Chapter 645 – Episode 644 – The Tiger That Came to Catch Its People
The Tiger Tribe are beasts that resisted Grid until the very end.
They were thrown into confusion when their leader Tai went missing, but they continued their resistance, saying they could not become slaves to the devil Grid.
However, a group without a leader will eventually collapse, no matter how hard they try not to collapse. It is inevitable that when an enemy with which there is no way to do anything arrives, there is no way to escape the fate of destruction.
As a result, the tiger tribe was defeated. All other beastmen who shared their views were suppressed by Grid’s minions. The final stronghold, Tiger Island, was also brutally trampled by the merciless bombardment of the iron ship fleet led by the devil and the steel legions that blindly followed Grid’s orders.
With the fall of Tiger Island, the Beast-Man Union was destroyed.
Afterward, the tiger tribe was reduced to slaves of the grid. Grid, who noticed their combat power, used them as seedbeds to conceive soldiers to conquer the world.
Because of this, many tiger tribes succumbed. Even the most courageous and invincible warriors among the beast-human alliance could do nothing about the merciless rape carried out by the devil. At first, they tried to hold on, but the tentacle abuse that continued every day far exceeded their resistance.
In the end, the tiger tribe collapsed under this tentacle humiliation. They have been reduced to prostitutes who only thirst for the cock and semen of the grid.
It can be said that the tiger tribe was completely subdued in this way,
Unfortunately, it wasn’t.
-Tai, capture your compatriot as proof that you have become a loyal subject.
There are still tigers clinging to futile hope. There are tigers that have hung on to that hope and managed to escape from the camp. Grid and Kangrim have released soldiers to track their whereabouts. However, no matter how much he has been reduced to a slave, his title as a warrior is not a lie, and he is avoiding all pursuit.
If these people are left alone, it will be obvious that they will become the spark that will cause chaos. Kangrim, who had to prepare for war with the Holy Kingdom, naturally had no intention of letting this spark explode.
So he gave an order to former Tiger Chief Tai.
-Hold it and teach it. Oh, but don’t give in completely. Because I want to eat fresh tiger. Leave your sanity intact, okay?
Capture your escaped compatriots. Be a teaching assistant. Until you come to visit, torment him moderately while remaining sane. Prove your loyalty with that. Kangrim gave this order to arrest the fugitives and find out Tai’s sincerity.
Tai was now carrying out that order.
“Why, Tai!”
A tiger clan screams. As befits the tiger family, its head resembled an orange mane, with black mixed in here and there. His eyes are very similar to Tai, except that his eyes are blue, unlike Tai’s golden color.
The Tiger Tribe woman, who looked similar to Tai, couldn’t help but feel angry when she saw their former leader come to capture her.
“Why are you doing this? Aren’t you the one who said you would sacrifice your life for your people? Why are you playing along with the devil? You are the one who must fight even if it means losing your life!”
This Tiger tribe woman, with her screams, was a fugitive who escaped from the camp. She took the opportunity to catch her enemies off guard by acting as if she had been driven insane by the tentacle abuse, and she finally escaped from the camp with her comrades who agreed to join her.
From then on, she continued to run away. Their ultimate goal was to escape from the empire by boat, but it was not easy. This is because Kang-rim strengthened her security when she heard that the tigers had escaped. Not only the port but also the coast was filled with soldiers, and the surrounding waters were constantly patrolled by iron ships, so escaping was impossible.
So wouldn’t it be okay to secretly board a ship and try to escape? In fact, several of her colleagues couldn’t resist and tried it. However, he was immediately discovered and taken back to the camp. She was caught because Kang-rim expected her to try to escape in this way.
In the end, the remaining tiger tribe had no choice but to hide and look for an opportunity. They are sucking their own breast milk, which flows endlessly due to modifications. Doing something like this was humiliating in itself, but it was the only way to survive. They waited patiently for the moment to take revenge.
However, the time they hoped for did not come. This is because their leader, Tai, showed up to arrest them. Everyone was shocked to learn that the leader had appeared as an enemy in the cave they had used as a hiding place.
Of course, not everyone was shocked and disintegrated right away. Soon they gathered their hearts and resisted. Everyone attacked the leader because they knew that if they were caught, everything would be over,
Just like now, everyone but one was defeated.
“That’s because I’m your slave.”
Tai responded as if it was obvious to his former subordinate who was screaming. Tai said, pointing with his hand to the black uniform that proved his belonging to the Empire.
“I wore these clothes because I was my master’s slave, and I came to arrest you because it was my master’s order. Why do you think that’s strange? You all followed my orders unconditionally, right? I think it’s the same.”
“It’s not the same!”
The woman screamed, vomiting her blood.
“The reason we followed you was because of hope. Because we believed that you could take down Grid. That’s why we followed. It’s different from obeying as a slave!”
“Maybe so.”
Tai muttered in a somewhat bitter tone. It wasn’t like she didn’t understand why her former subordinate was shouting like that.
“But, I am no longer your leader.”
But even so, I had no intention of stopping.
“I am the master’s slave. A slave only obeys the master’s words. I am nothing more than a living doll that moves according to orders.”
Now I am a doll that obeys Mr. Grid. A doll is just a being that moves along a string. Therefore, you must follow your master’s orders without making a single mistake. No, it must be so.
Otherwise, you will be thrown into living hell again.
“If I don’t become a doll, I’ll be trapped again.”
Tai has already been through it. What will happen to her if she resists the grid?
She confidently attacked Grid, but after being defeated once, she was raped by Grid. She had her body transformed. She has become like a sow, with her breasts growing beyond their normal width, her hips widening, and her thighs strong.
She lost her warrior pride.
She still managed to escape and attacked Grid again, but was defeated once again. She was raped again. Furthermore, she repeated her pregnancy and childbirth constantly. After being treated repeatedly, she went crazy. She forgot who she was.
Later, Tai miraculously succeeded in regaining her identity, but this was due to Grid’s whim. If Grid hadn’t acted on her whims, Tai would have lived her whole life as a rabid dog locked in a cage.
And, it’s not like Grid took pity on Tai and restored her to her original state. Since she had a history of being turned into a monster, she just turned it back because she thought she could use her power as a monster.
So, right after regaining her sense of self, Tai was trained by Grid again. The devil trained Ty for the purpose of turning her into a doll that obeyed him. Tai, who had already been constantly harassed by Grid, could not stand it for long and lowered her head.
After going through this experience, Tai had no choice but to obey her orders. If she rebels for no reason, she will have no choice but to return to the living hell of being locked in a cage again. It was a nightmare she never wanted to experience again, so it was natural for her to obey Taiga Grid’s orders.
So, no matter how much I cherished my former subordinate, I couldn’t help him escape secretly.
“That’s the end of the story. Come on, let’s go.”
Tai made a gesture with his left hand, saying,
“I’ll give you the first move, so hurry up and attack me.”
“Come on, if you lose here, you’ll be dragged along with your comrades lying on the floor. Does that matter?”
Other Tiger women were spread out on the floor. They were the ones who attacked Tai in order to survive, but were brutally defeated. Because he still had affection for his former subordinates, Tai subdued them without causing serious injury.
“Damn it!”
The woman realized that further conversation was meaningless.
Their leader has already become the devil’s plaything, and they have no intention of letting them go. If I had that intention, I wouldn’t have defeated my colleagues so mercilessly.
If so, there is no way left now. The woman immediately raised both her fists and prepared for battle.
“Please forgive my rudeness, Ty!”
The woman ran towards the leader she once respected. She swung her fist with all her might.
One of her teeth scattered in the air along with blood.
Her fist went in properly. She struck her chieftain in the face, even succeeding in injuring him by breaking one of her teeth. However, the woman was embarrassed.
Because if it were the leader, she would have avoided it a long time ago. Earlier, the other colleagues attacked the leader, but weren’t they all broken? So I thought that would happen to me too. She thought that even if she gave up a move, she would easily avoid it.
But why did you hit me on purpose? Why? You have no reason to do that, do you? The woman couldn’t understand why the former leader was like this.
“It’s spicy.”
Tai muttered like that. Although it hurt, she was still happy.
“I liked it because it was spicy. A fist full of anger like this. I couldn’t taste it when we were sparring.”
As he said that, Tai spit out the blood that had accumulated in his mouth. The broken tooth had already returned to its original state a long time ago.
“I think it would be okay to offer you to the master.”
As soon as those words ended,
“… !?”
A heavy blow struck the woman’s chest. When she closed the distance, Ty was right in front of the woman’s nose. She punched her tie before the woman even noticed her. The woman who was subdued with one blow fell to the ground.
Tai carried the woman with her head wrapped around his shoulder.
“Let’s do well in the future, former SS Captain.”
“Come on, Tai…”
Please, come to your senses. The woman, who was the captain of the Thai SS, wanted to say that, but she lost consciousness before she could.