Episode 161. Old Snake (2)
Episode 161 Old Snake (2)
It was when I was waiting as Totem No. 1 on the castle wall with Lake, Kanto, Geuncheop, and Dina Special Forces.
“Hey, Princess Dina.”
The close-range spy, who was standing with his arms crossed, spoke to Princess Dina.
“I have concerns.”
“Do I really have to say it now?”
“Okay. It has to be now or never.”
“…Do you have to tell me?”
“Yes. “You are the only one who knows the truth.”
Dinah sighed.
“What is that?”
“I’m thinking about how to give an ending to Gozaburo, the hero of rebellion.”
– …
Dinah looked at her butt like it was a bug.
“You idiot.”
Hannah, who was standing next to Dina, said something and immediately turned her head.
Does this bastard not understand the current situation?
Now, a great battle with everything on the line is about to begin. What kind of gozaburo are you?
“As you know, the ending of a work is important. “The better the work, the deeper it leaves a lasting impression.”
Anyway, Geuncheop started talking about herself.
“For the past few years, I’ve been thinking about how the story would end. “I’ve thought about it several times, but nothing leaves a deeper impression than a sad ending.”
Dinah wasn’t looking at her cunt. She seems to be paying no mind at all.
“What about it was all a dream? Like ‘Guunmong’, the foundation of Korean classic novels and the first light novel, everything that the main character Gozaburo experienced in the main story was a dream he had at the moment of death… “
Why are you bringing up Gugunmong again?
Now, just as I was about to ignore him, Dinah opened her mouth.
“I like happy endings.”
Are you listening to this bullshit?
“To be precise, I don’t like it if it doesn’t have a happy ending. It doesn’t matter if I mess up a bit, I hope everyone is happy at the end of the story. “It’s just my opinion.”
“…I see.”
The helmeted melee spy nodded. What am I trying to convince myself?
Anyway, this asshole made me a little more relaxed. Because it was a role, I felt a bit of pressure.
Okay. Let’s not think too hard about it. Our force is also strong. I will have to deal with the seven-headed dragon demon and dragon army, but you can trust the Tribal Alliance to handle the small things.
‘Enemies have entered Symphonia! It’s dangerous now, so I’ll fall back!’
Paya’s prayer was heard. This is the real beginning.
– They arrived in Symphonia.
I can see everyone putting strength into their hands holding their weapons.
“Listen! Warriors!”
Warchief Kanto gave a speech to boost the warriors’ morale, Dina’s commandos exchanged glances, and the close-quarters spy said, ‘Yare yare…’ ‘ He muttered.
[Not Netkama: Start now]
Hannah also received a message.
[Netkamaanim: Still, I don’t think only bad things happened when I came here]
[Not Netcam: It’s a shame I couldn’t see the face of my one and only online friend]
No, why do you say that ominously?
[Did you know that’s a death flag?]
[Netcamama: All I can think of is this, what should I do?]
… What should I say? No matter how I say it, I think it can only be a wish for safety.
[Do you know that?]
[I actually… ]
[(Continued tomorrow morning)]
[Not Netkama: What did you say]
[Not Netcama: Crazy guy lol]
[Netcamama: Okay, see you tomorrow]
Okay. Let’s meet each other alive.
“It’s a guy.”
Lake took out his meteor sword. If Lakhe, who has superhuman vision, had seen it, he would have been a little further away. He took a close-up of the totem’s view.
A seven-headed, red-brown red dragon was coming this way, flapping its huge wings.
Hmm. It looks very bizarre. The shoulders and torso are as strong as a hell spear, but the seven attached heads are actually quite small.
Is it the shoulder gangster Sodu?
Paya has just joined the Tribal Alliance. As soon as he arrived in Symphonia, he followed Paya very quickly.
Speed alone is greater than that of an airplane or fighter jet. When you see those huge wings flapping non-stop, you must be very strong.
“Chi, it’s a seven-headed dragon demon… !”
“Crazy… “
“It seems bigger than the castle wall.”
With a stir, the seven-headed dragon flapped its wings and revealed itself to everyone.
He settled down a little away from the tribal alliance. It seems he has no intention of breaking through the castle wall right away.
Seven pairs of burning eyes look at the castle wall as if searching for something.
Are you looking for me?
Or are they engaging in a search war while waiting for the demons to join them soon?
“Mr. Lee… “I shouldn’t have come.”
Geuncheop is muttering.
Hey. Let’s not be so ugly. Since we’re here, can’t we just fight nicely?
– Wait.
I waited for him to come closer. How many hours did the breathtaking snowball fight last?
The guy suddenly screamed. A roar so loud that it shakes the earth.
“Tsk… !”
“I feel like my body is numb… ” !”
Warriors and low-level paladins were terrified. Did he use some sort of low-frequency ability? ‘Healing Totem’ was activated.
He didn’t just use Totem No. 1. This is the tribal federation headquarters. This is the place where all the totems are located, except for those that are damaged or not recovered.
In preparation for war, totems were installed throughout the castle. There are also quite a few disposable totems made in a hurry.
They descended one by one and activated the blessings.
It was when I was helping those who had been hit by that guy’s mental attack(?).
A large army of demons appeared along with the dragons. The eyes glow green as if strengthened by the Seven-Headed Dragon Demon’s buff.
A green wave moves toward the main gate of the Tribal Federation. No matter how iron the gate is, it won’t be able to stop that number.
I did not use manifestation.
The Seven-Headed Dragon Demon has not yet moved. The dragons have also taken a seat near the Seven-Headed Dragon Demon, and the huge monsters that appear to be high-ranking demons are just looking at them.
“Just looking at it, that’s it. War of attrition. “I’m not saying we’ll just send them to the lower or middle grades and then lose their energy.”
The corrupt power knight clicked his tongue.
That’s exactly what it says. Anyway, low-level and mid-level people are minions of high-ranking devils. It doesn’t matter if everyone dies in this battle.
The demons advance, drooling as if they were coated with a berserker buff.
A little bit. Come a little further. I also have something prepared.
There were only 100 meters left until the demon army arrived at the castle gate.
The ground they were standing on collapsed, and the titan hidden within it was revealed.
It’s not over yet.
The heat rays slowly heated up from the moment the appearance of the demon army was announced.
With a flash of light, the demons on the ground were destroyed. Demons hit by the destructive heat explode beyond being roasted.
Hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of demons disappeared in front of the giant robot completely charged with divine magic stones.
This is the power of the great dragon weapon, the giant.
Unless you are a high-ranking devil, you cannot pass by without permission.
It seems that the high-ranking demons also noticed this, and some of them moved quickly.
A high-ranking demon that looked like a cross between an elephant and a hippopotamus collided with the colossus. He is similar in size to a giant.
Taking advantage of that gap, a black panther demon with two small horns on its head climbed up the castle wall. As if it had the ability to move at high speed, an afterimage flickers every time it moves. This guy is also high-ranking.
“Come on, let’s go!”
Geuncheop raised his greatsword high and shouted loudly. It’s an uncharacteristic tension for a guy who was muttering that he shouldn’t have come earlier.
Damn, that was a terrible thing.
“Heavenly realm!”
The moment Geuncheop’s voice rang out, a white curtain covered the castle walls. According to what Geuncheop explained at the meeting, it is as follows.
[Heavenly realm. Level 9 skill.
Flooring is installed in a certain area. Jangpan gives wide-area dot damage to enemies, amplifying all abilities of the caster on the field by 100%, and amplifying all abilities of allies by 50%.]
This was the identity of the ‘close barrier’ that users were talking about in the community.
The black panther demon who climbed up the castle wall frowned as the dot deal stung quite a bit. Geuncheop approached the guy curiously.
I covered my shield with light and struck the guy. No, the left hand holding the shield is wrapped in light.
A black panther demon that has been hit with a shield screams and flies away.
Suddenly, what Geuncheop said in the conference room comes to mind.
‘What is a Holy Knight? A paladin is a cockroach. It is a multi-class that can deal damage, but it is especially good at tanking. A truly strong paladin should invest everything in tanking skills. Princess Dina, a dealer-type paladin like you is 〈 a piece of shit 〉 confirmed.’
It was probably a meeting that discussed the use of Paladin skills. It was an unusually powerful blow for a guy who talked like that.
No, Holy Strike is not a tanking skill. I think it was said that attack skills are the most trash among the skills you can learn at level 1.
“Also! “Gyeopcheop ham!”
Geuncheop muttered, highly encouraged by the praise from the possessors.
“…A divine strike that reaches the highest level can drive out even high-ranking demons.”
It would be cooler if I kept quiet.