Chapter 478 – 478
Kang Mia took a step back and held back her own opinions due to the public opinion of her teammates, but she did not completely give in.
If you’re like Kang Mia, she had a down-to-earth personality and behavior.
“Instead, if you don’t follow my orders, I will really torture you and then kill you. Seungho Park, Amertas, Black dumbbell. All three of you, keep that in mind.”
“Ha, by the way, are you calling that a threat? “It’s so fucking absurd.”
I snorted at Mia Kang’s threat and said,
Amertas didn’t seem to hear properly because Park Ha-jun was talking to her in advance to distract her from fear of fighting with Kang Mi-ah again,
Since Black Alyung had been harassed by Amertas and me recently, she had no interest in such threats and was just hanging around me.
“Is this ridiculous? “You’re saying you won’t cooperate with the team now?”
Kang Mi-ah got angry again at my response and tried to find fault with her, but I waved her hand and tried not to get caught up in her arguing.
“It means I don’t want to obey your orders. I will cooperate with team work and class progress, so don’t be nervous. Let’s not argue and quickly move on to the next task. “I’m tired of arguing with you.”
Anyway, on the 5th day of class, everyone joined our team and started moving.
Then, we discussed among the team members, decided on the priorities that needed to be eliminated, and went about killing the giant insects.
— Day 6 of ‘Nature Observation’ class —
After killing and ‘disappearing’ several giant insects, I returned to the huge collecting bin that could have been the starting area with the intention of taking a short rest.
Here, there was an abundance of giant food and water that a young giant insect named Dmitri had prepared for us, his little pet humans.
The team members quenched their hunger and thirst with food and water, and everyone lay down to sleep and rest.
All team members, except those on watch who took turns taking turns, fell into a deep sleep and recovered their stamina and energy through sleep.
When I woke up from a nap, Dmitry’s father was still pacing around the house.
– “Oh, Elena. Where did Elena go? I can’t see you all day… Surely something didn’t happen?”-
When the giant insect mother went missing, the giant insect father seemed almost panicked and confused.
Dmitry, a young giant insect, was also very sad because his mother suddenly disappeared.
Dmitry wondered if humans had really eaten him as the villagers had said, and asked his father.
-“Ugh, Dad. Was my mother really eaten by humans like the village elders said?”-
– “Dmitry. Don’t be fooled by those words. Could that be possible? How could little humans do something like that? Look at those little pet humans in the foraging bin you’re handing in for your school vacation homework. These are the kids who can’t eat all the bread crumbs and biscuits you gave them in one day, so they eat for days. It makes no common sense. Sigh, Dad doesn’t have the energy to pay attention to such words right now. I guess I should go to a place your mom would like to visit.”-
Dmitri’s father spoke quietly, trying to suppress his annoyance as much as possible when Dmitri asked if the humans had harmed her mother.
As his father, he is a very personable person.
He patted Dmitry on the shoulder, put on his street clothes and went out of the house.
“If everyone is rested, let’s move on. “Everyone got enough sleep, right?”
I answered Mia Kang’s question by looking around at my team members, and our team left the collection bin and started moving to the place we were targeting today.
Team members talked while on the move.
“I don’t think I can rest in that house’s foraging bin anymore. “I was not feeling well about that young giant insect named Dmitri.”
“I guess it’s because my mom went missing. We are suspicious of humans, but there is a high probability that they will harm us. … “It’s actually true.”
The team decided that it was no longer possible to take a break at the collecting bin, which was the initial starting point.
We were moving around while having those conversations, and somehow it seems that our movement path overlapped with that of Dmitry’s father.
Maybe it’s because Dmitry’s father moved to the center of the village.
As a result, I was able to witness Dmitry’s father encountering a large insect that he should not have encountered.
– “Andrey! … Whoops, whoops, Andrey! Help me!”-
-“Jake?! What’s going on? What are all those scars? … And didn’t you go out of town to ask for rescue?”-
-“Ugh, huh…, It’s all because of those little humans! They killed us all… ! They are little devils!! Although he is small, he moves like lightning… ! Us… ! They killed us all with little lightsabers… !! I was lucky enough to fall off a cliff…, I thought I was going to die, but I barely made it back to the village alive!”-
Looking at the giant insect named Jake, it was clear that Kang Mia and other team members had made a ‘mistake’.
I glared at Kang Mia with a displeased expression, and at first Kang Mia was slightly pricked by my look, but soon she was glaring at me as if to shamelessly ask me what to do.
‘Anyway…, Kindergarten classes also made mistakes like this, so I was unable to graduate after over 4,000 attempts at Ghost Story School.’
After thinking about it in my mind, I asked my team members.
“What are you going to do with that? Now those giant insects will be going around the neighborhood talking about small humans killing them.”
“I can’t help it. “I have to kill him right now.”
“Anyway…, I can’t handle this kind of thing properly, tsk.”
“Shut up, Park Seung-ho. When we were dealing with difficult tasks, he didn’t help us at all and did dirty things to himself, and he fell off a cliff and I thought he was going to die. Did you think I would come back alive like that? You can take care of it now, so stop whining. It’s at a level that can be easily resolved. It’s a simple problem that can be solved if you kill both of them now.”
When Kang Mia took out her sword and injected it with her sword energy, her Park Ha-jun raised his hand to stop her.
“Wait a minute, a bunch of giant insects are coming this way. Stop.”
Other giant insects seemed to have become interested in the unseasonable commotion in the village, and more than 20 giant insects surrounded Jake and Andrei and listened to their story.
-“Hey, is that true? “You’re not talking nonsense because you fell off a cliff and hit your head, right?”-
-“Hey! My hair is fine! Would I even tell a lie or say something empty in this situation?! It’s really the little humans who killed us all… ! We killed all the men who tried to escape the village and call for help! This is all a plot hatched by those little humans! The humans really killed us! I saw it clearly with my own eyes!! Why don’t you believe me… !!”-
-“If that is true…”-
-“I guess I’ll have to kill all the humans.”-
-“Of course we have to kill all the humans! Did anything happen in the village while I was gone? There’s no way those little devils would stay still, right? The first thing I was worried about was my wife and children. Hey guys, tell me. Are my wife and children okay?”-
-“It’s okay. “I was just checking inside the village to make sure your wife and children were safe.”-
-“Whoa, that’s a relief…” . I’m so glad…”-
A giant insect named Jake breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that his wife and child were safe, while a giant insect named Andre… So, Dmitry’s father asked Jake with an anxious gesture.
Is it because they are looking for the cause of her wife’s disappearance?
-“Look, Jake. Are you sure that’s true? The humans killed the rescue team that went out of town? “I mean, you saw it with your own eyes.”-
-“Andrey, why would I lie? I don’t trust Jake Sullivan? After you, I’m the person in town who hates bullshit the most. Have you forgotten that the day before I went out of town, you and I took a break after work, had a quick beer, and complained that the local ladies were spreading nonsense? “I am a reasonable person like you.”-
-“… I know. I know enough. Then…, Why doesn’t Elena come back to her house…? . That’s why I haven’t seen her since yesterday… Like you said, like the people who went outside the village to ask for help…”-
-“Humans, humans killed them all. … Ugh, black, I killed all the men who went out of the village and tried to call for rescue… ! Everyone is dead except me… They were all my friends. They were precious people in this town… ! He was someone’s husband, father, son, and head of the household…”-
-“I am…, I am… I had no choice but to run away and fall off the cliff… Praying that I can live… In fact, perhaps because of God’s help, I was able to fall into the water and survive… So, with all my might, I came to inform you of this. … Well, since you’re looking for your wife, Elena, I guess she’s gone? Isn’t it obvious who did it?”-
-“Andrey, what we must do is clear. We have to kill all the humans. We have to kill them all. Otherwise, we die. … “Think of your son, Dmitri.”-