Chapter 667 – Back to the Throne (4)
At the end of the day, after overlapping with Hongyeon.
There was a lot of work to be done, but she came to Shiva to shine her face as promised with them.
– Jorrrr.
“I’m tired… ? Come on, drink and get some rest. Siheon.”
Honey drips into Dal-rae’s eyes when she smiles briskly.
He would have been very busy with company work even if he had calmed down, but he doesn’t say anything regretful no matter what happens.
Dedicated wise mother… I never imagined that a woman who looked exactly like that would exist. My man would do that.
A smile spreads across your lips.
“Why are you laughing?”
This is Alba’s hideaway, where fragrant azalea tea fills the warm air.
Somehow, the time when I hit the navel with Hongyeon got longer, so the time was delayed.
Cheondo, Alba, and Wiki were nowhere to be seen. Shiva is in bed.
“I never imagined that there would be so many people gathered here.”
“I didn’t even know a place like this existed. Still, everyone is nice and nice. I’m a bit surprised that your master is still alive.”
Azalea, who rubbed the mouth of the cup, did not erase the smile from her mouth.
“I wish Siheon was with you, too.”
“Know. It’s not a sin to say it though.”
That’s it.
Due to family and corporate circumstances, Jindalrae was not completely subordinate to my power.
She made the opposite choice to Sansuyu and Lee Se-young.
But with Alba’s help, I was able to secretly go to and from the hideout. She decided it was right for her to stay here at night, even for her own safety.
As a result, this place, the shabby hideout of me and Alba, gradually acquired the warmth unique to a family home.
“Do you know how much work it was? Say I love you quickly.”
“Love you.”
“Ah, look at that person? That… Who was it Shiva tutor.”
“Hyeyoung? Hyeyoung couldn’t say anything. How can Siheon tell you that you are alive and that you are the king? I ended up working at an orphanage run by my group until I was done.”
“Huh. Always Spring Love. Because children are not at fault. Raising Shiba… I felt that way.”
A big-breasted kindergarten teacher who filled the void between me and Jindal-rae. Hyeyoung Shin.
I suddenly thought of it and asked. She was educated under the Jinmok Group and works as the director of an orphanage.
Cornus officinalis is also cornus officinalis, but even when we soothe it, it spreads a good influence.
Rather, aside from pure popularity, isn’t Jindalrae the best public image among my people?
“I’m proud of you.”
“I am not proud. Let’s fight outside and do Daegu… You know it’s a lie, right?”
Upon regaining her peace of mind, it is Jindal-rae who regains some jokes.
“I knew it even if I didn’t have to say it. I can’t excuse it even if it’s not a joke.”
“Siheon doesn’t want to blame you. I’m too busy giving love, but don’t say that.”
Everyone knows that time is running out, not just me.
Not long after that, I will be away for a long time again. Soothing knows.
It’s not very pleasant to just wait, but everyone was living their lives dreaming of the future somehow.
‘Even though it’s far away.’
– Hororok.
He calms his mind with a sip of azalea tea – presumably infused with his own flowers.
I needed to organize my thoughts because there was something delivered to me today by Hongyeon.
– Tick.
Time to go back.
Even though she was bruised for a long time, Azalea sat and waited pitifully.
Rather, she rests her chin on her chin, and she smiles prettily as if she is satisfied with just looking at my face.
“There must be a lot to think about.”
Flashing hair for a moment.
Also, I was buried somewhere with my person in front of me.
Her head is already tired, but since it has become a habit, she always does.
I need to change this habit bit by bit.
She reached out and stroked Azalea’s cheek. As I traced her soft, youthful skin to her chin, she murmured my name in surprise.
Her eyes closed as she brought her head up without saying a word.
I stroked her gently braided hair with her hand, and gently sucked the lips of her who dedicated her youth only for me.
“… Huh.”
It is warm and soft as silk.
Her soft tongue passively matched my movements. A thin tongue crawled carefully inside me.
She never gave birth to a child, but a mother.
She says she likes someone with just that word. I don’t know that, but to me, she is a wonderful wife.
As I parted her lips, I hurriedly moved her gaze away from me.
“I was really surprised. It’s not that I don’t like her…”
“Come to think of it, I don’t call you you anymore.”
“Do you want to hear it?”
As if the warmth in her mouth hadn’t gone away yet, Soo-rae spoke to me while stroking her own lips.
* * * * * * * * * * *
“Oh, I didn’t know you would come to see me…”
Deep in the hideout. Alba’s lab.
It takes quite a while to find this place, which is unknown even to Dal-rae or Cheon-do.
As soon as Alba saw me, she put down her magnifying glasses and greeted me happily.
“You must have come because you need something, right? You.”
“… I’m not some kind of unemployed father.”
“Isn’t that true? Whenever you look for me, I always have questions or needs~ and still do.”
I have nothing to say.
Because it actually did
However, this was also due to the fact that Alba’s ability was too outstanding.
With a few exceptions, it only found and scratched my itchy spots.
In that respect, our filial son, wise man was the best.
Part-time job glaring at me with a face that says I can see inside.
Then she let out a sigh, put down her quill, and looked straight at her blade.
“After… Shall we listen to what the outsider is curious about? It’s probably a question that has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with me!”
“… Sorry.”
“That’s Okay. It always does.”
“No… I’m really sorry.”
The corners of Alba’s mouth slowly go up.
Is it good to receive her apology? It is a smile with a slightly different meaning.
쿡쿡, 웃은 알바가 바퀴가 달린 의자를 끌고 내게 다가왔다.
이후 나를 아래에서 올려다보니, 뭐가 만족스러우신지 싱긋 웃는다.
“그래도 당신. 조금 밝아진 것 같아 다행이네요.”
“역시 당신 곁에는 저보다 다른 사람이 있는 게 나은 거려나요. 뭐 이건, 재쳐두고.”
밝아진 건 나만이 아니라 너도 그럴 텐데.
산수유, 마로니에와 함께 처음 만났던 에덴에서. 알바는 굉장히 지치고 괴로워 보였었다.
이후 세피로트와 계약을 끊고 나와 함께 지내기 시작했을 땐. 조금씩 농담을 주고받았고.
지금에 이르러서는 이렇게 예쁜 미소를 지을 줄도 알게 되었다.
그건 모르는지 내 변화만을 꼬집는 알바.
나는 잠시 생각을 끊고 본론을 꺼내놓았다.
“도움이 필요해.”
“그럴 줄 알았어요. 당신은 제가 없으면 안되는 거죠.”
“아, 그런 표정 짓지 말구요. 신기해서 그래요. 예전에는 죽일 듯이 노려봤던 당신이 이렇게 믿고 뭔갈 부탁한다는 게.”
알바가 자신의 속을 끝까지 밝히지 않았을 때. 나는 그녀에게 예속을 걸기 직전까지 갔었다.
그만큼 내가 몰려 있기도 했었고, 실제로 알바는 수상한 점이 많았으니까.
“지금도 수상하다고는 생각해.”
“바로 그런 말 하시기 있나요?”
킥킥 웃은 알바가 무릎에 손을 올려놓고 고개를 기울였다.
지나치게 얇은 하늘하늘한 잠옷은 그 안의 흰색 브레지어가 모조리 비치는 모습.
혼자 해피 타임을 즐기셨는지, 가슴께에 과자 가루가 육안으로 보였다.
감자칩이다. 위키가 좋아하는 –농-심(樳,나무이름 심)의 질소 과자. 나무칩 어니언맛.
위키 엄마 아니랄까 봐, 이 사람도 참 과자를 좋아한다.
“그래서 뭔가요?”
짭짤한 과자가 묻은 윗가슴을 두드리고 싶은 충동을 벗어던지고. 알바에게 말했다.
“곧 왕관을 찾으러 자리를 비울 건데. 그때 일어날 일을 좀 주시해줬으면 해서.”
나는 적당한 의자를 찾아 앉았다.
흥미를 내비치는 알바를 바라보며 어깨를 한 번 으쓱.
미래의 지식을 발설하는 건 이번이 처음이다.
“배신할 확률이 커. 아마 8할 이상으로.”
“정확히, 누가요?”
“트 마투아 엔가헤로. 그리고 구슬이.”
“Oh… 다른 사람은 몰라도 친위대장 그 분은 그럴 사람이 아닌 것 같은데. 착각한 것이?”
착각은 아니다.
무수한 미래의 조각들을 모아보고, 고민하고, 정리한 끝에 내놓은 결론이었다.
“부탁할 건 하나야. 내 측근들을 안전하게만 해줘.”
“측근이라면… 당신 제자나, 사영목, 귀목 등을 말하는 거군요. 만약 사실이라면 쉬운 일이 아닌데요.”
엔가헤로의 세력은 작지 않다.
내가 자리를 비웠다고 가정하면, 지금까지 내가 일궈놓은 모든 것을 삼켜버릴 힘이 있었다.
“… 만약의 가정도 안 하는 걸 보니. 확신하고 계시네요.”
지금까지와는 구도가 다르다.
이 구도는 본디, 알바가 내게 하던 짓이었다.
알바가 예상할 수 있는 일을 나를 통해 처리하는 것.
3년 전에 내가 재해를 일으킨 것이 대표적인 예였다.
지금은 그게 뒤집혀, 알바가 보지 못한 것을 내가 요구하고 있다.
그녀라면 내가 어떻게 이 결론에 다다랐는지 알 수도 있을 것 같았지만. 시간이 좀 걸리겠지.
“그게 사실이라면, 큰일이긴 하겠군요. 사실상 세 간부 중 두 명이 빠지는 격이니.”
It is an external equator problem, but it is necessary to sweep the inside before it.
“Did you find a solution?”
“Aren’t you suspicious?”
Alba snorted.
“If you believed me, if I don’t believe you… Is there a healthy marital relationship? “
“Are we married?”
“… No, if you’re going to do it right.”
“Oh~! If that’s the case, of course. I thought it was not true again. You.”
She knew that she could die with her eyes alone.
Alba quickly erased her ugly atmosphere. She smiled like Virgin as before.
She’s honestly a little bit awake.
“I will solve it if I just support it. You can turn it all over if you just regain the crown. It’s not easy, but you have to do it.”
“Can you make it?”
“Of course.”
I and Alba stared at each other for a few seconds and laughed at the same time.
“Great. Thank you rather. “
“Thank you?”
“To be entrusted with such an important task. Because you believe that. I have no choice but to be happy from my sister’s point of view.”
Alba didn’t refuse my request. It is also because it can be processed outside without showing it.
But her feelings are completely excluded from her choice.
Alba, who changed as much as me, was honestly, even her cute time.
“Thank you.”
“Thank you. Traditionally, the role of Ahn is this. “
These days, part-time job has grown a lot of love.
I used to think that she was acting because of the wiki. I don’t think that way these days.
‘It’s not really acting.’
Did you read the question in my heart?
Alba stabbed my side with a little breeze in her mouth.
“Don’t think about that.”
“… So, why is it why? “
Others are caught even. I’m not sure why Alba fell in love with me.
Alba opened her eyes round, and she smiled and replied.
“When you drink.”
“You won’t remember, but I have heard you at that time.”
I do not know. I don’t remember.
“Ordinary, are you in love with your character? Just know that. “
She just thought she had a mistake. Wasn’t that just?
Alba came to my hand and dragged it to my chest.
Beyond the pajamas that are blatantly visible, the large and big breasts touched.
– Pounding, pounding.
The sound of the ringing heart is not false.
– Kwak.
The moaning moan is squeezed by compressing her horses like tires.
“… 흣, ha …”
Alba’s eyelids sink and tremble as her body bounces.
Alba’s hand is naturally on my or her hands.
“… My turn is far from the schedule, but would you like to listen to my request once? Because you did it too. I don’t think it will. “
She likes sweet and child -like sweets.
Naturally, it’s like a bar candy.
I think I’ll be biting for a while today, do I need to restrain myself?
In the first place, the medicine was raised a little. Alba’s skin was hot.
“Of course… You didn’t think I wouldn’t know what was going on inside this house, did you?”
Did kissing Azalea hit the switch?
Alba didn’t make this a problem, but her will to get what she wanted was evident.
Pop a large lollipop into your mouth.
As she politely gets down on her knees and starts serving, not serving, she feels a little… How to say
She rolls the sweet candy in her mouth and feels happy.
She was like a naughty