Chapter 582 – Venice (3)
A luminescent green light emerged from the phantom’s form. Contracted spirits burst forth, enveloping the maiden like a protective shroud.
– Flash!
Beside her shoulder stood a centaur adorned in resplendent plate armor. An elfin sprite levitating ice crystals graced the side of her head. Her legs were coiled by a verdant serpent, and at her feet, a fire-breathing lizard.
With a robust magical barrier cloaking her, she was battle-ready within moments. Venice, witnessing this spectacle, clicked her tongue in annoyance and amplified her mana.
“Throwing a tantrum, are we?”
[Of course, I am! Do you have any idea what you and your contractor are plotting?]
“You’d be better off spreading your thighs willingly. If you resist, my master will mercilessly stretch your narrow vagina with something the size of his forearm.”
[…Once more, I-]
“So, your rebellion means contact between our genitalia is possible, right?”
Abi’s form was spectral. At first glance, she seemed intangible, yet she was undeniably a substantial entity.
Stung by the comment, Abi clamped her mouth shut.
– Shiiik!
The lizard, with its mouth agape, threatened us. Abi, with a restraining hand, warned the creature.
[You are… not genuine spirit-sorcerers.]
[A bond and friendship with the spirits… shouldn’t be established through such base acts. Even if it were possible, it would be a counterfeit bond! A heinous crime!]
She cried out as if making a solemn vow.
Abi, holding a magical force potent enough to engulf us at any moment, began to issue orders to the spirits.
The only solution seemed to be a battle.
But how?
Turning to Venice for counsel, I was met with her scornful laughter echoing absurdly around us. Ah, it was that look she wore when about to execute a prank.
Already accustomed to her antics, I had long since placed a hand on my forehead. Venice, hiding a chuckle, pointed a finger of superiority at Abi.
“You’ve never had sex, have you?”
Suddenly questioning her virginity, Abi’s face flushed a shade of purple.
[Why, why is that important?!]
“The most reliable bond between a man and a woman is carnal passion. Judging by your ignorance, I presumed you’re a virgin.”
[…What, what absurdity…]
A nerve-wracking face-off ensued between a spectral maiden who had lived but a century and an ancient elf woman who had endured thousands of years.
The trembling Abi yelled out in a voice filled with indignation.
[…If the physical passion is so great, then… Try to defeat me!]
“And if I win? You will give it a try too, right?”
[It’s fine. You won’t win anyway!]
“Heh, heh, heh. Fine. Prepare to be defeated.”
Abi, once a legendary spirit-sorcerer who singlehandedly ended a war, now stood as our formidable opponent.
I suspect her resourcefulness may well be beyond my means to handle.
I wonder, how much power did the ancient titans truly possess? To quell my curiosity, I channeled my magical energy and transmitted it to Venice.
[The final trial was to… challenge and defeat me, but this time it’s different. With the power you’ve acquired in this dungeon, you will likely… indulge in devilish deeds in the external world.]
“Devilish, you say? Is it devilish for a superior male to sow his seed?”
Magical power surged from Abi’s form. Venice, honing the edge of her blade, voiced her final warning.
“If you intend to withdraw, do so. If you lose, I assure you, I will not stay my hand.”
[If it is to prevent your lascivious and licentious conduct…]
Venice’s shadow, imbued with her magical energy, extended instantaneously towards Abi.
* * * * * * * *
How far can I push myself?
Initially, I intended to engage in battle using only spirits.
– Woooooh!
A magical circle expanded all around me. Numerous spirits peeked out from above the formation.
Commanding multiple spirits simultaneously was an act that drained a formidable amount of magical energy, but I was capable of managing it.
【…Haeng-ja-nim? Do you have another task for us?】
【Haeng-ja-nim! You summoned us again!】
A legion of spirits, numbering sixty in total.
Spirits that I had bonded with from the first gateway materialized, completely altering the atmosphere in our vicinity.
‘…My entire body’s energy is being drained. But I can handle this.’
As I gathered my breath and focused my gaze, I saw Venice and Abi locked in a bloody struggle.
A shadow, elongated from the floor, was aiming for Abi’s neck.
Abi, utilizing spirits to fend off Venice, seemed to be struggling against her deft maneuvers.
– Bang!
Riding along Abi’s shadow, Venice emerged from the floor, brandishing a venom-coated dagger from behind.
There’s no mystery as to how she, a mere creature of the dungeon, was able to stand her ground against Abi.
Her advantage was due to millennia of magical research in her village and efficient utilization of her magical energy.
‘If that thing had a power core, the situation would have been far more dire.’
And there was also the lamentable lack of magical energy supporting Abi’s knowledge and techniques.
Abi, nothing more than a corpse, was somehow managing to refine and use the surrounding magical energy, albeit inefficiently.
‘It’s time to return.’
I summoned Venice, who was facing off against Abi alone.
I positioned the formidable legion of spirits before me, and looked up at Abi with defiance.
Abi, noticing the protective spirit legion, was taken aback, halting his actions.
[What… you two… Don’t let yourselves be enslaved by carnal pleasures, break free from them!]
“Enslaved? No, we are simply being honest with our desires.”
[“Must you persist with such nonsense…!”]
“Soon, you too shall find yourself in this state.”
Lee Si-heon unleashed a flare before the obstinate Venice.
Venice artfully concealed herself within my shadow, and the flare that had been shot towards her ricocheted towards an unintended nymph.
【The flames approach! Nymph of the waters, aid us!】
【Whoooosh! Is this sufficient?】
【It is ceaseless!】
With a swift jump, a nymph dodged the incoming flare which then ignited the ground beneath.
【Fire, fire! It burns hot!】
Thud thud!
In response, the nymph began to wail, its howls filling the air. Whether this was helpful or not was unclear.
【Traveler! I, the water nymph, shall extinguish any flames that dare touch you!】
【The traveler is under my protection!】
【Fire, fire! That vile woman targets our traveler! She commanded the lizard to spit fire! This, I remember well!】
【What!?】【Can this be true?!】
The nymphs enveloped me, their voices rising in unison against Lee Si-heon.
【The audacity… This woman who lacks even a hint of spice dares to menace the traveler!】
【Descend from there at once!】
Sometimes, words can cut deeper than any blade.
Lee Si-heon halted, his face a mask of shock as if stung by their accusations.
Being rebuked by one’s own conjured spirits… It must be a rather distasteful feeling.
I tuned in to Lee Si-heon’s voice, which was now murmuring in disbelief.
[…Why do these nymphs speak thus?]
‘So that’s where the confusion lies.’
Observing Lee Si-heon, the originator of this dungeon, it became apparent that the nymphs’ behavior and way of speaking were initially ordinary. It seemed that Venice might not have been the only anomaly within this dungeon. Their appearance too was likely far more mature than it currently was.
As of now, their cutesy accusations held the floor….
【If the traveler perishes, we shan’t receive the sweet and sticky nectar from his body!】
【For the sake of that precious nectar! Do you understand, nymph comrades? One, two, for its sake!】
… Or perhaps not. They resembled nothing more than a fringe cult.
-Chuckle chuckle!
Venice, nestled in my arms, laughed heartily. Emerging from the shadows, she embraced me and planted a kiss on my cheek — an act of intimacy that had now become familiar. The residual warmth of her cool lips stayed on my cheek, causing a tingling sensation.
“Hehehe, Lee Si-heon.”
“This is the best moment ever. I’m truly grateful to you for making it possible.”
That’s all very well, but it seemed the sentiments were not mutual.
[Urghh… I cannot forgive this.]
With his cheeks ballooning, Lee Si-heon prepared to summon more spirits, ready to take us all out at once.
There was still much to inquire. I had questions about Erinys and the Queen, the very reasons for my presence here. However, it looked like a battle was imminent.
“Am I unable to summon the Queen this very moment? Or is it obstinacy…?”
To utilize the power of the bond so emphasized, the Queen’s might would be unavoidable. If it remains unused, there must be a reason.
My options are few.
Either I provide a reason for him to summon Erinies.
Or, distract him and seize control.
As my emotions synchronize with Venice, our fists meet. Her form and mine overlap. My hair, guided by the direction of my mana, surges towards the heavens.
The power of the spirit, radiating in cerulean hues.
Spiritual transformation. As I manifest my mana, indigo and azure intertwine, forming a series of curvilinear lines behind me that evoke a colossal landscape.
“[…That’s…Spiritual transformation. Impossible. That a physical connection could reach such a plane…]”
I conceal myself within the darkness.
Through spiritual transformation, I can wield the shadow art Venice manipulates.
I dissolve into the shadows, harnessing my father’s shadow to appear behind him.
The fleeting speed was too much for even my father to keep up with. Late to realize, he commanded the spirit to assault my form.
Defeat was far from my thoughts.
Had my power been merely spiritual transformation, the outcome might have been uncertain. But in this state, simultaneous usage of divine arts is a viable possibility.
I thrust my hand into the maw of the attacking lizard, triggering an explosive release of mana.
My form exploded, scattering mana instantaneously throughout the surroundings. This precipitated the reverse summoning of a spirit.
【Heavenly Demon Divine Art · Spirit’s Posture (態勢) · Perfected】
Dozens of spirits descending upon me. My movements are so swift that even the spirits I’ve summoned cannot keep pace.
Only my father’s spirit manages to barely keep up.
“Can I weather it?”
The burden on my shoulder as I substitute mana with magic energy.
Venice’s struggle is palpable to me.
Even Venice’s superior power was obstructing the execution of the divine arts.
-It’s the final stand-
Laughing off the exertion, I scan the surroundings with pupils glowing blue.
The spirit eye discerns the flow of all mana. Each spell being invoked, every intention behind their mana, is laid bare before my sight.
I possess the capacity of a mage as well.
Disrupting the magic of the spirits was not unlike a puppeteer manipulating magic rooted in modern scholarship.
Venice, who understands the power of spirits, would not falter.
She now possesses my power in its entirety. The sum of our strengths results in a formidable explosion.
Intercepting the incoming magic and spirits with one hand, I advance.
With a single hand, I cast aside the female knight with the lower body of a horse, taking yet another stride.
[What in… This must be the strength of bonds-]
Venice let out a stifled giggle.
– Do you understand now?
The challenge was misplaced from the beginning.
The power of one who once ruled over absolute evil, yet could not resist.
The strength of the Heavenly Demon, who brought down the moon in the sky, harmonized with the subtlety of the spirits, sketching a meandering river.
In a split second, I had drawn near and covered my father’s body.
The time it took for my father, suspended in the air, to plummet towards the sky was but an instant.
‘She still hasn’t summoned the queen.’
My father fell, his shield shattered under my force.
[Argh, ughhhhh!!]
He struggles to break free from my grasp.
If she refuses to summon, I will simply apply pressure until she acquiesces.
Having separated from Venice once more, I issued orders to the nymphs.
“Tie this woman up. Everyone, rush her and hold her tight.”
【Are we to bestow sweet rewards upon this wretched woman?】
“…..Let’s think about that for now.”
【Understood, Master!】