Chapter 366 – The Wounded Monster (5)
“I feel sorry for the king…”
Tae-yang chuckled at Aori’s murmur.
“What can we do? He said he needs his brother.”
“But, Your Highness, whenever we bring up the tree, he genuinely feels nauseous.”
In everyone’s mind, there’s a trauma that they must endure.
Especially for someone whose life changed merely by being nailed to a tree. That trauma must be deeply ingrained.
When Tae-yang and Aori spoke to Lee Si-heon, they could sense the fragments of his trauma.
“Now, he has come to accept the tree.”
“Is that remarkable?”
“Of course, isn’t it?”
Typically, no matter how determined one is, their resolve often lasts only three days.
This is true even for ordinary people. As for Lee Si-heon, who once lived as a disabled person, the challenge is even greater.
How immense must his determination be in order to change?
“No matter how much the world has changed, can people change just as easily? It’s due to several overlapping reasons that it came to be like this.”
Upon hearing Tae-yang’s words, Aori nodded her head. It was a conclusion anyone could deduce, and it wasn’t difficult to empathize with.
They both thought simultaneously.
The person who once harbored such hatred for trees began to accept their own destiny. While others may not understand, it must have been a significant leap for the person involved.
Tae-yang murmured earnestly.
“Aori. My older sibling’s mind is quite preoccupied.”
“It’s up to us to support them.”
Keep it in mind. Can you do it?
“Yes, I can.”
Aori nodded her head. She clenched her fists, expressing her determination.
Seeing her like that, the corners of Tae-yang’s mouth lifted.
“Well done.”
The two of them were born to serve and aid the king.
They were adept at understanding the human psyche and responding to it accordingly.
“But is the king really struggling that much?”
Tae-yang shrugged in response to Aori’s question. It was one of those facts that was painful to even inquire about.
Lee Si-heon’s mental state was too complex for Tae-yang to describe in words. He recalled the story of Lee Si-heon that he had heard from the cradle.
– Our master… To be honest, if he were to give me an order right now, wouldn’t I be the most trustworthy person to him?
– Is he that precious to you?
– Of course, he is. He’s no different from the person who saved my life.
The presence of numerous subjective interpretations and exaggerations indicated just how important a person he was. From the beginning, when Tae-yang first met Lee Si-heon, he had seemed somewhat empty.
“I was exhausted from the pressure to resolve something quickly. It reached a point where I had to somehow alleviate that weary mind with the help of those around me.”
Unconsciously, he had relied heavily on the people surrounding him.
The objects of their attention were Sansuyu, their mentors, and his lovers.
Tae-yang’s judgment was thus.
“And now, even those mentors have rejected him.”
Lee Si-heon clashed with Heaven. It was as if he willingly removed one of the pillars he should have relied upon.
This would undoubtedly lead to immense emotional turmoil.
“It’s because he’s the culprit. He’s growing weary.”
“…Culprit? The king? The king is incredibly strong.”
“It’s not a matter of skill or talent. His life and way of thinking were more ordinary than we imagined.”
He had experienced so much in such a short amount of time.
The growth that came as a result was remarkable, but he had barely any time to rest.
“He’s being pursued by something. I don’t know where this anxiety originates.”
However, Lee Si-heon displayed excessive confidence and ambition.
Excessive reverence or attachment toward some people may stem from such a mental state.
“I see.”
Aori nodded once more. For her, there was no other option but to nod.
In their lives together, it had almost always been Tae-yang who had taken charge.
“We have one task. It’s quite simple.”
“To help my brother to the best of our ability.”
At a glance, a person’s confidence, in truth, often arises from immense anxiety.
Aware of their many shortcomings, they put up a mental resistance when they cannot expose them.
The struggle of life. A proactive defense mechanism.
Some call it resilience.
Depending on the observer, it could be perceived as tenacity.
“That’s it.”
Tae-yang and Aori simultaneously reached into their pockets.
Before they knew it, they found themselves in a dimly lit alley. They moved in unison, swiftly surveying their surroundings with keen eyes.
A brief surge of magic. A bolt of electricity pierces the hunters lurking nearby.
“Ugh, Kaaaaaa!”
Flies drop to the ground in the silence that follows.
A dagger aimed at Aori grazes her shoulder.
“The poison doesn’t work.”
Wriggling, new shoots sprout from the tree and transform into skin, regenerating the wound. Numerous hunters begin to surround Aori and Tae-yang.
“Did it take longer to find you this time?”
Fluent Chinese spills from Tae-yang’s lips. The hunters’ eyes narrow.
“Considering you came to Nagoya so openly, it’s only natural. Right, Aori?”
“Kill them all.”
Heat rises on Aori’s face.
-Quad deuk!
Tentacles in the form of tree roots burst from her waist, spreading out like wings in every direction.
The eight-pronged blades found the hidden hunters’ hearts and pierced them.
– *Kwaaak!*
Gory entrails. Blood. Vomit. Tae-yang stood at the center and laughed bitterly.
Perhaps that’s what they call a living bio-weapon. The grotesque sound resonated, causing his entire body to react in terror.
– *Keudeudeudeuk*
Contorted bodies. Red, unfocused eyes. A walking catastrophe. A monster that was difficult to call a girl stood there.
If hunters have ranks, then criminals have their own hierarchy. Although the standards are much stricter for criminals, as they incite unrest in society. Aori was among them. An S-class calamity, reached by all the executives of Flower and those nearing a certain level, except for King Mokryeong and the Heavenly Demon, who were beyond the standard.
A living disaster. Aori’s face returned, her eyes swirling with a unique innocence.
“Are you going to see the king now?”
Long ago, there was a girl who had been so brutally harmed that she could hardly move. Her plight was so dire that death would have been a mercy. What can one make of such a situation?
“Let’s go.”
But that wasn’t the point, after all.
* * * * * * * * *
Today, the cigarette clung to my lips more insistently than ever.
“Brother, you said you quit smoking.”
“Your Highness… chain smoking is bad for your health.”
I gazed up at the sky, my eyes vacant and unfocused.
My voice emerged hoarse and ragged.
“Ah, I feel so sorry for the king…”
Aori clutched her heart, her face stained with tears. Regardless of her feelings, I silently continued the thought I’d been expressing.
“I wonder if trees live longer because they have filters when they smoke…?”
My hand clutching the cigarette trembles. The veins are strikingly visible, as if only skin remains on the thoroughly drained hand.
“Please, brother! Return to your senses!”
The burning cigarette ember. Twilight.
I returned at dawn, and now night is approaching once more. I wiped my philtrum with damp hands. The scent of saltiness and sap lingered in the air.
The expression on Tae-yang’s face, as he gripped my shoulder and shook me, was particularly harsh today.
“Isn’t this the result of your choice, brother?”
“I know. I know…”
A dry cough escaped my lips. It was fortunate that no blood followed.
“I know someone named Jung Si-woo… He’s been trying incredibly hard to save his sister.”
“Brother, I’ve heard about that… Please, don’t tell me.”
He risks his life delving into dungeons, making contracts with spirits, even taking a bullet. Tae-yang, that’s what’s normal, right? That’s how people become stronger, isn’t it?
“Your Majesty… Let’s go find a beautiful woman to enjoy. Not a tree… Only the women that you prefer…”
“But why am I the one being devoured and sitting here?”
I lowered my head in silence. My face, reflected on the surface of the lake, blurred as it merged with the flowing water. Sunken cheeks, and a shadowy visage with darkness concentrated around the edges of my eyes.
Ah, that’s right. I had changed the shape of the mask. It was the result of unconsciously altering my face to appear less appealing, attempting to avoid being devoured.
“Where to next?”
“Brother… Ugh! There’s a place similar to the one just now… where things get even more intense at night…”
The silence stretched on. I lit another cigarette right there.
– Puff.
Billowing clouds of smoke. It was fortunate that this was a pleasure district. I could freely indulge in my smoking habit. At that moment, I felt confident enough to embrace anyone.
I looked at Tae-yang and Aori. Yes, they too had experienced what I had gone through.
“You two have had a tough life.”
Tae-yang and Aori couldn’t hold back their tears and sobbed on their knees.
“You must have gone through a lot to find me.”
“No, it’s Your Highness!”
“Shall we go? Lead the way.”
Tree roots could be seen growing beneath the lake.
Wooden poles lined the roadside.
All the buildings were made of wood.
There were so many trees in this world.
One couldn’t help but seriously consider the love of nature.
Tae-yang and Aori, with tears in their eyes, grasped my shoulders and guided me.
“I have nothing to say… to your lovers.”
“Tae-yang, I’m just a bastard… That’s all there is to it.”
– Thump.
The door opened once again. Tae-yang and Aori no longer accompanied me.
A battle without wielding a sword.
The king’s service.
If the queen of a fallen kingdom were sold in a slave market, surely she would face a similar fate.
“My, you’re quite handsome. It’s rare to see such fine S-class material these days~”
How can they all say the same thing?
“Come on, go in. The guests must be waiting.”
“Oh right, I almost forgot. Put on this outfit before you go in.”
“But isn’t this too revealing?”
“I’ll pay you more for the day.”
Am I really doing this for the money…?
“I won’t accept the money.”
“Oh my.”
Perhaps she misunderstood me, the woman covered her mouth.
“A young man… Sigh. Fine….”
I guess she thought I was doing this because I enjoyed it. I was about to say something else but gave up, choked by an indescribable emotion.
Fine. Let it be.
As I pushed through the curtains and saw the countless trees towering in the room, I chuckled in self-mockery.
“…Master. Sansuyu.”
Damn it, here I go.
* * * * * * *
“Brother, there seems to have been a misunderstanding. Really, truly.”
“Who could have known it would be SM!!!”
Tae-yang, flustered, hastily tries to explain himself.
Beside me, Aori wipes away tears and gently rubs my skin with her hand.
The vivid marks left by the wooden whip.
Only when I use my halted regenerative ability do the scars begin to fade.
“Should I go and sort this out, brother?”
“Your Majesty… Tae-yang did this to me. It’s pitiful… but also so sexy…”
I flicked a bean at Aori’s forehead as she breathed heavily, looking at the not-fully-healed scar.
Aori topples over, letting out an onomatopoeia like a game character.
I brushed my hand across my forehead.
“…Is Ong developing some kind of absorption power these days? Huh? Do you learn new abilities as you age and level up?”
“Well… It’s called Ongifella.”
I was at a loss for words.
“Khhhhhh, hehehehehe. Damn it. Heh heh heh heh.”
“King Tae-yang has gone mad… What should we do?!”
“How the hell was I supposed to know it was like that there?!”
I sobbed and laughed.
“King Mokryeong, that bastard… Kkeukkeuk. How did he live?”
“Brother, get a grip! Focus!”
It was so hilarious, absurd, and pitiful all at once.
He claimed to be a doctor.
Growing up there, without any talent, until the world was in ruins.
What had he done for the world?
Only after going through it did I understand its profound meaning.
“Your Majesty, sob sob.”
Aori, who pressed her cheek against my shin, wept with me. I spread my legs apart and cried out in a blood-choked voice.
“Yes, yes? Please rest a bit, brother…”
“Damn it, bring on the next one!!!”
Does my body even matter now?
The priority was to figure out how to survive.
Once my mind had shattered, it felt as though I finally understood what truly mattered.