Chapter 569 – Episode 569 – Appearance! Evil Organization Hypnosis Hypnosis!
One month later.
“Myo myo oh oh oh oh! I finally finished it!”
On the way, Mayon, who listened to Dr. Pilrk’s advice and worked hard in the carriage with Nellis while traveling, finally succeeded in developing a giant robot.
“Congratulations, Meimon!”
“Mystery! This is also thanks to Nellis for being there! Thank you!”
“No. I was very proud to be able to make a giant robot. To put it like Maymoon… Nellis is proud.”
“Waaaaagh! Meimon joy!”
“Oh, Maymoon, Nellis. Are you finally finished?”
Hypno approached at the sound he heard from inside the carriage.
Meimon and Nellis proudly spoke to Hypno.
“That’s right! After repeated research with Nellis, we can finally make a giant robot!”
“It’s a robot with solid performance.”
“Ohhh! But how do you make a giant robot? Is it at the level of making a blueprint?”
“No! Right away if you want! I can go out and show you!”
“We developed a process that can be summoned and manufactured right away by referring to Ark Beauty and the giant robots of the villages we have passed so far.”
“Yeah? That’s great.”
“Master Hypno, shall we demonstrate right now?”
Hypno shook his head at Nelisse’s suggestion.
“No, if you’re going to do it in earnest… You have to do it grandly! Winty! Olivia! Altela! Come here!”
“What are you doing, Mr. Hypno?”
“Please tell me anything!”
Hehe, let’s do a special event the next time we arrive!”
Justas, the capital of Rangeria.
There was an unprecedented incident happening there.
And the one who knows about that situation is the squadron that protects Justas.
There was only Power Justice.
“Great… How did this happen!”
“Everybody’s gone crazy! Even the Commander!”
“Keugh! What’s happening!”
Power Justice was living a normal life.
After defeating the demons invading the capital, the giant demons were also repulsed by manipulating God’s blessing Gigant Justice.
I fell asleep while living a rewarding life this week.
This morning they noticed an anomaly.
“Haaaaa~ Commander, you had a good night’s sleep.”
“Yes! Red! What a happy morning it is today!”
“Yes? Huh? Eh?”
Lively greetings.
But it was a very foreign greeting.
Commander Bankal, the commander of the Power Justice, has always been a blunt and airy man.
Even if you say hello normally, “Yes.” I would have finished just saying that.
Commander Bancal said good morning to Red with a bright smile.
“Yes, Commander?”
“Something red? On this nice, happy morning! Ah, isn’t this all thanks to Hypnotic Hypnosis!”
“Yes? Choi, hypnosis group?”
“Yes! Hypnosis Hypnosis! Ah! Hypnosis makes me feel so refreshed and happy! They are such wonderful people!”
‘Eh, how did this happen!?’
Embarrassed, Red called his colleagues to further assess the situation.
“Blue! Green! Yellow! Pink! Everyone is safe!”
[Red! The town is strange! I’m just emphasizing that everyone is happy!]
[I think it’s the work of the hypnosis squad…… What the hell is this!?]
[My mother has become strange!]
[Everyone is praising the hypnosis group! Red, are you okay!?]
‘Thank god. The other members are all right.’
“Commander Bangcal was also beaten! He greeted me in the morning with a refreshing voice today!”
[I want to see that!]
“Let’s gather first! Come to the plaza!”
Red came out and joined the rest of the Power Justice allies.
“Ah! I’m happy! The days I live are happy!”
“Honey! Look! The sun is bright!”
“Yes! The weather really suits this happy mood!”
“But it’s going to rain tomorrow!”
“What a happy thing!”
“Mom! I like hypnosis hypnosis!”
“Oh, my son! My mom likes hypnosis hypnosis too! It makes us so happy!”
“Hypnosis! Hypnosis!”
And the Power Justice witnessed people shouting that they were happy praising the hypnosis hypnosis group.
“Sometimes, people like this…!”
“Damn it! Where are the hypnotists!”
Green breaks down in a sudden crisis without knowing the cause.
Then a voice rang in my head.
[Hello everyone!]
“Ah! It’s the voice! It’s Hypno-sama’s voice!”
“Hypnosis master! It’s Hypno-sama’s voice!”
“Aaaaa! Just hearing the voice is too much fun!”
“Sah, people are crazy!”
“What else is a hypnotic gun!?”
[Are you happy today too!]
“”Happy happy~!””
When everyone answered Hypno’s question at once, Justice Blue screamed in surprise.
A truly bizarre sight.
Justice Red analyzed the situation and guessed who the culprit was.
‘Hypnosis hypnosis group hypnosis leader Hypno…… He is the culprit behind this situation! But where are they?’
[What a loud and nice voice! However! There are people who haven’t been happy yet! Okay! These are the Power Justices!]
“No! Power Justice isn’t happy happy!”
“This can’t be!”
“It’s so sad!”
“Happy happy! Power Justice should be happy happy too!”
“What, what?!”
“I-I’m scared!”
Power Justice was further confused by the citizens’ reaction to Hypno’s words.
[Don’t worry, everyone! Hypno, this hypnotic master! Our hypnosis hypnosis corps officers! I will make Power Justice happy and happy!]
“Happy happy hee hee hee!”
“Hypno-sama, hurrah!”
“Everyone be careful! It looks like the Hypnosis Hypnosis Corps is planning to appear.”
Catch up! And the Power Justice pull out their weapons.
Just then, Hypno, the leader of the hypnosis group, and the hypnosis group’s executives appeared with light from the air and descended slowly.
Hypno, the master of hypnosis wearing a black cape and mask, laughed out loud and spoke to the Power Justice.
Haha! How is it, Power Justice! What a sight that hypnotized everyone but you!”
“As expected! You were the culprit! Return everything to normal!”
“Why? Isn’t everyone happy! With my hypnosis, everyone can always feel happy!”
“That’s… That’s fake happiness! Happiness isn’t something you feel compelled to do under hypnosis! It’s something you have to achieve with your own will!”
Hehe, that’s a stupid idea! People want happiness! Entertainment! Alcohol! Food! Good deeds! After all, they want happiness in many forms!”
Hypno confidently spread his arms wide.
“There are many people who can’t find happiness no matter how hard they try! I hypnotically bring happiness to everyone, including them!
“This guy…!”
“First of all, let me introduce myself! I am the leader of the hypnosis hypnosis group! Hypno! I am a preacher who brings happiness to people through hypnosis! And the executives of our hypnosis group, my wife and pets!”
Hypno started introducing each of them one by one.
“Ice Witch! Winty!”
“Freeze it… Throw it away…”
“Magical Engineering Mongmyeon Scientist! Maymyeon! And his assistant, his Minimyeon!”
“Mystery! I’ll show you a new invention!”
[Mini Myeon!]
“Olivia, the hypnotic sexy saint.”
“Keuheum! Yu, yufu~ You’re a sexy saint. Hypno-sama! Did you do well?”
“A bit awkward, it was sexy and cute!”
“Fortunately, the!”
“Hyper Android Nellis!”
“I will start evangelizing happiness.”
“Alteila, the lustful woman!”
“You too will be immersed in pleasure! The pleasure of this hypnosis!”
“Puppet soother, meongmeongris!”
“Woop! Mummeommong! Mooooo!
“You’re noisy!”
“This is our hypnotic team!”
After the introduction, each person posed, and an explosion occurred with colored smoke from behind.
“Hypnosis hypnosis group…!”
“Something very strange guys!”
“But don’t be careless! If you make people like this at once… It won’t be easy.”
“Then why are we alone?”
“That’s a good question! That’s because I hypnotized you on purpose!”
“It’s no fun if you easily hypnotize everyone! So, I gave you Power Justice, who protects this capital, a chance! Stand up to us! Power Justice~!”
“You guys hypnotized us! Let’s all go!”
“”Transform! Justice Change!””
“Justice on fire! Justice Red!”
“Justice overflowing! Justice! Blue!”
“Raging Justice! Justice! Green!”
“Justice beating down! Justice Yellow!”
“Blooming Justice! Justice Pink!”
“”The Squadron of Justice! Power Justice!””
After each introduction, there was an explosion of color behind Power Justice.
“”Be prepared, Hypnosis Hypnosis Team! Get our city back!”
Hehe! Come on, Power Justice! I’ll show you the taste of defeat!”