Episode 30. harry (2)
Episode 30. harry (2)
As soon as the door to the magic tower opened, a skinny old man appeared.
A long beard, scraggly brown robes, and bright eyes.
That was my first impression of Harry.
– How did you know we were barbarians?
The first thing I asked was what I was curious about.
“The weapons you and that woman are holding. Only barbarians use it. “You can disguise your appearance somehow, but it’s impossible to use a weapon that you’ve used your whole life.”
Oh, maybe it was because of Lake’s curved sword and the hatchet I was carrying for emergency purposes.
What I am holding is a hatchet made by a blacksmith from the Blue Moss tribe. Maybe that’s why it looked a little unusual.
For now, my curiosity has been resolved.
– Are there any other survivors in the magic tower?
“When I came, there was nothing but corpses. Now it’s just me and my granddaughter. … Luna, come out now.”
“Gwae, is it okay?”
Someone behind Harry answered in a low voice.
“It’s okay because God has put his honor on the line.”
The old wizard confirmed so.
A girl slowly comes out the door, leaning against the wall.
“This is my granddaughter, Luna Winston. “I’m a wizard candidate.”
“hello… ”
The child is upset as if he hasn’t had enough to eat.
The wide robe that Harry was wearing covered his body, so the belly skin must have been attached to his back.
Could it be that these two people were shivering inside the magic tower, just waiting for the day to die?
The barbarians rejected the offer because they couldn’t be trusted, but they could trust my oath as their god, so they decided to join.
Even gods served by hostile forces seem to have a certain level of recognition.
-What is the condition of the Magic Tower?
It looks like a normal place on the outside, so there might be something helpful to me and the Tribal Alliance.
If you’re lucky, you might be able to get a few magic scrolls.
“It looks fine on the outside, but it’s empty on the inside.”
Harry coughed and continued speaking.
“Do you know what the demons who took over the capital did first?
The goal was to attack the cathedral, the magic tower, and the headquarters of the knights. Flying, fire-breathing lizards attacked the magic tower. The building was fine because it was basically under a protection spell, but the things inside were hot.
“My granddaughter and I were able to survive because we took refuge in my personal shelter.”
A flying lizard that breathes fire? Isn’t this a complete dragon?
There was no mention of seeing a dragon in the community… It may have been a demon that existed in the past.
– Do you know what happened before the earth was destroyed?
“I was a golem studies professor at Serun Academy. We fought them until all communications from the magic tower were cut off. “I am confident that I know more than that barbarian woman who lived alone in the mountains.”
“You ugly old man, since you are in front of Master Malak, I will take a look at you at least once. If you want to live according to the name, watch your mouth.”
Harry rolled his eyes at Lakke’s warning.
It seems that now that we meet face to face, I no longer have the courage to argue like before. Our Lakhe made an impression.
More than that, didn’t this old man say earlier that he was a great wizard?
He was just an academy professor. This kind of con artist Yeongtaeng.
Anyway, now we can obtain information from before the destruction through Harry. This is a big harvest.
“Is there anything I need to take care of before I go?”
“All I brought was two weeks’ worth of preserved food. Their personal shelter was attacked by demons, so they hurriedly fled to the Magic Tower… “I have the scout glasses and the golem controller now.”
This is a bit disappointing.
I guess the name of the hit-and-run glasses I used to check my identity inside the Magic Tower were Scout Glasses? I’m glad I have this at least.
– Can you take care of that golem?
I looked at the golem still standing tall next to Harry.
A giant made of rock. I don’t know about intermediate level, but I think I can withstand a few attacks from low level demons.
Since it is not a living creature, it will not suffer from status abnormalities or get injured and its combat power will not decrease.
There may be a line tank in the tribal alliance.
“It’s powered by a magic stone, and it doesn’t have much activation time left. It will be difficult to take it.”
– How did the golem get here?
“It’s not mine, it’s a golem that belongs to this magic tower. “I made some changes to something that was lying around outside and raised it up.”
Since he’s a golem studies professor, he can do that much.
well, good
– So, does that mean you can take care of the golem as long as you have the manpower to carry it?
“…That’s true. Despite how it looks, the golem is quite heavy. “It’s hard for the four of us.”
– All the surrounding demons have been eliminated. There is also enough manpower.
People can be brought from villages where warriors are waiting.
… There is a possibility that Harry is lying, so I will have someone investigate the magic tower later.
This must be done thoroughly.
The warriors loaded the golem onto a large cart they had obtained from the village and climbed the mountain where the tribal alliance was located.
“Mr. Geez!”
“Oh my god!”
They say it’s heavier than you think. If it weren’t for Lakhe and Kanto’s help, several people might have fainted during transportation.
Well, since it is a 3-meter-tall giant whose entire body is made of stone, it must weigh at least several tons.
Still, I hope everyone will think of it as an inevitable hardship because it is to obtain a reliable front-line tank.
“what? Civilized people? Malak?”
“You must have a purpose.”
Since civilized people were brought into the tribe, I thought there would be some people who would object, but surprisingly, they moved on quickly.
Maybe it’s because there are only two people, an old man and a girl.
If I had brought ten strong young men, I might have opposed it.
After taking a bath and eating, Harry and Luna took a moment to introduce themselves.
Perhaps because they were people who had been filling their meals with things like rice flour until now, they also ate the strange food of barbarians, such as grilled lizards, scorpion stew, and stewed mushrooms of unknown names.
If I were a living being, I would have to eat things like that. I’m glad I’m a totem.
“hmm. Savages, no, members of the Tribal Alliance. “I am Harry Francis Winston, a wizard who joined the Tribal Alliance according to Malak’s wishes.”
“This is Luna Winston. Please take care of me.”
In this way, the wizard and the wizard’s granddaughter joined the tribal alliance.
They both spoke barbarian language well, probably because they were from the intellectual class called wizards.
There were no dramatic incidents or conflicts, but isn’t that what life is all about?
The unprecedented situation of the demonic apocalypse and the entity called Namalak brought about cooperation between civilized people and barbarians.
First, Harry and Luna asked what they could do.
– I want to see what magic you can use.
Wizard. I have never seen this in the <Survival as a Paladin> game. Is this a class that throws fireballs or wind cutters like wizards in other media?
“I specialize in golemology. I studied just that one thing for 60 years. “I pride myself on being at the top level when it comes to golem science, but I’ve never used any other magic.”
Then, I asked him to show me golemology, but Harry only showed him fiddling with the rock golem he had brought with him earlier.
No, how is this any different from engineers on Earth?
Fireball Push Push Push Won Cutter Don’t you use Shake Shake?
“…Still, if you have the time, budget, and materials, you can make various types of golems.”
Harry hastily makes an excuse, as if he knows that he won’t be of much help in battle other than controlling the golem.
– If I have all the materials, how many days does it take to make a golem?
“Usually one month. No, we don’t have a professional facility, so it will take about three months.”
Grandpa, what is it, 3 months? I’m really going to explode while waiting for it to be made.
Still, I guess I’m glad there’s a rock golem.
Next, I asked Luna what she could do. I didn’t have any expectations.
“I major in electrical engineering. Collecting mana like this… ”
A small spark shines from Luna’s fingertips.
“If you collect enough and fire it… yap!”
The electricity shot from Luna’s fingertips shatters the piece of wood prepared as a target in one blow.
This would be enough to inflict significant damage on even low-level demons.
– Good.
Golem’s one-way life, Harry and the twinkling Luna. In this way, two positions were decided.
Now all that’s left is some social time. It’s time to ‘make friends with the barbarians’.
This is a job that takes time, so you shouldn’t rush it.
“Uh, witchcraft? I’d like to see the magic called. “Are you okay?”
Harry, who was glancing at Paya (Muri was stretched out from overwork), asked my permission.
Perhaps because he is a wizard, he has a passion for learning.
That’s a good sign. This is how you get to know each other by showing off each other’s areas of expertise.
– good night.
I also wanted to see Paya’s magic.
I’ve heard that it specializes in birds, but I’ve never seen exactly how it is applied.
“wait a minute. “I’ll stop by the Feather House.”
Paya came, holding a chick in her hands.
She gently held the chick in both hands and closed her eyes.
A mysterious energy hovers over the chick’s body, then suddenly enters.
Perhaps due to energy, the chick suddenly becomes plump and flaps its wings.
Then, it seems to break free from Paya’s hand and fly in a circle.
that’s interesting. Did you grow it rapidly? Or evolution?
“That’s unusual. “It seems like a different principle from magic.”
I was watching the interaction between Harry and Paya.
‘Do you hear me, Malak? The Skytree Tribe wants you.’
Nick’s voice is heard from somewhere.
Using the Binding Totem Blessing, I moved to Totem No. 2 in the Sky Tree Tribe.
A slightly exhausted looking Nyx greeted me. It’s nice to see you after a long time.
– What’s going on?
“…Under the mountain, zombies are waging war against demons.”