Chapter 65 – Grind (3)
Immediately following her, Arna spews lightning from her hands while her pigtails are stiff.
One at a time, block one side with a shield and hit each demon dog’s head with a spear exactly one by one, creating a magnetic field on the railroad tracks around Louis and flying around quickly, spreading waves to paralyze several dogs, then shooting lightning one at a time and shaking hands. The group of demon dogs is quickly cleaned up by Arna, who takes it and handles it herself.
[What? Aren’t you going to shoot a lot of lightning? Ah! Are you lacking in magic attribute? Burst, burst, burst Burst! Ah, still have magic power~?]
[Blowing it up in a shallow way… Can’t you fight in an old-fashioned and elegant way?]
[If you lack magical power, do you think you have to fight elegantly? Isn’t that kind of trivial?]
[Shut up, doping and making noise!]
[There is a method, but isn’t it stupid that I didn’t use it? It’s a pity ~ If I showed up a little late, I would have recovered some of her magical energy while massaging her cock with a strange excuse! Right!]
[Joy! It’s not even sex, and you can do as many massages as you want as long as you don’t climax, so what’s the point?]
[… What kind of crazy is this? Am I the only one who doesn’t understand the context right now?]
Arna, who stretched over her head and created an electromagnetic wave through her overlapping palms, fired a flashing wave at Louis along with the Demon Dog nearby.
[Electromagnetic Wave Emission!!]
[Hey! I told you not to use that! It’s too long to start and I can’t even identify friends, so why do you keep using it!]
[Lightning Vortex!]
[Ah, sorry? I can only use one burst! I don’t have excellent application skills like Louis-senpai, so I have to use various magics!]
Lightning shoots out of Arna’s hand, creating a whirlpool and sweeping away the Demon Dogs.
Even though it’s inside the driver’s cab, an acrid smell leaks in, and the dogs are paralyzed and passed out one by one.
Even so, they are constantly shouting numbers, so it is easy to know how many demon dogs the two have hunted.
Watching the battle between the two through the gap in the iron plate that came down in front of the driver’s seat, it feels like a lie that just a moment ago made me stomp on the bed and shake my waist or climb on top of the cock and tighten it with my own pussy.
Even if it’s a middle class, this is about it.
Unless a normal person has a gun, he can lightly take down an infected body that even opponents can’t.
Louie is the type to hold up a shield and block attacks, defending them one by one and dealing with them.
The equipment he received as a gift from his fans is good, but he battles very diligently and cautiously, perhaps because he lacks magic ability or combat sense.
At first, there was no big difference, but as time passed, the hunting speed decreased.
On the other hand, Arna is a magical girl like a young lady from a prestigious family who grew up with strong support to the point of bragging about herself.
Her ability to apply magic is also excellent, and the magic she uses is also colorful.
Wasn’t it a lie when she said that she was different from Louis, who had to recover her mana by receiving semen?
[Senior Louis? No, louis? Did you say It doesn’t work for you?]
[It’s not even over yet, half words already? Are you really rude?]
[Oh my God, are you the type to know how long and short it is? They say that a woman who procrastinates between relationships is not popular with men… Ah, so you’re still alone at 30?]
[Do you really want to die?]
“Louis, burst down to the left.”
I watched the two fight, then directed Louie to move on the walkie-talkie.
Watching the fight was fun, but for me, I’d rather have the less cheeky Louis win than the cheeky Arna.
When she told Louis, intending to dampen Arna’s pride a little, she put her spear under her left side and used explosive magic as Louis’ body moved on its own.
[Uh? Her body spontaneously…]
It seems that her body moved the moment she heard my words without even Louis knowing whether there was a lingering aftermath of hypnosis of obeying my words that she had spoken before.
Louis, who was immediately shot and flew to her right, slammed the demon dog’s head down with the edge of his shield.
“It’s not a strong infection, but if you stab her in the head anyway, won’t she die because she can’t even regenerate? Even though I put it as a shield right now, it doesn’t regenerate.”
“But why are you using burst magic on a demon dog? If you’re going to use it, use it as a mobile device. Kill with the shield, move with the spear.”
What Louis lacked was movement speed.
It’s not a bad thing to move while defending solidly. She is small in size and has a large shield, but her physical strength is abnormal for a magical girl, so she specializes in dealing with many infectious agents without a single wound, as long as she endures her physical strength like a solidly moving tank.
Her Louis movement, which fights while giving priority to her own body, is already close to completion.
What is needed now is not to improve the movement, but to move quickly in a different way to quickly deal with the demon dog.
Of course, this was also Louie’s combat improvement plan that he had seen and memorized in advance at Majin Temple.
[Excuse me… If you use burst magic to move, I’m too fast to fly, so I can’t recognize my surroundings well?]
After listening to Louie, I realized why she charged with a burst only for the first charge.
Literally, this is not a mover, but a charge.
Louie’s awareness couldn’t keep up with her movement speed, which blasted her body as she blasted the ground.
Looking at this, a middle-ranking magical girl is definitely a middle-ranking magical girl.
“Do it because I will watch it.”
[… Is that okay?]
[Cowardly! The two of you are fighting me!]
“I heard that Arna doesn’t need magic recovery anyway? Are you saying you don’t need support? Is this also one of the support?”
[Do whatever you want! Joy!]
Having received Arna’s permission, I started to move Louis like a toy without her mind.
It feels like I’m playing a game that moves by commanding words.
“Can you use burst magic on the surface of a shield?”
[I’ve never used it… I think I can write it.]
“Okay, so from now on… Shoot with the corner of the demon dog’s head shield on the right, hold the spear in the left, extend it behind the hand holding the shield, and burst.”
After dealing with one demon dog, it fires explosive magic on the surface of the shield to roast the head of another demon dog, and then stabs and kills the demon dog that was approaching from the side by charging the spear held in its left hand.
“Place the spear on top of the shield and kill while pushing, use the burst on the blade and swing behind the shield, if you shoot it at the corner, the head of the dog under the right, turn the body and use the shield on the left.”
[Uh?! Wow! What is this?!]
Even where Louis cannot see, I look at them from afar and control them one by one.
It’s impossible for a high-ranking magical girl, but it’s a feat that’s possible because even an ordinary person’s eyes can follow the movements of a middle-ranking magician.
There are already thousands of battle videos of magical girls I’ve seen so far.
I had read and memorized several forums about how Louis should fight.
The more Louie listened to me, the more he felt that her body was moving well. She moves as she says without thinking and reacts quickly, and corrects things that are slightly out of place and moves on her own.
“Put your spear out to the top left and burst when you run into it. Before you fall, slide it against the bottom of the shield and raise the spear. .”
[For a moment! What are you throwing at me!]
“You interrupted too? Louie, you’re using your shield too much for defense. It’s a good shield, so just stab it! Burst is only used as a movement tool, or as a means to deal with many enemies at once!”
[Ahahaha! What is this, wow! Amazing!]
The demon dogs are dealt with more and more quickly, exceeding the number that Arna caught.
Arna’s face stiffened, and the lightning bolts from her hands quickly shot around her.
[For a moment… Out!]
At that time, she suddenly reached out from the darkness with long tentacles and tried to entangle Arna and Louis at the same time.
As the tentacles surrounding her tightened, Louis hurriedly erected a shield and spear to block her tentacles, and Arna quickly escaped and landed quietly, reaching her hands toward the darkness from which her tentacles extended.
[… 10 points for each tentacle monster, yes?]
[What? Hey!]
[It’s worth that much!]
As soon as she landed on the ground, Arna said that she had calculated that if she went on like this, she would lose in points.
Place her hands on her floor and release her electricity, rapidly shooting her body over the railroad tracks.
Arna, who flew like her cannonballs, stretched her hands forward and released her lightning bolts.
At that moment, the dark place was illuminated by Arna’s lightning, revealing the shape of a monster stretching her tentacles.
[Churrrry .]
[Demon Dog?! Hybrid?! Arna! Get out!]
[Now, wait… Tentacle dog?!]
Occasionally, the Infected merges with another monster and turns into a composite that is neither a monster nor an Infested, a monster with unknown characteristics.
What appeared in front of Arna and Louis was a tentacle dog, a hybrid monster that solved the slow speed compared to other monsters, which could be said to be the tentacle monster’s only weakness, by merging with the demon dog.
The original tentacle monster moved slowly like a snail, and the recent intelligent tentacle monster can move at the speed of a human running at full power.
And the tentacle dog in front of me moves at the speed of a beast and quickly swings its tentacles… A monster called a nightmare for middle-ranking magical girls.
It’s not impossible for middle-ranking magical girls to catch, but it requires a lot of skill, and there are more defeats than victories.
It is difficult to deal with the tentacle monster by widening the distance, and it is difficult to move quickly and go around with the demon dogs by sending them out first to consume the magical girl, and only after confirming that she is weak, she appears later.
That’s not the only reason tentacle dogs are called the nightmare of middle-ranking magical girls.
A hybrid monster means a monster that is a combination of a monster and an infected, and appears with one new characteristic that is different from the characteristics of the original monster or the infected.
The tentacle dog’s characteristic is to devour the mana of the opponent in its mouth.
What he could swallow at once was a ridiculous amount of magic attribute to the upper ranks, but it was fatal to the middle ranks.
Because of this, it should not be approached carelessly.
And Arna had already approached the tentacle dog.