71 – A Generous Dark Elf
[Title: But Dark Elves < Why are they being discriminated against?]
Content: It can’t just be because their skin is dark, right?
– : Yes it is?
– : Do you need another reason?
– : That’s why they’re opposing the independence declaration, apparently?
– : You racist b*stards
– : Dark skin is just the reason they attached later, they’re like that because of their karma ㅇ
-[Original Poster] : Karma?
– : But their karma isn’t that big of a deal ㅇㅇ
-[Original Poster] : What is it?
– : To give you an idea, roughly two Hitlers came from the Dark Elf side
-[Original Poster] : Holy shit
– : It’s nothing much, just roughly two Hitlers lol
– : That would even beat Churchill
– : They actually almost destroyed the continent because of them
– : Night of the Forest < That b*stard’s a true legend
[Title: Night of the Forest < That dude’s a complete nutjob fr]
Content: Murky truth
A Talking Nightmare
An indelible disgrace.
Dig into the sources of the most fucked-up stuff in the game,
and this b*stard’s name is always stamped on it.
What the hell is he?
– : They say he’s a Demon Lord.
– : Retired for over a hundred years, yet mentioned more than any active Demon Lord…
– : If they’ve got “Night <something>” tagged to their name, you can pretty much consider them a Demon Lord, yeah.
– : “Night of the Forest,” that b*stard’s the real deal.
Other Demon Lords all clamor, “I’m a total b*stard!” to earn the “Night” title,
but this guy just got the title with his sheer power level.
– : “What happens if you turn an entire forest into plant zombies?” (Becomes one of the 9 Great Calamities of the Continent)
– : “What if you turn con artists into heroes? (All 13 are recorded in history, completely shattering the very foundation of the continent’s history)”
– : “What if you give a monster a human ego? (Becomes one of the 9 Great Calamities of the Continent)”
– : “Ah~ Bored, guess I’ll make an antidote-less poison~ (Birth of the Continent’s 6 Greatest Poisons)”
– : “What happens if you revive a hero, betrayed and executed, as a death knight? (An entire noble family is obliterated, and their territory becomes a demon realm)”
– : Night of the Incandescent Flame: I’ll burn this filthy world to ashes
-[OP] : The Night of the Incandescent Flame says he’s got something to say?
– : It’s the difference between true madness and fake madness, yeah.
– : That’s why people shit their pants when they hear the name “Witch of the Western Forest”<
-[OP] : Witch of the Western Forest? Isn’t she the final boss of Bondales?
– : Yeah, she’s a disciple of the Night of the Forest.
– : The Witch of the Western Forest was originally the name of the Night of the Forest, she inherited it.
<”An antidote for the Tainted Truth? Does such a thing even exist?”>
“Master said making antidotes wasn’t very fun, so he gave up on it.”
<That’s the most bizarre birth story for an incurable poison I’ve ever heard in my life.>
Pamon stared at the parchment, lost in thought.
“But, why would someone ask about an antidote for the Tainted Truth?”
<So what if it is? What matters is that ‘Sahila’ is asking for help from the ‘Witch of the West Forest’. This is your chance to repay the debt your master owed the Sahila family. You won’t have to be wary of the Sahila family anymore.>
The reason the ‘Witch of the West Forest’ carries ‘Sahila’s’ parchment.
Remembering the debt his master owed them, Pamon let out a snort.
“Oh my~ isn’t it sudden? This opportunity just pops up out of nowhere? Somehow, I feel like good things have been happening lately? Ever since I met Rishir. Could it be, this is also related to my disciple somehow?”
<Ha. Why not say Rishir ate the murky truth for you?>
“Oh my~ I’m touched~ As expected of my disciple.”
<I’m going crazy. Ah. Wait. But, wouldn’t it be all for naught if we don’t know how to decipher the murky truth?>
Pamon suddenly covered his mouth with his hand and let out a ‘pfft’ of laughter.
<What now.>
“No. I just suddenly thought of our Rishir.”
<”Suddenly,” you say when you talk about him any chance you get. Separately, I think I know why you suddenly thought of him. You’re thinking that his unique aura might be able to normalize the murky truth.>
“Duran, you think so too?”
<You are quite the hopeless case. I admit that his ability is special, but there’s a limit to everything. Deciphering the six most potent poisons of the forest night. Such a thing-… Damn it. Why does it seem possible?>
“Duran’s also addicted to my disciple’s charm.”
<A poison more terrible than the murky truth. Anyway, are you thinking of introducing Rishir to them?>
“To the dark elves of Kehlin, my disciple who is in Bondales? Can the two of them meet within the deadline?”
<I guess not.>
“We need a more realistic solution. And that’s why I thought of this.”
<What is it?>
“There’s no way to decipher the murky truth, but there is a way to suppress it.”
Pamon wrote down the method of suppression on the parchment.
<Suppression? Sabakryeon, that’s a poisonous herb that ruins the human body.>
“Well, not all poisonous herbs are the same~? The reason this plant ruins the body of the one who consumes it is because its energy is too~ powerful. So, it is usually refined into a panacea before consumption. You know the tears of the desert, right?”
<You mean that elixir of the dark elves? Something that only the Sahila direct family members are allowed to drink->
“This Sabakryeon is the main ingredient in those tears of the desert.”
<… You want them to just eat it as a poisonous herb instead of going through the trouble of processing it?>
“It’s using a poison to drive out a poison. The enormous energy within it will temporarily displace the effects of the murky truth.”
Pamon shrugged.
“That’s it. The point of this method is solely to delay the end. You could say it’s changing the outcome from the worst to the slightly-less-worst?”
<Will Sahila be satisfied with this?>
In an instant, the parchment burst into flames.
This moment.
The debt owed by the dark elf disgrace, the ‘Witch of the Western Forest’, to ‘Sahila’ was erased.
Pamon, pleased, picked up his wine glass again.
<I had a pre-celebration, and the good luck came along for the ride.>
“It’s thanks to my disciple who ate the murky truth for me~”
<Are you going to keep going with that narrative? Is it okay, even if Lichell ate the murky truth?>
“Trust my disciple’s power~ After all, it’s a ridiculously strong power that even unconsciously repelled the mental interference of a true ancestor~”
<Well… Ah, right. Pamon. Now that I think of it, why did you stop by this city? As far as I know, it wasn’t on your itinerary.>
“Well~ I was curious~ They say the owner of the Holy Sword appeared.”
<Ah, that was why.>
“When I heard the new owner of the Holy Sword was a young female swordsman, I wondered what kind of person she was, and then, I was shocked. I never thought it would be that child~”
Pamon chuckled, picturing his disciple’s face.
“Wouldn’t my disciple be so surprised she might faint if she found out? Hmm~ Speaking of my disciple, I suddenly miss her. My disciple. I hope she’s doing well?”
<Doing well? Her master tasted her and spat her out.>
“No~ she’ll be fine~ Lichell is a strong-willed child~ By now, she’ll be at the 4th circle, no, the 5th circle~”
<Yeah, yeah. You’re right. The great Lichell will soon reach the 6th circle.>
“Right? Duran thinks so too? That’s why I’m worried. Lichell. I wonder if she’s acquired a Vision by now?”
Unlike basic magic and universal magic, a unique system of established magic.
Vision magic.
Simply learning it would drastically expand the learner’s horizons.
Furthermore, it became the wizard’s unique identity.
Therefore, whether or not one possessed Vision magic sometimes became the standard for judging an excellent wizard.
“Of course, my disciple is a child with limitless potential even without Vision magic…~”
Even so, the disappointment was unavoidable.
“Honestly, it’s a shame~? How wonderful it would be if my Vision magic was a power honorable enough to pass on to Lichell. If that were the case, I would have stayed by Lichell’s side and passed it on even if it was a strain. Well, it’ll be okay~? Considering Lichell’s talent, people will be lining up to pass on their own Visions.”
<Yeah, they’d line up alright. The problem is, that kid’s personality.>
“What’s wrong with my student’s personality~?”
<A vision is the identity of a group that serves a power. It’s both history and the future. No matter how outstanding Lycir’s talent is, would they really pass on such a vision without demanding anything in return? They’d surely try to put a leash on him with that vision as bait. And, Lycir’s the type of guy who left his family because he was sick of being leashed. Paradoxically, there’s no better teacher for him than you. Because negligence, when interpreted differently, is also perfect freedom.>
“So, you’re saying my student wouldn’t get a vision, ever, because he hates the thought of being anyone else’s student?”
<I spell it out crystal clear, but you understand it as something entirely different. Well, you got the gist of it at least. Like you said, he’d rather not learn a vision by becoming someone else’s student, because he hates being bound.>
“Maybe, just maybe~ wouldn’t there be~? Some saint who’d be so purely awestruck by my student’s magical talent that they’d impart a vision, without asking for anything in return~”
<A vision given by such a fool. That’s worse than not having one at all. Like some incompetent teacher.>
“That’s mean~”
“Uh…? Uh-“
Katria, who had been staring vacantly, snapped back to reality at Kaylen’s call.
But only for a moment.
She returned to staring at the empty space, muttering listlessly.
“Kaylen. How many days has it been?”
Katria looked down at the bracelet on her wrist.
Verdande’s hand.
Immediately after using the demon’s power to suspend Lycir’s demise, Katria was tormented by extreme self-loathing.
Was this really the right thing to do?
It felt like the first step had gone so badly wrong that each attempt to fix the problem only made it worse.
But now.
The outcome proved that Katria’s judgment had, in fact, been correct.
“…It’s been 3 days.”
“3 days…”
Day three of the investigation.
Katria and Kaylen had yet to find anything that could purify the murky truth.
If not for Verdande’s power, Lycir would have already been consumed by the murky truth and become an empty shell.
Katria’s lips clamped shut, stopping the word.
“…Sounds pathetic to say thank.”
“My lady…?”
She held a deep self-mockery.
“What the hell have I done…?”
After three days of investigation, Katria had reached one conclusion.
To find the ‘something’ hidden within the Mage Tower, she desperately needed the help of those familiar with it.
However, Katria couldn’t seek help from the Mage Tower.
Here, in the Mage Tower, Katria was nothing more than a dark elf slave.
Even if she revealed her identity as the Lady of Sahila, nothing would change.
Just what could she say, to ask for their cooperation?
She’d fed a murky truth to the mages of the Tower, and now she was supposed to ask for their help in deciphering it?
They’d be just thrilled to listen.
The situation could be summed up in one word.
And it was all entirely her fault, for having buttoned up things wrong from the start.
It was because she foolishly believed in returning the hatred she’d received, in full.
“My lady…?”
Deep anguish.
At its end, Katria conjured a cheerful smile.
“Yep! It’s nothing. Just spaced out a little from fatigue. Keiren! Let’s resume the investigation!”
She didn’t even have the right to grieve right now.
Early morning, the sixth day of the investigation.
Maid Katria was busily preparing breakfast for her master in the kitchen.
Katria stared at the soup bubbling in the pot.
Holding a single strand of grass in her hand.
The grass, called ‘Four Hundred Lotus’, was an extremely rare herb, found in the southern desert.
Its primary use was as an ingredient in the dark elves’ elixir, ‘Tears of the Desert’.
In other words, it was a medicinal herb.
When used for its intended purpose, that is.
A sprout, growing atop a steep cliff facing the sun, basks in the scorching heat for years, accumulating the sun’s energy.
That’s how the Four Hundred Petal Lotus bloomed.
The energy held within is so vast it becomes toxic if not refined.
In Katria’s private vault, one of those Four Hundred Petal Lotuses was kept.
For far into the future. Once all the ingredients were gathered, for the purpose of creating ‘Tears of the Desert.’
Yesterday, Katria had used an artifact to retrieve the lotus.
According to the advice of the witch of the western forest, to feed the unrefined Four Hundred Petal Lotus to Rishir.
To postpone Rishir’s impending end once more, which she had already put off once before.
‘Is this really the right thing to do?’
Katria questioned herself.
The answer came immediately.
‘Of course it isn’t…’
Feeding him a murky truth, making him a man with a limited lifespan.
Not only did she force the power of a demon onto him, now she’s feeding him poisonous herbs.
The more she tries to do for him, the more harm she ends up causing him.
But what can she do?
This is all she can do.
The Four Hundred Petal Lotus slowly dissolved into the soup.
“Smells good. Tia, is that what’s for breakfast today?”
“…Yes! You can look forward to it!”
Katria forced a cheerful smile.
The smile felt alien somehow.
‘I’m a hopeless case, just harming him.’
[Splendid solar energy imbues!]
[New trait acquired!]
Lissir was flustered.
Meltas was flustered too.
In the middle of their spar.
His forte, wind magic, was suddenly imbued with the energy of fire.
“When did you learn fire magic?”
“Ah, is *that* fire magic?”
Late at night, day 7 of the investigation.
The large topaz embedded in the bracelet absorbed the moonlight, displaying its unique murky luster.
Katria gave the command, her voice directed towards Verdandes’ hand.
“Verdandes. This is my final order. Transfer all of your being and power to the owner of this hair.”
-Ah, no!!! Sahila!!! Take back that command!!!
“…I know. I know how foolish of a decision I’m making. But, there’s no going back. It’s already gone too far.”
The topaz shattered into pieces.
And with that, not only did Lissir come to possess the power of the great desert demon, but the demon’s very being.
Katria forced a bright, excessively bright smile.
‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Lissir. I’m begging you. Please, just a little longer, just hold on a little longer…’
[The memories of a masterless desert are etched into you!]
▶ New system unlocked.
System: Unique Skill
[You have acquired a Unique Skill]
▶ Unique Skill: Desert Scream (C Rank)
[Your Unique Skill reacts to your customized traits!]
[A brilliant sun shines over the desolate desert!]
[Your Unique Skill has been enhanced]
▶ Unique Skill: Desert Song (B Rank)
Meltas couldn’t hide his shock.
A sandstorm, imbued with an unknown, mystical energy, had whipped up and shattered his barrier.
Finally, Rishir’s magic had reached Meltas.
As a shocking move – arcane magic.
“Rishir, you…! When did you learn arcane magic!?”
“Ah, is this arcane magic?”
“Seriously, be reasonable.”
Early morning, day eight of the investigation.
Katria thought.
“Tia, that, uh, white flower-like vegetable? Do you have any more of it? I don’t know what it is, but it smelled good.”
‘What is it?’
Addicted to the murky truth, being eroded by the demon’s power and presence, the man who ingested the poisonous weed was in a strange state.