Chapter 181 – Now, who’s the clumsy one?
It had been a few days since we arrived in Hongju. Everyone we were supposed to meet had gathered, except for one person – Myeongwoljin.
After a brief meeting with Myeongwoljin upon arrival, we planned to head straight to Gwangdongseong, where the brothel was located.
…And yet, Samaye-ryeong still refused to come out of her room, citing “training” as the reason.
Of course, I occasionally ran into her when we ate or showered. Every time, she had a tired or depressed expression on her face.
I tried to talk to her, but she avoided my gaze and either mumbled something or even ran away. There was no way to reach her.
Before Myeongwoljin arrived, I had to somehow get Samaye-ryeong out of her room. And I had to solve the underlying problem that was causing her to act this way.
I made up my mind and took action immediately.
I slowly pushed away Hongyeonhwa, who was poking my neck from all directions because of her bloodlust, Pengsoso, who was lying on my lap and acting cute, and Samamang, who was feeding us sticky rice cakes while leaning her head on my shoulder.
Ignoring the confused looks of the three, I stood up and declared, “This won’t do. I need to talk to Samamang. It’s been days since she ate properly and all she does is train. You said we should leave her alone, but it seems like it’s getting harder to do that.”
“Yes. I must have been wrong, Your Highness. I’ll leave Samaye-ryeong’s matter to you. Oh, she might have locked the door while training, so take this key.”
Samamang handed me the key, accepting my request. I thanked her and left the room, leaving behind Samamang’s gentle smile.
I was about to go straight to Samaye-ryeong’s room, but I stopped and stood still, thinking that it might not be that simple.
“Going there right away might not be the best idea, right?”
I didn’t know what was going on, but it was probably not an easy topic to talk about. Otherwise, it would have been resolved long ago.
It might be a good idea to buy a few bottles of alcohol from a nearby inn, but I remembered the incident from before.
I headed to the kitchen and grabbed some sticky rice cakes, the same ones we had earlier, and a few more. Then, I headed to Samaye-ryeong’s room.
The door was tightly closed, but I could sense Samaye-ryeong’s presence behind it.
Well, at least she didn’t go anywhere.
To let her know I was there, I asked in a subtle tone, “Samhwa, can we talk for a moment?”
“Ugh…! G-Geumryong? Not now…next time….”
“No. I need to talk to you now.”
“It really can’t be…ugh!”
Suddenly, I heard a moaning sound from Samaye-ryeong’s room. At first, I thought it was just a surprise, but it wasn’t.
It was more like she was trying to suppress something and failing.
Could it be that something went wrong while she was practicing the new Sangcheong secret technique?
I knocked on the door urgently and asked, “Are you okay? What was that sound just now?”
“I-I’m fine…ahh! I’m fine! Just go!”
“What do you mean you’re fine? You made another weird sound just now!”
“Just go!”
Samaye-ryeong’s voice was now mixed with tears and sobs. I couldn’t just leave her like this.
What if she was suffering from the Juwhaipma technique right now? If I didn’t act now, something irreversible might happen.
Come to think of it, Hongyeonhwa said that Juwhaipma was also a form of magic that she could control.
I was planning to talk to her a little more before using that, but now was not the time.
I took out the key that Samamang gave me without hesitation.
I heard something click, and I opened the door.
The first thing I noticed was the stuffy air and the sour smell that permeated the room for some reason.
Then, I heard a sound like someone was beating a drum.
Sobbing, sobbing.
I looked at the center of the room, wondering if the light wasn’t turned on properly. It was a dark room, and there was something pure white lying there.
As I looked closer, I could see what it was.
Spread legs, a vagina dripping with fluids, reddened flesh, and a protruding clitoris.
Maybe because she had her eyes closed. Samaye-ryeong didn’t even notice that the door had opened, and she was masturbating while moaning my name softly.
What the…? Am I a side dish or something?
The moaning from earlier wasn’t because she was hurt or suffering from Juwhaipma, but just the sound of her moaning while masturbating?
I knew I should close the door and pretend I didn’t see anything, but for some reason, I couldn’t take my eyes off the scene in front of me.
Every time she moved her clitoris, the fluids would flow out, and her waist would move up and down, as if she were craving something.
It was so erotic, unlike anything I had ever imagined.
…But unlike me, who was frozen like a rock, Samaye-ryeong kept moving.
Sobbing, sobbing.
“Huuk…Gyungryong…I like it…I like it there…uhh….”
The hand movements became faster and the sound of water splashing louder.
It wasn’t hard to guess what they meant.
Of course, guessing didn’t change anything.
Sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing.
Samaye-ryeong, who had been masturbating with me as a side dish, finally reached her climax.
Her waist bent like a bow, and her fluids shot out like a water gun from her reddened and swollen vagina.
Squirt, squirt, squirt…
However, maybe because she was too excited, Samaye-ryeong’s fluids shot out like a fountain and landed directly on my face.
As I flipped over the warm and lukewarm liquid, a word slipped out of my mouth without me realizing it.
At that moment, Samaye-ryeong’s eyes opened wide.
There was a moment of silence.
Samaye-ryeong, who had exposed her wet lower body without any shame, and me, who had flipped over the fluids she had just sprayed.
Samaye-ryeong, who had finally realized the situation, froze like I did a moment ago.
“I thought there was something wrong, but this was the situation….”
I’m going crazy.
The first thing Samaye-ryeong did when she regained her senses was not to scream, but to cover herself with the nearby blanket.
It was a wise choice. So far, no one had passed by, but if she screamed loudly, everyone in the mansion would come running.
Well, it might be a bit excessive to wrap herself up in a blanket from head to toe to make sure not even a strand of hair was sticking out.
Sitting next to the bundle of blankets, she let out a sigh once again.
“What should I do now….”
It was a muttered word that came out of embarrassment. But did she think it was a question for herself?
Samaye-ryeong, who had become a cockroach, answered from inside the blanket with a hollow voice.
“I’ll bite my tongue and die.”
“I don’t have the courage to live anymore.”
“You don’t need courage to live, you need the will to live. Stop talking nonsense and come out for a moment.”
“If I die, burn all the novels I’ve written so far. So my mom won’t see them.”
“Are you listening to me…?”
She was listening, but she didn’t seem to have any intention of answering.
I pressed my finger on the spot where Samaye-ryeong’s head would be.
“Then you don’t have to come out. Just stay there. Oh, do you want to eat some sticky rice cake?”
“Only the fluids fell on my face, so the sticky rice cake is still good.”
Samaye-ryeong let out a small scream, but still reached out her hand through the bundle of blankets.
Her hand was so white and slender, despite her claim of being a martial arts expert.
…And just a moment ago, it was the hand that ruthlessly played with her own vagina.
Before placing the sticky rice cake on her outstretched palm, I asked her once.
“You washed your hands, right?”
Samaye-ryeong finally lifted her head out of the blanket, screaming as if she couldn’t take it anymore.
Still holding the blanket like a cloak with her arms, her legs were finally free.
The problem was that she was kicking me with those free legs.
“You bad Gyeomryong! Perverted Gyeomryong! Why…why are you staying here instead of leaving!”
“Ugh! If I leave while you’re still in a frenzy, you’ll avoid me altogether!”
“Isn’t that obvious?! How can you act like nothing happened and go on like usual after showing me that kind of thing!”
“I didn’t come here to act like usual…ack! Stop hitting me! It doesn’t hurt, but you almost bit my tongue just now!”
“Die! Bite your tongue and die! Please die!”
Wait, just a moment ago she was saying she was going to bite her own tongue and die, and now she’s telling me to die.
Of course, it was just words, but Samaye-ryeong stopped kicking and instead started rolling her feet as if to say that she was still upset.
“What should I do now…what should I do…”
“I’ll forget about what happened today, so let’s just pretend it never happened.”
“I’ll remember, so it won’t solve anything!”
Saying that, Samaye-ryeong sat down again and flipped the blanket over.
…Come to think of it, I’m getting angry.
“If you think about it, this is an accident that happened because you couldn’t stop touching yourself like a pervert while talking to me. I even got hit by your fluids! So I’m the victim, right?!”
“T-That’s unavoidable! I was just about to chase you out and finish it!”
“Why is that unavoidable?! Just stop in the middle!”
“Once I start, I have to reach climax at least once before I can stop!”
Well, that could happen. I didn’t even think I would open the door and come in.
But this can’t just be overlooked.
“Then what about using me as a substitute?!”
“I-I never did that!”
“You did. I heard you moaning and calling my name! Even if I’m not the victim now?!”
“And you look tired these days! Is it because you’re training too hard or because you’re overdoing it to comfort yourself?!”
The blanket that Samaye-ryeong was in shook wildly, and soon she poked her face out again.
“…You liked it too.”
Samaye-ryeong stared at my groin and spoke with a blank expression.
“Claiming to be a victim when you were enjoying it too? You know I’m technically your daughter, right?”
“This is an unavoidable physiological response…”
“Trash♡ who gets excited with their daughter.”
Interrupting me, Samaye-ryeong provoked me with her characteristic sneer and intonation.
“You’re getting so excited just because I showed you my pussy once♡ That’s how you’ll perform well in bed♡ You’ll probably cum without even a few thrusts♡”
“Ha! Did you see it? Did you?”
“Well, of course I did…ahem. Yes~ next time, you’ll have a mediocre erection♡ Erectile Gyeomryong♡”
I understand the feeling of getting angry because of excessive embarrassment, and then revealing one’s habit when one’s weakness is poked.
But that doesn’t mean I’m not annoyed.
I hit Samaye-ryeong’s head with a pillow.
“Ow! You’re committing domestic violence!”
“I don’t know how many times I’ve told you, but this is just discipline.”
As I raised my fist again, Samaye-ryeong screamed even though she didn’t get hit.
“Eek! Gyeomryong is hitting his daughter! Gyeomryong is hitting his daughter!”
“That sounds weird!”
“I really hit my daughter!”
“Be quiet before you hit me again! My room is still soundproofed, but someone might hear us….”
Knock knock.
As soon as I said that, there was a ghostly knocking on the door.
“Master, did I hear something strange…?”
…Is this bad?