Chapter 12 – A Side Story – A Story in a Group Chat Room
[Vice-captain] Eze: Hey
[Vice-captain] Eze: Did you hear that?
[Vice Leader] Eze: Leader of Eden Castle
[Head] Liv Grease: ?
S Silent S: Yes
[Vice-captain] Eze: I heard that the game was closed.
[Head] Liv Grease: Yeah?
[Vice-captain] Eze: Yes
[Leader] Live Grease: Leader of Eden Castle
[Head] Liv Grease: Isn’t that the guy who floated 10 kibble?
[Vice-captain] Eze: Yes
[Head] Liv Grease: For what?
[Sub-captain] Ez: I don’t know
[Vice-captain] Eze: There is talk of getting married.
S Silent S: No
S Silent S: Not like that.
[Director] Liv Grease: Captain Eden, are you online right now?
S Silent S: I heard that I quit the game because I was too tired.
S Silent S: Just hand over the account to the members
S Silent S: Maybe someone else is online
[Vice-captain] Eze: You just handed over the account?
S Silent S: Yes
S Silent S: A friend is a castle of eden
[Vice-captain] Eze: For free?
S Silent S: It’s a member
S Silent S: A few days ago
[Vice-captain] Ez: If you sell that account, won’t you get 1 billion? Haha
S Silent S: Maybe if I sell all the equipment separately
S Silent S: will come out over 2 billion
[Head] Liv Grease: ㅁㅋ
S Silent S: If you sell it whole, you won’t get half of it
[Head] Liv Grease: Give me 10 kibble.
Cinnamon Flavored Cinnamon:
S Silent S: But if you count the investment
S Silent S: I heard it’s 2 billion
[Head] Liv Grease: Fucked
[Vice-captain] Eze: Fresh water
[Vice-captain] Eze: I’m envious
S Silent S: Members are running their accounts on rotation all night now haha
[Sub-captain] Ez: haha
[Vice-captain] Ez: When Liv leaves, give me the money.
[Head] Live Grease: ㅗ
[Vice-captain] Eze: I raised her well
[Head] Live Grease: Giralno
S Silent S: lol
S Silent S: He said he gave up this game and started playing mobile games.
[Head] Liv Grease: Phone game?
[Head] Liv Grease: What are you doing?
S Silent S: came out a while ago
S Silent S: What is that?
S Silent S: The Ultimate Automated RPG
S Silent S: A lot of ads
[Vice-captain] Eze: Grimflo?
S Silent S: ㅇㅇ That’s right
[Sub-captain] Ez: haha
[Vice-captain] Ez: Ah haha
[Vice-captain] Ez: haha
[Vice-captain] Ez: Really? Haha
[Vice-captain] Ez: That’s a shit game haha
Cinnamon Flavored Cinnamon:
[Vice-captain] Eze: It’s rarely controlled by the player.
[Vice-captain] Eze: It’s just a game to watch
[Vice-captain] Eze: The character just behaves as heck
Taijii: Aren’t most phone games these days auto-hunting?
[Sub-captain] Eze: No Taiji sister
[Vice-captain] Eze: It’s not as much as automatic hunting
[Vice-captain] Eze: What players can do = Filling jewels with string
[Vice-captain] Ez: But even if you try hard
[Vice-captain] Eze: What are we going to do with that wise jewel?
[Vice-captain] Eze: The player can’t even choose lol
Taijii: hmm
[Vice Leader] Eze: The character uses paid goods as he pleases haha
[Vice-captain] Ez: A dog shit game haha
[Head] Live Grease: Ma
[Head] Liv Grease: I hear you trying
[Sub-captain] Ez: ?
[Vice-captain] Ez: Can you try it?
[Head] Live Grease: ㅇㅇ
[Vice-captain] Ez: hahaasshole
[Head] Liv Grease: Do you want to search?
[Vice-captain] Ez: Ah haha Our captain is a mess
[Vice-captain] Ez: Asshole Guild haha
[Head] Liv Grease: haha
[Head] Liv Grease: It’s not a shit game, is it?
[Head] Liv Grease: Would you like to join us?
[Vice-captain] Eze: haha
[Vice-captain] Ez: Ah haha I don’t buy it
[Head] Liv Grease: But
[Head] Liv Grease: ㅇㅇ It’s worth it
[Head] Liv Grease: Even if you can’t connect, you can hunt on your own
[Headmaster] Liv Grease: Completes quests on its own
[Vice-captain] Eze: Did you do the trick?
[Head] Liv Grease: Deep Learning AI is no joke
[Head] Live Grease: Yes
[Vice-captain] Ez: Fuck
[Director] Liv Grease: But I only had a little bit of talent.
[Vice-captain] Eze: I heard you’ve been quiet lately
[Vice-captain] Ez: And then you were smart?
[Vice-captain] Eze: Abandoning the members?
Cinnamon Flavored Cinnamon:
[Vice-captain] Ez: What’s wrong?
[Head] Liv Grease: haha
[Head] Liv Grease: Misunderstanding n
[Head] Liv Grease: Just doing this
[Head] Liv Grease: I’m doing it because it’s not burdensome to do it together.
[Head] Liv Grease: It’s good because it doesn’t waste time
Run: I do that too
Run: haha
[Sub-captain] Ez: Hey Dal
Run: fun
Run: What?
[Vice-captain] Eze: Search
[Vice-captain] Ez: You’re demoted to rookie
Run: hey
Cinnamon Flavored Cinnamon:
[Head] Liv Grease: Hey
[Head] Liv Grease: Don’t bully the good members
[Vice-captain] Eze: Punishment of shit gamers
[Director] Liv Grease: So Renise is a god game?
[Sub-captain] Ez: Ah
[Vice-captain] Ez: xx
[Head] Liv Grease: I’ll forgive you
[Head] Liv Grease: You can do Grimplo too
[Vice-captain] Eze: Just that, please
[Head] Liv Grease: Shut up and do it
[Head] Live Grease: Invited
[Vice-captain] Ez: Ah haha
[Vice Leader] Ez: A guild where the leader sells shit games haha
[Vice-captain] Ez: Is this true?
[Head] Liv Grease: haha
[Vice-captain] Ez: But is this really fun?
[Vice-captain] Eze: The graphics are fine.
[Head] Liv Grease: It’s okay
[Head] Liv Grease: Occasionally erotic things come out
[Sub-captain] Ez: Oh
Cinnamon Flavored Cinnamon: Oh
[Head] Liv Grease: I need to be certified as an adult, but
[Sub-captain] Ez: haha
[Vice-captain] Eze: I’m a middle school girl, so I can’t do it.
[Head] Liv Grease:
S Silent S: It’s so erotic that it talks a lot
S Silent S: Especially feminists
S Silent S: lol
[Director] Liv Grease: They chose the National Association
[Head] Liv Grease: What should I do?
[Head] Liv Grease: The law has changed like that haha
S Silent S: lol
Cinnamon Flavored Cinnamon:
[Head] Liv Grease: But my character is
[Head] Liv Grease: I spent 30,000 won to get equipment
[Head] Liv Grease: I don’t pick up the equipment I’m told to pick up
[Head] Liv Grease: I bought a present for the bakery girl haha
[Vice-captain] Ez: haha
[Vice-captain] Eze: Black beef shack haha
[Head] Liv Grease: I’m holding my hand right now haha
[Vice-captain] Ez: Was this unplayed? 〉
Run: ;;
Run: Captain… (Tears)
[Sub-captain] Ez: haha
[Vice-captain] Ez: But look at the bulletin board
[Vice-captain] Ez: There are so many bad comments about that game.
[Vice-captain] Ez: It’s also in Regale’s Word
[Head] Liv Grease: Those were all written by Tagem Alba.
[Head] Liv Grease: Femirang
[Director] Liv Grease: To be honest, it’s not like that.
[Head] Liv Grease: Shinsegaeim
[Vice-captain] Ez: I know
[Vice-captain] Eze: I’ll try it
[Head] Liv Grease: Haha good
S Silent S: Captain then invite me too
[Head] Live Grease: ㅇㅇ Gidal
[Head] Live Grease: Sent
S Silent S: ㄳㄳ
S Silent S: I’ll be friends with you when you log in
[Head] Liv Grease: Ah
[Head] Liv Grease: But this
[Head] Liv Grease: Friendship is also done by each character.
[Head] Liv Grease: Users are not friends haha
Silent S: ?
Silent S: ?
Run: haha
[Vice-captain] Ez: haha
[Vice-captain] Eze: Fuck haha
Run: As if it were God’s game itself
[Head] Liv Grease: Survive on your own
[Vice-captain] Ez: The level of an asshole game haha
[Vice-captain] Ez: A steamy game without friends haha
[Vice-captain] Eze: Ah haha
Cinnamon Flavored Cinnamon: