Chapter 864 – Master
Shin Seon-dong, who had fed Lee Hwarin her cock dripping with semen as a taster, left the bathroom dragging Elonora’s dog tag, who was still dancing the crab legs, unable to escape from the afterglow of the climax.
“You’re really gone, that toxic bastard.”
Deng So, left alone in the bathroom, Lee Hwa-rin, who was watching them from behind, grumbled a little at this, and then she moved her steps to the urinal with the broken sign on it again.
A sense of heterogeneity that surrounds one’s body as if touching a urinal, as if entering a large drop of water.
“As with the farm, this is truly admirable… ?”
How the hell, who could have done such a great magic?
This high-level barrier magic, which wraps around the surroundings through a barrier and distorts the perception of everyone who sees this place from the outside, could be said to be a rare discovery of an unheard-of type and second only to the giant tower.
Of course, even at this moment, she couldn’t help but think of the existence of a dragon in the chicken coop, cherishing the eggs she laid, but Hwa-rin Lee stopped thinking more deeply.
Because when she thought about the things she had to do from now on, she had no time to think about that.
“First of all, I should contact Joo-hee saying that I won’t be able to go tomorrow. Because we all decided to rest tomorrow anyway… “
Tok tok tok-
The first thing she did was to send a message to each person in her own party, including Nam Joo-hee, who was none other than herself.
“Don’t get in the way, he only saw me this time, there’s no guarantee he won’t do it again… “
She thought about what she was going to do, because she shouldn’t have been disturbed by anyone, and nobody should have tried to find her.
-Why? Are you sick?
-It’s just that tomorrow is a day off anyway, but you’ve been a bit tired lately.
-Ah, I really want to kill all the piglets. Okay, get some rest and see you later~
It hurt a little that he had to fool his childhood friend even if others didn’t know about it, but compared to the sweet fruit he would eat, it was a heartache that he could bear enough.
After sending her message to Nam Joo-hee that she would have a good rest tomorrow, Lee Hwa-rin’s face slowly turned red as she looked around her and stared at her own clothes scattered on the floor. Started to lose
Suddenly, a sign chord echoed in the bathroom.
It was a sign language that began to ring because none other than Lee Hwarin started calling somewhere.
Even video calls.
On her cell phone screen, only the contact information and phone number stored under the name of ‘that bastard’ and the black screen on which her face was not revealed were shining alone. Muttered as he rolled over.
“Lee, why didn’t you take… While she told Jiji to call… “
She knew what she was going to do, and she was like this, did she deliberately burn her heart.
A voice that is heard while trying to make a cry at the voice that does not return.
– Uh, why? Did you call already? Was it fast?
Hwa-rin Lee, delighted and surprised at the somewhat husky voice of Shin Seon-dong through her phone, jumped up from the spot and bit her lips to prevent an inadvertent smile on Shin Seon-dong’s face through the screen.
“Huh, heh… You said to call If you don’t do it again, they’ll blame you for not doing it.”
– That’s right
-Hageuk, Master, Nim… ♥
In the screen, Shinseon-dong was riding on the back of Eleonora, who was crawling on all fours.
마치 코끼리의 등 위에 올라타 정글투어를 떠나는 관광객처럼 엘레오노라의 등 위에 올라타 그녀의 엉덩이를 손바닥으로 마구 때리기도 하고, 박차를 가하듯 그녀의 옆가슴을 발 뒤꿈치로 꾹꾹 때려보이며 발걸음을 재촉하기 until.
‘Sir, such an enviable thing… !’
이전이라면 몰랐겠지만 자신의 노출 성벽과 더불어 그에게 업신여겨지며 마구 다뤄지고 싶은 마조 성벽마저 받아들인지 오래였던 이화린은 돼지처럼 울부짖는 엘레오노라의 모습을 질투섞인 눈으로 바라보았지만 그것도 잠깐이었다.
“Now, take a good look… 지금부터 네가 올 때까지 내가 뭔 짓하나 생중계해보일 테니까… !”
-I don’t know what you’re trying to do by making a video call like this, but you probably did it because you had an idea. Try it somewhere
“Look at what you say… !!”
A very expensive boss, right?
다시 본 신선동의 얼굴에 반가움도 잠시 곧장 꺼드럭거리기 시작하는 그의 모습에 치솟아오르는 화딱지를 간신히 진정시킨 이화린은 몇 차례 심호흡을 이어갔다.
‘Calm down, you’re provoking me. They’re testing me because they’re sure I can’t do it.’
It’s okay to sleep, but what if you’re good?
What was Lee Hwa-rin thinking, who is no one else, and came all the way here, but does she look down on herself like this?
이에 핸드폰 화면을 몇 번 터치하자 방금까지 이화린 자신의 얼굴을 비추고 있던 카메라가 전환되더니 이내 화장실 바닥에 아무렇게나 던져진 옷가지들을 비추기 시작했다.
– Hey, no matter how you do it, how do you fold something like that? What is that?
“Are you okay. Uh, I don’t need it anymore anyway… ♥”
Shin Seon-dong tilts his head, unable to hide his doubts.
하지만 이내 그 옷가지들 위로 치솟아오르는 시뻘건 불길에 방금까지 시큰둥하게 그것들을 응시하던 신선동의 눈이 동그랗게 떠진다.
“Now I have nothing to hide myself from. I don’t even have clothes to wear… ♥”
-Hey you…
“Huh… ♥”
어쩌면 그에게서 벗어날 수 있던 마지막 기회나 다름없던 옷가지들을 자신의 손으로 불태우는 장면을 보여준 이화린은 곧장 교성을 내지르며 아까전 자신의 몸속에 감추어두었던 인식표를 꺼내보였다.
“Do you know what this is?”
-How did you get that? I must have hidden it in the drawer… Eleonora, is it you again?!
-응기이이잇… ♥
당황하는 신선동의 표정에 고소하다는 듯 조소를 지어보인 뒤 신선동의 전화번호가 새겨진 인식표의 뒷면을 뒤집어 앞면에 새겨진 내용들을 확인하는 이화린.
‘How can such an ugly dog tag… ♥’
[11 seats of the Knights of the Sow
Shinseon-dong’s breeding sow Lee Hwa-rin
Exposure light, likes pinching nipples and clitoris, toilet, masturbation slave]
자신의 손에 들려진 인식표와 그곳에 새겨진 자신의 이름을 비롯, 자신의 추잡한 성벽들을 바라보며 희열감에 몸을 떨던 이화린은 엘레오노라를 마구 혼내주는 신선동에게 보란 듯이
마찬가지로 엘레오노라가 준비한 날카로운 쇠꼬챙이 하나를 옷가지를 장작삼아 활활 타오르는 불길에 달구기 시작했다.
“It’s hot, it must have been disinfected at this level… ♥”
-You may regret it later, don’t you?
The firepower was firepower, so the iron skewer quickly became red hot.
그녀는이를 몇 차례 허공에 내젓다 이내 그녀의 세면대의 수도꼭지로이를 식힌 이화 린은 몇 번 그녀의 손가락에 그녀의 꼬챙이 끝을 콕콕 찔러 보이 더니 그녀는 이내 그녀는 다시금 그녀의 셀카 모드로 그녀의 화면 After switching, he puts her cell phone down at his feet.
“잘 보여? 잘 보이지? Okay, ji, from now on, spread your legs… It even shows my pussy… ?”
-Did you do something stupid again without me knowing? What? 아니라고? 그럼 얘가 왜이래!
-Nggit, ngiiiyit… ♥
Then, as if to show it well, Lee Hwa-rin, who opened her crotch, grabbed her clitoris with one hand so that it could not run away, then pointed her iron skewer at her clitoris, which was unable to move. Aimed.
“I-From now on, I’m going to pierce my clitoris with this and attach a ring and a dog tag… Like the teacher, I wanted to put a ring on her nipples too, but that will be sweet later when her breasts get bigger!”
– Do you really regret it? Listen to me now
Although she cooled down a little with her water, Lee Hwa-rin began to breathe her natural roughness as the heat of her hot iron skewer touched her own vital point and her erogenous zone.
‘It’s showing… I can see that this man is wearing a dog tag that symbolizes his belongings… ♥’
In her heart, she wanted him to put it on in front of his eyes, or like Eleonora herself, but because her plans were twisted, she was rather saddened that she had to use it as a means to show her determination.
‘I’m going this far, but just try not to ask me to fuck you… !’
“Sweet? From now on, with this, my clitoris… I will pierce through… ♥”
-Eh, how did it happen that only those things gathered around me?
Lee Hwa-rin, who smiled lewdly at him who was now resigned, stabbed the iron skewer in her hand as hard as she could.
Soon, Lee Hwarin’s screams in agony resounded through the bathroom, and soon, the clicking sound echoed in the bathroom a few more times.