Chapter 134 – Blurry, Suddenly (4)
Training, ascending to a higher realm.
I was prepared to do anything to hone my skills.
All the more so when witnessing an elder with overwhelming prowess.
“I said it was alright to experience dying.”
An old man descended from the heavens, murmuring.
Truly, when a person like me finds a stable place, I often forget my previous resolutions.
People don’t change easily.
It means one must continuously push their spirit to avoid repeating a wretched life like before.
The old man’s kick struck my chest.
At that moment, my halted heart began to throb once more.
“Kahak, kolok, kolok.”
“I took you in because I’m intrigued by your obstinacy and the circumstances that brought you here. They may indulge your wishes, but if you’re a migratory bird destined to leave, there’ll be no lingering attachment. If told to stop, you’ll stop at any moment.”
The elderly man who had roughly trampled my hand proceeded to rub his feet back and forth.
Blood seeped up through the earthen floor.
I reconnected the ritual cord that had been severed multiple times.
My body was mercilessly torn apart, yet my mind felt cleansed, as if washed anew.
The thrilling sensation of blood spraying.
Instead of a sense of accomplishment for advancing a step toward future safety, I focused on the fight itself.
I lifted my body and channeled my magical power.
A wry smile surfaced at the corners of my lips, as the mana grew denser than before.
“…Laughing in pain, you’re such a fool.”
“It seems I haven’t had this much fun in a while.”
I took solace in the fact that I was making steady progress.
I could do more.
Emotions bordering on self-hypnosis conquered even my drowsiness.
The more the power of the World Tree was used, the stronger it grew; the lacerated flesh of the bloodied body began to gradually heal.
“At first, I thought some dimwitted fool had taken over my strength.”
The old man imbued his fists with magical power once again.
“In the heat of battle, it’s as if I’m seeing my younger self.”
At the very moment when the old man, with a hint of praise, was about to move, I swung my broken arm and splattered the blood I was gripping.
Curiously, the old man did not evade the blood. Fortunately, the blood entered his eyes and obscured his vision. That’s when I saw my chance. Just as I was about to move, my legs gave way and I collapsed.
“I’ll praise your resilience. Even though you were under my guidance, no one but you has floundered against me for half a day.”
Then I realized that I couldn’t see very well. The sun had set, and the moon was shining brightly.
The old man clicked his tongue as he looked at the blood-soaked peach blossoms beneath his feet.
“Because of you, the flowers across the entire mountain have been sullied. Come again next time, and fill the air holes in your body.”
“It’s still possible.”
“Be quiet, I’m busy too. Due to your actions, I have to tend to Dowon’s internal affairs for a while.”
Internal affairs.
After pondering for some time, I hesitantly opened my mouth.
“…If that’s the case, I’ll handle it.”
“My aptitude for learning isn’t bad, and I’ve gained a fair amount of knowledge through my own experiences, so it won’t be a fruitless endeavor.”
Operating a region is no easy task, but there were things I had observed and learned.
If asked whether I could be certain of handling the same responsibilities, I couldn’t say for sure. After all, this place has its own martial arts world.
Regardless, my skillset wasn’t meager, so I would be of assistance.
Moreover, while repaying the favor, I also wanted to learn more about Dowon.
For a while, I had been far too ignorant about my surroundings.
I needed to understand more about Heaven, Heavenly Demon, and the greater context, including the karma of the peach tree I had heard of long ago.
Perhaps it could aid in my future endeavors with Heaven, White Peach, and Zodiac.
The elder’s eyes widened, seemingly taken aback by my statement.
“It appears you haven’t come solely to consume the essence of the spine.”
“Because it is Heaven’s birthplace.”
I meant to say my mentor’s birthplace, but my words faltered, and I replaced them with another term. Regardless, the elder discerned my meaning with uncanny insight and chuckled.
“To think that the fragile woman I knew would raise a disciple.”
A man who quickly realizes that I come from the future. Given that he knows about King Mokryeong, he might also possess knowledge regarding the World Tree of Time.
“Yet, you know nothing of me aside from my title. It seems my identity was well-concealed. I am uncertain of what transpired, but are all three of them alive?”
Hesitating in response to the elder’s ominous inquiry, I replied.
“I shall ensure it.”
Hwangdo, Baekdo, and Cheondo share the same body.
That alone is troubling, and it might even vanish in the future.
However, since I couldn’t speak about the future, I had no choice but to convey my intentions as much as possible.
That was a determination.
The old man spoke with a stern expression, yet he seemed to approve, as he clicked his tongue.
“You fool. Yes, learn the tasks here from Hong-Yeon. I’ll give you some advice in advance. If you have any questions, ask.”
I had many questions.
About the reasons behind Do-won’s downfall, or why Cheondo had become so emotionless.
The same applied to Baekdo’s transformation. I wanted to know why she, once so playful, had suddenly changed her tone.
‘I was filled with unknowns.’
But before that.
There was something I had to ask him.
“What is your name?”
The old man, walking with his back turned, stopped as soon as he heard my question.
“A name… I’m not certain when I was last called by another name, perhaps because everyone refers to me as Heavenly Demon.”
The old man spoke with a tinge of bitterness in his voice.
“I don’t know either. I forgot. Maybe it’s because I was abandoned by my mother since I was young, so I discarded my name and lived without it.”
But then –
The old man lowered his voice. I watched the silhouette of the departing old man from a distance until it disappeared.
“My mother called me Taejin. I don’t know the meaning. I don’t even want to know.”
Those were the last words of the old man.
* * * * * *
The next day.
“I heard the story.”
When I set out early in the morning, Heaven approached me and asked.
“I heard you’re involved in managing Do-won?”
“It somehow turned out that way. I can’t be idle without drawing attention.”
“You could just stay as a food enthusiast…”
Responding suitably, I stood behind Heaven, who followed close behind me.
I wrapped my arms around her, our bodies pressed together.
A ticklish sensation washed over me while my trembling hands steadied.
“Don’t cling again. Don’t think any strange thoughts.”
“What strange thoughts?”
“Ah, that…”
“Heh, I don’t feel anything towards minors.”
“Then, let go.”
“Even so, I enjoy it.”
Soft and tender.
Heaven’s brow furrowed ever so slightly as she listened to my words.
“Sigh, if you need a woman to embrace, shouldn’t you just find a wife?”
“I have one.”
“Then why hug me?”
“I thought I’d spend my life devoted to just one person. But I realized it doesn’t matter if there are more.”
“Ugh. You’re the first person to openly say that.”
Is that so?
As I tilted my head, Cheondo, who had been gazing up at my face from below, started to mumble quietly as if she was pouting.
She appeared as young as a middle school student, as if to say they could be of the same age.
“What’s going on… I came because I was worried.”
The middle school students in my world would learn peculiar ways of speaking from their phones and use them as is.
Seeing the naive and sincere Cheondo, my heart warmed.
‘…If only our Shiba would grow up just like this.’
I wonder if my daughter is doing well. Will she quarrel with White Peach again, or will she scream from feeling burdened by Zodiac’s excessive love? My daughter has plenty of worries because of her inept father.
“Were you worried? Thank you.”
“It’s fine. It’s fine. I shouldn’t associate with someone who won’t even tell me their name… I was so startled back then during the match. It was all for nothing! For nothing!”
I chuckled.
I wrapped my arms around Cheondo’s neck and rested my chin on the top of her head. Perhaps due to the significant height difference, I was able to do this.
“Don’t hug me!”
“Were you really that surprised? How long has it been since we met that you’re so shocked and worried?”
“A puppy not knowing when it’ll die is soaked from the rain; shouldn’t you be worried and feel sympathy?”
It’s a cutting analogy, in its own way. But it doesn’t have much effect on me.
Even if Heaven were to hurl curses at me, it would be fine. Even if she hit me, it would be fine.
“Should we go to your room after work today? It’s been a while.”
“No, thanks. Please don’t come.”
As I messed with Heaven’s hair as I pleased, I finally let her go from my embrace.
Pushing my body away, Heaven smoothed her hair and put on a sad expression.
“Mean person!”
Had my display of affection been too excessive?
I gave a bitter smile as I watched Heaven’s retreating figure.
Right now, I’d love to chase after her and spend time eating street food at some marketplace, but there was somewhere I had to go first.
The summit of Do-won.
It had no particular name attached to it.
In terms of a kingdom, it serves as a palace and simultaneously manages all matters within the Do-won. It’s a building so large that it’s doubtful whether it could be constructed within a mountain range.
Upon entering, the guard stationed at the front bowed his head and offered a light greeting.
“I see you, Socheonma-nim.”
“…Ah, yes.”
Socheonma, perhaps a similar figure?
I’m aware that there are quite a few individuals who have been trained by the Heavenly Demon. However, not everyone who receives training becomes a Socheonma. Despite this, the fact that the guard recognized me as a Socheonma seemed to indicate that the elder had said something.
“Walk down the hallway to the right and enter the innermost room; the master will be there.”
I nodded and found the room as instructed.
Hong-Yeon (紅聯). Chinese characters are written in calligraphy on the paper above the door.
Is this the office of the woman I faced? Instead of entering immediately, I knocked gently on the door.
“Come in.”
A woman’s solemn voice resounded heavily in the room. As I opened the door, Hong-Yeon’s face came into view.
“Have you arrived?”
Her face was tightly wrapped in bandages, her eyes swollen and unable to open properly. The gauze on her sunken nose was stained red, as if blood still seeped from it. Despite her condition, Hong-Yeon diligently moved her quill pen and cast a disgruntled gaze in my direction.
“You look like a withered tree drained of all its sap.”
“Did you really need to say that? And you’re using informal speech again…”
It wasn’t something that needed to be said. I was just resentful for not being able to hit her back then.
Hong-Yeon heaved a sigh, seemingly irritated just by looking at my face.
“Ugh, expecting courtesy from someone like you was a mistake. Fine, you said you’d step in and take care of things yourself. I hope it’s not empty words you’ve blurted out without knowing anything. Sit down in front, I’ll hand over the tasks that need to be done.”
– Squeak, squeak.
Still wielding the quill pen, Hong Yeon extended a few ancient tomes to me as I sat before her.
“I’ll double-check, but are you capable of this?”
“I’m not sure if it’s the exact same thing I’ve been doing, but there shouldn’t be anything you can’t grasp when I teach you.”
“…And refrain from using informal language. This place has a hierarchy, too.”
“I will, if there are people around.”
“You’re a person of few words, aren’t you?”
Why did someone like this have to come along?
Hong Yeon muttered a curse under her breath and began her explanation.
“First and foremost, these are the essential rules of Do-won that you need to know. When there’s a dispute, punishments are based on these rules, so commit them to memory by tomorrow.”
The law book wasn’t as substantial as a constitution, but it was considerably thick in its own right. Documents organizing items coming in from the outside and those going out from the inside.
From taxes to military matters, it seemed as if a system of sorts had been established, at least for now.
“Will you be able to memorize it?”
I quietly picked up the book, read a few lines, and nodded.
“Alright. I’ll speak about the rest after further observation.”
Every country’s laws and systems seem plausible on the surface. Whether they have utility or leave room for abuse is another matter.
To truly understand, I would need to read it myself and experience working here, but from what I know, Dowon is not a particularly safe place. In a previous investigation, I had heard rumors about the happenings in the lower parts of Dowon.
“I hope you won’t be too talkative. Our next task is…”
He subtly shows his dislike, but he seems to be a competent individual when it comes to managing Dowon.
‘Was there a reason why the Heavenly Demon cared so much as to try and stop me?’
It’s a relief that the person teaching me doesn’t seem to be leading me astray. Listening attentively to Hong-Yeon’s words, I began to immerse myself in the place called Dowon in earnest.