#26 Why Is Everyone Acting Like This
The story continued after that as well.
As time passed, the number of questions exchanged dwindled.
Balthero thought that was enough and put down his pen.
“Well done, Miss Lacrina. This is more than sufficient.”
“Ah, yes! Thank you for your consideration.”
“It’s nothing, it’s my role, after all.”
Baltor smiled kindly.
Contrary to his first impression, Lacrina was a good-natured and spirited child.
And it didn’t end there.
According to Enoch, she possessed not only ice magic, but also a talent for swordsmanship.
In other words, both force and magic.
A wolf who seized both rabbits.
A rather pedestrian metaphor, but she could only be described as a prodigy.
‘Her gaze towards Enoch is rather striking, but… well, it’s nothing much.’
No one in the world is without flaws.
Everyone lives with at least one shortcoming.
Baltor considered Lacrina’s subtle symptom to be a non-issue.
‘Still, just in case, it’s best to probe a little.’
“Miss Lacrina?”
“I was thinking of adding your name to the dormitory register immediately. No problem with that, I presume?”
“Yes. You’ll have to come to the academy starting tomorrow. I originally intended to decide with a bit more time, but after seeing your skill, I can’t postpone it any longer. Is that alright?”
Lacrina did not answer immediately.
Instead, she kept glancing at Enoch beside her.
Baltor added a new line to his mental notepad.
‘Note, dependence… adding this too.’
“If my proposal was too sudden, I apologize.”
“No, it’s not that… um… What you’re saying, Chairman, is that I have to enter the dormitory starting today?”
“That’s right. It would be problematic for attendance otherwise.”
“Hmm… um… Ah, I haven’t brought all my necessities from home yet. So, perhaps next-“
“It’s alright, Lacrina.”
Enoch cut in, halting the conversation.
“Your ‘necessities’ consist only of everyday clothes and toiletries. Simply purchase new ones here. I’ll provide you with more than enough pocket money.”
“Ah, but… I spent an awful lot on those everyday clothes already.”
“It’s hardly a significant sum for me. Haven’t I told you? You needn’t worry about the state of my finances. You simply focus on the Academy.”
“…T-Thank you.”
Enoch stated firmly.
Lacrina forced a weary smile.
It was patently a strained expression.
Baltro reopened his notepad.
‘Note, obsession… add that too.’
Having recorded the information, Baltro cleared his throat, drawing attention.
“Ahem, ahem. Well then, let’s start moving along. Seeing as how things have unfolded, I shall escort Miss Lacrina to her dormitory myself.”
“I am grateful for your kindness, Chairman.”
“Nonsense, I’m sure I’ll benefit from your good graces later on.”
Baltro brushed aside Enoch’s greeting with a smile.
Kindness, after all, was a currency that circulated.
He fully expected to receive an equivalent return in due time.
Presently, the three departed the reception room and emerged outside.
As they walked towards the dormitory, Enoch spoke.
“Chairman, there is something I wish to ask.”
“Hmm? Something on your mind?”
“Would it be permissible for me to review the student roster at some later point?”
“The roster? Are you, perhaps, looking for someone in particular?”
Baltro tilted his head, puzzled.
Enoch nodded in affirmation.
“Something akin to that. To be frank, I am seeking talent worthy of patronage.”
“Talent… I see. You’re looking for children like Miss Lacrina, then.”
“In a way, yes. Surely there are a few children with talent but lacking the necessary background. I wish to sponsor them.”
Enoch added his explanation.
Baltro nodded as if understanding dawned.
However, his request presented a slight problem.
Enoch was, after all, an outsider.
“I understand your intentions. But still, handing over student records willy-nilly is a bit much. Should problems arise later, it could reflect poorly on even you.”
“If I’m an outsider, that’s the case, you say? Then I simply wouldn’t be an outsider.”
“What are you implying? Surely you’re not considering joining the Academy as a teacher?”
Baltro asked, half-expecting jest.
Enoch resolutely shook his head.
“I’m hardly the type to teach anyone. But I do happen to possess certain… assets.”
“I’ll donate two hundred billion Crones to the Academy. Wouldn’t that make me more than an outsider?”
Baltro stopped in his tracks.
His eyes widened as he stared at Enoch.
“Are you jesting? Even nobles don’t donate that much.”
“Naturally. They’re poorer than I am, after all. You seem unconvinced, so here. Take this cashier’s check. Take it to the bank and have a word.”
Baltro stared blankly at the cashier’s check Enoch offered.
Belatedly, what had transpired earlier resurfaced in his mind.
Enoch had undoubtedly arrived here in his own airship.
Which meant, he was exceptionally wealthy.
Baltro reopened his notebook.
‘Memo: Enoch is wealthy. Exceedingly so.’
-Scritch, scritch
With practiced dexterity, Baltro folded the check and slipped it into his pocket.
Then he chuckled heartily.
“I should reintroduce myself. Esteemed benefactor. May the blessings of the benevolent sun shine upon you for years to come. The cradle of knowledge gratefully accepts your generosity.”
“May the innocent moon god bless you. It’s nothing. Chairman. I’ve simply compensated your efforts as they deserve.”
Baltro and Enoch complimented each other.
Even going so far as to weave in greetings from the Order they rarely used.
Baltro chortled heartily, wiping at his eyes.
Having brushed away the tears of joy, he belatedly noticed Lacrina.
‘…Understood. So she’s sulking because another patron has appeared.’
Lacrina had already pushed out her lips into a pout.
It seemed she wasn’t pleased with the fact that Enoch was investing in other students besides herself.
However, she knew her place well enough.
There was no way she could step in and prevent the sponsorship.
And so, she huffed and puffed alone, attempting to cool her anger.
Occasionally, she would glance longingly at Enoch with resentful eyes, as an added bonus.
Baltro opened his notepad once more.
‘Note, Depleted… also added.’
A new line of words was etched.
Before he knew it, the contents had grown quite extensive.
Baltro belatedly examined the notepad in his mind more closely.
‘Curiosity, cares about Enoch, Obsession, Dependence, Depleted…’
Baltro shuddered without realizing it.
Wasn’t this practically a ghost story?
Was it truly alright to raise a student like this into talent?
Somehow, a chill ran down his spine.
Lacrina entered the academy safely.
Well, not exactly ‘safely.’
Right before departing, she grabbed onto Enoch’s clothes and wailed loudly.
-Ah, no!
-It must be so.
Enoch was left with no choice but to shake her off.
This, too, was a trial of a hero.
The Greek Heracles overcame no less than twelve trials.
When he met a monster, he beat the monster to death; when he met a god, he beat the god to death; and when he met his family, he beat his family to death.
Lakrina, too, had to be that way.
She had to grow that strong.
‘Still, her sudden disappearance leaves a certain hollowness.’
Enoch sat at the pub’s counter, sipping his liquor.
Perhaps it was because one fewer was present than usual.
Neither Enoch, nor the pub’s master,
engaged in any particular conversation this day.
It was precisely then that the communicator chimed.
“Enoch? Seems you’re getting a call?”
“Enoch here. Who is this?”
-Ah, is this Mister Enoch? This is the Guard.
“The Guard?”
-The case you filed last time, you recall? We’ve apprehended the perpetrator. Would you care to come and see?
Enoch’s eyes widened.
The wretched b*stard who’d wrecked his car, his Ascuta, was caught.
“I’m coming now. Send me the location.”
-Understood. Sending it presently.
Enoch severed the connection and rose from his seat.
He downed the remaining liquor in one gulp, then turned on his heel.
“Where are you going?”
“Off to nab the vehicular terrorist.”
At that very moment, the communicator rang once more.
Enoch, wondering what it was, hastily answered.
“Enoch here. Who is this?”
-Ah, Enoch? It is I, Nordilla Else.
“Dame Nordilla? What brings you here so suddenly?”
-Well, the thing is, the movements of the beasts lately have been rather unsettling, you see. I wished to speak with you concerning it.
“Understood. I will come and see you presently.”
If it was a matter of the beasts, it could not be a light affair.
Enoch etched Nordilla’s request into his mind and ended the call.
The comm unit rang once more.
An unusually large number of calls was coming through.
Enoch hesitated a moment before answering.
“…Enoch here. Who is this?”
-Ah, Enoch? This is Chairman Baltro. Forgive me, but a small matter has arisen.
“A matter? What exactly is it?”
-Well, the thing is…
Baltro paused, mulling it over before speaking.
Enoch’s eyes widened as he listened to the explanation.
“What? What are you saying? Lacrima tore up textbooks?”
-That’s not all, I’m afraid. She reduced a few students to a right mess. I smoothed things over, prevented it from becoming a larger issue, but as her guardian, I feel you ought to come.
“…Understood. I will be there presently.”
-I am sorry. Please understand.
Enoch ended the call.
He then paused, lost in thought.
Where should he go first?
And why, to begin with, were calls suddenly pouring in?
Enoch pondered this for a moment, then moved his feet.
At that instant, the pub’s doors swung open, and someone arrived seeking him out.
“…Mr. Enoch. Is that right?”
“Who are you?”
The man who appeared was a stranger.
He bowed politely and said,
“The Golden Magician seeks you. He wishes to see you at once. Will you go?”
The man’s words held a nuance of warning.
Enoch did not answer immediately.
It wasn’t that he feared some Golden Magician.
It was the sheer absurdity of this sudden turn of events that left him speechless.
At that moment, the communicator chimed again.
Enoch felt the urge to smash the device to pieces.
“…? Th-that is, Mr. Enoch? Forgive my intrusion, but it seems you have a call.”
“…I know.”
Enoch had no choice but to answer the communicator.
A familiar voice echoed in his ear.
-Hey, Enoch.
“…Jane, is that you? What is it?”
-Your older sister is bored. Let’s go play.
“I’m sorry. I’m a little busy right now. I’ll call you back later.”
-What? Hey, HEY!!!
Enoch folded up the communicator.
Then, he placed a cigarette in his mouth and lit it.
– *Hooo…*
“…? Enoch-ssi? Aren’t you leaving? The Golden Magician is waiting for you—”
“Silence. I am thinking.”