Dreams of Social Ascent
The Magical Federation is a nation of magic, divided into the ‘Chosen,’ those who have encountered its great knowledge, and the ‘Common Folk,’ those who have unfortunately not received its grace.
Surprisingly, the gap between these two classes is not so vast.
Consider the nobles of the Empire. They wield absolute power, monopolizing strength and wealth, lording over the common people. To a noble, the populace is merely a stepping stone to elevate themselves.
Consider the Blood Lords of the Duchies. They enjoy eternal life through the blood of their progenitors, squeezing the blood and wealth from the people to sustain their own lives. To a Blood Lord, humans are merely livestock to be raised.
Consider the knights of the now-fallen Kingdoms. They wield their innate martial prowess, killing the weak and achieving their desires under the guise of duels. To a knight, commoners are merely plump game to be hunted.
Compared to those who lord over, squeeze blood, and hunt through duels…
The ‘Chosen’ are simply more reasonable, rational, and wiser citizens.
The reason is none other than the recognition that there is no inherent difference between the Chosen and the Common Folk.
Was a magician a magician from birth? No, all are merely foolish beasts at birth. An infant learns language and emotions from its parents, and knowledge and norms from society, as it grows.
If a child, raised in such a way, comes into contact with the great knowledge of magic, and possesses the ‘wisdom’ to accept that knowledge… then they are fully capable of becoming ‘Chosen,’ and enjoying all that the Magical Federation has to offer.
Does that mean that children lacking in ‘wisdom’ are persecuted? Not at all. The Magical Federation’s systems, facilities, and magical tools are open to the Common Folk as well. It is simply that the Common Folk lack the knowledge and magical power to utilize them, even if they desired to.
Although they enjoy them less readily, the Common Folk are also recognized as members of the Magical Federation, and they and their offspring are provided with fair opportunities.
Specifically, the opportunity to ascend to the Dragon Gate and encounter even greater knowledge.
“Respect to those with intelligence befitting it. This is our ideology.”
The Azure Tower Master snapped her fingers, and the writing on the smooth crystal chalkboard instantly melted away. Having finished her summary, the Azure Tower Master dusted off her hands and said,
“We are different from barbaric and uncivilized monarchies, you see. We do not oppress people with archaic customs and outdated orders. The Magical Federation is an advanced nation built by the most brilliant minds of magicians. We do not discriminate based on blood, but on ability.”
‘And I am among the top five geniuses in that Magical Federation.’
Magical power detection, magical power control, and magical knowledge. With just those, anyone is qualified to become Chosen and enjoy the civilization of the Magical Federation.
The Azure Tower Master emphasized this and continued.
“In other words, if you prove yourselves qualified, you can remain on the Floating Continent.”
“We’re already staying here, aren’t we?”
“The Azure Tower Lord’s guarantee – that’s what allows you to stay, because of your status as an important informant to the Intelligence Bureau. I’m holding you close; are you sure that’s acceptable?”
“Held close? By the Azure Tower Lord, absolutely. Ow!”
What was that? Felt like a gust of wind smacked the back of my head.
Turning, I saw Shay standing there, arms crossed, pretending innocence. The Azure Tower Lord, hand shielding a small smile, continued.
“Heh heh. Still, I can’t keep simpletons who only flatter me by my side forever. If things stay as they are, I’ll have to send you both down during the next ‘Descent’.”
“The ‘Descent’ is when the Floating City lowers its orbit, drawing nearer to the lower realms. During that time, there’s a lot of exchange between the lower realms and the city. By the rules, you two should be leaving the Floating City in the next Descent.”
Short of outright banishment, they couldn’t just toss people off, and sending them down with a mage escort would be inefficient, apparently. So the Azure Tower Lord explained that they simply discarded the simpletons during the Descent season.
“However, the Descent season also opens the Gates of Ascension. An equal opportunity for all citizens of the Magic Federation, simpletons and elites alike, to demonstrate their capabilities. If you can prove your worth there, you can reside in the Floating City with dignity.”
I still had things to investigate in the Floating City, and Shay had business with the Demon Lord. Getting kicked out would complicate things, to say the least. I’d been hoping to rely on Rankart or the Azure Tower Lord, but with the latter’s attitude, that was off the table too.
Maybe learning some magic wouldn’t be so bad. Never hurts to have more skills. Still…
“Do you really think we could learn magic now and pass through the Gates of Ascension?”
“Unlikely. For ordinary simpletons, anyway.”
The Azure Tower Lord answered instantly.
“The Floating City is a place only those who have achieved success among the Magic Federation’s countless elites can tread. Many mages dedicate their entire lives to magic and never reach it. A simpleton cramming and making it through the Gates of Ascension? That’s only possible for a select few among natural geniuses.”
‘Like me, awakening my unique magic at the age of ten and ascending to the Floating City. Though in my case, I was recommended by my family, so it’s a bit different from the Gates of Ascension.’
…Oh. I see.
Reading his thoughts, it seemed mages from prestigious magical families who awakened unique magic were able to ascend to the Floating City without going through the Gates of Ascension.
That wasn’t a privilege, but a consideration, apparently. If mages from magical lineages took the gates of ascension and won then there would be less opportunities for other mages to get a chance to prove themselves.
So someone ordinary like me could never dream of it, then.
Just as I was giving up, the Azure Tower Lord began to speak again.
“But Rankart did ascend through the Gates of Ascension. Even though he learned magic in a military nation, black magic and white magic have different foundations, yet he achieved an overwhelming victory alone.”
“Rankart is a recognized genius even in the military nation.”
“Frankly, I was surprised. I thought that no matter how much a military nation, as primitive and backward as it is, praised someone as a genius, they’d only amount to an intelligent savage. But he surpassed the most distinguished elites of the Magic Federation and won.”
The Azure Tower Lord muttered, recalling Rankart ascending through the Gates of Ascension.
Rankart, walking proudly up the Gates. Leaving the shattered dreams of the ‘elites’ who slipped and fell beneath his feet, he nonchalantly ascended to the Floating City.
As if winning was nothing special.
“And you, whom Rankart declares to be a genius even greater than himself? Perhaps, with a little bit of guidance from me, you could ascend through the Gates of Ascension.”
‘Rankart said you were an even greater genius than him. I wonder how far a child like that could go with my teachings. My curiosity is piqued.’
Ah, so that’s what you’re thinking.
…Apologies. I fear you’ll be disappointed. My meager self has rarely lived up to expectations.
Though, it isn’t written that one must fulfill expectations one hundred percent, is it? An opportunity is an opportunity. I decided to gratefully accept it for now. I bowed deeply to the Blue Tower Master.
“I shall do my best, Master.”
“Good. My disciple. From now on, listen well to my words.”
Smiling warmly, the Blue Tower Master withdrew a jewel from his pouch and shook his fountain pen. A non-melting crystal grew, centered around a sapphire, quickly forming a blue badge.
“This is the badge given to disciples of the Crystal Tower. With this, you may freely enter the training grounds and library of the Crystal Tower. Be careful not to lose it.”
“I will treasure it forever.”
“Heh. You must strive diligently if you don’t wish for it to be snatched away midway. Now, stand up.”
Kind enough to help me up, the Blue Tower Master personally pinned the badge on me. After confirming that the badge was properly attached to my chest, he smiled and patted my shoulder.
Such different treatment from Kungkuk. If a cool and intelligent Master taught me while giving me a precious badge, I too, would study diligently.
“What about me?”
I was in the middle of cultivating respect in my heart. Shea spoke, displaying an uncomfortable air. The Blue Tower Master turned towards Shea.
“Shea, was it? You wish to learn magic as well?”
“There’s no reason I shouldn’t. Even Hughes is learning.”
‘Something irks me. Why? What is this feeling?’
“Hmm. However…”
The Blue Tower Master trailed off, taking out his fountain pen and changing the ink cartridge. He firmly pressed down, saturating the fountain pen with ink labeled ‘Lens,’ and drew five circles in the air. The crystallized ink became magical lenses, revealing what was unseen.
Looking at Shea through the magical lenses, the Blue Tower Master spoke with a troubled expression.
“I have nothing to teach you?”
Surely, he didn’t see through Shea’s intelligence and was implying he couldn’t teach…right?
The Blue Tower Master’s lenses were for observing mana quantity. And now, in the Blue Tower Master’s vision, Shea appeared to be wreathed in a mana so immense, it surpassed even the most skilled mage.
“You already possess sufficient mana. With that amount, you must be able to sense mana, correct? Isn’t that so?”
“…I can.”
‘It’s possible because I obtained the Kaleidoscopic Eyes, but regardless.’
“The most basic requirements for a mage are mana sensing, mana control, and the knowledge to utilize it. And you fulfill all three conditions. While the system may be different from ours, one cannot call you an Unenlightened.”
The Green Tower Master had also said Shea wasn’t an Unenlightened. It must be because he believed that someone with that much mana couldn’t possibly be Unenlightened.
The Blue Tower Master felt the same.
“No, from the outset, that amount of mana could not have been obtained without learning magic.”
‘I did learn… I did learn, but…’
“If you wish, I can give you a sigil too. Though it won’t be of much help. Magic, you see, beyond a certain point, is about charting your own path.”
“U-uh, okay….”
A blue sigil landed in Shay’s hand as well. However, this sigil was slightly different from the one I received. It was a guest pass, given not to a disciple, but to an outside visitor.
Giving a guest sigil instead of a disciple’s was, admittedly, a show of respect. Shay received the sigil, lost in thought with a rather complicated expression.
‘I… I learned magic from *you* in the previous iteration…!’
Oh, is that so?
Apparently, prospective disciples of the Azure Tower Lord were quite common. Well, to the Azure Tower Lord, regression Shay must have seemed like a rather talented diamond in the rough.
‘He taught me magic for a few months, then said that using my head wasn’t for me! Told me I had plenty of mana, so I should learn how to use it instinctively! But why from the start for Hughes!’
I felt a tinge of… jealousy? Not jealous of the Azure Tower Lord, but jealous of *me*? Because I became the Azure Tower Lord’s disciple instead of you?
Well, isn’t that just jumping the gun a bit.
Shay and I have been traveling together for a long time, and we’ve grown quite close. It’s only natural that Shay relies on me now. The incident with grabbing my sleeve this time, I was certain that it meant she was relying on me and was also… aware of me. I was planning to push and pull a bit, you know?
Guess we’re not quite there yet.
Since my mind-reading isn’t working properly, there are constant discrepancies. If it didn’t work at all, it would be one thing, but it’s even more critical that it’s reading vaguely. It’s better not to be too hasty.
If I want Shay to rely on me in the next iteration as well, I need to build even greater trust in this iteration, our first meeting.
…Ah, that was too calculated. Relax, relax.
Shay is sensitive, so I can’t let her notice. I should try not to be conscious of it.
Okay, again.
“Then, Master. I have a question. When do the lessons start?”
The Azure Tower Lord smiled mischievously as he answered.
“Why, from this moment on, of course.”