Chapter 479 – 479
A giant insect named Jake Sullivan was very lucky to survive after falling off a cliff, and it was revealed that all the disasters occurring in the town were our fault.
Then, the giant insects in the village were now on alert and tried to be careful and prepare for the humans.
-“Then it’s dangerous to stay like this. First, we need to gather all the children and the elderly at the village hall and protect them together.”-
The village’s giant insects gathered at the village hall to discuss exterminating the humans inside and outside the village.
But unfortunately we were listening to all these plans.
-“Let’s use murder drugs as soon as possible.”-
-“We have to make whatever devices we can to kill humans.”-
-“Let’s gather the ingredients first.”-
-“Gather the oil too. I can create things that are lethal to humans with just a few chemical formulas. “I will bring the other ingredients from my house, so you guys gather some oil.”-
-“Don’t go alone, move with at least 5 people. You never know when or where humans will attack.”-
All the giant insects gathered at the village hall.
Our team members were taking measures…, I decided to take advantage of the fact that all the giant insects were gathered at the village hall.
They decided to use the crisis as an opportunity.
The giant insects gathered materials to make tools and decided to attack us starting ‘tomorrow when the sun rises’, but we will attack them ‘tonight – midnight’.
‘You’re saying we’ll all gather together at the village hall? That’s a good thing. ‘I could kill them all at once.’
“Then, in preparation for an emergency, we will gather the humans we have recruited so far.”
“The humans we’ve captured so far? What does that mean?”
“Park Seung-ho, do you know if we were just playing around like you? Not only did they kill giant insects, but they also hunted humans inside and outside the village. Did you think that the ‘Great Rebellion of Little Things’ would just end with killing giant insects? If? Phew.”
“Don’t be sarcastic. Because I know too. I thought they were going to roughly destroy all the giant insects and recruit other humans, but they were doing it all at the same time? “You’re greedy too.”
“It’s noisy. Just do your job properly.”
Kang Mia used Kim Si-seop, Choi Hye-young, and Jeong Sang-mi, who had weak abilities, as messengers to bring the people she had recruited.
Then, a huge crowd of humans was flocking around the village hall like a swarm of ants.
The humans who flocked around like a swarm of ants thought of us as ‘messengers of God.’
It seems that Mia Kang and other members of her team had prepared the work in advance.
‘It wouldn’t have been difficult to pretend to be a messenger of God, showing off mysterious abilities and overwhelming force.’
I know this well because I also pretended to be a son of God on the 9th floor of the tower in a civilization game.
It wasn’t that difficult to deceive humans with supernatural powers.
“Messengers of God, the entire Achreful clan has gathered!”
“Messengers of God, all members of the Mochimochi clan have also gathered!”
“Everyone from the Gyeokhar clan has gathered!!”
People from primitive tribes gathered.
Stone axes and stone spears.
Crude leather clothing that barely covers the genitals.
They are people who have lost their civilization and fallen into ruin.
If we consider their individual strength, they would be useless beings who would not be of any help in confronting giant insects.
But the numbers are a bit… There are many. There are so many. It’s just not that much.
An army of tens of thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands, gathered together.
… No, more are still gathering. The final number may be in the millions or tens of millions.
‘Looking down from the rooftop of the village hall, it really looks like a swarm of ants.’
… I wonder if even giant insects feel the same way when they see this… ?
Or do you want to feel fear and fear?
Each one is just a small human like an ant,
If you think that millions and millions of people have gathered to destroy me, that would be just as scary.
In front of tens of millions of troops, Infinite Reincarnator Park Ha-jun created a shining halo behind his back and appeared in front of them.
Park Ha-jun knew how to use many tricks and tricks, and those brightly shining clusters of lights were one of the tricks he knew how to use.
‘Did you say you pretended to be a god or a saint in your past life? . It certainly wouldn’t have been difficult to make a shining halo like that.’
In my personal opinion, it seemed like it was just a bunch of LED bulbs and neon lights floating behind the back, but to the public, it seemed like a truly sacred light.
Does it really feel like a messenger from God to ignorant people or people with a primitive level of civilization?
‘No. Even in modern times before the Tower Incident, if there had been someone with that kind of talent, they could have easily created a pseudo-religion. A person with a bright light shining from behind…, Even if it’s just me, I still give donations.’
Anyway, Park Ha-jun, who had a halo-like LED bulb-like light bulb floating behind his back, stepped forward with a benevolent smile and began his speech.
There will soon be a glorious battle, and if you die in this battle, you will go to heaven, next to God.
Then, all the countless warriors gathered here strengthened their resolve.
The speech gradually rushed towards the final climax.
“Children who grew up with God’s love! He is looking down upon this place from the heights of heaven! God is watching this battle! Those who die in battle will go to the glorious One and enjoy eternal happiness! Don’t be afraid and fight! Do not be afraid of death! You have now been given the power to punish those evil giants!! I will take the lead and become the sword of heaven!!!”
“””Oooooh… !!!!!”””
“Those giant giants are demons who have brought suffering to our lives! Beings that must be killed! Believe in our promised victory! Fight honorably in a battle where victory is guaranteed! So we will all go to heaven! … Children of God! Fight in the name of God! This will be a temple… !! Take the lead in this battle that God wants!!! God wants… !!! In the name of God, kill all those evil giants… !!!!!”
“””In the name of God…” !!!!!”””
“””It’s a temple!!!!!”””
“””God wants…” !!!!!!”””
“Then I will ask you a question! Do you want a more destructive and harsh battle for God and for the great humanity?! Do you want an all-out war where all the tribes join forces?! If necessary, do we want a war more radical and all-out than anything we can imagine today?!!”
“””Yes!!! That’s right!!!!!”””
“Then everyone takes up arms! It doesn’t matter if you are young or old! It doesn’t matter if you’re a woman! Furthermore, it doesn’t matter if you’re pregnant! Everyone takes up arms!! If you can run even if you have no arms, march on the giants! If you can’t run, advance on foot! If you can’t walk, advance by crawling! So attack! If you don’t have arms, bite them with your teeth! If they don’t have teeth, attack them by headbutting them with your head!!! Attack them even if it means dying!!!”
“””Yes!!! Okay!!!!!”””
“Those giant insects are looking down on us! Giant insects claim! Little humans are insignificant and weak beings and do not want war! We don’t want all-out war! They want surrender, not all-out war! Is it really like that?! Do you want surrender instead of the glorious war of humanity?!! Do you want to live a life of cowardly losers, weak humans, insignificant beings whose families and futures are still trampled by giant insects?!!!”
“””No!!! That’s not true!!!!!”””
“So, I will ask you again! Do you want all-out war?! If necessary, do you want a war more radical and all-out than anything we can imagine today?! Are you willing to become the army of humanity, support the army of humanity in the name of God, participate in battle with strong determination, and fight until the day when victory is ours at the end?!”
“””Yes!!! That’s right!!!!!”””
“Then now, children of God, rise resolutely and raise a storm! Let your anger consume the world! Make giant insects urinate whenever they see humans!! We will definitely win!!! We will all be together in His glorious heaven!!! Furthermore, we will all live happily ever after in His paradise!!! “Do not be afraid of death!!!”
‘That guy, Park Ha-jun, among his many past lives, must have acted like a high-ranking religious figure and declared a holy war. Otherwise, it can’t be that natural. The hand and foot movements and gestures are artistic. Facial angles and expressions, eye movements, hand movements, voice tone and speaking speed. I have an intuition that everything has been systematically trained.’
Now that I think about it, I remembered a part in the novel where Park Ha-jun said that he had received professional training in public agitation speech from someone.
Did you get it from a religious group? Or was he trained as a speaker for a militaristic group before giving all-out speeches? Was it both? My memory is vague.
Anyway, we created fanatics in the name of a non-existent god.