Chapter 58 – Wrong Shipment? – 2
The game of cricket is simple.
There are pitchers and there are hitters. In short, the hitter runs after hitting the ball thrown by the pitcher as hard as he can.
“Okay, okay. Let’s check the quality. Because I am confident!”
Grinder shouts confidently.
Me and Lombard and she were out in the open with their cricket equipment. Originally, in the space where female knights wield swords and train.
Grinder hands me a bat. Although it is a bat, the decoration is very fancy.
The black body is very elongated like a staff, and a red heart jewel is studded with gold decorations at the tip.
‘Looking at this appearance, you don’t know?’
Even if you look at it, it looks classy and even if you look at it, it has a heart decoration, but you don’t know that you brought Denia’s equipment?
I sneakily took a look at the grinder.
“The heart ornament… Is there?”
“Ah, it’s made according to Queen Denia’s. It’s human psychology to want to have a counterfeit if there’s something that’s really popular.”
“The Queen prefers that way too. She said it was pretty to see them discarding their own patterns and chasing hearts. FYI, my bat looks just like that.”
Isn’t this a counterfeit?
I felt the same sensation when I touched that thin bat as when I held her witch’s curse in her hand.
A unique cool sensation that always maintains a low temperature. Hardness that only hurts the hand no matter how much force is applied to the grip.
Grindpinder had never held or handled a witch’s curse, so he didn’t seem to know, but he was certain.
It is made of Ermethylene, and it is also the witch’s curse used by Denia.
Worth calling? No, the price cannot be set, and even if it is set, it is a witch’s curse that should not be traded.
Grinder asked me if I had taken my bewildered expression as admiration.
“Hey, equipment engineering major. Calm down. Are you that good?”
“Yes. It is a very good quality item.”
If I get this, it means that three witches’ curses are in my hands.
In other words, Elfriede’s strength was reduced by as much as three witches’ curses, and it was a story that I could not help but be happy about.
I threw a ball into the air and tried to swing the bat, but the grinder grabbed my shoulder in haste.
“Hey, hitting the ball is a different story. The moment you hit the ball, it becomes used. No refund after that?”
“And prepaid. Prepaid. It is the spirit of chivalry to make transactions in advance.”
Do you even have a mind like that? Lombard cleared his throat and asked me.
“Well, from your point of view, how do you think the deal should be right?”
Anyway, Lombard is a scarecrow and I am the actual decision maker.
Grinder doesn’t know that, though, so I pretended to be giving advice to Lombard.
“A hundred gold coins seems like a good enough thing to give.”
“Good. Then can I trade with a hundred gold coins?”
I speak with a calm expression.
“Grinpinder took a difficult step, and for Lombard-sama, take care of this equipment, and considering our future relationship, I think it would be better to trade with two hundred gold coins.”
“Two hundred?”
The look of ‘Give me two hundred?’ Was also imprinted on the Grinder’s face. I smiled and nodded.
“Maybe it’s because Grindpinder is an elf, he’s thoughtful and smart, and his swordsmanship is very natural. I don’t think it’s worth the gold coins at all.”
Grinder put me on the shoulder, unable to lower the corner of his mouth that was rising.
“…What is your name? He’s a really good guy. There was a guy like this under Lombard?”
“This is Alice in Wonderfentanyl.”
“…Alice in Wonderfentanyl? The drug maker? Wasn’t she a woman?”
“It is a misunderstanding.”
“Oh yeah? Oh well whatever I really liked you Lombard, thanks to this guy, I feel all better. Be nice to him.”
Lombard nodded his head.
“I get it. Let’s make a deal according to the advice of the subordinate. However, I can’t prepare gold coins in kind right away because of circumstances. How about writing a contract?”
“It’s good~ It’s a world where everything is possible with just a contract.”
Of course, writing a contract is what I told Lombard in advance.
He seemed to be in a very good mood, and the Line Finder even hummed to him.
“Contract. Let’s write a contract. Bring it right now.”
I went into the building and got one of the luxurious contract papers from Zeke.
A diligent captain who runs with his own feet. From what I could see, he was an exemplary captain.
[ Transaction Agreement ]
〈 Lombard and Grinder make a deal as follows:〉
[ Article 1 – Transaction Method ]
▶ Lombard pays 400 gold coins to the grinder.
As I was writing the second article, I hinted at Grindpinder.
“It’s a job that the knight has worked hard for, so can I emphasize the knight’s name again and again?”
“Of course it should. Write it down.”
[Article 2 – Goods]
▶ Grindpinder guarantees that the above items are new and that they have been inspected and brought by themselves.
Article 3 was about the trading period. Grinder asks.
“How long can you get the price right?”
“It doesn’t take long. I think we can set it up before the day when we have an appointment to play cricket with the queen.”
“That, so quickly?”
The Grind Finder kicks him in his seat, unable to contain his excitement. However, he soon cleared his throat and sat down again.
“All right, of course you have to adjust like that. I like it. Okay. Do it.”
[ Article 3 – Transaction Period ]
▶Contract so that the cricket match with Queen Denia can be completed before the promised date.
The Lombard interrupts slowly, then the Grinder interrupts in haste. So, I made a total of two pieces.
As soon as he saw the contract complete, Grinder snatched it up and shoved it into his bosom. Lombard also took one.
“Good. It was a very good deal.”
“We think so too.”
When you’re in a good mood, you can even say things you didn’t intend to say. Grinder opened his mouth, as if it was the same for elves.
“Huh~ Will the day come when we can beat the queen in a cricket match?”
“I expect that the lofty elfsini will show high ability in cricket. Isn’t it?”
Grinder’s eyes widened when I interrupted and flattered him.
Are you too tired? But the next moment, Grindpinder bursts into laughter.
“Like it. I like it very much! Yes, actually, if I set my mind to cricket, I can do very well. No way.”
“Okay. In the meantime, can I ask you a question about what you just said?”
“No. You say it like you have to win something.”
“Ah, that one?”
Grind Finder continues his words as he stretches out his hand.
“The Queen is not usually good at cricket. Maybe that’s why you’re so bored these days, so you put unconventional conditions on us.”
“Unconventional conditions?”
“Okay. If the knights under his command win, they say five hundred gold coins per person. A whopping five hundred.”
The abacus started bouncing in my head.
I’ll take the balrog money too. I’ll take the Lombard money too. Grinder money is mine someday.
So, if I win the match against Denia, I will be able to get a total of 1,500 gold coins.
“You talked a lot. Anyway, I’m going!”
The line finder steps out of his abode with very light steps. I wonder if that’s how the elves playing in the Great Forest look like.
I looked at Denia’s bat, which Grinder had sold for only two hundred gold coins. He held it in his hands once again.
Ermethylene’s senses are cool. Cool. How should I describe this transaction?
“Cool deal. Thank you.”
“I guess that’s how it happened. Tohei.”
When I told her the whole story of the incident, Alice burst into laughter. It was the same that the other executives had a hard time holding back their laughter.
“Master, what are we going to do now? I’m just going to practice cricket.”
Cheshire asked, licking the back of his hand. I shook my head.
“No. First of all, Denia won’t be able to compete without cricket equipment.”
“That means… ?”
“Call Grinder again in a day. They say Denia’s cricket equipment is expensive.”
Denia, who was trying to play cricket to pass the time, trembled his hands.
It was because she couldn’t see the staff and bat she always used, the curse of the world’s most glorious witch bestowed by him.
The servant next to her lowered her head and replied.
“You obviously told me to keep it here.”
“Yes, I told you to keep it here.”
But no matter where I look, I don’t see it. This is a fake, that is a fake too… There was no genuine product that responded to Denia’s magical power.
“The last time you played cricket with someone.”
“This is Diamond Knight Grinder.”
“Grinder… “
Denia narrowed her eyes.