Chapter 393 – Episode 393 – The Vengeful Ghost Has Become a Slave to the Devil (End of Chapter 5 of Part 2)
There was an island named Siren.
It is said that the first lord of this island was a mermaid who came up from the land. Today, mermaids are now an extinct race, but the descendants of the first lord still have mermaid blood flowing in their bodies. Thanks to this, none of the descendants could swim, and none of them could sing.
Arwen was born as the second daughter of the lord of Siren Island who inherited mermaid blood.
She lives with her father Hans, mother Glandy, and older sister Kardian.
The island residents also sincerely hoped that the lord and his family would be happy.
However, Arwen’s peace came to an abrupt end.
-Your daughter is mine now. I won’t even negotiate, so get the hell away.
This is because the great evil, Grid, suddenly appeared in this world.
Grid, the human form of all the evil that spread in this world, was a massacre that mercilessly killed people.
Arwen’s older sister, Cardian, was captured by that scary demon.
Along with other officer candidates who attended the military academy.
Once captured, Cardian and her officer cadets were brainwashed and reduced to puppets who served Grid until her death.
-Raise all fleets on the island. Let’s start suppressing pirates immediately!
Lord Hans was enraged to learn that his first daughter had been kidnapped by the enemy.
Because he arbitrarily stole his treasure, which is priceless in this world.
Under Hans’ orders, all warships anchored on the island were gathered together.
Other lords who, like Hans, had their children stolen by the devil, also joined in.
Hans formed a grand fleet and immediately set out to attack the devil.
However, he was defeated.
Grid had iron ships that could be made into modern-day warships such as sailing ships.
And it wasn’t just one ship, it had dozens of them. Although they were outnumbered, they had an overwhelming advantage in firepower.
The devil took advantage of that and turned the great fleet that came to subdue him into fish food.
He chopped up all the lords who had targeted his head and sent them to each territory.
It’s to warn you that if you touch him, something like this will happen.
Of course, Hans also could not escape the ending of being cut to pieces like pork,
His mother, Glendy, who went on a mission together, ended up being used as an energy source to run the iron wire manufacturing facility.
Arwen was devastated after losing both her older sister and her parents in one day.
And at the same time, the desire for revenge against the devil burned brightly.
-I will definitely get revenge, definitely, definitely! I will definitely get revenge!
After succeeding her father as her lord, Arwen embarked on a quest for her revenge.
She located a hidden iron ship-making facility on the island to combat the demons. She began using this facility to develop a fleet of iron ships.
We have also secured with all our might the culprit who turned Grid into the great evil, the whale monster modified by Grid’s biological father, and a group of troopers.
And, to fight against Grid, who had become a monster, Arwen became a monster herself.
Little by little, Arwen, who ran only for revenge, began to see results.
Princess Aloy, noticing Arwen’s quest for revenge, agrees to help her. The kingdom was on the verge of being consumed by the devil, so she wanted to somehow raise her only hope against the devil.
Having thus gained the support of her princess, Arwen made all her preparations. Now all that was left was to face the great evil.
But Arwen didn’t know.
She realized that just as she was preparing for revenge, the Archdemon was also preparing to crush her. To render all Arwen’s preparations meaningless, Grid also strengthened his power. He invaded the Kingdom of Necia with strengthened power.
In an instant, the capital of the Nechi Kingdom fell, and the princess was taken away and reduced to her slave. In one day, the Kingdom of Necia was engulfed in wind-blown fire. Now the only hope left was Arwen.
So, did Arwen win?
Unfortunately, it wasn’t.
Arwen sharpened her sword for revenge, but the Great Evil was so powerful that even the sword was reduced to dust. The Vengeance Demon could not possibly defeat the god who had descended on this world.
In the end, Arwen was defeated. The iron ship fleet was reduced to fish food, the group of troopers became minced meat, and even though they became monsters as a last resort, they were unable to defeat the Great Evil. Arwen, who lost everything and was deprived of all her power, was reduced to a slave to the Great Evil.
Still, Arwen did not give up. He believed that the opportunity would come. Believing that he would one day decapitate Greed and avenge his death, Arwen vowed not to give in. He vowed to punish Grid for taking everything away from him.
How is Arwen now?
“Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!”
I am lying down on the bed and accepting the devil’s cock.
He is very happy to have the devil’s cock come in.
I am also very happy when the devil’s cock brushes the inside of my vagina,
I’m also very happy when the devil’s dick hits my cervix,
He is also delighted with the way his chest bounces every time he hits the devil’s cock,
Arwen is very happy as her pregnant belly also churns every time she touches the devil’s cock. She has an incredulous expression on the face of a woman who just wants revenge.
“How are you, Arwen? Are you feeling good?”
“I love it, I love it. I really love it!”
Is this woman who agrees to the words of the demon Grid really Arwen? She is unfortunately correct. This woman, who looks like a prostitute absorbed in color, is the Arwen we knew. She is Arwen, who seeks revenge on the devil.
Arwen has long since become a slave to the devil.
“Really? Then I’ll cum like this!”
“Thank you. Ahhh?”
In fact, the reason this has happened is because of a cruel trap prepared by the Great Devil.
The devil constantly raped Arwen to get his hands on her.
She constantly impregnated and gave birth constantly.
Until I swore that I would never utter the word revenge, I continued to have repeated pregnancies and childbirth.
Still, Arwen did not surrender.
So the devil went on a pilgrimage.
She set out on a journey to turn the cocky Revenge Ears into obedient slaves.
“Haoook, hokook, oh kyaaaaak, aaaaak!”
The first destination of the journey is Elf Island.
On the island, the demon showed Arwen the words of the elves, who had once considered themselves a noble race, but were now driven mad by semen. Then, he injected poison into the body so that it could not live without semen for the rest of its life.
“My stomach, my stomach hurts. I think I’m going to come out. Stop now… Haeuuuuu!”
The second destination is Ramid Island.
On that island, Arwen was deceived by the devil’s malice.
Arwen believed the devil’s promise that she would be able to leave the island if she won the duel, but eventually realized that it was all a trap. Like other adventurers trapped on the island, she experienced her living hell through repeated pregnancy and childbirth.
“Ahh, come out, come out, come out!”
The third destination was an island bordering the Temple Kingdom.
There, she succeeded in capturing the First Princess Drain, the bastard princess of the Temple Kingdom.
Here, Arwen ended up doing an unwanted favor for her enemy, the devil.
“Ah, it’s out. It’s out. My baby. You and my baby…”
And her final destination was Siren Island, Arwen’s homeland.
The island that became a colony of the empire was completely different.
The residents were imprisoned in camps, impregnated by soldiers for the rest of their lives, and reduced to livestock whose breast milk was exploited. Arwen had no way to comfort them. Rather, she ended up showing herself being played by the devil. The residents who saw that ultimately had no choice but to despair.
The hill where the tombs of past lords were buried was also turned into a park by the devil. Arwen protested, but no one listened to her.
“Thank you for your hard work, Arwen.”
She was freed from the brainwashing, but her older sister Cardian, who acknowledged her reality and remained a slave to the devil, could only urge her brother to surrender,
“You can do more, right? I’ve barely passed 10, so you’re not giving up here, right?”
Mother Glandy, who had become a plaything of the devil due to her personality being altered, could only hope that Arwen would quickly bow down to the devil.
“Yes, I can.”
A hell where everything is taken away, everyone turns their backs on everything, and even family members side with the devil. Arwen could not endure in this hell. And she realized
He says that since the world is hell, his revenge cannot be achieved. Revenge will only fail in the end. The only way left for him is to live in obedience to his enemy, the devil. Arwen realized that this was the only way to protect her family.
Realizing this, Arwen eventually surrendered. In return for her surrender, she was given the power to become a monster again. Her poisoning was resolved, so she could live without having her semen injected into her body anymore.
Now all that’s left for her is to be happy.
“Give me your cock, please fuck me with that cock.”
The devil’s slave becomes happy. To be loved by the devil for a lifetime.
That’s all Arwen wants now.
Arwen will no longer be able to live without Grid.
“Okay, okay!”
She’s happy just mixing her body with the grid, but hasn’t everything already been said?
“Ahang, haang, haogok, hoooook, hokook!”
The revenge spirit, who declared revenge on the devil after losing something precious, eventually found new happiness.
Unless the world returns to its original state, this happiness will last forever.
“Ahh, I’m going, I’m going, I’m going!”
I hope that Arwen, who has found new happiness as a slave to the devil, does not become unhappy.