Chapter 574 – Chapter 574 – The Land of Ninjas and Samurai! Yamato!
After a happy holiday with his wives, Hypno came to Desalt and announced his next destination.
“Okay! Our next destination is Yamatoo! Let’s go see the sea view!”
“I’ve heard that it’s a place where a very large body of water turns into a lake…”
“The sea. I’ve never seen it myself because it’s only entered as data.”
“The sea is good too.”
“Fuck, what else is the sea?”
Other than Alteila, the newcomer, she had never seen the sea in person, so her wives her and Clarisse were unfamiliar with the idea of going to the sea.
Hypno heard the direction from the nearby village to the port city of Desalt, and immediately gave Argo a lot of magic and shouted.
“Let’s go, Argo! Let’s go!”
[Mini Myeon!]
Hypno and the others depart for the port city of Desalt.
Argo, who was full of energy after consuming Hypno’s mana, was able to arrive at the port city in a week.
“This is a port city.”
Port city of Desalt.
Although the landscape of the city is similar to that of any country in Desalt, it is a desert country style.
It was lively, perhaps because it was a port city for trade, and the clothes of people who looked like Yamatu could be seen here and there.
In terms of so-called Hypno knowledge, those who wear kimonos or yukatas.
Or, like a ninja, a woman wearing a dangerous ninja suit was also seen here and there.
Hehe, I’m already looking forward to going to Yamatu. First, let’s get some information about Yamatu.’
“Excuse me.”
“Hmm? Who are you…”
Hypno hypnotized a female ninja passing nearby.
“I want to answer anything honestly and with a happy heart.
“Okay… Cow.”
After the hypnotic wave was stopped, Hypno immediately asked.
“There are many things I want to ask you about Yamatu. Can you answer them?”
“Of course! If you have any questions, ask me anything!”
“Are you a ninja?
“That’s right! Female ninja! In other words, Kunoichi!”
“I heard that Kunoichi learns Chinese martial arts, is that true?”
“Hmm! I’ve never learned Chinese martial arts because I’ve been focusing on the combat system of the sleeper! However, most of the other Kunoichi learn!”
“I see! But I know very well about Chinese medicine! Can you tell me about it by experiencing Chinese medicine?”
“Experience Chinese medicine? Hmm, that doesn’t seem to have much effect other than learning from the elders… But since it’s your suggestion, I’ll listen!”
Due to hypnosis, Kunoichi readily accepted Hypno’s proposal.
“My name is Hypno. What is your name?”
“The graduate’s name is Yuuki! Hypno-dono!”
Yuuki gives Hypno information about Yamato experiencing while Chinese medicine.
Above Hypno, he was vigorously shaking his waist and shaking his short black hair in a ponytail.
‘Awesome! This ♥ This is room jungsul♥ I love it♥ I can’t believe I’ve never learned such a pleasant room jungsul♥ Aang♥ Aaang♥ The elders are so kind♥’
While having Yuuki experience Chinese medicine, he vomited many things about Yamato.
Not to mention being an island country.
There are adventurers, but most of them are apprentice samurai, ninja, or shrine maidens.
The fact that each province is ruled by a type of feudal lord called daimyo.
The king at the top.
The fact that Oboro Akatsuki, the strongest samurai general with the title of Samurai General King, rules.
And the goddess she serves is Amaterasu, etc.
Other than that, when he talked about various food cultures and things to enjoy.
“Hoot ♥ Clothes ♥ Ohohok…… ♥”
Yuuki was smiling happily with sticky semen all over her body from having sex with Hypno.
After making Yuuki clean with a power clean, Hypno pondered.
“Hmm, miko, ninja, samurai…! Alright! Let’s all buy new clothes!”
After thinking it through, Hypno decided to get a new outfit before entering Yamatu.
Fortunately, the port city of Desalt also traded with Yamatu, so there were several shops selling Yamatu-style clothes.
After entering the store and buying clothes, Hypno and the others changed into new Yamato-style clothes.
“Nin… Nin.”
“I’m a ninja!”
[Mini Myeon!]
“I’ll make clothes for Minion later too!”
“Why the fuck did you change me too!”
Wintineas, Meimon, and Clarisse are kunoichi suits with short hems and a mesh chest.
“Oh, does it suit you, Hypno-sama?”
“As a goddess, I wear priest’s clothes… It’s a subtle feeling.”
Olivia and Alteila were dressed as shamans with cleavage on the sides of their thighs.
“Metanic Android Samurai is here.”
Nellis wore a samurai yukata and a makeshift mechanical katana wrapped around her waist.
Hehe, everyone looks so good together!”
And Hypno also smiled contentedly, wearing a yukata similar to Nellis.
By the way, I already bought kimonos for Rinia and Rani.
Hehe, it suits you very well, Argo!”
While buying clothes, he also bought a general’s helmet called a tourist product, and Hypno put it on Argo.
After buying clothes and preparing, Hypno and his party moved to the port to go to Yamatu.
What Hypno chose was a high-class cruise ship that could carry wagons as well.
A sizeable ship mainly used by rich people in Desalt or nobles from other countries.
However, since Hypno and the others already had no worries about money, they paid for the boat and boarded the boat.
2 hours after the ship departs.
“Myooh… I don’t feel good…”
“Eh eh!”
“Are you okay, Maymoon?”
“Back… I’ll sweep it.”
“Thank you, Unni Winty… Eww!”
“Supposed to be seasick.”
On the boat, Maymoon and Clarice got seasick.
“Seasickness! Wait Mayon! I’ll treat you right away!”
And Hypno was the one who would never see his beloved wife suffer.
Hypno immediately opened the status window and immediately opened the magic window.
And in the magic window, as always, the magic that Hypno wanted was born without learning.
[Sickness Cure: Cure specialized for motion sickness. Once you receive it, you will never get seasick for a day. Required points: 10]
“Take it, Meimon! Cure motion sickness!”
“Mooooong… What? Wow! All the nausea is gone! Hypno oppa! Thank you! Meimon joy!”
[Mini Myeon!]
Hehe, I’m glad that Meimon is better too!”
“As expected Hypno-sama! You’re amazing.”
“It’s impossible for even a god to be able to do something so instantly… As expected Hypno-sama!”
“Excellent, Master Hypno.”
Hypno’s wives praising Hypno’s greatness his.
Meanwhile, Clarisse, still suffering from seasickness, shouted at Hypno.
“Fuck aaaaahs!”
“Ugh, stop making dirty noises, Guttoris! Cure seasickness!”
“Huh! Whoa! Ha, back, I almost fell behind…”
“This will calm you down a bit…”
Hypno thought that Gutoris’ seasickness would stop and he would enjoy a quiet boat trip.
But as soon as I thought about it, I heard someone vomit.
When I turned my gaze to the source of the sound, there was a samurai woman in an auburn ponytail with one part down and a bandage around her chest her, throwing up.
“Huh, huh! Ugh! Me, I……! This obo-kagura is going to have a displacement. I’m so used to land life…… Eve!”
‘He vomits heavily. By the way…… Oboro?’
Hypno recalled the information he had just retrieved from Yuuki today.
It was the castle of the samurai generals who ruled throughout Yamato.
In addition to that, Hifno approached Oboro Kagura because her breasts covered with bandages were very large and her face her was not bad and she was a smooth woman.
“Are you okay?”
“Huh? Who are you… Ugh!”
“I can cure motion sickness. Would you like to do it?”
“What, a cure for motion sickness? Is that possible… Ugh! Boo, please! Can you do it quickly!”
Hehe, leave it to me. Cure seasickness!”
“Oh…? Hmm? Ohhhhh! It’s amazing! The feeling of vomiting and nausea are all gone! This is it! Really… Turn it off. Hmm, the smell of vomit that remains in my mouth…”
Hypno gathered magic power in his fingers his and created water.
“Rinse it.”
“Gee! Thank you!”
Oboro Kagura soaked Hypno’s finger with the water created, rinsed it, and spit it out into the sea.
“You’ve been so kind to me from one to ten! Thank you very much! My concubine’s name is Oboro Kagura! After undergoing samurai training in a foreign country, she is returning to her hometown her, Yamatu!”
Hehe, no. I have to help when I’m in trouble. My name is Hypno.”
“Hypno official! Thank you so much… Hmm? Hypno? Hip… No? Ohhhhh, no way!”
Upon hearing Hypno’s name on her, Oboro Kagura asked Hypno with her eyes sparkling.
“Aren’t you the hero, Hypno? You defeated Tempil, the demon lord of Zest! You defeated Dista, the demon lord of destruction, along with the hero Leon, and rumors say that you worked hard to subjugate Deus Ex Machina, the demon lord of Mechatrom. That!”
Hehe, that’s right. I am that Hypno.”
“Ohhh! Such luck! Lord Hypno! Even though I just received help, I have a request without shame!”
“What is it?”
Match! Oboro Kagura said to Hypno, bowing her head with the palms together.
“Please give this little concubine a lesson!”