the path for the national interest. If Jeon Seung-gong steps down, the military may explode.
So, Jeon Seung-gong has to hold out for at least 5 more years, maybe 10 more years. Only after that will the answer become apparent.
“But, Your Majesty.”
“But why?”
“Aside from dissuading Jeon Seung-gong, what are your plans for the academy for soldiers? It won’t be easy to create a new educational institution in the middle of nowhere.”
The emperor smiled faintly at my words.
“That’s for the Secretary of Education and the Secretary of War to consider.”
I understood right away.
While I was playing with Teresa, I received a call from an unexpected person.
– I’m sorry for contacting you so suddenly. Are you busy?
“No, Your Majesty. How could he be busy when he is a man who wastes his time leaving his work to his children?”
His Excellency Jeon Seung-gong contacted me to greet me at the wedding of Karl and Erich and at the New Year’s ceremony.
Since it was an unexpected situation, I left Teresa in the care of my wife and quietly moved away. If it was a sudden contact from the Duke, it would be something out of the ordinary.
– You’re spending your time. I guess retirement is the way to have more free time.
“Even if you want to do something, you don’t have the authority. If you’re busy, it’s even more difficult.”
– Yeah, that’s true.
His Majesty nodded slightly, touched his chin for a moment, and then continued speaking cautiously.
– If you have the time, could you lend me some time for the future of the empire?
“Time, you say?”
What does this mean? Borrowing for the future of the empire.
– Yes. If it weren’t for Kyung’s outstanding ability and character, there would be no one I could ask to do it for me.
It was an embarrassing compliment, but His Majesty’s expression was serious.
It is an interesting and strange thing. What on earth could the Duke need my help for? If it is something I can do, it should be done by His Majesty’s subordinates, not His Majesty.
– We’re planning to create a professional academy to train soldiers. If Kyung-i takes on the role of instructor, there’s nothing better.
Indeed. If this is the case, it would be difficult to resolve it on your own.
– Of course, I haven’t even done a single dig, let alone created an academy, but shouldn’t I start by providing a teaching staff? I’m thinking of suggesting this to Count Horfeldt as well.
I smiled inwardly at Your Majesty’s words.
I had a feeling that familiar faces would gather in one place.