375 – S7. Omelas and the Little Pope
The mercenary, Finn, decided to investigate 『Toybox』 and the suspicious masked men. Alone.
“Your Holiness, I’ll make some inquiries with the fixers I know. It’s too dangerous to go together… please stay here. ‘Drunken Mama’ will take care of every meal.”
Over the past two weeks, he had been wandering here and there in Omelas, and had established what one might call connections. He was one step into the community of fellow fixers.
But the profession of wielding guns and blades is, as is often the case, rough. There will undoubtedly be brawls and power struggles, and he didn’t want to show that side of things to Vecchio.
…That was the reasoning behind the decision.
Vecchio didn’t plead to be allowed to come along, or argue with ‘you let me come last time, why not now?’ Instead, Vecchio obediently nodded and gave a small wave.
“Okay, Finn! Don’t get hurt.”
“You need to eat every meal properly.”
“Yes. I will.”
“…You absolutely mustn’t follow suspicious people!”
He continued to offer instructions repeatedly, then left Vecchio alone in the motel and departed on his journey.
Creak. Thump. The door closes.
Vecchio, who had been gazing up at the door with an angelic smile, erased all traces of it from his face as soon as Finn disappeared from view.
It was like the receding tide.
After the wave of joy that had filled the beach has receded, all that remains is sand grains, slightly damp.
And the sand soon dries. That was the crucial difference between it and fertile soil.
Land soaked with rain drinks in the water of joy and gives rise to life and vegetation, but all a sandy beach can produce is thirst. Soon, his mouth begins to feel gritty and parched.
“…Is there a word to describe this state, Goddess?”
[Answer: Attachment Disorder – A condition characterized by unstable emotions due to insufficient affection from parents and the lack of close relationships with people during childhood.]
“Thank you.”
The days of living as a puppet of the old cardinals still remain as a lingering nightmare. He couldn’t do what he wanted to do, and he couldn’t know what he wanted to know.
They wanted a good child who did as he was told, and Vecchio did just that. That wedge is still lodged in a corner of his heart. The reason the child’s heart is a desert must be because everything flows out through the gap the wedge opened.
If Saint Vecchio had been an ordinary child, this attachment disorder would have ended with him being overly spoiled.
But Vecchio wore a crown.
He resolved to wear the crown. To become Pope. Vecchio accepted the weight. Because. Someone had to take responsibility.
The Goddess Church, a shambles, had indirectly killed so many. While Vecchio was tethered, a puppet dancing this way and that, he couldn’t even begin to fathom the tragedies that unfolded.
Even to the point where, at the very nadir, the Goddess nearly annihilated the sacred city itself. Had the mad magician not intervened, Finn too would have been erased from existence at that moment.
Tara and Niore were careful to conceal this and that document, ensuring the little Pope remained unaware of the damage, but Vecchio saw it. The Goddess being a mechanically honest entity certainly contributed.
And so he knew. He knew how many had perished without even receiving treatment.
If only back then.
If only, instead of weeping, helpless, he had resisted them.
A moot point, of course. For a child not even into double digits, lacking any education, to independently realize and act? Impossible, short of reincarnation or possession.
But Vecchio hadn’t yet learned to compromise with himself.
The train of thought naturally led to an obsession: *Hurry, quickly, I need to become a contributing adult.* He wanted to be an adult. One second sooner.
That was why. Why he had requested to join Finn’s sessions. Why he had clung to Finn, begging to go on missions together.
-Please let me shed this *filter*. Secretly.
And now, like this, bypassing the safety filter obscuring his vision.
Contrasting Finn and the others’ reactions, Vecchio had realized that something veiled his perception. And now, he intended to peel it away, to witness the true face of Omelas.
[WARNING : This command has been annotated by a collaborator with the following comment : //Harmful to young children, do not disable. Yes, Aisha, I am talking about you. I mean you.]
The Goddess’ warning made Vecchio flinch, slightly. He was afraid too.
-It’s alright. I don’t want to stay in place any longer. Finn, and the Holy Maiden too, they keep trying to hide the darkness from me. But I have the⋯⋯ ob, ob.
[OUTPUT : Obligation.]
And, frankly, a choking curiosity was also a factor.
The Goddess did not ask twice.
[EXECUTING : Bypassing sustained illusion magic affecting perception⋯⋯]
Shhh. Shhh.
A switch appeared in Vecchio’s vision. Now, the little Pope could toggle between the filtered and unfiltered versions of reality.
Cunningly, she planned to switch between the two views, deceiving Finn completely. That way, no one would realize she had discarded the filter.
Vecchio pressed down on his chest, where his heart had begun to thump a little harder, and looked around. Nothing had drastically changed. The motel room remained a motel room, Vecchio remained Vecchio.
If anything had changed, it would be outside.
She picked up a chair, struggling with the weight, and moved it to the window, climbing onto it as a makeshift platform, and threw the window wide open. The scenery of Omelas spread before her, a dark path obscured by a forest of buildings.
Wait a little longer.
A cargo drone, hacked by Vecchio, flew forward. The Little Pope climbed into the basket held by the drone, slipping out of the motel undetected.
Thus, the Little Pope’s Kidz-Mode escape began.
Vecchio’s first stop was the 『Harmony Club』.
She imagined this “club” space to be a sort of social gathering. Weren’t the noble young ladies of the Empire known to hold balls and banquets, sipping wine and dancing with elegance? She assumed it would be no different.
Only… with a little fur thrown in.
A free-spirited party where animal-loving folk gathered, everyone dressed in full-body animal suits, raising a joyful din.
[Output: Club (noun) an organization of people with a common purpose, such as a hobby or fellowship.]
Even the Goddess’s explanation wasn’t far off.
But with the filters turned off, it wasn’t a party at all.
“… … … …”
What she’d thought were costume suits were, in truth, outfits so overtly suggestive they could only be described as Saint-level.
What she’d assumed were animal calls were, in fact, drunken shouts.
Under dizzying lights, to the violent music where even words were lost, they slammed into each other, thrashing like madmen.
And the fish costume… was simply a net worn on bare skin!
“Goddess…! I thought it was a rabbit…!”
The true form of the bunny girl revealed itself.
Vecchio, who had been covering her eyes with both hands, stamping her feet, soon sensed something amiss. Embarrassment gave way to curiosity.
Peek. Pupils shone between her fingers.
She understood that this was “adult entertainment.” But they didn’t seem to be enjoying themselves all that much. Most wore vacant expressions, dazed by something. Or sported a distorted, unnatural smile.
There were even grotesque and frightening occurrences. Someone breaking a bottle and causing a scene, getting dragged away, or others arguing loudly, their voices raised in anger.
To Vecchio’s eyes, it didn’t look fun at all.
Learning begins with questions. Scanning her surroundings, Vecchio spotted a familiar face in the club. It was the hacker, Kasha.
The Little Pope sat beside her at the bar’s counter seat, where she was downing a cocktail.
“… … Huh?”
“Little Hacker. What, no sign of that drab-looking guy always sticking to you. Don’t tell me you came alone?”
“Um, yes. I’d appreciate it if you kept it a secret from Finn.”
“… …Wouldn’t it be better to just go back, if you’re running away from home?”
“This isn’t running away. Running away… that sounds like a naughty child, doesn’t it?” Vecchio swung his arms, explaining that he was embarking on a solo adventure to see a wider world.
Then, he posed a question.
“Why do people go to clubs? As far as I know, clubs are for having fun. But, they don’t seem all that happy. I overheard that clubs are even expensive…!”
“Exactly. This one drink costs a whopping fifty-two thousand credits. I can’t imagine how much they’re making off of us. Well, the reason people go to clubs… mostly it’s s*x—”
The hacker, Kasha, tapped the table with her finger, lost in thought. Why did so many people throw themselves into clubs, do drugs, and rage in frantic parties?
The answer soon came.
“Maybe… because they have nothing else to do?”
“…Nothing else to do?”
“Right. They work hard to earn money to live, but when they actually have money left over, they don’t know where to spend it… so they just give in to their instincts.”
“But there are so many fun things in the world! There’s tag, and treasure hunts! Even if the reward for a treasure hunt was a cookie baked by Niore-nim, the fun would be…!”
Beyond description. Unmeasurable.
Vecchio shivered at the mere thought, ecstatic. There was so much fun content in the world. Kasha chuckled at the sight.
“That’s too complicated a game. Tag requires friends who won’t point a gun at my head, rules to follow, and running around. But look at this alcohol, how simple is it? Just put it to your lips and tilt, and it’s fun.”
“…What about shaking your body like that? Isn’t that the same as using your body?”
“People are naturally happy when they bump bodies with the gender they’re s*xually attracted to. It’s the same with drugs. It’s one-dimensional and visceral. You don’t have to think about anything else. That’s probably why.”
Whether at a company or in a back alley, to spend money earned with blood, sweat, and tears so meaninglessly. Because they no longer even have the energy to think for themselves.
Just wanting to have fun easily.
“…Thank you for the answer!”
“You have a face that says you didn’t understand at all. But you’ll understand when you grow up… no, don’t ever understand. It’s better that way.”
“Shadow Warrior Bennett said, people change. Their tastes, too. If Kasha-nim ever wants to play hide-and-seek one day, I’ll play with you.”
“Thanks for just saying that… what, he’s already gone?”
Vecchio left the club.
The Little Pope’s next destination was in front of the『Utopia』company. Because of the uneasiness he felt from Marco. In case something might be different now that the filter was gone.
Vecchio sat on a park bench, looking around.
The atmosphere was different from the club. The area where the headquarters of a large corporation was located was clean and gentle. There was no smell of alcohol.
Most people wore tailored suits and walked around with sharp angles. But those shadows he saw in the club lingered in their eyes as well.
They will enjoy bigger parties, better food, and a better life. But wouldn’t their entertainment also be in a ‘non-complicated’ form? He thought.
Since it was such a tight place that even a guard barely had the means to fulfill their wish for a mother’s packed lunch, he could vaguely imagine the structure of other parts.
Approximately ten minutes later. A certain elderly gentleman approached Vecchio and inquired,
“Might I sit here?”
“Ah, yes. Please, by all means, grandfather.”
“I often sit here, you see, observing the city. But today, I noticed an unfamiliar face. I hope I’m not intruding…”
“I-It’s quite alright. Yes.”
The old man carefully settled beside Vecchio. He removed his fedora, placing it on his lap, revealing a head of stark white hair.
After a brief silence, he spoke, tentatively.
“A magnificent city, don’t you agree?”
“…Ah, hello. Yes. A magnificent city.”
“But astonishingly, a century ago, this was an empty wasteland. Barren land where not even a radish would grow.”
Vecchio’s eyes widened. This was the old man’s favorite moment; explaining history to a young one.
“All this was achieved thanks to Chairman Marco. There was a time, after the Third World War, when the world was ruined and we had to boil tree bark to survive. But thanks to the Chairman, this city was born. And now…even the poorest amongst us need not fear starvation.”
“…But, why do they look so gloomy, then?”
“They are simply sated. Never having known the feeling of their stomach clinging to their spine, they complain instead of being grateful for the life they’ve been given.”
“… … … …”
The old man continued praising the city for about thirty minutes before taking his leave. Vecchio sat quietly, mulling over the story, before rising from the bench, no real conclusion reached.
Little Pope returned to his motel room, viewing the city through the drone’s eye. The people passing beneath the neon signs were bathed in vibrantly hued light.
Splendid and cutting-edge. More could be done than not done. A city twice as affluent as the Holy City Vecchio called home.
Therefore, the lives of those who failed to keep pace with the city’s standards appeared even darker in contrast.
This city surged forward, focused on production and efficiency, fulfilling material needs almost perfectly. However, in other aspects, things felt loose. The city’s master cared not for the hearts of the people.
But was that necessarily bad? He couldn’t say. It was hard to judge.
In both the Empire and the Holy City, far too many still starved. What if they could emulate Omelas’s efficiency, bringing prosperity? What if society became slightly ill in exchange for saving their lives?
Which was the right path?
The Pope possessed the authority to amend the Goddess’s tenets.
He could consult with the Hero and the Saintess and alter the rules. The Goddess’s tenets would alter the direction of countless lives. The helm of the great ship that was the Church of the Goddess lay within Vecchio’s grasp.
Of course, it would be ideal to achieve both prosperity and well-being…
“Ugh… “
Vecchio, his thoughts a tangled mess, rolled back and forth on the floor. Then, a sudden observation – a magazine secreted away beneath the bed.
He crawled forward, clumsy, and reached out. He pulled the magazine free. Through the safety filter of his eyes, it showcased a variety of pretty women in rabbit-themed pajamas, striking all sorts of poses.
But if he were to turn off the filter…
It would be *that* kind of thing.
Vecchio, frozen solid while holding the bunny girl magazine as if he found a tome of dark magic, was interrupted by Fin returning after a full day of investigation.
*Bang!* The door flew open.
“Your Holiness, I’m back.”
“Fi, Fin!”
A pause.
Seeing the magazine in Vecchio’s hands, Fin felt as if the sky had collapsed. But his mind raced to find a solution.
It’s alright. The Pope has the safety filter active, after all. Then, the contents of that magazine… will appear to be a parade of rabbit pajamas.
He must play it cool. This is nothing strange at all. It’s a magazine dedicated to adorable pajamas. When the Pope witnesses such a wholesome magazine, the correct course of action for Fin is…
“Your Holiness, if you’re interested, I could buy you a set… *thwack!*”
A lightbulb fell unnaturally from the ceiling fixture, striking Fin square on the head. The impact resonated with divine power, producing a clear, ringing sound instead of shattering.
Fin, struck by this sudden, inexplicable divine punishment, clutched his head and groaned.