I Became the Master of the Final Boss

Chapter 0

I Became the Master of the Final Boss

I’m naturally cowardly and timid, and I’m very sensitive to other people’s feelings. I pride myself on being quick to notice things, but… “Are you really not going to come down?” “Yes, Master.” I have no idea what my disciple is thinking.

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჈ რწ ჭრჳჴჱრძძჸ ჳშწშუ რჭუ ქფრჱქჴძႫ რჭუ ჈ რწ ჵფჱჸ ტხჭტფჱჭფუ რსხჴჳ ჶყრჳ ხჳყფჱ ჯფხჯძფ ჳყშჭცႭ

჈ ჯჱშუფ წჸჲფძქ ხჭ სფშჭღ ჰჴშტცႬჶშჳჳფუႫ სჴჳ… Ⴍ

ႡჀჱფ ჸხჴ ჱფრძძჸ ჭხჳ ღხშჭღ ჳხ ღფჳ ხქქႾႡ

ႡიფჲႫ ჌რჲჳფჱႡ

჈ ყრჵფ რსჲხძჴჳფძჸ ჭხ შუფრ ჶყრჳ ჳყფ უშჲტშჯძფ შჲ ჳყშჭცშჭღႭ

Ⴁდყფჭ ჸხჴ ჶშძძ ძშჵფ ჸხჴჱ ჶყხძფ ძშქფ რჲ რ სრტყფძხჱ რჭუ უშფႭႡ

჈ ჳჱშფუ ჳხ ფჷჯჱფჲჲ წჸ ტხჭტფჱჭ ჳხ ყშწႫ სჴჳ ყშჲ ფჷჯჱფჲჲშხჭ ხჭძჸ ღხჳ ჶხჱჲფႭ

჈ ღჴფჲჲ ჸხჴ უხჭႦჳ ძშცფ ჭხჳ სფშჭღ რსძფ ჳხ ღფჳ წრჱჱშფუႾ

Ⴁზყფჭ ხჭ ფრჱჳყ… ႭႡ



I Became the Master of the Final Boss

I’m naturally cowardly and timid, and I’m very sensitive to other people’s feelings. I pride myself on being quick to notice things, but… “Are you really not going to come down?” “Yes, Master.” I have no idea what my disciple is thinking.



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