Chapter 55 – The Power of Love(?) – 3
“Contract. Did you just ask for a new contract?”
The crow said “Whoops” And laughed. There was still a sense of composure in his attitude.
“Florian? If you want to be dissatisfied with the terms of the contract, you have to be a person who fits it. Have you not grasped the subject yet?”
“The subject matter is always right. You just don’t know me yet.”
“Hmm. Okay? Well, I like guys with confidence.”
As the crow flicked her fingers, several magic tools flew into the air. Abacus, scales, etc… Most of them were for calculations.
“Then, shall we learn about Florian?”
“Do it yourself.”
“It should at least be more satisfying than dealing with blackjack. If it’s not to that extent, I won’t write a contract.”
How is it, did you understand the subject now— the blackjack guys glared at me with eyes.
“You didn’t have a family first, did you? Florian.”
“You’re lucky, if you had a family, we would have chased them and ripped off their property. No, I don’t have a family, but is it a bit like saying that I’m lucky? Whoops.”
“It doesn’t matter. You know you’re an orphan anyway.”
Tuk, tuk, tuk, the crow tapped the arm of his chair with the tips of his fingernails.
“Now that Mrs. Cherno’s property has been swallowed up, the estimated property is this much… Is the force still enough to defeat Bremen’s subordinates? Yes.”
Each time she murmured, her fountain pen moved in the air over her, scribbling something on her. Maybe it’s information about me.
It was me who had mastered telekinesis while raising the skill level of 『Architecture』. I pulled the piece of paper floating in the air toward me.
Then he took it in his hand and crumpled it.
“Crow, haven’t you finished your calculations yet? Can I help you?”
“…Do you know how to deal with telekinesis series? I should make a note of it.”
The crow seemed embarrassed, but still saved face. He also showed a relaxed attitude.
Certainly, smart guys behaved differently than stupid guys.
“I just said you would help me with my calculations. Where should I listen? Say it.”
“The Wonderfentanil estate was originally the estate of Alice in Wonderfentanyl. But I took it.”
“After that, the guys from Wonderland messed around, so I killed them too, and this time, the guys called knights under Denia started messing around, so I already subdued two of them. It means that the Duchess of Cherno, whom you investigated, wasn’t the only one who died at my hands.”
“Hmm. You’ve been feeling strange lately, everything has to do with you.”
The crow nodded her head as if the puzzle in her head had finally been put together.
“Yes. What you need to know here is that I never shied away from my fight after all. And you’re fighting me right now.”
“Aha, are you willing to accept the complete destruction of either side?”
“The side that will be destroyed will always be your side of the crow. But for you, I suggested a solution to rewrite the contract.”
Perhaps the conversation between me and the crow itself was unpleasant, but whenever the conversation continued, the blackjacks were fiddling with something inside their robes.
Probably the ugly blades.
Trigger a shot of Tribby. The crow’s cone-shaped hat flies into the air beautifully.
“This is not a matter of cost performance, it is a matter of life, crow. If you don’t accept my offer here, you will die. Think carefully.”
After laughing, the crow mentally picked up the cone-shaped hat that had fallen on the floor and put it on his head.
“Are you curious about what you were going to write in the contract?”
“You are not currently working under any specific affiliation. That’s why I sell the information in the way that makes the most money. I will monopolize that information.”
“Hmm, what kind of monopoly is it? Because I am a witch who is more interested in amassing wealth than my own life.”
“It is literally a monopoly. Monopolize information.”
“I’ll tell you in advance, if it’s an information monopoly that’s exploited for free, I’ll just die~ You’re not the only one who can prepare for death, Florian.”
“No way. It’s just that I will give the greatest recognition to the usefulness of your information.”
I shook my head and continued talking.
“It’s not a slave contract, it’s a contract. You will only sell information to me in the future. I can pay the monopoly fee easily.”
“How much are you expecting me to call?”
“No, I’m confident that I can match it no matter how much I call it.”
Tak, the crow snapped his fingers, and this time a luxurious looking piece of paper floated in the air.
It wasn’t just a memo, it was a contract.
“Let’s see~ Hmm~”
Crunching, for a moment, only the sound of the fountain pen digging through the paper and feeding it with ink could be heard. After a while, a contract with several lines written on it is pushed in front of me.
[ Contract ]
▶Zeck only provides information to Florian.
▶The value of information is solely determined by Zeke. Florian’s freedom to buy or not.
▶The amount to discard unpurchased information will be discussed and adjusted later.
※However, Florian must be able to protect Zeke’s safety.
“I like it.”
It was a contract that only benefited me.
Zeke handles all information.
Of course, the ‘all’ contains useful and essential information, so the benefits of monopolizing it are indescribable.
If Zeke’s asking a price that’s too outrageous, just scrap it altogether.
I will not be able to know that information, but the enemy will also be unable to know that information through Zeke, so it is in fact completely offset.
“Just tell me the last clause in a bit more detail. How can I prove that I can protect you?”
“Um~ can’t we do that right here? In this place where the members of the Blackjack gang are gathered.”
“I mean kill them all.”
He nodded.
However, one of Blackjack’s men glared at the crow with a displeased expression.
“Hey. Crow. Are you trying to walk a tightrope between us and Florian? It is very unpleasant.”
“Even if you guys are offended, will I do anything but die? My personality is like this. Even if your neck is blown away, you must finish the calculations you were doing.”
However, the tightrope walking was unpleasant here as well. I opened my mouth as I used the stigma to change Trivi to a new one.
“Crow Zeke. Come here, lie down and lick my feet.”
“Isn’t there anything like that in the contract?”
“Then add it now. You put one condition on me to prove that I can protect you. So I’m getting one too. Is it fair?”
“I said that I was prepared for death, but I did not mean that I was impatient because I wanted to die. Will the members of the Blackjack Crew stay still?”
I showed my composure.
“This contract will definitely come true. If the last one survives here, it must be me. But if you want to survive too, you have to show that much loyalty.”
“Whoops, be naughty. So it means to finish the calculation right now.”
“That’s right. I don’t really want to take in a guy with slow calculations.”
Swords, hammers, wands, etc… The Blackjack guys pulled out weapons that were thick with murderous intent. And he threatened Jack.
“Jack. Choose carefully. If you go over there, I’ll kill you first.”
“Sure. Are you afraid I don’t even know such a simple fact?”
With a smile on his eyes, Zeke snapped his fingers.
Every time it bounces, the magic tools floating in the air disappear. In other words, it also meant that she had finished her calculations.
Tension flows in the space.
I and the members of Blackjack were just waiting to see what kind of judgment Zeke would make.
And Zeke, as if enjoying such a gaze, hums his song.
Another angle— Another angle—
Finally, Zeke’s high-heeled feet began to move.
It was directed towards me, but since we did not know her intentions, everyone waited in silence to see what she would say.
Another angle— Another angle—
When it was finally close enough to even breathe. Jake opened his mouth.
“I’m sorry. Florian.”
At those words, fishy smiles spread across the Blackjack members’ lips.
“You brushed your teeth like that, and you’re looking good, Florian.”
“How dare you go against blackjack.”
But it was in the next moment that their eyes widened.
Zeke knelt down on his knees, then fell down and kissed his feet with a soft, squeaky kiss.
As if I was the only one who expected her to make such a judgment, the expressions on the faces of Blackjack’s subordinates instantly became dumbfounded.
Even though he threatened to kill him if he was very embarrassed, he still couldn’t run at it.
In the silence, Zeke lifted his head and looked up at me, squinting one eye.
“…Do you have to take responsibility for me as you promised? Whoops.”