Great Teacher in a Defense Game

Chapter 50

Great Teacher in a Defense Game

In a world facing imminent destruction,I must lead the heroes to save the world.

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#50 Premonition of the Phenomenon

After a short while, Lakrina regained her senses.

The hazy expression on her face slowly cleared, belatedly returning to normal.

“Huh? Why am I sitting?”

“Are you feeling more yourself now?”

“Did I…say anything strange?”

“No, nothing happened.”

Enoch shook his head firmly.

He didn’t want to complicate things unnecessarily.

What had just occurred was simply an accident born of a feverish mind.

There was no good to be had for either of them in dwelling on it.

It was to everyone’s benefit to just write it off as a dream.

“Prepare yourself. Let us be going, now.”

“Ah, understood. But… where are we going?”

“To an airship. A destination has suddenly presented itself.”

Enoch spoke thus, as he donned his coat.

With Lacrimare awakened, there was no further need for waiting.

Three days hence.

The phenomenon foretold by the Time Mage would manifest upon the world.

One must prepare from this moment forward, lest they arrive too late.

Enoch departed his place at once.

Taking Lacrimare, he left the sickroom behind.

Before departing the hospital, he stopped by Clarena’s office, entrusting to her the request to refine the medicine.

“I reiterate, remove as much of the excitatory effect as possible.”

“Yes, sir. I shall do my utmost.”

“I implore you. I desire no incidents born of such things.”

“Do not fret. That was merely a jest just now. I had no intention of administering it to her precisely as it was.”

Clarena acquiesced without protest.

She, too, had long since discerned the necessity of refinement.

“Ordinarily, it would have been sufficient in its current state, but I failed to account for the subject’s… peculiarity.”

“Peculiarity? What is your meaning?”

“Lacrimare, I speak of. Under normal circumstances, they do not react with such sensitivity.”

Clarena shook a vial of medicine, adding further,

“What I provided just now was formulated according to the standards of ordinary, common folk. It yields better sample data that way, you see. But therein lay the problem.”


“Indeed. It seems Lacrimare possesses a far more acute bodily sensitivity.”

Clarena lifted a sheet of paper from atop her desk.

She presented it to Enoch.

The corporeal data of Lacrimare.

“Now that we have data at hand, I shall make the appropriate adjustments, starting presently.”

“Excellent. I entrust it to you. But, Miss Clarena.”

“Yes? What is it?”

“If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, I’d like to ask a favor and include mine as well.”

“Mr. Enoch’s as well?”

“Yes. More accurately, it’s a commission request. Craft it to maximize magical sensitivity. And, if you please, leave out that damned aphrodisiac effect.”

Enoch spoke with a note of warning.

Clarena started, genuinely taken aback.

“That’s impossible. As I said before, originally its intended purpose-“



Clarena’s eyes widened, flashing with dismay.

To bring that up here…

But still, some things simply couldn’t be done.

“Hah, but… it really *is* impossible…”


“I, I’m serious.”


“Please, believe me… the original ingredient is *Byulsu* root, after all. How can I recreate it identically if I remove it?”

Clarena’s eyes began to well up.

Before she knew it, her hands were clasped together in a prayerful gesture.

It was an impossibility, logically speaking.

Alas, her opponent was a poor choice for pleading.

Enoch remained unmoved by Clarena’s protestations.

Now was the time to push forward, as an investor.

“You’re giving up too easily. Surely you can just substitute another ingredient and create something similar, no?”


“And your magic *is* specialized in that direction, is it not? You can consume it repeatedly until you achieve a comparable effect, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Y-you want me to keep drinking stimulants until it works? Are you planning to turn me into an elixir-soaked vegetable?!”

“Please refrain from using such vulgar language. Why must the conversation always devolve in this way?”

Enoch frowned.

He ran a finger along the corners of his eyes, as if exhausted.

In the meantime, the door to the entryway opened.

– *Creak*

“I thought I heard something strange. Something about a candied leap… perhaps…”

“You misheard. Be gone, now.”

“Yes? Yes…”

Lacrina replied weakly.

Did she mishear?

She must have.

She quietly closed the door again.

– *Creak…*

“…In any event, I entrust you with the next sample. Contact me via comms when it’s complete.”

“Ah, a-ah…”

“Zero calorie, if possible. I hear the Star Sorghum has a rather high caloric count. And a touch too sweet.”

One mustn’t neglect their health.

Enoch delivered his order and turned away.

He began to move toward the entrance.

“J-Just a moment–”



“Sponsorship, Orban, copyright, recoupment.”

Enoch uttered the words softly.

Magical incantations imbued with arcane power.

The spell’s name, of course, was Funding.

Before such auspicious power, Clareena knelt.

“…I, I shall comply.”

“Excellent. A most admirable posture.”

Enoch applauded Clareena’s compliance.

Her docile manner pleased him greatly.

With this, his earlier revenge was complete.

And he intended to exploit it further, time and time again.

*’Shouldn’t have taunted me so much.’*


The airship sliced through the sky.

Two days remained until their destination.

They were nearly traversing the continent’s entire breadth.

A somewhat lengthy journey was unavoidable.



Enoch called out to Lacrina.

The two were presently in the airship’s dining saloon.

Lacrina was filling her stomach with the food brought by the crew.

Enoch, too, was enjoying a glass of champagne.

Similarly provided by the staff.

Enoch set down his champagne flute and brandished his communicator.

“I’ll have a brief word. I’ll be in the cabin; stay here.”

“Ah, yes. Understood.”

“Good. We’re airborne, so don’t overeat.”

He tacked on the unnecessary nagging almost instinctively.

Lacrina, glancing sidelong, set down her fork.

Enoch regretted it a beat later.

He should have just let her eat.

Why did he have to mention the food, of all things?

“A jest. In any case, I’ll return shortly.”

“Yes, sir!”

Enoch left Lacrina and departed.

After a short walk through the corridor, a parlor came into view.

‘A flying hotel, indeed. Money truly is a fine thing.’

Enoch opened a door near the parlor and entered.

Presently, a vast bedchamber revealed itself.

On one side, a separate washroom and shower were furnished.

Enoch retrieved an ashtray and lit a cigarette.

He then activated his comm-device, reaching out to Rosita, the Guildmaster.

– *Brrrring*

– *Click*

– Hello? Is that you, little brother?

“Yes, Brother. It’s been a while since I last contacted you.”

– A while? Hardly. At this rate, you’re calling far too often. *Heh heh…*

Rosita picked up without much delay.

Greetings were exchanged, pleasantries passed.

Soon enough, they arrived at the crux of the matter.

“Brother, have you perhaps heard any strange tidings recently?”

– Strange tidings?

“Have the other Archmages reached out, perhaps?”

– Hmm. Not particularly. Why? Is something amiss?

Rosita’s reaction held a trace of puzzlement.

No fabrication, no deceit.

Enoch realized that Rachellein had yet to contact the Guildmaster.

*’At most, it’s been six hours since she received the news. Too early to report, I suppose.’*

“Brother, you’ll soon be hearing from the Earth Archmage.”

– Contact? Rachellein?

“Yes. Please, listen to her words with the utmost care. The situation is… complex.”

– Complex enough for you to say so? Why don’t you simply tell me yourself?

“No. Hearing it from her will be far more beneficial. She possesses a greater understanding of the details.”

Enoch passed the explanatory burden onto Rachellein.

He harbored little affection for tedious, pedantic explanations.

He’d far prefer a simple, ‘then perish’.

After all, she was the one who’d witnessed the monstrosity firsthand.

The vial from the future was in her possession, as well.

No need to strain his throat explaining when she could.

*’I need only convey information regarding the Time Mage later. The timing should be about right after this affair is settled.’*

– Hmm. I understand. I shall keep it in mind.

Rosita let it pass without a word.

Thankfully, Enoch’s wicked trickery remained undiscovered.

“Thank you. And, Brother.”


“I have a question. Has there been any unrest recently in various parts of the continent?”


“Yes, for example, an increase in disappearances.”

The reply wasn’t immediate.

Rosita was lost in thought for a moment.

Finally, she spoke.

-Disappearances, I don’t know. But there’s a similar tale.

“A similar tale? What is it?”

-Wait a moment. Let me see… Ah, here it is.

A muffled thumping sound came through the comm.

The sound of dusting.

Rosita picked up a report from a pile and cited its contents.

-Hello? Are you listening?


-Ah, yes. These past few days, a report with the exact same details has been filed multiple times. Almost from the furthest reaches of the continent, it seems. Perhaps because it’s so peculiar. It stuck in my memory quite well.

“Peculiar… What exactly does it say?”

-A festival.

“A festival?”

Enoch repeated.

Rosita explained immediately.

-Yes. There are reports from all over the continent about mysterious festivals taking place.

“A festival, you say? What kind of festival exactly?”

-Well… According to eyewitness accounts, it seems to be something akin to a circus.

Rosita held the comm in her hand and read the sentences written in the report.

-No disappearances, specifically. No traces of the festival left behind. Noteworthy point: those who attended have no recollection. They can’t even recall attending the festival at all… That’s what it says here.

“…I see.”

-It seems the local garrison did attempt their own investigation. However, it appears they made little progress. Unable to resolve it amongst themselves, they ultimately came all the way up here.

This is how he always lives.

Rosita finished her words with a lament.

Enoch offered a wry smile, comforting her.

“Take heart. I’ll send over a few bottles as a gift.”

-Truthfully, I was waiting for you to say that. Thank you. I shall enjoy them greatly.

“It’s nothing at all. Contact me whenever you need anything.”

-Those words alone are a great comfort. Ah, Brother. Speaking of which, what came of that investigation into the Archmages you mentioned last time-?

Enoch tapped his communicator a few times.


“Ah, ah. Brother? Oh dear. It seems the signal is cutting out, being inside the airship.”

-What was that? I can hear you fine-

“I will contact you again later. Until then, take care.”


Enoch closed the communicator.

He then let out a sigh of relief.

‘The chatroom is good bait. I can’t release it just yet.’

Guild Master Rosita is tender of heart.

A being like a baby deer, with bright, sparkling eyes.

For someone like her, a group chat from which she’s intentionally excluded is far too stimulating.

If handled poorly, it could very well induce a Qi Deviation.

Enoch did not want such a result.

Therefore, he avoided the answer.

He had, in effect, saved the Guild Master today.

‘If only the other Archmages would recognize my efforts.’

Enoch worried for no reason.

Should he subtly mention it in the chatroom?

It didn’t seem like a bad idea.


Two days later.

The airship settled onto the earth.

Enoch and Lacrimosa set foot on solid ground after two days.

The place where they descended was a meadow beyond the wall.


“What is it?”

“Well… it feels silly to ask now, but why on earth have we come here?”

Lacrimosa couldn’t help but ask.

Their current location was the westernmost part of the continent.

Specifically, almost the very edge, bordering the coast.

In effect, the last boundary of humankind.

Beyond this, there was nothing.

Only the vast ocean, heaving with crayon-blue waves.

“Like back in Magnus… I think we’re straying too far from civilization too often…”

“It’s alright. It’s not a particularly dangerous place.”

“Not a… dangerous place?”

Lacrimosa paused.

She quietly looked around.

There was nothing.

Not even a common wild animal in sight.

Why weren’t there any?

Lacrimosa grew afraid to imagine the answer.

“…It’s too quiet. It’s scary.”

“Calm yourself. At most, a few monsters will appear.”

“Monsters… a few…”

“Ah, just in case, don’t get caught in the rain. If you accidentally get mixed with a monster’s spores, then, regrettably, we’ll have to cut off your arms and legs.”


“I jest.”

Enoch added belatedly.

Lacrimosa jumped back.

Something loud and clamorous wailed in her ear.

Enoch offered no reaction, no acknowledgement.

Other concerns weighed heavier on him now.

‘Not much time left.’

Enoch checked his timepiece.

The hour was already three in the afternoon.

Two days had passed during their journey, leaving roughly nine hours remaining.

Enoch quietly steeled his resolve.

Nine hours hence.

He and Lakrina would experience the abyss of magic.

Jester. Scroll. Domination. Essence. And Boundary.

What they were about to experience was the realm beyond that.

The Border of Magic. The abyss beyond.

And there, in that place, someone from the distant future awaited Enoch.

Great Teacher in a Defense Game

In a world facing imminent destruction,I must lead the heroes to save the world.



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