Chapter 49 – Chapter 10 (4)
Excluding waste, this is harder than I thought.
Damn it because I learned martial arts, otherwise it kept coming out to the point where I might have collapsed from exhaustion while fighting.
After excreting waste through feces and urine, I confirmed that a yellow liquid came out of my pores, and then went into the stream to wash myself.
Alright, now we’re ready.
The only thing left now is to eat the 3,000-year-old doll’s ginseng.
But the horse is said to be 3,000 years old, and if you consider the energy of this place and the nutrition of the good soil, I think it is almost 10,000 years old.
So, many players die after eating without any countermeasures, or become crippled people who can’t use martial arts.
But I planned it from the moment I thought of my chemical heritage.
If you control the energy of the extreme yang with the martial arts of the extreme, the difficulty will go down that much.
In addition, I built the foundation with the elixir Ha-yeon gave me, and if my body has excellent abilities, there will be no problem.
“Sheueup~ Whoa~”
Still, the story that some players died is still lingering in my head.
However, the fear of not being able to hold a woman at this rate was greater than the fear of dying, and as soon as he thought of the damn cow bitch, anger swallowed even the fear of death.
“Then go.”
I carefully dug up the ground and took out the Dongja-ginseng so as not to damage even the small roots of the doll’s ginseng.
Big and beautiful
No, no, I wasn’t trying to hit that drip that’s out of fashion now.
Really big and beautiful
The human-like limbs and torso resemble those of a child no matter how you look at it.
To be honest, it’s kind of like a dick to eat.
But that’s it and this is this.
I didn’t want to eat even the soil, so I washed away all the soil by gently washing it along the stream so as not to damage a single root.
“Okay, then eat.”
After talking to myself to make a resolution, I took a big bite of a doll’s ginseng that reached from the tips of my fingers to my wrists.
Ugh, bitter than expected!
But after the sword, I have to endure it to make that milk boy pay for adorning me in the Confucian Taliban style!
Eating them separately doesn’t work, so I chewed them quickly and ate the whole ginseng in one go.
I can feel the strong energy!
It’s just coming up without warning!
Concentration! Let’s focus!
I knew it was intense, but I never imagined that I would feel such strong energy, so I erased my thoughts and focused desperately on circulating my inner energy.
My whole body is hot like riding!
By learning the martial arts of fire and the inner core method of positive air, it is insanely hot even though the fire attribute is strong enough to give the impression of ‘It’s hot’ in an ordinary furnace!
Desperately using the inner core method, I began to spread the bet evenly throughout my body as it filled my stomach and was about to explode.
Shen Nong’s tea leaves have a clean body like a newborn baby, so the history of the doll’s ginseng flowed smoothly without the slightest blockage.
I put a bet in the short circuit so that I wouldn’t get burned little by little.
OK, this will take some time, but be safe…
In an instant, the energy I initially felt in my stomach began to double.
I feel the pain at the level of almost losing consciousness.
“It’s big… It’s big…!”
Shit! Dangerous… !
This is stronger than expected… Place… !
I could feel the pain going through my whole body, but that’s why my expression started to smile.
Okay… ! It should be like this!
Cut off the sword! You must have this much strength to drink Pacheonhoe!
Anger and lust.
This is the driving force and strength that allows me to endure this power.
A noble purpose to save the world?
You’re fucking! More important than that is getting females that suit my tastes!
Be sure to digest it!
To build your own harem!
And to kill all who interfere with my harem!
Big! Are you getting bigger here?
It’s a much smaller level than before, but all blood vessels are saturated with the energy of Doll Dongjasam.
My body can’t hold on to more than this!
You can’t stop this aura from spreading!
Then… Condensing this energy!
It’s not a matter of being able to do it or not, I have no choice but to do it!
If you grow little by little here, your body can’t stand it!
I condensed the energy that filled my belly and my belly, and somehow tried to create space.
If I had been in my 90s instead of 100, even some of the talents I had initially set up would have already exploded to death.
Just condense it and make a moment of relaxation!
1 hours… No, you only need 30 minutes to spare!
If you do, you can digest this guy!
Crackling! Crispy!
I felt something tearing and an indescribable pain all over my body, but I couldn’t afford to pay attention to it.
If you lose even a little bit of other concentration, the condensing bet spreads and your body is located at the critical boundary where your body explodes.
* *
What is this?
Why can I see the sky
Come the hell
“No way? Real? Honto? Marge?”
Did I pass out again?
I want to deny it, but the dark blue sky and the twinkling stars deny my denial.
In modern times, I continue to feel the fainting that I would do once in my lifetime after coming to this damn world of Moorim.
Like I said before, fainting feels like I was forced to travel through time.
No, if you passed out in a dangerous state if you forget concentration before that… Could it be that I came to the afterlife?
After realizing that I was lying comfortably on the ground, I checked the condition inside my body.
I feel a powerful force that I couldn’t even imagine until now.
I’m not joking, I feel like I can attack the Demonic Cult right now.
I got up to check my body some more.
“What is this?”
When I woke up, something thin like a dry leaf fell down.
What is this?
No, before that, why am I naked?
I don’t know what happened, but something like an incident has passed by in a flash.
Information about what happened to me is important.
First, after putting something thin on the palm of your hand, light it with a fork on your palm to see it brightly…
In an instant, a fireball of enormous size and firepower came out.
I used lighting magic, but it’s a shocking incident like Hellfire came out.
I hurriedly adjusted my energy and took out the fireball, and I became an absurd expression.
“I’ve become this strong… Well, if it’s this much energy…”
At first, I was astonished, but when I checked how much the inner cavity in my body had grown, I accepted it.
I adjusted my energy again, made a fire about the size of a bright torch, and checked something closely, like a dry leaf.
“This… Is in the form of flesh…?”
Something thin came out of my body.
As I checked my body, I noticed something strange in the muscles of my right arm.
He found a piece of skin that was cracked like a rice paddy in a drought.
Let’s touch it lightly,
The dry leaves crumbled helplessly, making a sound.
“No way.”
The last thing I felt was the pain and sound of my body being torn apart.
“Hwangol metamorphosis? Is this a true story?”
Once I went to the creek and took a dip, washing my entire body, and bits of skin washed across the creek.
When I checked the clean body, I was able to find the muscles that were slightly inflated compared to before.
Overall, the muscles in my body have become stronger than before, and the shape of my skeleton has also changed.
Once I learned martial arts, I could feel it.
That my body now is stronger and easier to move than before eating Doll Dongjasam.
“No no, wait. I’ve seen stories of people who have metamorphosed after eating this, but… Did you know that it was only possible to go up to the very end of the minimum Hwagyeong?”
Obviously, the internal strength increases by eating doll’s ginseng by about 20,000… No, because the game system is gone now… If?
“Now the game system has disappeared. Then… Did the increase in internal attack be small compared to the setting made by the game company?”
Come to think of it, some of the guys who seemed to be martial arts fans complained that the strength increase was too small compared to other elixirs and spirits, such as ‘Is it possible that 3000-year-old Doll Dongjasam is only a little better than Daehwandan?’
In a game, no matter what the settings are, the numerical value of the system can be said to be absolute.
However, what if the game system disappeared and had all of its original abilities?
If so, that could explain why I almost died.
I heard that the level of difficulty goes down if you learn the martial arts of the Yanggong family and the inner core method, but if you were a little careless, your body would explode and you would almost die.
“By the way…Is this my power now?”
No matter how you infer the process, it is an inference after all.
For now, let’s just focus on the results.
It’s not a joke, the whole body overflows with energy.
I feel the confidence that I can win even if hundreds or thousands of enemies are in front of me.
If you undergo a metamorphosis, the maximum value of Five Star, Musculoskeletal, Angong, Ligong, Seniority, Power Attack, and Qualities will be increased from 100 to 120, and the stats just mentioned will be +20.
However, it is an obvious fact that even without a game system, if you metamorphose to a metamorphosis, you will become stronger.
In other words, it means that my body has already surpassed the limits of a human being before I can argue whether it is martial arts or internal energy.
I used a portion of this power to throw a fist full of energy into the stream.
At the same time, the whole stream began to boil, and many of the fish that had been moving in the stream came limply to the surface in a ripe state.
In the past, it would have been possible to use all internal energy as power, but now it is possible with only a portion of the power.
In my heart, I want to use my power to the fullest, but if I do, this perfect utopia may collapse.
If you don’t care, the true methods and illusions that hide this place may disappear, but if you foolishly boast about your strength, it will only prove that you have a double-digit IQ.
What is clear is that I have become very strong.
It was so large and deep that it was doubtful whether it would be exposed even after fighting non-stop for days.
First of all, it is difficult to further develop Danjeon with the current inner core method and martial arts.
In the first place, hwagong’s martial arts could not go beyond the scope of self-defense.
You must become stronger through training through the newly acquired martial arts and the Naegongsimbeop through the third skill.
솔직히 좀 기대된다.
지금도 이렇게나 강한데, 지금보다 더 상위의 무공을 배우면 얼마나 더 강해질까.
좋아, 찻잎도 내가 기절한 사이에 잘 말랐구만.
신농의 찻잎은 일반적인 차랑 다르게 시간마다 즐기는 용도가 아니라, 영약처럼 특별한 상황때 가끔씩 사용해야 하니까 소쿠리 하나 정도면 충분하다.
나는 말린 찻잎을 보관하는 나무통에다 말린 찻잎을 넣어, 가방에 잘 보관해두었다.
그리고 혹시 모르니 예비용으로 구입한 옷을 꺼내, 원시인에서 문명인으로 클래스 체인지.
원래는 무림인끼리 싸우면 옷이 쉽게 찢어지니까 대비했는데 이렇게 사용할 줄은 나도 몰랐다.
시간은 꽤 늦었지만, 오랫동안 기절한데다 전보다 더 강력한 힘을 얻었으니 몸이 움직이고 싶어하고 있기에 지금부터 세번째 기연을 찾으러 떠나기로 결정하였다.
세 번째 기연은 원나라가 멸망하고 명나라가 세워지는 혼란의 시기를 노려 황궁비고를 털어낸 무영신투라는 도둑의 창고다.
무림소설 보면 이런 별호를 가진 괴도 캐릭이 꼭 있지.
참고로 미리 말해두자면 네 번째 기연도 무영신투의 재산이 있는 창고다.
그것도 여러 창고들 중에서 가장 크고 호화로운.
거 하나로 모아두지, 귀찮게 창고를 여러개로 만들어두고 그러냐.
이 도둑은 안면인식장애 세상의 도둑년과 다르게 수녀의 신분으로 돈세탁해주던 협조자같은 존재가 없었나보다.
아니면 함부로 세탁하기 힘든 보물들이 있다거나.
어쨌든, 무영신투는 황궁비고를 털어서 계양 근처의 산에다 숨겨뒀다.
마침 계양은 내가 있는 호남에 위치해 있지만, 위치가 거의 끝자락에 자리 잡아서 호남 아래에 위치한 광동과 살짝 발을 걸치고 있을 정도다.
가장 큰 문제는 지도가 없다는 거지.
일단 인근의 도시에 들러서 민수용 지도가 있는지 확인해 봐야 되겠어.
민수용 지도는 군용과 다르게 겨우겨우 도시의 위치만 확인될 정도겠지만 지금으로선 그것만 해도 감지덕지다.
그렇게 계획을 세운 나는 당장 하산하기 시작했다.
이 내공에 걸맞는 강한 무공을 가지고 싶다는 욕망을 더 이상 못 이기겠거든.
* *
하북, 하북팽가 인근의 숲.
“죄…죄송합니다! 부디 용서를…커헉!”
사람 수십 정돈 죽여본 얼굴의 남자는 노출도 강한 옷과 작은 체구를 가진 여성을 향해 필사적으로 비굴한 표정으로 목숨을 구걸하였다.
하지만, 여자의 팔이 빠르게 휘둘러지자, 그것을 피하지 못한 남자는 목이 쩍 갈라지면서 피를 토해내며 쓰러졌다.
“Remember… Buck…!”
“내가 어려운 명령을 내렸어? 크게 소란피워서 적을 유인하되, 적이 유인에 넘어가지 않으면 후퇴하고 아군에게 알려라. 이게 그렇게 어려워? 왜 필요 이상으로 나대서 교인들만 희생시켜?”
“Well … Huh …!”
“저승에 가서 죽은 교인에게 사죄해.”
Simplicity and honesty!
여자는 발로 남자의 목덜미를 짓밟으며 목뼈를 으깨 즉사시켰다.
“Yes yes!”
“임무는 실패했다고 보고해.”
“Ha … But …”
이번에 습격에 실패한 하북팽가의 창고에 천마신검이 있다는 신빙성 강한 정보를 가져왔기에, 이 임무만큼은 실패해선 안 되었다.
“하지만 뭐? 나조차 모르는 신묘한 계책으로 임무를 성공시켜볼래? 이미 기습이 실패해서 방어하고 있는 하북팽가를 다시 기습하자고? 시간 끌면 다른 정파에서 원군 올텐데? 자신 있으면 당장 지휘권 줄까?”
“Ah… No!”
짜증으로 범벅이 된 여자의 말투에 겁먹은 남자는 곧바로 어디론가 달려갔다.
“뒷정리하고 후퇴 준비해.”
살기가 서려진 그녀의 목소리에 수많은 남자들은 긴장한 표정으로 대답하며 각자 분주하게 움직이기 시작했다.
“Whoa… You’re going crazy. Hwanyo-sama was the most comfortable among the law guards, but he suddenly became very cruel.”
“I mean. What the hell happened?”
Their identities were demonic cultists.
In order to find the half of the Heavenly Demon Sword, Demonic Cultists who were tasked with checking the warehouses of various sects were spread all over the continent.
The Demonic Cultists didn’t have much trouble with Hwan-yo, who was generally cheerful and free-spirited, unless the age issue was raised.
It was because he was a superior who did not have a big problem even if he was more or less free as long as he respected him well.
However, at some point, she changed from a cheerful and lustful fairy to a nervous and cruel witch.
She is nervous and irritable, like a woman who always suffers from moonshine, and she brutally punishes those who fail her mission, making even her fellow demonic cult members synonymous with fear.
“If I remember correctly, it seems that it became like that after the mission of the Jangan branch of the Jeongmu Maeng.”
“Come to think of it. What happened to that mission?”
“I heard that a swordsman appeared in that mission.”
“Hwanyo-nim definitely hated Swordsman.”
“But the swordsman is dead now, isn’t it?”
“Isn’t she so annoyed that she couldn’t kill the swordswoman with her own hands? Because she will never be able to defeat the swordsman.”
“Anyway, I’ll have to be careful for a while.”
At the request of the Medicine King, the shocking fact that the swordsman died in the process of searching for a herb village deep in the mountains spread widely.
Geomhu, who entered the cave to confirm the identity of those who made the Jiangshi, was buried along with the cave as the mountain itself collapsed with a huge explosion.
The mountain itself collapsed, even if it was a swordsman, but the Jeongmu-maeng, who thought it was impossible to survive, had to disclose the shocking fact that the swordsman died due to the evil trap of the Demonic Cult.
The reason why it is concluded that it is the work of the Demonic Cult is because I managed to find faint evidence left by the Demonic Cult near the village.
Of course, there was no reason for such a dangerous experiment to be carried out in the realm of a political faction, so the Demonic Cult ignored it, thinking it was a false accusation.
Even though he was still stressed over having to break up with Jincheon, Hwanyo became more nervous than before when he heard the news that the swordsman he had vowed to avenge himself died in a trap.
On the other hand, Lim Ha-yeon, who was left alone after giving orders to his men, was sitting on a comfortable rock and looking up at the sky as if drawing something.
It doesn’t taste good no matter what you eat.
It’s not fun no matter what
It was so hard that I tried to hug another man with a feeling of almost giving up, but since it was not as good as the toe of pleasure that Jincheon gave me, the futility only grew.
When I open my eyes while still sleeping, I yearn to feel Jincheon’s body temperature that embraced me.
The time I spent with Jincheon mixing my body for a short time was so happy, so it seemed that my current life could not die because of the reaction.
In the past, I hated the Demonic Cult, thinking ‘It’s frustrating, but it’s still my hometown’.
I want to destroy the Demonic Cult itself that split Jincheon from myself.
The only hope in this situation is that Jin Chun’s talent is unmatched.
‘If it’s your talent, you’ll quickly become famous in Moorim. I’ll be patient until you tell me your name.’
Seeing her longing for only one man, who would think that she was the evil magician witch, Hwanyo Im Ha-yeon?
‘Jinrang, let me find you quickly.’
Im Ha-yeon, who hoped for a memory with Jincheon, got up from the rock when his subordinate reported that he had finished preparations for retreat, erased the traces and retreated so that the pursuers of the Habuk Paengga could not pursue.
In this way, as the demonic cult continues to cause numerous political faction forces to be attacked, and when those presumed to be demonic cults find traces of Jiangshi, the atmosphere of hostility to the demonic cult prevails in the political faction, and an unusual trend begins to flow in midfield.