Chapter 283 – Episode 283
A battle took place between villain women and monsters.
The spoil of that fight was me.
To take over me…,
The villains and monsters fought tenaciously…
Since there are so many monsters and demons in the forest,
As expected, there was no business in Bullyang and Dagul Bread.
The villains retreated, taking the wounded with them.
Since I only had to secure the monsters, I didn’t bother to kill the retreating villains.
“… Wow♡ … Human male♡ … A very beautiful and precious human male♡ … What Alraune Queen said was right♡ … This is the ultimate male♡ … It was worth asking the humans to invade♡ … A human male worth taking great damage♡”
“… What I said is right♡ … I didn’t lie♡”
I was surrounded by female-shaped monsters.
Perhaps because it is a gay game world, all female monsters take the form of fresh or cute women.
Alaune Queen had a sexy older sister style,
The mushroom monster wearing a mushroom hat looked like a cute loli character.
In addition, I saw a sister who looked like she was wearing a bee queen cosplay, and other plant-based monsters other than Alraune.
Of course, they all looked like sexy or cute girls.
“… Human male♡ … I’ll make up my mind♡ … As much as humans killed♡ … It makes me give birth♡”
‘Ha… Life is over…’
After the villain attack on the hospital building where Kim Do-jin was located.
The world was in great shock.
〈 Kim Do-jin presumed dead. It is known that he was unable to escape from the building that collapsed due to fire… 〉
〈 (Breaking News) Kim Do-jin dies! 〉
〈 Why did he die? An unreasonable request for artillery fire from the Ranger unit? 〉
〈 Ranger Company Commander, “It wasn’t an unreasonable bombardment at all. He was excommunicated for saying, “Act according to the instructions in the manual for dealing with villains…” 〉
〈 Waves of mourning from around the world 〉
〈 Ministry of National Defense, “It is absurd to criticize the legitimate response of current soldiers according to guidelines for responding to villains.” 〉
〈 Ministry of National Defense, “It was an unavoidable sacrifice. “We will take time to mourn and reflect on the sacrifice of the deceased.” 〉
〈 A large amount of Kim Do-jin’s DNA was found in a collapsed warehouse and hospital building… Death is certain… 〉
Kim Do-jin died.
It was known that way in the world.
Although it became known belatedly as a result of an in-depth investigation after the press briefing that a few villains had succeeded in escaping,
It was difficult to get an accurate picture as he escaped by hiding himself with the mosaic optical camouflage magic tool and mana concealment curtain…
It had already been announced in the media that Kim Do-jin had died.
And after reversing the result, some of the villains actually escaped,
There were absolutely no current generals or officers who would expose the Ministry of National Defense’s incompetence by saying that Kim Do-jin might be alive.
A few villains succeeded in escaping, and any possibility of Kim Do-jin being alive was tacitly covered up or ignored by the military leadership.
A few people within the Ministry of Defense and defense journalists questioned whether the villains kidnapped Kim Do-jin and succeeded in escaping,
According to its own investigation, the Ministry of National Defense dismissed the possibility as being extremely close to zero.
Because the villains lost all combat and transportation capabilities due to precision bombing,
The first report from the commander on the scene was that most of them died and only a few managed to escape with their bodies.
Of course, this first report was also a report with some illusions added by the Ranger Company Commander, who was the field commander at the time, to improve his own expertise.
Although the initial report changed from “Complete annihilation of the enemy” To “A very small number barely escaped” After an in-depth investigation, the fact of Kim Do-jin’s death did not change.
〈 Ministry of National Defense, “I hope that we will become a mature society that condemns the vicious actions of villains rather than the appropriate response of soldiers.” 〉
〈 Kim Jae-yeon, editorial critic, “Those who criticize the military’s response are social subversives who defend the villain.” 〉
〈 Ranger Company Commander, “I am emotionally very distressed due to the excessive criticism from some extreme Kim Do-jin fans…” Expressing his feelings. 〉
〈 Military expert Hwang Ha-na, “It is unfortunate that Mr. Kim Do-jin sacrificed himself, but we should instead use this opportunity to focus on eradicating villains…” 〉
Also, considering the testimony of people around him and Kim Do-jin’s physical abilities close to that of an ordinary person,
It was tentatively concluded that he died inside the burned and collapsed hospital building.
Several bodies were found in the burned and collapsed building,
The majority belong to villains.
One of them is Kim Do-jin’s.
Burned out by too hot an explosion and heat,
Also, it was impossible to determine exactly as it was completely crushed physically by the remains of the collapsed building,
This was because a large amount of Kim Do-jin’s DNA was detected inside the building.
Of course, the scientific identification team issued an official opinion that the DNA detected was somehow due to semen, but
This was also ignored.
As a result, the official news reported was “Kim Do-jin’s death.”
The villains succeeded in escaping,
The fact that Kim Do-jin’s kidnapping was successfully succeeded…
It was no longer an area where facts mattered.
The prestige of the Ministry of National Defense was an important area.
-How are we going to treat my daughter now…
-Ugh… Kim Do-jin… Come back…ㅜㅠ
-May the deceased rest in peace.
-It was only after spring passed that I realized its importance…
-I won’t bother you too much now… I’ll bother you moderately… Come back…
-You’re the goat who never says you won’t bully me to the end
-If you play a video of the deceased during his or her lifetime, you will be criticized, right?
-Are you going to play porn at the funeral?
-May the deceased rest in peace.
-ㅅㅂ The waiting list for the invited girl was number 117, so it was my turn soon…ㅠㅜ
-I feel like my vagina is already empty… I miss Dojin…
-You want to see Kim Do-jin’s dick, right?
-Isn’t that what it is? Kim Do-jin’s body is a dick…
-Looking at the expressions on the faces of the academy female students on the news, they look gloomy… ㄹㅇ It’s a portrait book
-Of course it’s sad that the luxury pussy plug recognized all over the world has disappeared
-It’s even free. There is no legal sex slave sex toilet where it is okay to rape and beat.
-Dojin Kim was the only biological dildo in the world that was safe for tens of thousands of people to become pregnant through irresponsible vaginal ejaculation.
-Dojin will soon have a lot of children, and they will all become fatherless babies.
– May the deceased rest in peace. May you live in paradise…
-The Ministry of Health and Welfare was sobbing like a dog after seeing the expected increase in birth rate next year and next year…
-Well, even though he’s a prostitute, everyone laughs at him. Don’t you have anything to do? Wow, that’s disgusting. Do women like things like that?
-Why are they covered in the news? She’s just a rag. I’m not particularly good-looking, so it’s ridiculous that they give me a belt
-The two thugs above were arrested
-You spelled it wrong too, you idiots.
-Ah… I want to eat Dojin…
-May the deceased rest in peace
-I miss Do-jin… The way he cried out of shame when he asked to re-measure the length of his cock and glans on daily broadcasts…
-Were you the one who sponsored me to re-measure my body measurements every day?
-In a way, it worked out well. Kim Do-jin’s sensuality was too dangerous. For the country, perhaps this is a good thing. There are a few girls at our school who seem to search and think only about Kim Do-jin all day. Now those people will come to their senses.
-I never thought I would go in vain like this…
-This is all trash, right? It’s a lie, right?
-Kim Do-jin… Is dead…?
-May the deceased rest in peace
It’s a rainy day.
It’s very cold because of the late fall rain.
Ji-eun Lee held a white chrysanthemum flower and visited the national cemetery on one side of the academy.
Without an umbrella, feeling lonely in the cold autumn rain…
[Kim Do-jin]
[National Hunter Academy Cadet Class 6974]
[Sleep comfortably here]
It became known to the public that Kim Do-jin was dead,
A week has passed since his grave was prepared on the side of the National Hunter Academy.
It still doesn’t feel real that that guy is dead,
There are numerous edible items and flowers placed on his grave.
Some crazy bitches even left onahole and lube gel.
There was also a suspiciously sticky liquid in the dog food bowl, which was presumed to be baby juice.
That guy’s grave is already filled with traces of people who miss him.
Lee Ji-eun knelt in front of the tombstone standing on the flat ground of the national cemetery and stroked Kim Do-jin’s tombstone.
This is where academy cadets can only be buried if they die while performing an honorable task while attending or graduating from the National Hunter Academy.
In the 6974th class, no cadets other than Kim Do-jin have died yet,
Only Kim Do-jin’s tombstone stood lonely in this empty place.
“Fuck… Ugh…”
Tears are flowing.
‘Why did I do that… ?’
I am madly resentful of my past self.
At the hospital where Kim Do-jin was, he was upset that he was feigning illness because he was a chronic patient, so he made fun of him and called him a slut and did mean things to him.
And it went around and caused a big butterfly effect.
It was revealed through additional testimony from people in the hospital room.
Why were they secretly in the ‘warehouse ward building’ instead of the actual hospital room building, as it was structurally weak and did not receive official permission from the medical staff?” To the question.
They said this.
Anyone…, A person presumed to be Kim Do-jin’s ‘acquaintance’ treated Kim Do-jin very harshly and picked on him,
When they saw that, they couldn’t stand it anymore, so they dragged Kim Do-jin to the hospital room in the warehouse and fucked him like they were their sex slaves…
Lee Ji-eun knew very well who that ‘acquaintance’ was.
It was herself.
‘Even if I hadn’t done that that day…, Those women wouldn’t have treated Kim Do-jin carelessly, and then they wouldn’t have gone to the warehouse hospital building…, It would have been okay even if the Ranger company commander, who only believed the words of the male nurses who had run away beforehand, had opened fire in the warehouse hospital room thinking there were only villains and no civilians…’
“Ha…, Fuck… Ugh… Why…, Why… Why… Ugh…, Hmm… I was wrong…, Sorry… Please come back alive… Please…, I wish you this… I’m begging you like this… Please… Dojin… Dojin… Hehe… Wow… I won’t bother you too much from now on… I’ll take good care of you… You’re not the kind of person who will die this easily…, This is just to make fun of me… ? Yes… ? So please… Please… I know this is a joke, right? Therefore…, Because I’m angry…, I’ll stop teasing you now… I’m angry… ? If you come out now, I’ll take a look… Hmm… Ugh… Sniff… Sniff… Huh? Come out before I get angry? Really, now is your last chance… ? I’m really going to be angry after this…, Count for 3 seconds… ? One…, Two…, Half of two…, Half of two…, Three…, … Kim Do-jin? … Are you here? Ugh…, Black… I’ll count just one more time… One…, Two…, Two…, Two… Wow… Three…”
Even though Lee Ji-eun knew that what she was saying was nonsense, she looked around her, imagining Kim Do-jin coming out of hiding, saying, hehe♥”
But there is no change, and it is dull.
It is a desolate space except for the tombstone of Kim Do-jin Cemetery, which still stands alone.
In the space of the 6974th National Cemetery, only cold autumn rain fell.
She became immersed in vain delusions and hopes,
She fell into the abyss again, floundering, and fell down in front of the tombstone, as if weeping.
“I was wrong…, Dojin…, I miss you so much… Dojin… Please forgive me just once… Just once… Ugh, huh…, Slurp… Sniff… Because you don’t have to meet me…, Please…, Please… Can’t you just stay alive? ? Because I’m fine… If you come back to life, I won’t have to see you again… Now you can pretend not to know me, because you don’t have to see me for the rest of your life… Because you hate me, you don’t have to meet me… Ugh…, Black…, God…, I will give everything I have, so please save Kim Do-jin…, Take all my life force…, Devil. Devil, you don’t care either. I’ll give you everything I have, so you can save Kim Do-jin! Please save Dojin…, Why are neither of you saying anything… ? You guys appear on the news sometimes! Ugh…, And I also gave a lot of donations to churches and temples… ! I will give everything I have to the church…, … The devil doesn’t care either. I’m giving you my life and my soul… ? Fuck God and the devil, you bastards… ! Can’t you hear me… ?! Ugh…, Hmm… Why…, Why… Please save Dojin… Dojin… Dojin…, I miss you… I’m sorry… I was wrong… Sniff… Hehe…”