933 – Born with a Lucky Charm – 2
After a long time of catching his breath, the craftsman was finally able to calm down.
Even though the craftsman was an ordinary person who had not learned martial arts, it took a long time even considering that. Just how passionately did he run?
‘Are you determined not to miss it this time?’
However, from the father-in-law’s perspective, it was a situation where he had to crawl on all fours rather than running. It was an important moment because his daughter was giving birth to his only grandchild.
Moreover, when Alina was born, her father-in-law and mother-in-law were busy with urgent matters and were unable to attend. Fortunately, no one—not even Lin herself—expected the birth to end in just three hours, so it was just a coincidence, but it must have left a deep regret in her father-in-law’s heart.
Thanks to that, it seems like the craftsman gritted his teeth and ran. Come to think of it, he had been managing his schedule thoroughly for a year since Lin got pregnant for the second time. It was as if he could never make two mistakes.
However, even that thorough management collapsed at the call of the Golden Duke. If you had failed to keep your place of birth this time, one of the counts from the Golden Duke faction might have defected.
“Sir, Your Majesty, the tea has arrived.”
“Oh, thank you.”
“I’ll drink well.”
And perhaps feeling sorry for the desperate run of a grandfather, father, and father-in-law, the butler cautiously offered him tea.
It was truly the right consideration at the right time. This is what it’s like when you have a capable butler. Appropriate measures are taken without you even having to open your mouth.
Anyway, the father-in-law sighed deeply after drinking the tea the butler handed him.
Of course, it was a sigh full of relief, not a sigh close to a sigh. It seemed like the tension had melted away as something warm entered his stomach.
It is a fortunate yet sad sight. A high-ranking nobleman with a count title and a ruler of a large estate is so restless. It is a moment that proves once again that neither title nor estate means anything in front of family.
“Son-in-law. Is it true that our granddaughter is still in Lin’s arms?”
“Yes. It hasn’t even been two hours since the pain started, so there’s nothing to worry about.”
“I see. That’s really fortunate.”
Only then did a faint smile begin to spread across the craftsman’s face.
“I was worried that I might be born late, like when Alina was born. It only takes one time to be a bad grandfather.”
“You’re ugly. Alina loves you so much, Master.”
“That’s why it hurts even more. You love your grandfather so much, even though you couldn’t protect him from the moment he was born.”
I wondered if it was too much self-reproach, but I nodded my head, knowing that my maternal grandfather must have had feelings that a mere father could not understand.
I shouldn’t judge something I haven’t personally experienced. It may seem excessive to me, but I think it would be different for the father-in-law who is involved.
In fact, when I imagined the craftsman’s feelings for a moment, a terrible fear came over me.
If I couldn’t be there for my daughter’s suffering and the moment my lovely grandson was born, I would have died of despair. I respect my father-in-law for enduring this overwhelming despair.
“I thought you would be a little late since you were summoned by His Majesty the Golden Duke, but you came sooner than expected.”
Anyway, I was afraid that if we continued the conversation on this topic, both my father-in-law and I would be exposed to radiation, so I quickly changed the subject.
At the same time, it is really questionable. If the Golden Duke summoned the faction members, it was definitely not a light matter, and if he ran out during the gathering, was the discussion nearing its conclusion?
“Oh, that’s it? Thanks to our lucky girl, it was over quickly.”
“Thanks to the fortune teller… right?”
Lucky Boy. This probably refers to Lynn Junior, who is trying to come out into the world.
Lin Junior’s given name isn’t Bokdeungi, but let’s call him Bokdeungi from today on. It’s a name that’s only going to be used for a few hours anyway, so what’s the point?
“Actually, this gathering was called to order due to the priority for the southern market of Leon. It’s something that has been discussed since shortly after the Imperial Army began stationing in Leon, so it’s quite a long-standing agenda.”
“No, if that happened, why didn’t you tell me? I could have put in some effort.”
“My son-in-law is already making a lot of money through trade with the North. How could I ask for more help? Besides, this craftsman is quite capable, so I thought he would be fine even without my son-in-law’s help.”
The craftsman let out a small laugh and turned his gaze toward the delivery room.
“I benefited from the fact that I had a grandson who was not my son-in-law but whom I had never even met. As soon as His Majesty the Golden Duke heard that our lucky child would be born, he raised my hand.”
‘You’re a lucky charm.’
At those words, I immediately understood the surprise nickname, Bokdeung.
The Kingdom of Leon is now in ruins, but it was once a powerful nation that ruled the central part of the continent and threatened Armenia. Even though a significant portion of its territory was taken away and the remaining territory was divided between the Empire and Armenia, taking possession of one of those pieces was no easy task.
And the craftsman succeeded in getting the piece thanks to Bokdeungi. He showed filial piety even before our Bokdeungi was born.
“Congratulations, Master. May the glory of Count Jorun’s family be further enhanced.”
That’s why I smiled and congratulated him. Even I, an economic ignorant person, can guess how useful it is to have a priority for a specific market.
Another positive result is that it is a priority for southern Leon, not other regions. Since I have secured a territory on the route from the County of Flanbel to the southern part of the Kingdom of Leon, I can provide convenience whenever my father-in-law’s merchants move. This can be considered consideration between nobles of the same empire, rather than assistance from a son-in-law.
“Once you decide on a route, I will─”
“Your Excellency the Count!”
Before he could finish speaking, the delivery room door opened loudly.
Thanks to that, I ended up shaking my shoulders. It wasn’t long ago that our Florence was born with a disease. In that situation, the medical staff who were helping with the birth suddenly appeared? I couldn’t help but worry that Bokdeungi had a problem.
“What’s going on? Do you need anything?”
“That, that…!”
As I tried to remain calm and open my mouth, the priest opened the door and came out, turning his head slightly toward the delivery room.
Soon after, a loud crying sound spread through the air.
“Congratulations, Your Majesty! You have a healthy son!”
I couldn’t even imagine seeing this report, so my head went blank.
No, well, it’s much better that our new youngest was born healthy than that the baby or mother was born badly. It’s such positive news that it’s almost rude to compare.
But there is a limit to that. It’s already been a while since Lin entered the delivery room…
‘Did you have a cesarean section?’
Why did I have to think that? Could it be that she had drifted by cesarean section instead of natural childbirth?
No, even if that’s true, it’s not like she gave birth in less than two hours. This is on par with or better than the record when her mother gave birth to Teresa. It’s a miracle that Lin shortened the record when she gave birth to Alina by more than an hour.
“Lee, Lin! Is the mother okay!?”
When I was speechless at the wonderful news, my father-in-law quickly opened his mouth.
“Of course! The mother is also very healthy!”
And he bowed his head and clasped his hands together in the best answer.
From labor to delivery, it took 2 hours. Both mother and baby are healthy. This time, unlike Alina, she didn’t leave the room.
To the craftsman, it will feel like a blessing from Enen.
‘It was dangerous this time too.’
But, apart from this slope, a cold sweat began to flow.
If my father-in-law had been just a little bit, just a little bit late, he would have missed the birth of Bokdeungi. My father-in-law almost became the great-grandfather who missed the birth of his grandson twice.
If such a disaster had happened, how much would the father-in-law have cried? How much would he have blamed himself even if Lin had been okay?
This time, I sincerely thank the gods. It was thanks to their protection that my father-in-law arrived just in time.
Lin, sitting on the bed, looked incredibly calm.
She looked exhausted from the two-hour labor, but she was sitting up instead of lying down. What a wonderful sight.
‘Congratulations on your record-breaking performance.’
Maybe that’s why a strange joke almost came out of my mouth without me knowing.
Hold on, you crazy b*stard. No matter how wonderful it is, this is just after giving birth. Instead of joking or exclamations, you should give thanks and encouragement first.
“You’ve worked hard. This time, you have a wonderful son. A very healthy son who takes after Rin and me.”
“Yes. I heard it too. The sound of your crying was very different.”
Lindo chuckled at my words.
“Alina is quite active, and our new youngest is even more so. I don’t think they’ll fight when they grow up, right?”
“You can just let them play outside without having the will to fight. Fighting requires strength in the first place.”
“In times like this, you should say that we will get along well without fighting.”
Lin’s laughter grew louder.
The sight was both heartwarming and wonderful. Where on earth did you see a woman giving birth? When she gives birth to her third child, it won’t be over in an hour…?
“Yes, brother.”
“Our child. If he’s our son, we should name him that, right?”
He turned his head slowly at those words.
The new youngest child, who is crying in the arms of his father-in-law and being caressed by his mother-in-law. The son born between me and Lin.
“Yeah. Let’s name it Leon.”
Leon Krasius. The name that Lin had prepared in advance when she was pregnant with Alina, to give her son if he were born.
It was a name that was automatically put on hold when my daughter Alina was born, but coincidentally, when my son was born, the name that had sunk below the surface was brought back up again.
‘Our Leon.’
I looked at my four sons with a smile.
The monumental 11th member of our FC Krasius. A son born after a long time since Ferenc.
Please grow up healthy and happy.
It is said that the count’s eleventh child was born.
It’s really amazing. I’m not even thirty yet, and I already have eleven children. I’m just now in my thirties and have just had my third child.
‘What should I send as a gift?’
After marveling at the incredible prosperity of the Crassius family, I began to think seriously.
The Count had just prayed for his mother. I have received a great gift, so I would like to return the favor to the Count in some small way.
In that sense, the birth of a child is the perfect justification,
‘You might think I’m favoring a particular child for no reason.’
If you give excessive gifts only for the birth of this eleventh child, the Count may be somewhat annoyed. Or he may feel guilty about the other children.
Of course, he gave gifts to all the children, from Pedi to Florence, but didn’t Abi want to treat all the children equally? I understand that as a father of three children myself.
So, send the birthday gift as usual,
‘I can give it to you separately in a few days.’
Let’s prepare a separate gift for the birthday celebration and a gift to sneak to the Count.
The latter is a gift without a reason, but so what? Gifts aren’t something that is only given on special occasions.
‘What… should I give you?’
However, I am wondering what kind of gift would impress the Count.
What the Count doesn’t have. What would make the Count happy if he received it? What could there possibly be?
After much thought, I picked up a blank sheet of paper that was on the desk.
And I wrote carefully.
[ Right to refuse orders ]
Even after I wrote it, I wondered if it was correct.
But isn’t this the only gift the Count would like? The only gift that would surpass this is permanent retirement, and I don’t want to give that.
‘How nice it would be if someone received what they gave.’
Anyway, he can’t help but be a picky guy.