Chapter 693 – Consciousness (2)
The top floor of the tower where the former king slept.
Hooded nobles were walking on a ceremonial pilgrimage.
Silence permeated deep within the damp cave.
And the occasional moan of pain.
For some reason, the bodies of the guides digging into the labyrinth with solemn expressions were rotting black from the tips of their toes.
A miasma of high purity mana that permeates from areas where dark spots or dots are located to between wrinkles.
In some cases, eyeballs and organ function could also be lost for life.
If exposed to the King’s power that was prevalent in the Labyrinth, no matter how well-trained he was, he could not avoid physical damage.
Was it because he wanted to turn his attention to that suffering?
“Count Rex… The preparations for the ceremony are almost over. Shall I contact him?”
“… Bring the crown and the Son of Man Princess Aori, I will lead you here myself.”
The end of the labyrinth built with black bricks.
Rex reached the final section of the hallway and reached for the magic stone in the center of the door.
As the magic power of the high-ranking aristocrat flowed, the door to the labyrinth opened with a short sound.
– Coo-goo-goo.
Just looking at the innumerable spells stacked on top of each other was breathtaking.
Then, what caught my eye was the magic stone of purity that modern science couldn’t even dream of, and lastly, the king’s sacred object that makes up this tower, the core.
【Red Dawn】
A piece of the ruler of the world.
It was an incomparable weapon made from the king’s body.
‘… Duke. I’m here for you.’
The core that makes up the tower is the weapon that embodies his concentrated power.
Rex knelt down and reached out for the dawn.
Plant stems rose from his skin, and then small vines wrapped around the altar.
The magic of slimy traits that runs through the veins. Red Dawn is offering power to Rex.
Rex’s body was completely covered by the power of a foreign body that ordinary humans, trees, and trees could not even dream of.
“Oh oh…”
The lamentations of nobles who saw him echoed around him.
Rex wiped his blackened eyes and opened and closed his hand.
A dreamy purple leaf bloomed on his wrist.
“Your Majesty’s spirit commanded me. The ceremony will be held today. We will be the apostles who will bring about a new era…”
The peony-shaped leaf hem twitched, and vines gradually grew along his blue veins.
The purple blade of grass that penetrated to the side of his throat radiated great power as if swallowing him.
Then, Rex let out an involuntary laugh.
“… Is this just a handful of power for His Majesty?”
Much more stable and ferocious than before.
Since it is an unstable consciousness, the resurrected former king will wander without consciousness for a while, but if he endures just one moment of outrage… His Majesty’s resurrected spirit must be stable.
“Count Rex. Have you received the king’s mandate?”
“I don’t know. However, there must be a reason why His Majesty bestowed this power.”
Rex remembered the name of the petals covering his body.
Its name is Rex Begonia.
Flower language… ‘Crush’.
It was ridiculous, so I mocked myself and then wiped my forehead.
Then he looked at his face in the light of the altar.
“You’re going to be surprised to see the Duchess.”
Originally, it had an unattractive face, but it was even more hideous, like a toad.
I feel as though I have been punished for daring to love His Majesty’s wife.
‘Does not matter. That I loved her is something she’s not ashamed of.’
Rex smiled and readily accepted his fate.
He stretched out his hands and screamed with all his might.
“Your majesty! Are you listening! If my voice reaches you, I hope you will know and remember the noble sacrifice of our duke… !”
All preparations for the ceremony were gathered.
Factor of the crown and subsequent generations. A king’s bowl and plenty of magic attribute.
Even the lives of countless hunters who died due to the tower, and the power of countless people who returned to the white bones.
Finally, the bloodline of the royal family, which will be the beginning, was also obtained.
“Your majesty. My master, Duke Vasia, risked his life to prepare all the rituals for you, my beloved. Is that all You loved the subjects you loved with the same love as you!”
This time, Rex, who knelt down on her knees and sat down under the sculpture, banging his forehead against the brick, murmured plaintively:
“Even though I felt a bit of jealousy, I was able to use my abilities because my wife cared for me. Thanks madam!!! All the people staying in the tower did not starve and lived happily. Now, all that remains is for His Majesty to personally gather our subjects and open the horizon of a new era.”
It seems like I’ve been waiting for this moment.
“Please, the dream of the woman I love. Do not betray me.”
Rex began pouring her words over and over again into her mind.
“The one who believed in me until the end.”
Moisture from his eyes slowly drips down the altar.
“His Majesty, who has come to his senses… May you know for the rest of your life.”
The fact that the king fell and chose to walk the downhill path of the times himself. His intentions were also mixed.
In order to revive the empire that is crumbling little by little due to the power of the crown.
Because there is no choice but to return the king’s own mind to its original state.
These were the stairs.
The last disaster to revive the previous Hye-woong.
Even though it was imperfect, if it succeeded, it could bring the king before he went mad.
Even with the full power of a king. The servants will serve His Majesty, who has become more perfect than before.
“My last time and life for the new era. In this dimension… !”
Tower of time and dimension.
The reason why loyal servants remain despite the passage of time is because the king’s sincerity reached them.
It’s a pity that we can’t see the back of the king walking on the island.
If it was the king they knew, he had no doubts that he would accomplish it unconditionally.
Rex closed his eyes, killing the seething emotion.
‘Actually, it’s sad.’
Not getting the attention of the person you love to the end.
In fact, I wanted to hold your hand even for a moment. I wanted to spend time together.
But now that Vascia is dead, all Rex can achieve is her dream, which she had longed for in her lifetime.
Hot tears flowed down old Rex’s eyes.
“For a future where there will be no war and all human beings will be free.”
Rex swore under the altar.
The gaze of all the aristocrats watching him seemed to be a loving Rex.
* * * * * * * * * * *
All call me like that.
I also know my name is an argument.
왕의 인자… It’s like a tool. There was no name my mother gave me.
Just, I don’t have a name for me.
Stir your head and accept the reality.
Make it comfort… Still, I don’t have anything to do at all.
The thing to do is that I have a treasure that I don’t know the identity of the crown.
Repeating the painful acts that you do not know who you are for.
It is my lifetime to sit in a dark and wet cave and wait for someone.
Darkness and dawn dew are familiar.
It’s been a few years and repeated.
I’ll be bruised all day, I’m worried about when the bowl will come, and I’m going to have a meaningless day.
Then when I became crying, it was crying. If you cry for a few days, you’ll come back and wait again.
Honestly, I don’t know why I was born. . 하나는 명확했다.
What I have to do and the face of a person who has left me.
Is it a person who can call it a parent?
“Who is my mom for me?”
왕관은 말했다.
My mother is my mother who kept this crown early.
“그럼, 아빠는?”
Dad is the one who created the Son of Man and the master of the crown.
Oh my god It is a wonderful and strong king of the world called the king.
“Then, when can I meet my mom and dad?”
The crown did not answer my question.
I don’t know why, but maybe I didn’t answer because I didn’t know it.
“에이씨~! Quickly, I want to meet anyone. “
It’s been a few years, and it was full of things that I didn’t know.
태어난 이유도 모르겠고 왜 이런 일을 하는지도 모르겠다.
왕관의 힘을 유지하는 건 나 혼자서는 쉽지 않았다.
그릇을 대신해 왕관의 폭주를 억누르는 것은 울 정도로 엄청나게 아프니까.
온 몸을 바늘로 찌르는 고통이 몇 십번이고 되풀이되니, 의무감을 가지고도 버티는 게 고약했다.
내가 누군가를 위해 이 짓을 반복하는 건 알겠는데. 무슨 이유로 이렇게 아파야 하는 걸까?
‘Why no one comes.’
There was a sad question.
날 찾아줘.
엄마 아빠는, 왜 날 이런 공간으로 밀어붙인 걸까.
자그마한 기억의 끝자락에, 날 탄생시킨 어머니가 내 머리를 쓰다듬는 기억이 있었다.
오직 그 기억만을 희망 삼아 기나긴 세월을 버텼다.
분명히 그 사람은 날 보며 웃고 있었을 거야. 그야 어머니는 자식을 사랑하니까. 나도 부모님의 사랑을 받을 수 있을 거야.
엄마가 시킨 일이니까, 열심히 일을 하면 언젠가는 만나겠지.
“야, 왕관. 그때가 되면, 나 엄청 물어볼 거다?”
The great feat of being the son of a king.
If you do it faithfully, your mother will come to see you, so I’ll think a lot about what you want to ask.
“Firstly… Hmm. They will ask for my name first. And… Get praise. Also. And again. I want to do my best with my dad and mom.”
Finally, the person I’m waiting for.
“I want you to be a wonderful person. Right?”
The crown was silent to the end.
I laughed as a funny guy.
Such things are now all old stories.
– Flash!
This dream ruins a person’s mood.
The Son of Man also kicked a light blanket and caught cold water to get rid of a bad dream.
Her face with cold sweat was very pale.
“Are you okay. Soon… You can meet her mom.”
The factor is an artificial life form.
Born as a need and was born as a king’s power, which is recommended to live like a tool.
Born to bear the burden of the crown instead of the user.
From the beginning her, she had no happiness or love for other creatures.
-The string.
Now, tired headaches and chest pains are being pushed at the same time. Side effects linked to the crown.
The Son of Son was frowned on her face and became as usual.
“It’s annoying. Ugh It’s annoying, annoying. It’s annoying!!”
The pain of harassing yourself all day long would have flowed to the user of the crown.
At this moment when the crown was extracted from Lee Si -heon, the Son had to suffer several times more than usual.
“Ugh. Fuck. Fuck!”
The Son of Son scratched her nail marks on her chest.
The impulsive self -harm lasted until the pain sank. Soon the blood was gone and the torn skin returned to its original state.
It’s getting more and more neurotic… Something that undermines self-esteem.
Her head, who matted her head, bowed her pale face and asked her.
“I’m pudding. I want to eat pudding. “
At the same time, is it eating sweets that can calm down her heart?
Sweet or salty, it didn’t matter. The argument was amazing everything outside of the world.
Lee Si -heon’s view that started to see at some point.
Everything I observed beyond that was a new experience for the argument.
Now I have been able to experience it myself, and now I have been happy than usual.
Even though the pain came, it was inevitable to get annoyed.
The Son of Son closed her eyes and she thought of the man she waited.
‘Lee Si Heon.’
When I first saw Lee Si -heon, a vessel of the crown. She finally thought she found her owner.
She is a precious person who will inherit the crown that she has been so sick.
But his essence was very weak and smaller than the Son of Man thought.
‘Why do you hang on a woman? If you are king, you eat it proudly. Or did he shut up and make himself. ‘
There wasn’t a single spot I didn’t like.
‘Fighting. You whine about how difficult it is. It’s like that from the thought, so it’s mind-boggling.’
When you cry out loud in the arms of a white-haired warrior named Baekdo, you’re like an asshole. Son of Man felt that he was very pitiful.
Like the cool face you showed when protecting someone?
‘Hmph, isn’t that the kind of thing a king should do?’
Son of Man, who judged that the king’s vessel was not good, tried to abandon him.
‘How did I protect the crown… How painful it was.’
Only, lack of support in one human relationship.
Acting like a child, it took me so long to make up my mind.
Far from accepting the mission, he even risked dying to save someone.
He even took away his power with his half-formed body.
‘The king I wanted wasn’t like that.’
It was unfair.
‘I cried more than you, I was in more pain. I’ve never had anything Why are you crying after receiving so much love?’
That was the reason the Son of Man gave up his heart,
It was a matter of no concern now.
Inja vigorously opened the lid of the pudding he had taken out of the refrigerator.
As she struggled to open the lid, the rabbit sticker on the back of her hand passed her vision.
One day, at the zoo the king took me to, I received a gift from him by writing a swarm.
It’s a pleasant memory, but I’ve been defending the crown so hard, isn’t that a matter of course?
– Jjiik.
It was a sticker that I thought of as my life and cherished it very much, but I didn’t need it anymore.
Let’s erase all traces of the king. Without hesitation, Inza took off the sticker on the back of her hand and threw it on the floor.
The only thing left for the factor who erased the king from the goal was mom and dad.
Seeing them was her goal for the rest of her life.
Once we meet… Good things will happen
It was the moment I was about to put the pudding in my mouth while thinking that.
The nobles who came through the open door.
The brow of the Son of Man rose from the pain that still remained.
“Son of man. It is time for the ceremony.”
When the ugly bald Theron said that, the factor shrugged her shoulders.
The time has come. I was finally able to see her mother.
“Okay? Then bring her carriage.”
“… It seems that you have to walk directly to the labyrinth. Son of man.”
“No, it’s too far from there.”
Theron, who would normally have rubbed his hands in silence and nodded, was different today.
Inja put the pudding in his mouth and looked at Theron’s face when he didn’t respond.
“… What, why Is this a difficult order?”
Looking at Theron’s cold face, Inza swallowed the pudding he was chewing and asked again.
“Hey, bald. Won’t you answer me?”
“Aren’t you going to answer me!!”
The hallway froze in an instant.
The maids fell silent, and the noble knights surrounding Theron approached the argument.
– Thump, thump.
Inja, taken aback by his unusually stern appearance, took a step back from him.
“What? If you do, I won’t cooperate. Know?”
“Well, that’s right. It’s an order!”
“You still think you are on top. Son of man.”
A word fell out of Theron’s mouth.
Inja, who had been backing away, leaned his back against the refrigerator and screamed as if he was strong.
“A kid who only knows how to be proud…”
“Oh… Kyaaak!!”
A factor surrounded by knights. Theron walked over and grabbed Son of Man’s wrist.
The powerless dragged Son of Man cried out, holding back tears in fear.
“Stop… Stop!”
“Shut up. If it hadn’t been for the ceremony, he would have been hanged at the castle gate for four years.”
I think my wrist will break.
The pudding that fell from the argument’s hand was crushed by the knight’s boots.
It was difficult to grasp the situation, but it was clear that things were going wrong.
It was a factor who managed to squeeze the power of the crown…
‘… Why.’
Why? The power of the crown, which had been with her all her life, did not respond to her call at all.
The door from which the Son of Man was brought is closed. A quiet silence has come.
The maids noticed and started working again. One of them got down on her knees to clear away the pudding.
A torn sticker seal caught the eye of such a maid.
The sticker from the zoo that fell under the refrigerator had Inja’s hand marks on it, as if it had been cherished for a long time.