Chapter 224 – The Saint Who Keeps Her Promise
Chapter 224: The Saint Who Keeps Her Promise
“Hold tight!”
There’s nowhere to catch it?!
You can’t grab her breasts or hair like she did when Sister Agnes!!
Marie eventually wraps her arm under my armpit and hugs me tightly.
And a sharp turn to the right.
I hold her hand tight
Kwak Kwah Kwah Kwah!!!!
Safe by the margin.
However, the lower part is Abigyuhwan.
“Ah, ah!!”
“Su, the guardian dragon is attacking the castle!!”
“Alocasia is crazy!!!”
A founding story that the people of Amitie have heard since childhood.
Seven dragons appearing in it.
Perhaps, when the dragon appeared, he instinctively thought of the seven guardian dragons.
In particular, since Wang Seong has a high educational zeal, he must be familiar with the tale.
However, from the rampage of Nuba Cane to the raid of Alocasia, it is natural that the citizens are in confusion.
Each of these things causes the approval rating of Catherine and Alberic to decline.
Local nobles are on the strong side, so they will lean toward Catherine, who has two dragons.
Ordinary citizens who suffer may have different thoughts.
It will be a big variable when entering the royal castle in the future.
“… Mr. Kamu, what should I do?”
Shall we go to Seogung?
There are many towers, so it would be good to ward off the dragon.
Because we are small
… No.
Civilian casualties are too great.
“Let’s go somewhere where there are no people.
Turn it around the southeast wall.”
Flutter, Flutter!
The green dragon spun after us.
Baat, baat, baat… !!
“Be careful! It’s magic!
Magic Missile!”
Shu Shu Shu Shu Shu Shuong!!!
The green rays of light surrounding Alocasia fly at us mercilessly.
Magic arrows have a homing function within a certain range.
“Hold tight!”
“You have to catch me!!”
Whoa… !!
Marie soars.
Green light rays chasing after us.
Wow… Tukkwahaak!
Turn over and descend rapidly with scissor maneuver.
This is the Royal Griffon, and Angela’s advanced flying technique.
Marie uses the guidance function of the magic missile to avoid damage to private houses in the air.
He must have interacted a lot with Angela.
There’s no way she knew about such a high-level flight technique.
Fortunately, it completely dodges.
Cala la la la la rock!!
Alocasia roared once more as if she was annoyed.
And land on a nearby building.
“Did the dragon stop?”
“Huh, heh!
Probably trying to burn Alberic and Lieutenant General Dismas.
Let us stop
If it gets out of sight, it can give up pursuit and attack the palace.
We have to keep manning it.”
Flutter, Flutter!
She gets off her proper private house on her roof.
We stay within sight of Alocasia.
“It is difficult.”
“You have to do it.
How is the royal palace?
Did everyone get out?”
“Most of them got out of the palace.
We have already disabled the royal palace’s anti-aircraft fire net and demolished the long-barreled guns.”
“Where have you been?”
“When I came out, the leader was on the way from the northern palace to the northern mountain range.
The second team must be leaving the northern palace by now.”
“… The 3rd Corps of the Demon King’s Army will be over the mountain.
You have to go there.”
I don’t know if they noticed the dragon’s appearance and built an anti-aircraft fire network.
If you don’t build it, you may get hit with the escape matrix.
“They said they would stay in the palace until the end and then leave.
You should have probably caught the dragon by now.”
“… I can’t go out like last time.
It’s too dangerous.”
How to not work twice.
There’s Alberic, and two dragons.
Besides, there’s probably my child on board, so any violent movements are dangerous…
Going crazy.
“… You really care about Sir Angela.”
“Because I’m worried.”
“She doesn’t love you anymore.
I won’t be reckless jumping off the dragon’s head like last time.”
“… Fortunate in misfortune
If only I could live without loving me.”
“Are you happy with that?”
“I hate getting hurt because I love you.
Angela, you too.”
“Get rid of the serpentine horse.”
It’s cold.
It flew into her chest and stuck.
“… How on earth did I even mock Your Highness by teasing my tongue?”
“Does Stella look like someone who would be fooled by flattery?”
“A young, young queen is very emotional.”
“Duke Dupre and Anne, who are next to me, also agreed.”
“Since the situation is urgent, it must have been at least a straw.
If it wasn’t for this situation, would it have been possible?”
“If it weren’t for the war, I wouldn’t have planned the hypnotist.
Stellado, Angelado, and you too.”
Marianne’s brow furrowed.
“You want to play family law?”
“A family is meaningless.
You can’t change the past, you can’t change history.
That it has already happened
… Just like my parents and my brother Tamu did.
Just like you were sent to a convent as a child for lack of food.
If it was like this, if it was like that.
Don’t keep assuming that.
Excessive extension of the causal relationship twists the logic and distorts the results.”
“The present becomes the past.
Since you put the button wrong the first time, isn’t it natural that you keep going astray from then on?”
“You’re right.
The situation was urgent, so the talk of an arranged marriage worked.
It wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been in a hurry.
And if that was the case, I wouldn’t have saved Anne or Stella.
What good is there in such a household?
Stella’s acceptance of me is a stark reality.
There was nothing dishonest about the process.
They just fit each other well.”
Marianne’s expression is full of spirits.
“You mean His Highness really likes you?”
“How do you know?”
“You will know if you are loved.
Like you know that I like you.”
“Under… !
That’s not even funny!
Someone who knows love so well, why did you put the first button on like that?”
I’m a little annoyed, too, so I hit it.
“What first button?
Did I approach you?
Or did you kill my family?”
“If you’re going to talk like that, why don’t you start with why you started the war?”
“If you think about it, the 1st Fatherland Defense War also invaded our land from the cathedral.”
“Shouldn’t we go back to the time when the explorer demon king built the demon castle and set foot in Middle-earth?”
“At that time, it was before the founding of Amity.”
“There were humans!”
“Don’t humans fight each other?
Didn’t you fight the fairies, the beasts, and the giants?”
“We’re talking about the first step between us, so why go there?”
It’s the first time I’ve been this pissed off since I got into a fight after being caught hypnotizing Rumika.
Whoa, I was so excited.
Put the enemy in front
I didn’t mean to fight.
It’s been a while since I talked to Marianne, so I don’t want to fight again.
“That is what I mean.
Talking about the distant past is no different from assuming, ‘If the past was like this’.”
“If only you hadn’t said the absurd thing about loving me!
It didn’t even come out!”
What is this like on the roof?
On top of the slanted roof, they stand anxiously holding on to each other’s clothes.
We’re afraid of verbal fights, but it’s funny how we can’t even fall because we have to fly right away when the green dragon comes flying by.
“I know?
Do you like me
Didn’t I just indulge my body?
Did you enjoy playing with dolls?”
Every word, every word flies and gets stuck.
“It was to die for.
Because I’m in love
Doing that with Wonsu.
I tried my best not to, but Rebekah said that.
Don’t care about race.
Just think of your relationship with each other.”
“Don’t take it out on my friend!”
Say my words
“To injure and receive each other during war.
I want to quit now
Isn’t it hard to keep hating you?
He asked me if I hated him.
When I said no, he asked again.
So do you still hate me too?
Do you hate my friend Marie too?
If you hate me, why don’t you love me enough to cover it up?”
“I still hate you, and when I said I was going to get revenge, Rebekah said that?
‘Didn’t Master kill a lot while commanding the corps?'”
“You got it right.”
He has a sharp side sometimes.
Then he asked, ‘Why are you taking care of Eva and her family?'”
“… Why did you take care of it?”
Slightly slurred speech.
It seems to remind me of the scene where I saved Eva, her family, and the refugees earlier.
“I guess I’m sorry.
I guess I wanted to wash away my sins.
I guess I wanted to take responsibility.”
“Does Eva know that you are a demon?”
“I just found out.”
“What were you saying?
Did you hate it?
Did you spit in your face?
Did you swear?”
I’d rather have that.
I heard that the owner is just the owner.”
“He is a withdrawn person.”
“I know.”
In the distance, the green dragon Alocasia flaps its wings.
It’s about to fly again
Koo Woo-wook.
Marie’s arm digs into my armpit again.
Hug me tight and prepare for me.
“… You backed away too.
How can you think of loving a woman who killed your parents and siblings, and a human woman at that?”
“I know.”
“Why don’t you ask me?
Just say it plainly.
It’s like ‘I did it because I had to do it’, ‘I got revenge. Say, ‘This isn’t enough’, ‘If it were you, wouldn’t you want to do that?'”
“Tell me.”
“I don’t like it.”
“Because I don’t think so.
Don’t force it.”
“Why don’t you think so?”
“… The formation of the Demon King Assassination Team and the outbreak of war.
Because you haven’t decided on any of them.”
“I voluntarily entered the special rental unit.
Because of that humble thought of wanting to be special.
I myself… I did too.
I don’t deny it either.
Hate it all you want
I will hate you too.”
Was it my imagination that I felt that Mari’s tone had changed a bit?
“That’s right.
So I hated it
I hated him so much I wanted to kill him.
Panic of hatred after returning from bidding for a supplier of restorative herbs.
But I mean… Every time I see Eva, I have many thoughts.
Every time I talk to Rebekah, her head gets complicated.
… Damn, those bastards are going to fly to the palace!
Let’s follow!”
Alberic is no fool.
Rather than chasing Mari with me, I intend to hit a clearly fixed target.
Then you know we’ll come.
Flutter, flutter.
I tell her what she couldn’t say to her, who hugs her from behind and flies away.
“It was when I first met Angela.
He said, ‘I don’t resent, and I don’t receive resentment’.
But did he apologize later?
That everyone has someone in their heart that loves each other.
So she told me that she finally found out and that she regretted saying that.
And he apologized
… I got it then
The fact that when I received an apology from you in the past, I was actually thinking, ‘It will be hard to hate you anymore’.”
Flutter, flutter.
Follow the green dragon heading to the palace.
Marie is behind her back, so I can’t tell what expression she’s making.
“I used to lead the Belzeburg Peace Agreement.
I thought it would work, but it didn’t last.
And after my parents and our Tamyu became like that, I didn’t even think about it.
I just wanted to finish it by fighting and killing everyone and winning.
But after Rebekah became like that…
And after meeting you… I wanted to try it again.
I think it’s too early to give up on the effort for peace.”
Flutter, flutter.
Woo woo woo.
I’m worried that the sound of the wings and the wind passing by will not be conveyed.
“… So, did you save people earlier?
That is hypocrisy.”
“You really haven’t changed.
Does saying that reduce your guilt?
Are you a hypocrite or a hypocrite…”
… The words that Rebekah sent away and fought with Alberic at the funeral home.
[… So, Marie.
It’s not your fault.
It’s my fault.
Don’t beat yourself up
Don’t dwell on that bastard’s words.]
[… Camus-nim always talks like that.]
It’s always your fault
He is a hypocrite,
It’s about making a profit…
You say it that way.
If you do… Do you feel less guilty?]
[… No.]
[If you blame yourself like that
Doesn’t Kamyu-nim get hurt more?
Excuse me… Aren’t you sick? Mind?]
[… It hurts.]
[It hurts, but why?
Bear the wound
Do you enjoy digging?]
[Because it is better for me to be sick than for you to be sick.
And because I am a person who can be hurt.
Because you are the one who has to be sick.
Therefore… You can’t avoid it.
That’s cowardly.]
[Why… ?
It’s my duty to be sick
I hear it for the first time.]
[No way.
You should have heard
Especially on the battlefield.
I was a corps commander,
It was an espionage
It’s a hypnotist.
To control and direct others
Put you in danger
And sacrifices are made
How can I not know that?]
… It was.
“Still, it’s better than before.
Because your self-esteem skyrocketed.
It would be nice if you dig into the ground and throw it away just because you feel depressed like before.”
Speak badly, speak badly.
“… I haven’t forgiven you.
Like Sir Angela, I have a promise.
So that’s what I was protecting.
To protect people.”
After burying her Rebekah, when I came to her house, put her to bed, and held her in her arms.
Promise at that time.
[Sure, Marie. Promise me.]
[Yes? What promise?]
[You will protect me no matter what.
… Even if he hates me later, he will protect me.]
[… Are you going to do something you hate?]
[Already done. So promise me.]
[Chi-it, it’s shameful.]
It was.
Now it’s a memory
I still often remember the warmth of her saintess who covered mine with her breasts at that time.
“I’ll speed it up.”
Flutter, flutter—billion!!
Whoa! Paaang!!
Vigorous flight.
Marianne’s arms tighten.
Marianne hugged me from behind.
For some reason, it seems to have adhered to my back more firmly than before.
… It’s just my senses