Chapter 459 – 459 – First Class at Ghost Story School. Natural Observation (Human Observation)
[Hehe, then let’s start with the first kindergarten class~? There are 10 classes, which is a very reasonable way to do them in the order you choose, right? Or can I pick some for you? How are you? “I can choose the right one~~~?”
Teacher, I said bullshit that wasn’t even my age.
Before I could step forward and say anything, the returnee Jinhyuk Lee stepped forward.
“I refuse. “We will choose.”
Jinhyuk Lee stepped forward and rejected the offer of the teacher in charge of the entrance ceremony who became his homeroom teacher.
The teacher looked disappointed at Jinhyuk Lee’s words.
[“Tsk, then you can choose for yourself.”
Teacher, being the dirty head that he is, he scattered 10 cards on the ground as if discarding them.
The pictures and written explanations on these 10 cards were the content of the 10 lessons we would receive in kindergarten.
Jinhyuk Lee picked up all 10 cards that he threw on the ground as if he were throwing them away, and shared them with his teammates.
“The first class is important, so I hope everyone shares their opinions and decides. “It would be best to choose the one with the lowest level of difficulty.”
Lee Jin-hyuk glanced at Kim Si-seop and Choi Hye-young and continued speaking.
“When choosing your first class, please keep in mind that we have team members who have almost no brute force abilities.”
Jinhyuk Lee stepped forward and led the way as to what the first class would be.
As Lee Jin-hyuk said, the possessors Kim Si-seop and Choi Hye-young have almost no brute force ability.
I am in a position where I have to learn various things by rolling around in kindergarten.
Jeong Sang-mi also has martial arts skills better than those of special forces, but she is weak because she does not understand mana because she lived in a world without mana.
But she is a genius among geniuses, so she will soon learn how to control mana.
“This won’t work, and this won’t work either. Well, this doesn’t work either.”
Mia Kang also took the initiative and looked at the cards containing the contents of her class and selected the ones that did not work using the elimination method.
When her teacher saw the cards she was picking out, he approached her quietly and said,
[“I think this class is okay~? It’s pretty good for a first class~~? In particular, I recommend this class called ‘Doppelganger’~~~!”
Mia Kang’s facial expressions showed Teacher Bitch that she was cursing her by saying ‘Don’t be a damn thing’, but she corrected her expression in 0.1 second and ignored Teacher Bitch, telling him that she shouldn’t be chosen as her first class. I sorted things out and organized them.
“Currently, our team has a very severe disparity in ability between team members. Therefore, it would be difficult to teach a class that requires students to act separately or perform individual tasks. In that sense, it would be better to exclude these seven classes.”
Mia Kang put her seven class cards away, telling her not to look at them at all.
There were three class cards left, and Jinhyuk Lee chose one of them.
“I think this card might be the best.”
“Is that what you think? Actually, I was like that too.”
The two returnees, Jinhyuk Lee and Mia Kang, worked well together and chose one card.
The card had all kinds of huge insects drawn on it, and the title of the class was ‘Nature Observation’.
However, the strange and eerie thing is that in some parts of the picture, young-looking insects were collecting something…, If you look closely at the objects of the collection, they were ‘humans’ including other races.
‘The insect collecting bin is filled with humans, and the insects are catching humans with bedding sticks. I know what it is. This is a lesson from a novel. … Was the real class title ‘Human Observation’? A world where the positions of insects and humans are reversed.’
It is a world where giant insects observe and collect humans for school homework.
‘The final goal of this class… Was it a large-scale exodus, a great racial revolution, or a great rebellion of trivial things? … The exact goal given is random each time, so I guess I’ll have to go to class and see. But if it goes according to the novel, maybe…’
“In my experience, this class starts with all team members in the same place.”
Jinhyuk Lee said that among his regression experiences, he took a ‘Nature Observation’ class.
Then Mia Kang nodded her head and opened her mouth.
“That’s my experience too. I’ve tried this over 1,000 times, regressing about 4,000 times…, Even if we don’t all start from the same place…, Most of them start in the same place. At least three people seem to have started from the same collection bin. But I think that’s because the level of difficulty increases in middle school, and I think everyone in kindergarten will probably start at the same place.”
“I took this class in kindergarten the first time. “We all started from the same place.”
“… Um, yeah. … As I recall more, the kindergarten classes were all held in the same place. I think I did it 100 times in kindergarten alone. … Good. Then let’s decide on this.”
When the two returnees who had experience in the ghost story school unanimously chose the ‘Nature Observation’ class as their first class, the rest of the group simply followed their opinion.
The two possessors, Kim Si-seop and Choi Hye-young, knew roughly what the class was about, but they chose it because they saw in the novel that the two returnees’ choice was correct, while the others did not know much, so they tended to follow the opinions of experts and the public. 〈 Br〉
“Do I like this card?”
Of course, Amertas was not one of the rest.
“That class card is a card that requires you to overcome various temptations. “It’s not easy.”
The class card held by Amertas was one of the first cards Kang Mia discarded.
“Hmm…, So is it a picture of a man and a woman having sex with all kinds of wealth such as gold and jewels? The title is ‘Right Life’? “Do you like it more?”
“Amertas, that class won’t be easy even for you. … In my experience, the Yongin people were really weak in that class.”
“What?! Don’t be funny! The Yongin people are the strongest… !! And among the dragon race, my clan is the strongest… !!!”
“…, … Ha.”
Although Amertas whined about living a ‘right life’, ‘observation of nature’ was decided by majority vote.
Before entering her class, Kang Mi-ah explained to her team members in a serious tone what the ‘class’ at Goedam School was like.
“Everyone, please listen to me carefully. There are a lot of things that need to be explained before starting the first class. Don’t worry, once someone dies in class, they will be revived outside of class once any of us complete the class. Don’t die on purpose though, try to survive as much as possible. Sometimes that’s a better way to pass than completing a diploma.”
Mia Kang explained in her class that death is not real death.
However, if all team members fail to complete the class, the team is eliminated and everyone dies.
“… It is best to pass rather than complete, but there is no need for you to overdo it. As a regressor, I will try my best. And sometimes ‘death’, ‘exile’, ‘annihilation’ or ‘sealing’ are mentioned in class. This is really going to kill you, so be very careful and just run away. … Oh, of course, this kind of content won’t come out in kindergarten. At least elementary school…, Usually you have to go to middle school to get out.”
Mia Kang explained various things in a quiet and serious voice.
Although the possessors Kim Si-seop and Choi Hye-young already knew most of the content from the novel, sometimes there were detailed stories that readers of the novel might not know, so I tended to listen intently.
The attitude of Jinhyuk Lee, a fellow regressor, was also similar. He is a returnee himself and knows most of the content, but sometimes he listens to Kang Mi-ah’s useful tips.
Jeong Sang-mi, Park Ha-jun, Taylor, and Heuk A-ryeong were listening intently to Kang Mia, slightly nervous since it was their first time attending a class at Ghost Story School.
Of course, there were some differences in class attitude depending on each person’s personality.
‘… Amertas, doing Amertas.’
Amertas ignores her own words and when her teammates decide that her first class will be based on ‘observation of nature’ rather than ‘good living’, she sulks and tries to do something else from afar. There was
Instead, her ears were pricked, and she seemed to only vaguely hear the important parts of what Mia Kang was saying.
What was I doing?
The teacher came with a snowball fight, and we were having a snowball fight.
In the middle of her snowball fight, Mia Kang looked back and forth between Amertas and me, who were not listening to her because she was concentrating on her own words, and sighed, saying, “Those two bastards on this team are trolls. Why is it that when 10 humans get together, 2 are trash? “Is there some great law of the universe that says one out of five people must be trash?” She said and shook her head.
‘But does this really mean that I and Amertas are viewed as equals?’
It’s not…, I’m not really at Amertas’ level…
“Class is ready. I will enter. Our team’s first class is ‘Nature Observation.'”
[“Okay~ Then the first class begins~~~!”
When the teacher in charge of homeroom announced the start of class, I felt like my surroundings were becoming quiet, and I was moving somewhere.