Chapter 305 – The Black Sheep (5)
“Thanks to their noble sacrifice, we can ignite the Sun Realm.”
“So, you’re saying this is all to ignite the Sun Realm? But why…? No, how…?”
Myeongwoljin, who was once a member of the high-ranking Palsun, stuttered her words like a person whose last hope had been shattered.
Bloodma, who was watching her, chuckled softly.
“Do you know what Shinseon’s role is?”
According to common belief, those who reach the end of the Hyeongyeong become Shinseon by climbing the Sun Realm….
But according to what I heard from my master, the order is reversed.
It’s not the person who reaches the end of Hyeongyeong who becomes a Shinseon, but rather the person who is brought from the Sun Realm to become a Shinseon.
Therefore, the state of life and death does not exist in the first place.
It’s just a state of refinement that is created by the increased internal energy and strengthened body during the process of injecting the ability of immortality.
Anyway, to those around them, it seems like they have surpassed the limits of life and death with their own power and extended their lifespan infinitely… but in fact, it only means that they have been given the power by the Sun Realm.
So why does the Sun Realm give immortality to those who reach the end of Hyeongyeong?
“There are two main reasons. First, it’s for Samcheong, the true ruler of the Sun Realm. They need a sharp sword to fight against the Yoma on their behalf.”
I heard this briefly from my master as well.
The remnants of unfulfilled desires that cannot dissolve into the world. They gather to become Yoma, and the old stories say that those Yoma are the same as those ghosts.
The eight Shinseons who were the most active in the suppression process were the Palsun.
The story of Geoseon Yeodongbin, who famously cut down a giant dragon, is a story of suppressing a powerful Yoma.
Of course, most Yoma have now been suppressed.
So there are immortals, but no ghosts to be found.
“The second reason is to raise new Samcheongs.”
Samcheongs are those who are directly connected to the nature of the world. However, why are Yoma still active even though there are three of them?
The answer is simple. It’s because three is not enough.
No matter how many Yoma are killed, the remnants of the primordial chaos that cannot be erased remain.
But if there is one more person who is on the same level as Samcheong, things will be different.
By finding a new principle and establishing rules accordingly, the chaos that could not be ended can be reborn as a new order.
In other words, there is no need to be afraid because you can understand what you could not understand before and know what you did not know.
Why do Yoma continue to be born, why do they try to destroy the world, why do the remnants of the primordial chaos not disappear even though the seeds of Yoma have been dried up?
If you know and can use these things, there is no reason to fear or be hostile.
Yes. Samcheong wanted to create a perfect world.
Therefore, a giant world… the Sun Realm was copied several times and the Taoism was spread, centered around the Sun Realm.
Over time, Taoism evolved into martial arts, alchemy, and magic, but the essence remained the same.
To sharpen oneself and reach a higher level.
As they grew and continued to grow, they planned to have someone who could stand shoulder to shoulder with themselves, Samcheong.
That’s why those who showed potential were called to the Sun Realm and given the elixir of immortality so that they could devote themselves to training for a longer time… and that’s what Shinseon is.
“We fought for the Sun Realm, for the world, for the people. Of course, we didn’t neglect our training… for hundreds of years.”
Bloodma couldn’t hide her anger and gritted her teeth, her body reaching its limit.
Her teeth broke and her jaw became so strong that it could stretch.
Thud. Thwack.
Unlike before, several drops of blood fell from the ceiling and she recovered, but Bloodma continued to grind her teeth and raise her voice as if she were chewing and spitting out.
“But we were betrayed.”
She vented her anger, receiving the drops of blood falling from the ceiling.
“They might not know who it is, but someone must have truly awakened to the true nature of the universe. There’s no way that Samcheong would come and try to retract their plans now.”
It was okay until here. It was a good thing that the world was becoming more complete, even if she couldn’t be there.
That’s what shethought, but then she realized that she was being used as a pawn in someone else’s game.
“They used us as a tool to ignite the Sun Realm, and then they threw us away like garbage.”
Bloodma’s eyes were filled with anger and hatred.
“They thought we were disposable, but we’re not. We’re the ones who made the Sun Realm what it is today.”
Myeongwoljin, who was listening to Bloodma’s story, was shocked.
She couldn’t believe that the Shinseons, who were supposed to be the guardians of the world, were being treated like this.
“But why did they betray you?”
Bloodma’s expression turned cold.
“Because they found someone better.”
Someone better?
Myeongwoljin couldn’t understand what Bloodma meant.
But then she saw a figure walking towards them.
It was a woman with long black hair and a cold expression.
“Who is she?”
Myeongwoljin asked, feeling a sense of unease.
“That’s her. The one who replaced us.”
Bloodma’s voice was filled with bitterness.
“She’s the new Shinseon.”
“Most likely, the other gods who remained in the celestial realm have suffered the same fate! It’s natural since gods are such strong beings in a world where Yoma has disappeared!”
Hong Yeon-hwa is an absolute powerhouse who can easily overthrow Jungwon if she sets her mind to it.
But what about the gods who have trained for longer periods and accumulated even greater power than Hong Yeon-hwa?
It wouldn’t be impossible for them to conquer the world beyond Jungwon.
The fact that an individual can dominate the world is what makes the gods potential Yomas or any other kind of being.
At least that’s what Samcheong thinks.
“Of course, this is just my speculation, and it could be a delusion. So let’s wait and see. Maybe the aftermath of the new Samcheong-class member setting new rules could be the reason for this… I thought that at first.”
But due to the sudden disappearance of her inner strength, she almost died at the hands of her blue-colored juniors, and it took her ten years to recover her strength due to her weakened Taoist abilities.
During that time, the celestial realm did not extend a helping hand. No, there was no contact at all.
“At this point, no matter how much we want to think positively, we can’t help but know. We’ve been abandoned.”
I’ve heard this from my master. He didn’t mention it in depth, but he said that he struggled with betrayal at the time.
However, the master eventually forgave those who abandoned him.
And he wanted to live a new life that he had never experienced before in this opportunity.
It seemed like Hemma was the complete opposite.
“I didn’t expect a grand reception. However, I’ve been fighting my whole life… We can’t be treated like this, not even a little bit. Absolutely not!”
Hemma’s body couldn’t withstand his own rage, and more blood poured from the ceiling to restore it.
The blood-soaked neck’s eyes flashed. With a more sinister and fiery light than the rotten blood.
“So I decided to take revenge.”
The moment I saw that gaze, I realized.
What’s here isn’t a box of gods who once stood shoulder to shoulder with my master, but only Hemma, who is obsessed with revenge.
“First, we need a plan to cross over to the celestial realm and win against Samcheong, who is directly connected to the nature of the world.”
Of course, it’s impossible to do it in an ordinary way.
Unlike my master, who delved into martial arts, it seems like he delved into Taoist arts itself…
“What I’ve learned my whole life is ultimately borrowing the power of the natural order. You can’t go against the natural order with the natural order.”
Naturally, Hemma turned his gaze to the art of the reversed celestial method.
“It’s the power of the reversed celestial method that can make the impossible possible. It can not only cross over to the celestial realm but also defeat Samcheong, who is no different from a divine being.”
The problem is that the power of the reversed celestial method cannot be acquired through ordinary means.
It goes against the natural order, and the massive grudges accumulated through methods that go beyond the celestial principles distort logic.
“That’s why I caused chaos.”
Hong Yeon-hwa was taken aback by Hemma’s sudden outburst, not expecting it to come up. Hemma nodded calmly in response.
“That’s right, my daughter. I did it all to plunge the entire Jungwon into chaos, from tearing apart the Ming Empire with internal strife to corrupting the minds of the factionless.”
Unlike martial arts that rely on direct force, there are many Taoist techniques that affect the mind.
For example, didn’t Sama Maeng and Sama Yeryeong use the simple illusion of the Hwanhwanma Ryeongan?
Hemma manipulated the minds of high-ranking officials to cause conflict in the royal court and disguised coincidences and mistakes to spread the chaos further.
Other factions were the same.
As they were deeply cultivated, they had endured for quite some time, but they were not resistant enough to Hemma’s Taoist techniques.
Those whose minds were suppressed and controlled or those whose minds were damaged and became violent.
And even a subtle atmosphere of why the powerful factionless should remain restrained.
Since the fortress that restrained the factionless collapsed, it was only natural for those who could no longer endure to come out.
“Once you taste the power and the sweetness it brings, it’s hard to get out again.”
The powerless. It didn’t take long for the hell of the commoners to be created.
…And Hemma had already prepared to harvest grudges from all over Jungwon.
The blood and grudges they shed flowed together and became part of the Taoist technique engraved on the ceiling, used to deny the Dao.
“I’ve been feasting on them for over a hundred years. Maybe half of the blood gathered here was taken from the commoners.”
Hemma looked up at the ceiling with a satisfied expression. Hong Yeon-hwa glared at him fiercely.
“So…you’re saying that everything I’ve seen and experienced is all because of you?”
“That’s right. And you’re also my masterpiece, my daughter.”
“What kind of nonsense is that?”
Hong Yeon-hwa snapped at him, and I couldn’t help but growl in response.
But Hemma didn’t seem to mind the insults. Instead, he responded with a proud tone.
“Grabbing the end of the Hyeongyeong before becoming an Ilrip? That’s impossible by any natural means, whether it’s through the Cheonmu Jiche or the Cheonsal Seong.”
Until now, Hong Yeon-hwa had only thought of herself as a great genius with a physique related to martial arts.
Hemma pointed out the part we had overlooked.
“From the beginning…do you think it makes sense for a person’s hair to be pink?”