Chapter 588 – A Swig of Whiskey
Toothpaste or libation?
Is Mint Chocolate, the ultimate love-or-hate beverage, in fact a favored choice of the spirits?
– Drunkard.
She had been drinking incessantly, and already, only half remained.
As spirits, beings of magical essence, don’t utilize herbs for purification, could it be as if they bear no elements of aversion?
Enthralled by the unique harmony of the herbs and the sweetness of chocolate, Erinies silently returned her lips to the straw.
– Slurp.
As I watched her, my feet began to feel numb and my gaze hardened.
“…Why do you look so intently?”
She appears pleasing when she eats well.
“Let’s proceed to the main point.”
“By all means.”
The first order of business is to convey the objective.
As I set down the coffee I had been consuming, I imparted Erinies with the bare minimum information necessary to comprehend the ongoing circumstances.
The connection between King Mokryeong’s Tower and me. And the version of me that was born in a different dimension through trials.
From the origins of the King of Trees’ appearance to the necessity of his overthrow.
I did not hesitate to share information that could potentially be detrimental to me.
“Do you mean to say you’ll resolve the disaster that happened because of you?”
“Huh. It’s not even surprising. The dimension is ruined, whatever…. You’ve spun a grand tale, but when it comes down to it, it’s all about cleaning up your own mess.”
I couldn’t deny it, nor was it incorrect.
It was certain that in the few days of my absence, countless world trees were cremated at his hands, and both large and small forces had erupted.
If we don’t halt the king right now, we might as well consider this dimension finished.
“That’s why I went to the trouble of seeking you out in Japan. You’re going to be a powerhouse for me.”
“Lending you my strength–“
“Three times. That should suffice.”
“…Huh, understood. So, what should I do?”
Even though she harbors resentment towards me, she’s a woman who gets her job done.
Erinies crinkled her brows as if repulsed by my smirk.
Regardless, I had to stand shoulder to shoulder with her, this individual who would be my greatest ally.
“…A filthy, repugnant human.”
“Regardless, about the location, it’s going to be right where we are now.”
I pointed my finger towards the center of the table.
This place was situated right in the heart of the city, colloquially known as the land of the yolk.
Disasters don’t discriminate against time or space, but it can be speculated that it’s not far from the residence where Dallae and Shiva reside.
If this situation goes sideways, it could spell the end for Korea. Anyway, that’s the long and short of it.
“From the soldiers of the human world to hunters… Perhaps even the world tree might take direct action. If the King’s power is challenging to gauge, consider it at least twice my own.”
“Twice? Your capabilities were never assessed in the first place….”
The assessment begins now.
– Snap!
After flicking my finger and isolating a confined space within the cafe, I unleashed my magic.
As if revealing the contents of a jar by lifting the lid, I unveiled my danjeon without hesitation. Erinies’ eyes narrowed at the sight.
“Indeed,” she murmured.
“Is it your first glimpse of the power held by a crown?”
Her reaction was laden with implications, and as I answered, she visibly recoiled. I hadn’t forgotten the sight of the Queen’s crown in the dungeon.
“So, you were once the keeper of the crown.”
“Indeed, I was. Now, however, I find myself in the position of taking and using the power of others.”
I drew forth a shard of the crown that I had seized from the King of Trees, placing it on the table. The splinter of the thorned crown, steeped in red, was involuntarily refining and emitting magical power.
“A shattered crown of thorns? Could it be…”
Erinies’ complexion turned a pallid hue. That alone was enough for comprehension. I had knowledge of the crown, and so did this queen.
The significance of the crown in this world, what it meant for it to be broken—it indicated the existence of a threat greater than the crown.
“Is this… a crown from the human world?”
“It is a crown from another dimension. When I found it, it was completely shattered. All the power of the crown had been absorbed into the human body, transforming what once was human into something akin to the World Tree.”
“That’s… impossible.”
The realm where the king once resided was a world at least two decades past.
If my latent abilities had evolved differently, the fate of the crown would not have been surprising.
“I understand now. The magnitude of the adversary you intend to confront… It’s unnerving, but this is not a problem that even I, a denizen of the spirit realm, can easily overlook. However…”
Erinies halted her words and bore into me with a scrutinizing gaze.
“So this is merely a trial…”
Erinies examined me with eyes full of hostility. To her, the King of Trees and I were equally dangerous.
‘I must convince her to ally with me swiftly…’
However, it seemed impossible at this juncture. There were matters of greater urgency to attend to.
“I must warn you, even if it isn’t me, the spirit realm will soon face significant turbulence.”
“No matter how extraordinary you may be, manipulation won’t get you anywhere.”
“Do you really believe I don’t know?”
Now that she recognized me as a dangerous entity, I had nothing left to hide, especially now that I had acquired some knowledge of the future through my conversations with the King of Trees.
The fact that the outrageous actions of the Flower and the World Tree had yet to completely unfold. I knew the manner in which the world was deteriorating. The confidence sprouting from that certainty significantly unsettled Erinies, who found herself unable to counter my words and could only glare at me.
‘I wish I could learn more about the crown…’
The crown in my possession, and the one she held. The ATU of the Flower, and the crown held by the Queen Melia lurking in the background. They differed slightly, but also the crown owned by the World Tree of Growth.
I possess some knowledge from my future self, but I can’t be certain if this information is accurate.
I found myself needing to double-check every once in a while.
“Detail the plan,” I said.
But it wasn’t a task for the present moment.
I changed the subject.
“The World Tree and the Treefolk might ease their strength a bit. Before I share the plan, do you have any thoughts?”
“Shouldn’t the evacuation of civilians be our priority?”
“It would be the fundamental step.”
“In that case, I can isolate it by setting boundaries.”
A barrier is cast over the entire city, confining the area.
Whether it has become a beast or disaster, it’s an inevitable part of the extermination process, but it can’t be permitted.
“Could you explain why?”
“I can’t allow you to exert your power in such a way.”
“Are you planning to leave the civilians to die?”
“If it is necessary, then so be it.”
All power must be fully poured into the King.
If there’s magic to be expelled outwards, it must be wrung out to erode the opponent’s power to see any chances of victory.
It’s not that saving the civilians lacks worth.
No great commander can abandon the prospects of victory to uphold morality.
“Also, we’ve allocated separate personnel for rescue operations.”
“Oh… Then you should have mentioned that first!”
He furrows his brow at my words.
Regardless, it was appropriate to direct Erinies’ power elsewhere.
“Also, while fighting, there might come a time when you lack mana… It would be good to practice using my magic.”
“There is no need for that.”
“That would be ideal, but this isn’t the spirit realm. And you are my contractee. You also need to undergo spiritization.”
“That will never happen. I agreed to lend you my power, but I didn’t allow it to go that far. And as for that King, I am enough on my own.”
I earnestly hope that were true.
“If things spiral out of control, I would like you to reconsider.”
Entering with a bowed attitude, she couldn’t bring herself to reject my proposition outright. Erinies sighed, her mouth closed tight.
She probably knows it herself.
No matter how much the King of Trees mobilizes his crown, it’s impossible for him to triumph by himself.
“I’ll consider it.”
It didn’t take long for her response to arrive.
Immediately afterward, I made Erinies fully sense the environment of Seoul and its magic, then sent her back.
This marked the first achievement in our quest to subjugate the King of Trees.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Some preparations were swiftly completed.
The rest was just monitoring the King’s movements and slowly adjusting the finer details. I then returned to my land and took a brief hiatus.
During the wait for the extermination.
Such a dreadfully dull time.
Firstly, I trained alongside Ebony.
To keep our martial abilities sharp, we ventured into the dungeon, pushing our strength to the limit.
There’s nothing as unsettling as killing time while waiting for the day to dawn.
This isn’t a time for idleness.
Is there more that can be done?
Peaceful moments elude me. During such times, I always resort to physical intimacy to fill the void.
At least, during the fleeting moments of passion, I could find tranquility.
After all, for me, engaging in physical intimacy was akin to training.
In a black string tank top, with a long robe tied around her waist, Hong-Yeon curiously tilted her head and asked.
“Why such a face? Have a headache?”
I wasn’t particularly inebriated, but such is the ambience of a soiree.
The intoxicating scent of autumn leaves swam in my head, making it spin.
“No, no headache. Where did I leave off?”
“Dungeon! You were narrating your dungeon exploits!”
“Ah, right. It concluded without incident, no cause for concern despite it being an S-class dungeon.”
My conquest of the mountain was common knowledge within our faction.
I’m not usually one to boast about my feats, but seeing Gu-seul and Hong-Yeon so perturbed, I indulged in a bit of grandstanding.
The king’s duties aren’t solely his own.
One must always be watchful, proving their capabilities to prevent their subjects from feeling uneasy.
“That’s impressive!”
Upon hearing of my pact with the Queen of Spirits, Hong-Yeon reacted with adorable surprise, stretching her arms wide.
Possibly due to a slight buzz, her behavior was endearingly playful.
“Do-won, you always achieve what I can’t even conceive.”
“That was indeed something out of the ordinary.”
Like seducing the spirits,
Or setting up nymphs and bedding them occasionally.
In the end, I even threatened the queen, using her daughter as leverage.
“That’s…um… unavoidable.”
“Yeon-ah. You don’t have to try to justify it.”
Hong-Yeon took a sip of her whiskey, subtly shifting her gaze away from me.
“To be honest…I’m a bit repulsed.”
A perfectly normal reaction.
Only then, did I draw a long breath, bowing my head in relief.
A wave of tipsiness washed over me.
“You dislike it?”
“Hmm, yes, I dislike it…. But, I don’t hate you.”
“There you go, you can say that without forcing yourself.”
“This… this is the truth! I’m not forcing myself….I just….”
Flustered, Hong-Yeon abruptly rose, wildly gesturing with her hands.
Her breasts, confined by the taut tank top, jiggled, as if gasping for air.
“I wanted to tell you that no matter what you do, I won’t resent you….”
I genuinely don’t know.
“Ultimately, isn’t it a choice to amass power and ensure prosperity here? As a woman…it’s, well, repugnant.”
I gaze intently at the babbling Hong-Yeon.
Turning beet red under my scrutiny, Hong-Yeon twisted her fingers nervously, shrinking under my gaze.
The girl who had once been so bold in front of others is now timid in my presence. It’s an absurdity that I find oddly endearing.
With a gentle swoosh, my hand draws Hong-Yeon’s shoulder closer. She startles, her eyes squeezing shut in surprise.
“Body contact is merely a habit for me,” I explain.
During the lulls in my work, in the evenings or at dawn, I pour every spare moment into physical intimacy.
Part of it is a compulsion to never remain idle, but the larger issue is that this behavior has hardened into a detrimental habit.
I’m restless, unanchored. No matter if it’s not glamorous, even if it’s as mundane as a tree, I must first draw strength, and hold a body in my embrace to feel alive.
As I knead her chest, her slender frame begins to tremble.
My hand slides beneath her tank top, seizing her bare breasts. At this, Hong-Yeon’s tongue tentatively explores my lips.
“…Ah…” she moans softly.
I savor the warmth radiating from her, the intimate heat. There’s much that awaits me outside, yet I strive to suppress my impatience, focusing wholly on this moment.
“Do-won… Ah… why do you… my scent…” she stammers.
The perfume of Venice dissipates, and now the air is heavy with Hong-Yeon’s scent. Perhaps it’s the absence of the one who constantly giggled at my side. Or maybe I’m truly intoxicated.
Unconsciously, I lean into the intoxication, whispering to Hong-Yeon, “Stay with me tonight.”
“!?!?!?” she gasps, her breath hitching in surprise.
“Do…do…do…Do-won… you… why would you… suddenly say… Ah!” Her face flushes deep red, her gaze flitting away as she abruptly pulls me into an embrace.
Even I’m unsure of what I’ve just said.
“I… I belong to you, Do-won…” she murmurs in a voice that drips with desire.