Chapter 265 – Vice Minister of the Hunter Department Jung Yuna (4)
“Ha! Mr. Penis! This, this! Ahhh!”
Jung Yuna let out a moan that seemed a bit dangerous.
I thought that dragging it on for too long would be a difficult task for her B-class body.
So, at the right time, she grabbed her waist and ejaculated.
Few! Whoop! Whoops!
Jung Yuna, who had been trembling after receiving my semen, immediately relaxed.
“Mr. Yuna?”
Just in case, she waved her palm in front of her eyes, but she didn’t budge.
She was startled and opened her eyesight and she looked into her body and saw that her heart was pounding.
That said, it wasn’t the worst.
Jung Yuna, who seemed to be in shock for a moment, began to exhale.
She seemed to be in a deep sleep, if not fainting.
‘Well, it must have been too irritating.’
She adjusted her mana in her own way, but she felt that she should have weakened it even more.
She didn’t know if she would have another chance next time, but she thought she should be more careful with lower-ranked hunters.
I checked the flow of her mana inside Jung Yuna’s body.
They were brightly shining and moving about busily.
Jung Yoo-na herself fell into a deep sleep, but Mana seems to be reacting violently to her new stimulation.
I got up and got out of bed.
Thinking just in case, I took out several bottles of potion and put them on the table next to the bed.
Until Jung Yoo-na woke up, there was nothing I could do.
I decided to take a quick shower and return to the lab.
“I have no face.”
It was at dinner that I met Jung Yuna again.
She had a good night’s sleep and bowed her head at me with her refreshed face—not only that, but her newfound mana action must have had a positive effect on her.
“What are you saying? Come over and eat together.”
Come to think of it, I realized that I didn’t share a single word that was really important.
I called her here to discuss what to do with her hancheol coffin.
Anyway, Jung Yuna naturally joined them at the dinner table.
As she is basically a woman with a good affinity, she quickly chatted with women and softened her mood.
The women seemed to know something, but they didn’t bother to say it.
I tried not to get involved in the conversation as much as possible because I was also stabbed.
“Tomorrow we will finish the raid.”
There was no point in dragging it out any longer.
It was because Han Cheol-gwan and the S-class hunters who were targeting me were in a position where they could not use their strength.
I decided to go back to my daily routine and do what I had to do.
All the women said yes.
There was no dissatisfaction of that kind among the women, as she let Kim Eun-bi into the bedroom yesterday, who might not be back in turn.
I approached Jung Yuna, who was at a loss.
“Yuna, would you like to talk to me some more?”
Jung Yuna looked at me with a surprised face.
She blushed and bowed her head, “Yes…” She replied.
When you see a scene like this, all the other girls have no choice but to notice.
She was concerned and looked at the women’s reactions, but as if everyone knew that, she did her own thing without thinking.
“Are you okay?”
I brought Jung Yuna back to my room and asked her.
“Yes, sorry. I fell asleep like that…”
“No. Of course, it would have put a strain on your body. You know. That it’s dangerous to do that with an S-class hunter.”
“Yeah… I didn’t think of that either, but I couldn’t help it. I’ve never been like this in my life, really…”
Jung Yuna couldn’t even look directly at me.
I took out the mana meter that Seulbi Kim had brought with me.
“Yes? Isn’t that a mana meter?”
Of course, since he was the Vice Minister of the Hunter Department, he knew what kind of item this was.
Jung Yuna looked at me with her puzzled eyes.
S-class hunters do not grow well by default.
It was a face that did not know my intention to take out the mana meter at this timing.
“I didn’t intend to use it, but I brought it out for Yuna-san to try it out.”
“Yeah? What am I…”
Even though she was awakened as a hunter, she did not walk the standard path that hunters walk.
She became a civil servant and she’s been living there all along.
She thought maybe she didn’t even know what kind of ability she had.
As a result of my confirmation, Jung Yuna was a combat type.
If she hadn’t become a civil servant, she would have gone into a dungeon and hunted monsters as normal.
It didn’t matter, the point of her was the effect she got from having sex with her.
She brought her mana meter and thrusted at her, as it would be quicker to check it herself.
“Do you know how to use it?”
“Yes, I have used it once or twice after waking up. But why do I…”
In common sense, Yuna Jung did nothing to make her grow today.
Hunters basically enter dungeons and hunt monsters to gain experience.
Her face was incomprehensible, but she was the one who put her hand on the mana meter as I said.
– Grade A, top 97%.
I was also surprised when a voice came out of the mana meter.
No way, because she didn’t expect that Jung Yuna would become an A-class.
She hoped to gain a large amount of experience and compare it to the value she measured before to confirm her growth.
However, Jung Yoo-na and I were both greatly surprised by the word “A”.
“Class A…?”
Jung Yuna, in disbelief, removed her hand and then she put it back on.
– Grade A, top 96%.
I’ve grown a little more than before.
It was proof that the mana action was still taking place inside her.
I wondered if it would have been grade A by the time I finished dinner.
There must have been such a sign, but it seems that the person himself passed it by insignificantly.
I saw that all the potion bottles I had placed next to the bed were empty.
“Ah, that… Thank you. Did Seonggi-san leave it? For me…”
She said ‘For me’ and Yuna Jung blushed at her.
It was as she said.
I was worried about falling asleep, but I remembered the growing pains I had before.
All in all, my powers have increased, and the kind of growing pains I’ve had with women I’ve had have gone away.
However, Jung Yuna could be said to be a different case, so she was worried.
Perhaps the reason Jung Yoo-na herself wasn’t conscious of her growth was because she drank the potion.
Her growing pains must have disappeared, and she could have mistaken herself for being in good shape by drinking the potion.
– Grade A, top 95%.
While I was thinking about her, Jung Yuna raised her palm again to check her growth.
I was familiar with
What a joy it is to see growth.
When I first had sexual contact with Seulbi Kim and used the mana meter to check my growth, I put my palm on her countless times.
However, the core of the story I wanted to share with Jung Yuna was not her growth.
I picked up the mana meter and put it back in my inventory.
“Ah, I’m sorry…”
“No. Rather, you wonder why you suddenly became an A-class hunter?”
Jung Yuna, who answered with her eyes wide open, exclaimed, “Ah…” As if she had thought of something herself.
“Yes. It’s because of me.”
Jung Yuna put her hand on her chest and muttered.
“Actually, there were rumors like that. It was a story that only a few shared, but seeing that Mr. Seonggi was only close to female hunters, I wondered if she might have that kind of ability. But really… With sex…”
He looked at me with an unbelievable face.
“Yes. I have that ability.”
Now that I’ve been convinced, it’s easier to tell the next story.
“Would you like to drink something you didn’t drink before?”
“Ah yes!”
I slowly told the story while drinking with Jung Yuna.
However, since the story was too long, I omitted the unimportant details and lumped it together, telling roughly about my relationship with the women and what happened during the S-class meeting.
“Oh my God, something like that…”
Jung Yuna seemed to have a lot on her mind.
Probably so.
Because she is in a different position from other hunters.
She seemed to have a lot to sort out because she thought that, from the position of Deputy Minister Hunter, important things had happened without her knowledge.
I continued my story.
The next story to be told was about Han Cheol-gwan.
That he gathered S-class hunters and tried to attack us and was beaten back.
And she asked her what to do with her follow-up to Han Chul’s coffin.
“That bastard…”
When she said about Han-cheol’s coffin, Jung Yoo-na’s reaction changed.
I felt that there was a story to the reaction that seemed to be something fierce.
“Why are you like that?”
“I became a civil servant because of that child. What he did before he became minister. Actually, my uncle was a hunter. In the dungeon, you were seriously injured and even swindled by other party members. He made a legitimate complaint, but it was ignored. It was after suffering for a long time that I found out that Cheol-gwan Han was behind me. His uncle suffered a long year in the hospital with no income. In the end, he even lost one of his legs.”
Jung Yuna said while grinding her teeth.
“The reason I came up here after becoming a civil servant was to get revenge on him.”