Chapter 804 – Global Report
Shortly after receiving the medal, Hyeonsu and I left the hospital during the rehabilitation treatment phase. It was strange that I, who had been shot three times and almost died, was discharged with Hyeon-su, who was relatively lightly injured, but it could not be helped that he healed quickly.
Anyway, when we returned to the battalion where we originally served in Korea, we were surrounded by soldiers. I was baptized with their questions, divided into me and Hyeonsu as Hyeonsudae.
“Sergeant Kang Ji-heon. I was really surprised when I heard that Sergeant Kang Ji-heon was shot.”
“What do you want to play?”
“No, is it real? Hey. We’re really surprised. Did you watch the news at that time? Did you see that you and him were missing?”
“Ah, was it personal maintenance time then?”
“Wow, is this a Military Medal? Taegeuk? But Taegeuk is not drawn?”
“Hyeonsu also doesn’t say Inheon, Sergeant Son.”
Even after hearing my words, Sergeant Son was fiddling with the golden martial arts medal on his chest. He looked at him with eyes as if he wanted to have it, so he asked just in case.
“Would you like to go?”
“Uh! Give me this!”
Sergeant Son was not the only one whose eyes twinkled. The seniors and subordinates around me also looked at me as if they were attractive.
“Can I give it to you? Then give it to me!”
“Hey, Jiheon. You know I’ve been good to you, right?”
“What did the soldiers do well? Hey. I took care of you a lot.”
“It’s not possible. I can’t give you this.”
Seeing him rushing at him like Deukdal, he slightly leaned back and avoided him. At this time, he spoke to them while enduring the sharp pain rising from his side.
“If you give me this, you have to reissue it, but it costs money to reissue it.”
“What? Do you want money?”
“Yes. It was in the manual when I got this.”
“No, how much do you get paid for this? But hey.”
The senior, who was frowning in disappointment, smiled slightly. He patted my chest with his fist and said,
“What kind of honor are you talking about while being discharged today? You’re a civilian from now on. Just speak plainly.”
“Uh, still.”
“It’s okay. Just talk nonsense Hey, you talk half-heartedly too.”
“Can I? Jiheon! Good job!”
When I told my successor, he congratulated me on the discharge without hesitation. Not only that, but other successors also let go of words in succession, so I had no choice but to talk to my seniors.
“Didn’t I be a junkie all this while? Sorry! However! I was better than Hyeonsu, that bastard!”
“Aren’t you too tough?”
“My brother is the same. Both of them were equally bad.”
“Hey. How did you get discharged before me?”
As you just heard, the purpose of my return today with Hyeonsu was to be discharged. Even if we didn’t like it a little, the president ordered us to be discharged early. Maybe it’s because of public opinion, I thought.
“No, I do not want! Why am I driving a stake!”
At this time, I heard Hyeonsu’s voice and turned my head. The battalion commander standing in front of Hyeonsu smiled broadly and shouted something he would hate like that.
“Hey! Drive a stake! If you put a medal on it, it’s at least a superior feeling!”
“No, I do not want! I’m going!”
“If there is a job shortage these days, the military is the best! Hey! Hey! Catch him! Catch Jiheon too! Do not discharge!”
“Jiheon! Jiheon! Bounce!”
“What?! Oh oh! No, wait! My patient! Patient! I got shot! Three feet!”
When the eyes of the soldiers and officers changed at those words, I pointed at the spot where I had been shot. Their eyes did not change even though I pointed at my thighs, sides, and shoulders in succession.
“Hey! Jiheon! Beat the stakes!”
“It’s not too late, Jiheon-ah! Apply for a professional sergeant! I will grow you!”
“What is your boss! It just goes as far as yarn! Delay your discharge!”
“Hey! Hey! Hyeonsu! Bounce!”
“I told you to jump out a long time ago!”
Hyeonsu and I hurriedly escaped from the crowd and ran to the truck we had been riding in earlier. As we climbed into the four-seater seat, the successor who became the driver during the dispatch came leisurely.
“Hey! You’re not coming soon!”
I opened the car door to the guy who did that on purpose even though he knew our intentions and shouted through them.
“Are you missing! Come fast! Get lost!”
“I hear a lot from you seniors these days! Come now!”
“Oh, sorry. Shoelaces.”
“Come quickly!”
Hyeonsu and I shouted urgently, but of course this was all a joke. In this way, I was relieved of the joy of being discharged and the loneliness of having to go right away even after a long time.
“Oops, sorry. My feet are too far apart.”
The guy who had been walking with soldiers, officers, and officers seeing us off finally arrived at the car. While I couldn’t see him, the younger brother, who had lost his temper considerably, climbed into the driver’s seat and looked around us.
“I will depart now. Please fasten your seat belt.”
“Have you ever been crazy? Start or walk quickly. Before I drive.”
“Right, hey. He’s a damn good driver.”
“Yes, I understand. Wait a minute.”
The driver who started the car slowly reversed the car and started driving. In the meantime, Hyeonsu and I looked through the window and looked at the faces of people we hadn’t seen in over a year, the ones we hadn’t seen in months, and the scenery around us.
I never thought I would leave this unit like this. I thought I would be discharged while passing the time like everyone else, but I never thought I would be discharged early after being shot and receiving a medal.
“Ah, Jiheon hyung.”
But the successor who was driving distracted me with useless words.
“I know that? The female sergeant in the facility battalion likes you?”
“Ah, that! Uh! I heard too! That, the thick-lipped sergeant? Just, are your cheeks chubby?”
Hyeonsu, who had been staring at the outside like me, jumped up and joined the story. With a smile on his monkey-like face, he said something out of the blue again.
“And, again, the female captain who joined last year. Where was he?”
“Aren’t you talking about the nursing officer, brother?”
“Ah! That’s right! Him! He said he likes you too!”
“What bullshit.”
The two, who had gotten rid of sentimentality with nonsense, looked at each other in disgust. Of course, Hyeonsu and his successor did not finish this story easily, and when it was over, Hyeonsu brought up another gossip.
“Oh, and are you not this? Are there your documents on the tree?”
“Ah! I saw it too! My brother was on top of the tree. Try a search.”
I couldn’t understand it, so I took out my smartphone and searched. Then there was my item on the tree for real, and the photo I took when I shook hands with the president.
“Why is this?”
“I don’t know. But I didn’t have I received a medal along with you.”
“It’s because you’re ugly.”
“Oh, that’s right.”
“Hey! You can’t do that with a human face!”
I was going to go because I was sentimental, but at some point it turned into a riot, and there was no time to be quiet until I arrived at the destination, the squadron headquarters.
“Okay, we have arrived. Get off now Whoa, Whoa.”
“Good work. Kyungmin. Thank you.”
“Yes, Kyungmin. Great job. Thank you.”
“Come on. I have to go to work.”
The successor showed a smile even though he spoke bluntly on purpose. We bid him a sad goodbye, got out of the car, and headed for the headquarters building.
“Uh, hello.”
As I approached the side door of the building that I could see right away, the man who was waiting for me greeted me. A soldier from another battalion, he unlocked the security with his card key and took us to the battalion commander’s office.
“Oh, me.”
Now I was about to knock on the door of the former commander’s office, but he hesitantly called me. The soldier, who was obviously the first person I saw today, rummaged through the pockets of his field jacket, took out a notebook and pen, and said,
“That, Kang Ji-heon. I would like your autograph, please.”
“A sign?”
“Yes. Sign, please.”
“No, this…”
I asked for it, so I got it. As I opened my notebook and scribbled my name on a piece of blank paper, Hyeonsu made a fuss and asked:
“Oh, hey. Do you have a signature too? Do you think this happens often?”
“No, this is the first time.”
“Then what is the sign?”
“Just my name. Ruler.”
“You can use it too.”
“Me too?”
When Hyeon-soo held out his notebook and pen, he looked at the soldier he had asked for with a puzzled look. The old man met his eyes and immediately nodded his head.
“Yes. Please.”
“No, then, what. There’s nothing we can do. Ha ha!”
Hyeon-soo accepted the notebook and pen without hiding his joy at all.
“Thank you. Thank you.”
The soldier, who returned the notebook with the signature on it, bowed his head to us one after another. Of course, we also bowed our heads in euphoria, and when we saw him turn around and leave, we started what we were going to do earlier.
“Uh. Come in.”
As I knocked on the door of the commander’s office, I heard a familiar voice from inside. So I immediately opened the door and went inside and saw the familiar face of the demon king… Uh?
“Oh, Jiheon!”
“Are you here, brother?”
“Are you here?”
Demon King, Se-hee, and Min-a were sitting on the sofa in the reception room. I looked at the former commander sitting at the desk to ask what was going on.
“Oh, I told you to come.”
Seeing my surprised face, the former commander laughed and got up from his seat. He turned around his desk and stood in the center of the former chief’s room.
“Come on. I have to report all over.”
“Ah, yes! Victory!”
“… Hello.”
As I hurriedly saluted and walked in front of Captain Jeon, Hyun-soo, who was surprised to see my girlfriends from behind, followed me with a small bow. Now, as he stands next to me, preparations for the demobilization ceremony are over.
“Squad, be alert!”
Because of the name order, I, the Kang family, reported the discharge as the representative. I never stopped reporting it even when I felt my girlfriends staring at me with delight.
“Sergeant Kang Ji-heon and one other person were ordered to switch from active duty to reserve duty! Report this! Do! Phil! Win!”
“Okay. Victory.”
After saluting with No. 2, Captain Jeon simply raised and lowered his hand. As I finished my salute, he opened his mouth with a happy face.
“I have only this to say to you. Good job. Come back alive So thank you so much.”
The former commander, who was looking at us with a proud gaze, was silent for a moment. Then, as if joking, he smiled and nodded his head.
“Okay. Well done, take care of yourself. I came back alive Well, uh. The global ceremony is over!”
“Because it’s over. It’s okay. Just go The kids are waiting.”
“Ah, but,”
“Do you want to drive a stake?”
“No! Thank you so much! Hey, let’s go!”
“Thanked! Okay, let’s go!”
I skipped the final salute and turned to where my girlfriends were. I shouted this while making eye contact with the demon king, Se-hee, and Min-ah.
“Let’s go home!”
That’s how my military service of about a year and a half came to an end.
“Jiheon! Jiheon! By all means, call me at the wedding!”
“Okay! Get out of here!”
“I will call you! Please!”
“I got it! See you then! When we meet, we drink together!”
“Okay! See you again! Thank you so much! See you again! And my mom and dad say they really want to buy you a meal! Forever!”
“I got it! Go now! Oh, now i’m going But where are we going now?”
“I’m going to Mina’s house, Jim’s newlyweds’ house.”
“Uh? I thought you were going straight to the motel.”
“Brother. You know what? The man says wine.”
“What do you mean, that?”
“It means that the longer you leave it, the tastier it is, Jiheon. … Churup!”