18 – Senate Council – (4)
“Please be my protector.”
Lynchia said so.
The tone was more serious than ever. It’s a joke.
“Are you talking about that border guard?”
“What else could there be?”
In the empire, when a young emperor ascended the throne, a high-ranking aristocrat who was not of the imperial family but served as regent was called that.
regency. As much as literally ruling the empire instead of the emperor, the protector was given great power comparable to the highest.
However, as the emperor’s authority soared and the empire’s power grew, the protectorate also lost its authority.
In the end, rather than the meaning of regent, it came to be used as the meaning of the closest aide, guarding and supporting the emperor’s side.
In our country, the position is equivalent to the chief of staff.
However, no matter how much the authority is reduced, the value of the name Hogukgyeong is enormous. Although it was only nominal, it was a position high enough to rank next to the imperial family within the imperial family.
How do you know so well?
Of course it’s from the game.
In raising an empress, you can designate one of the knights or nobles as the guardian.
You can get some of the stats of a designated person as a bonus, and it is also very effective in preventing dead ends.
Usually, a person with hexagonal stats, such as the guardian knight Yuriad, who appears from the second act, would be placed in the guardianship. In that sense, Fried was not a preferred character as a protector of the border.
There is no tendency for stat distribution to be more or less focused on military force, and above all, because a catastrophe may occur in the future.
When I reached that point, I couldn’t bear to open my mouth.
Lincia asked again when I didn’t say anything.
“What do you think?”
It is truly the best spot.
If I accepted Lincia’s proposal, I would be in a position of absolute control.
In terms of rank, he would be higher than the Administrator or Torture Wizard Rowan. It can be seen that it is almost equal to the best chief.
As much as she stands right next to the Empress, she can respond to immediate threats, and can commit actions that she has not been able to do due to lack of authority.
It was a good opportunity.
But I hesitated.
Lynchia must have noticed that hesitation, and gently brushed my epaulet with her hand on her shoulder.
“Of course, not right now. After the Senate Council has been successfully completed and I ascend to the position of empress. Sir Fried will be the protector of the country at that time.”
“But… I’m sure everyone will be against it.”
If a knight without background like Fried was placed in such an important position, everyone would be dissatisfied.
Melina’s misunderstanding will deepen.
“The backlash is still strong. You saw today’s meeting.”
“… um.”
“And if I become the emperor, all of these problems will be resolved, right?”
It won’t be that simple.
But Lynchia was seriously inviting me.
“I saw many betrayals today. The elders who were kind to me as a child and the officials who swore eternal loyalty to the imperial family turned their backs on me.”
“Will Sir Fried do that?”
Absolutely not.
Lyncia must be the empress.
And survive until the coming-of-age ceremony to protect the world.
“But I wonder if a knight like me can sit in such a seat.”
“Who else is the right person? It has to be Sir Fried.”
“Are you going to keep doing that?”
Lynchia pouted.
He seemed to be upset because he kept delaying the answer.
“I’m serious now.”
“For the first time in my life, I’m asking a man to stay by my side.”
It was a playful tone, but Lyncia’s face turned red as soon as she finished speaking.
As expected, he covered his mouth and coughed.
The figure was that of an innocent child.
“Ah, anyway.”
apologized in the end
I had no idea that Lincia would trust me this much.
No matter what, it’s a national border. There is no such thing as a bombshell.
If the administrative officer heard this news, he would immediately grab the back of his neck and collapse. Half exaggerated, Melina might try to poison me instead of Lynchia.
Bad rumors might circulate about her appointing a foolish knight as protector of the border.
Although there are several reasons.
Fundamentally, the reason for my hesitation lay elsewhere.
I recalled the ending I saw right before being possessed by this world.
The 100th dead ending of Raising the Empress, 「Entourage」.
It was still good in my eyes.
Freed’s sword that pierced Lynchia’s heart. Embarrassed expression on the face of the Empress. The back of the black knight weeping as he embraces the corpse in his arms.
Fried betrays Lyncia right before the coming-of-age ceremony and stabs her in the chest.
I don’t know why. Raising the Empress did not add meticulous description to each ending. For people to accept, this ending was just a counter-attack ending in which a silent knight suddenly assassinated his master.
And one of the prerequisites to see this entourage dead ending.
It was to designate Fried as the protectorate.
Of course, I am not Fried Iscobal, but a modern person possessed by his body. He wasn’t an idiot from the Royal Guard, nor was he a villain who stabbed Lynchia.
Even considering that, I couldn’t help but feel reluctant.
“Sir Fried.”
Lynchia said quietly. I woke up and looked at her face.
There was anxiety in his eyes. He tried hard to hide it, but he could clearly feel that Lyncia was mentally driven.
“I’ll do it.”
In the end, I had no choice but to agree.
Anyway, I’m not a freed. Even for the sake of clearing this world, he would not betray Lyncia. It’s heartbreaking to think so.
I managed to suppress the wriggling anxiety and swallow it.
After hearing my answer, Lynchia staggered back, apparently feeling relieved, then smiled broadly.
“Sir Fried, no. Fried.”
He said with both hands behind his waist and his upper body slightly bent.
“Please make me an empress.”
Instead of answering, I shook my head.
It was a bland feeling.
I left the conference room and sat down on the grass nearby.
I tilted my head and looked at the sky, just as Lincia said, there was an exceptionally bright moon.
“It’s a national border.”
Good thing.
It was a sudden proposal, but I thought the result was good.
Anyway, with this, I was able to protect Lyncia more closely. More than anything else, since I’ve gained her trust, I’ll be able to rule out Dead End more comfortably in the future.
“It’s okay, right?”
I was still anxious.
Who is Fried Iscobal? Why would he betray the empress? I wonder if I will step on the same train. It wasn’t that I wasn’t curious.
In the meantime, I was so confused and the incident kept popping up that I didn’t have time to organize my thoughts.
After the first act, it was necessary to visit Fried’s house. If you search all over, you might find some clue about it.
▶ [Chapter 1 – Senate Council]
– Clear conditions
1. Survival of Lyncia Eyren
2. Ascension of Lynthia Ayrn as Emperor
First, we had to address the immediate danger.
The first step is to clear the Senate Council.
Let’s think about the small things later.
I got up from my seat.
and that moment.
I realized that the surroundings had become exceptionally dark.
Until recently, it was bright enough to see the conference hall, but now nothing was visible.
saw the sky The moon, which had been shining bright until just now, had disappeared without a trace.
It is not covered by clouds. It disappeared as if it never existed.
All the lights around it were off. There is no light anywhere. The garden was covered in thick darkness, as if a curtain had come down.
An obviously strange situation.
I was so shocked that I couldn’t even think of moving.
I heard a sound in my ears.
The rustling sound of clothes dragging on the grass.
“Who are you?”
I turned around and drew my sword.
A woman is standing in the direction the sword is facing.
Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com
Dark black hair covering one eye. It was a woman wearing a dress that was so deep that her pure white breasts were exposed.
She looked at me, smiled and opened her mouth slowly.
“Fried Iscobal.”
A slithering voice like a snake passing by.
As soon as I heard that voice, my heart went cold.
From her appearance, to her clothes, and even her voice. The alluring aura that emanated from her insisted that she was in danger.
An alarm bell rings in my head.
Lautrec must have been well-prepared to prevent outsiders from entering, so how did he get in?
Although he was taken aback for a moment, Fried’s mind was surprisingly calm.
“It’s been a while. The last time we met was last Sabbath, so it’s been about a month?”
The woman spoke as if she knew me, and Fried to be exact.
I didn’t answer. If you say something hastily, it can lead to misunderstandings.
I had to look at the situation here.
“I want the sword to come down. We’re not like that? Or is it already time to bark?”
Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com
Didn’t pick up the sword. Instead, it strains the body so that it can attack at any time.
Then the woman sighed and raised both hands.
“I didn’t come to scold you. I just came to give you a final warning.”
When he continued to say nothing, the woman threw her back as if displeased.
“Did you forget your oath, Iscobal? I’m sure you agreed, too.”
I asked because I did not understand English.
She teased her serpentine tongue.
“I heard that he saved the princess. I also heard that he killed Slaine. It was Slaine who brought it on, so I don’t really want to blame him.”
Serpent’s Eye Slaine.
It was only after hearing that that I realized.
This woman is a religious figure or leader. It was clear that he was one of the villains of Raising the Empress.
“And after that, I heard that he saved the life of the princess one after another. No matter how much we try to hide it, it’s useless. We also have eyes to see and ears to hear.”
She pulled out a small object from her bosom.
Thinking it was a weapon, she concentrated all her senses, but what she pulled out was an accessory.
A necklace tied with a gold string that swayed in front of my eyes.
As soon as I saw it, my heart pounded like crazy for no reason.
These are not my feelings.
The reverberation of Fried in my consciousness was responding.
The woman touched the necklace lightly and said to me.
“The oath is absolute. It cannot be denied. If you don’t act first, you are our enemy too.”
The woman’s expression was calm.
I unconsciously felt the mighty mana flowing through her body.
“Severing the bloodline of the empire. You swore that, right? You agreed.”
“Sooner or later we’ll be out. It would be beneficial in many ways to finish the job before then.”
The woman gripped the necklace and spoke slowly.
“Fried Iscoval, my faithful dog. One step forward. Kill the last remaining princess, Lyncia Ayren. And complete the oath.”
“I can’t refuse. You are Iscobal.”
I couldn’t find anything to answer.
Were you really an insider?