Chapter 15 – Commitment
I said I would try to seduce you, but when I tried to do something, I couldn’t think of what to do first.
In the first place, from a few days ago, he thought to himself that he had to seduce the hero halfway, but he kept doing nothing and now that he would soon meet one of his formidable enemies, the saintess, so thinking that he had to do something was a problem in itself.
If I was going to do it, I should have done it sooner.
I looked back at the warrior.
If I think about it, I come to the conclusion that if he really is a regressor, he knows that the world will end if he doesn’t date me, even if I don’t bother to seduce him.
The problem is that you don’t know if you’re a true regressor, and being a regressor doesn’t guarantee you’ll know about the shortcut to a happy ending. In the end, it was a situation where I couldn’t do this or that because of the problem that I didn’t know anything.
Even so, in front of you, are you a regressor? I can’t even ask
It’s a very frustrating situation.
“Huh? What’s the matter?”
I shook my head.
“Are you hungry? Shall we go eat something?”
Not bad.
He had just gotten off the wagon and was hungry.
Besides, the food I ate while in the wagon was tasteless compared to what I ate at that time, so I had high expectations of how delicious the food in this big city would be. I nodded my head with a look full of anticipation, and suddenly I was worried that I might have looked like a glutton.
Fortunately, the hero didn’t seem to care about that.
Did Rumia from before like to eat too..?
To be honest, I’m not the type to show my emotions well, so I can only hope that my expression hasn’t been caught right now.
“It was very difficult while riding the carriage, so let’s take a break today and go see the saintess tomorrow. The saintess will be waiting for us too.”
It was.
In the first place, the saintess will be waiting for us in the cathedral without interruption until we arrive. She recalls a voice complaining that she had to wait all the time until the hero came after receiving the revelation from the goddess, and that it was very leisurely thanks to that.
I guess it’s been too long
Still, it’s hard, so I’ll take a day off today and go to Seongguk tomorrow.
I nodded.
There are many people.
It’s a big city, so it’s natural that there are a lot of people, but for me it’s a story.
A little bit different. Just in time, there was one good excuse among the settings Lumia had.
Even if it looks like this, Rumia tends to hide a lot.
It’s not like he wears a big cone hat on his robe for nothing, he’s a timid type of character who doesn’t like being noticed and is afraid to stand in front of people. Even telepathy is not used well because there is such a personality reason.
Of course, in a big city, especially in this place where many people wander around, Rumia feels a lot of fear. Although it is a fear similar to anxiety, different from the fear she feels when she is really scared.
She would know that if this guy is a regressor.
The proof is that they are trying to move to places where there are not many people.
However, since it is such a large city, if you go to a place where there are too few people, you end up in a dangerous place.
Rumia in the game followed me everywhere I went, so it wouldn’t be a good idea to ask where I was going.
However, in this town where many people are still wandering around, what seduction method would the hero not find strange?
There is only one.
There is no other way.
Is that really the only way..?
I hesitated for a while.
You will probably wonder.
What is the alternative method, why are you so hesitant?
I heard that they used to hold hands cautiously in crowded places like this.
I haven’t played it myself, but I’ve seen posts on community sites saying [Rumia is so fucking cute haha]. It was said that when wandering around crowded places, Rumia held her hand so that she wouldn’t lose her way, because she was afraid of the crowds.
In other words, I am a man and I am told to hold the hand of the same man now.
Hesitantly, I pondered for a long time whether I should extend his arm or not, and then I stretched out my hand toward the warrior’s hand.
Even if this guy is a regressor, I did it under the calculation that if the game settings were really the same, I would be very shaken just by holding hands, but the rejection was no joke when I tried to hold hands.
Where in the world is there a man holding the same man’s hand..?
Of course, I’m a woman now, but I was originally a man, so I couldn’t help but feel rejected.
I decided to try it, but what can I do?
Couldn’t stop here.
‘Ah.. That’s it..’
Got it
I barely held the hero’s hand and looked up at the hero.
The warrior, who thought he would be greatly embarrassed, looked back at me with an expression full of pure curiosity instead of panic.
“What’s the matter?”
Uh… Is something strange?
I know that the settings in the game are ssukmaek?
If it was set up in the game, I would have been greatly embarrassed just by holding my hand. Even if you’re really a regressor and you’re used to me
“Ah.. Come to think of it, you seem to have been very anxious since a while ago. Are you afraid you might get lost?”
“Don’t worry! After I go to the guild and complete the escort request, I’ll ask you the right way!”
The hero said that and put on a confident expression.
That… Maybe…
Do I not look like a woman?
Since reactions in the game were limited, would it have been completely different from the current reaction if Cecil or Ruril had held hands?
I nodded and bowed my head.
I can’t do this…
The plan I made is only possible when you see me as a woman even a little bit.
I couldn’t raise my head because of the mysterious feeling of being completely defeated.
‘It was dangerous.’
I calmed my trembling heart and glanced at Rumia, who was holding my hand and bowing her cone hat.
It was a long time ago, so I don’t remember it well, but Rumia used to hold my hand when I was walking around crowded places.
At that time, I thought she was really anxious, so I would hold her hand and reassure her.
Since she had returned to the past, she thought it would be the case this time as well, but when Rumia really took her hand, she was so surprised that she uttered gibberish. She was afraid that she might think it was strange to see that he noticed that she was anxious.
Actually, Rumia must have held my hand out of anxiety without much thought, but if she knew that I was reacting like this, she might despise me.
Hands.. Were soft..
It was a softer hand, much smaller than mine.
I felt like I knew how upset Cecil and Ruril must have been when they saw me before I came back.
I love this person, and I want to connect right away, but the other person doesn’t know that I love him. Even though I knew that the two of them liked me, I couldn’t accept it properly because I was worried that the party might be broken, and I knew how vicious it was because I pretended not to know and tried to get over it.
Now that he’s back, he has to apologize even more to both of them.
Maybe they both don’t know that I did it.
However, for the sake of the demon lord and the world, I must only love Rumia.
That’s why, if I met the two of them, I intended to reveal the fact that I had returned and that I must love Rumia. It hurts her that she has to hide it from Rumia, but if she tells it, she will be too much of a burden to Rumia.
I couldn’t do that.
All I have to do is make Rumia fall in love with her.
“It has arrived.”
Arriving at the restaurant, I turned to Rumia.
He looked very depressed.
“Uh.. Shall we go in first?”
Rumia nodded her head.
Maybe I did something wrong..?
If we’d rather had a conversation, I could have asked what Rumia was thinking, but since I couldn’t, she had to use her own judgment to figure out what I was doing wrong.
Is this okay?
It’s the first time I’ve ever confessed to someone in my life, so I don’t know what to do.
I made a promise to save Rumia, but I felt sad because it seemed to be creaking from the start.